Hi {{name}},
Welcome to the Global AI Community, we are super excited to see the {{chapter_name}} taking off and welcome you as chapter lead. In this email you find all the information to get your chapter started. For any questions please reach out on slack or send an email to hq@globalai.community.
[] Activate and setup your chapter email
[] Login into your chapters space
[] Checkout your branding
[] Setup your chapter on MeetUp
[] Start organizing
Every chapter has their own personal space on the Global AI Community.
In your chapter space you can:
- Manage your chapters description and organizers.
- View and download your chapter members
- Manage your events, including managing registration
- Add videos
- Add news and blogs
Chapter page: https://globalai.community/chapters/{{chapter_username}}
Link to edit: https://globalai.community/umbraco
Username: {{chapter_username}}@globalai.community
Password: {{website_password}}
In the backoffice you also find a dashboard, with usefull links to resources like:
- Latest news
- Scheduling post on our socials
- Request form to stream via StreamYard on the Global AI Channels (Youtube / Facebook / LinkedIn / X)
- Statistics of your chapter
Please not we are continuously working on adding new features to the chapter space.
For your chapter you have a unique email adress with an Microsoft 365 licence from to community to your community with.
Link: https://portal.office.com
Username: {{chapter_username}}@globalai.community
Password: {{office_password}}
Only use your @globalai.community email to communicate with your members. You and your group agree to use your chapters @globalai.community email address to conduct your business. For example, for any email communications with your members, and for creating meetup and social media accounts.
You can find your branding in the community GitHub repository.
Link: https://https://github.com/GlobalAICommunity/Chapters/Branding/{{chapter_username}}
Only use the official branding when communication about your chapter.
Please use the link below to connect your existing or new MeetUp group to the Global AI Community Network.
- The group should be named: {{chapter_name}} for example: Global AI Amsterdam and not Global AI Netherlands.
- Use your @globalai.community email as organizer account to setup the meetup group
- Add hq@globalai.community as co-organizer to meetup group.
Your MeetUp invite: {{meetup_invite_link}}