All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Craft 4 compatibility.
- Commerce 4 compatibility.
- Now requires Craft 4+.
- Now requires Craft Commerce 4+.
- Changed namespaces
- New Icon
- Change of ownership
- error when applying a Commerce discount (#21)
- error when setting min/max order value on a shipping rule
- error when duplicating a product from a product page
- Craft 3.5 compatibility.
- Commerce 3 compatibility.
- Now requires Craft 3.5+.
- Now requires Craft Commerce 3.2+.
- Fix a bug when trying to save a price with a comma
- default value of 0 when adding a new currency
- an issue when saving products.
- Adds primary key to commerce_currencyprices table
- Addons foreign key bug - thanks @boboldehampsink
- Fixed a bug where purchasables wouldn't save from a console command
- Fixed a bug where the prices weren't being saved on a ticket for an event
- Fixed a bug where the shipping rules was using an incorrect item total
- Support for Verbb Events: Tickets
- Fixed a bug where shipping method rules were not using the correct currency
- Fixed a bug where currencies were not displaying for shipping rules
- Fixed a bug where the base discount was not using the correct currency value.
- Shipping adjuster fix
- Fixed a bug where shipping rules were not using the correct currency
- Addons migration fix
- commerce-addons support
- plugin icon.
- refactor code
- Fix for cloning product
- Non-numeric value error when plugin installed and enabled but only one currency present.
- Bundles support
- Digital Products support
- Undefined offset error when saving new product #2
- Save prices including localised formatting
- Updated install script to include migration schema changes
- shipping rules inputs
- Currency fieldtype