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Forstride edited this page Feb 10, 2024 · 32 revisions

Canteens are a basic thirst-restoring items. You can use it on water blocks by right clicking, and it will fill the canteen up with water, the quality of which depends on the biome you are in. Canteens can also be used on cauldrons and rain collectors. Cauldrons will always give impure water, but rain collectors will give purified water instead.

Canteens are tiered, and canteens made of better materials can be drank from more times before they need to be filled again. The amount for each type of canteen is as follows:

  • Leather Canteen: 5 uses
  • Copper Canteen: 6 uses
  • Iron Canteen: 7 uses
  • Gold Canteen: 10 uses
  • Diamond Canteen: 15 uses
  • Netherite Canteen: 25 uses

Additionally, canteens can also be purified with a Water Purifier, or you can enchant them with the Water Cleansing treasure enchantment to automatically purify any water you gather. To see the amount of thirst that a canteen restores, hover over it in your inventory and check the info in the tooltip.

(NOTE: You can change whether gathering water in Canteens removes the water block in the configuration settings!)

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