Releases: GladysAssistant/Gladys
Releases · GladysAssistant/Gladys
What's Changed
- Reword leak sensor values by @atrovato in #1608
- Broalink cover device by @atrovato in #1607
- Fix Broadlink labels by @atrovato in #1606
- Z2m cover feature by @atrovato in #1577
- Tasmota: Add more temp devices by @atrovato in #1570
- Scene: Fix HTTP request response parser to handle array by @Pierre-Gilles in #1612
- Add community asking units / category by @VonOx in #1601
Full Changelog: v4.10.2...v4.11.0
What's Changed
- Clean device feature state in small chunks to prevent Gladys from being stuck by @Pierre-Gilles in #1610
- Add manual button to VACUUM database by @Pierre-Gilles in #1611
Full Changelog: v4.10.1...v4.10.2
What's Changed
- Add ability to display shutters on dashboard by @Pierre-Gilles in #1602
Full Changelog: v4.10.0...v4.10.1
What's Changed
- Add missing integrations in integrations view + add open-zwave deprecated warning by @Pierre-Gilles in #1579
- Z2M add VOC Sensors by @VonOx in #1556
- Fix Google Home/Alexa links by @Pierre-Gilles in #1582
- Update opening sensor icon by @vincentBesseau in #1589
- Add 1 dec place to RoomTemperaturBox by @VonOx in #1594
- fix(brain): Improve french camera questions by @cicoub13 in #1586
- Chart with light loader by @atrovato in #1580
- Shutter/curtain device by @atrovato in #1576
- Tasmota: manage array values by @atrovato in #1571
- Sync deleted events by @bertrandda in #1549
- Don't display relative time in the future on background jobs screen by @Pierre-Gilles in #1595
- Add Webcals synchronization by @bertrandda in #1537
- Broadlink by @atrovato in #1516
- Add option to keep states history or not for any device feature by @Pierre-Gilles in #1599
- Zigbee2mqtt lqi by @atrovato in #1343
- Add index on device feature states tables to improve dashboard performance by @Pierre-Gilles in #1600
Full Changelog: v4.9.2...v4.10.0
What's Changed
- Fix hours getDeviceFeaturesAggregates by @bertrandda in #1566
- Add integrations usage by @Pierre-Gilles in #1568
- Fix cypress issues by @atrovato in #1562
- Implement RelativeCI new github action by @VonOx in #1560
Full Changelog: v4.9.0...v4.9.1
What's Changed
- fix(typo): Light scenes labels and MQTT by @cicoub13 in #1544
- Push docker images to GHCR by @VonOx in #1542
- Add the ability to inject variables in the "Http Request" action in scenes by @Pierre-Gilles in #1540
- Remove VTODO only calendar by @bertrandda in #1531
- Add support for Sonoff SNZB-01 by @VonOx in #1525
- Alexa handle color and brightness by @Pierre-Gilles in #1551
- Alexa: Fix brightness control for device with custom brightness range by @Pierre-Gilles in #1561
Full Changelog: v4.8.10...v4.9.0
What's Changed
- Fix camera list display bug by @Pierre-Gilles in #1538
- [Z2M] Change topic for permit join by @VonOx in #1534
- Alexa integration should not return read_only devices by @Pierre-Gilles in #1539
Full Changelog: v4.8.9...v4.8.10
What's Changed
- Alexa: Fix execute on multiple device feature + reject when device is not found by @Pierre-Gilles in #1536
Full Changelog: v4.8.8...v4.8.9
What's Changed
- Upgrade ESLint configuration + preact-cli + preact by @Pierre-Gilles in #1520
- Display 2FA secret in Gladys Plus configure 2FA screen by @Pierre-Gilles in #1521
- Add Alexa integration with Gladys Plus by @Pierre-Gilles in #1396
- Bluetooth: Missing await keyword by @rpochet in #1529
- Fix line break in chat message by @VonOx in #1533
- Fix Api doc by @VonOx in #1524
- docs: add rpochet as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1535
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v4.8.7...v4.8.8