Abstract implementation to handle view states changes based on some key (represented by a Int)
implementation "io.github.matheus-corregiari:statemachine:$latest_version"
api "io.github.matheus-corregiari:statemachine:$latest_version"
stateMachine.setup {
config { ... } // Optional configuration for initial setup
state(YOUR_INT_CONSTANT) { // to Add a state into the state machine
onEnter { ... } // Will be executed when this state becomes Active
onExit { ... } // Will be executed when this state is leaving
final Config config = stateMachine.getConfig();
final State state = stateMachine.newStateInstance();
state.onEnter(() -> {}); // Will be executed when this state becomes Active
state.onExit(() -> {}); // Will be executed when this state is leaving
.addState(YOUR_INT_CONSTANT, state) // Add the configured state
.restoreInstanceState(bundle); // Optional restore state
.start(); // In java you need to start the machine after the setup
// Simple change state
// To force the state change even when it is the current state
stateMachine.changeState(YOUR_INT_CONSTANT, true);
// A custom onChangeState implementation [See the Config section]
stateMachine.changeState(YOUR_INT_CONSTANT, stateKey -> { ... });
// Full
stateMachine.changeState(YOUR_INT_CONSTANT, true, stateKey -> { ... });
outState.putBundle("YOUR_STATE_KEY", stateMachine.saveInstanceState())
stateMachine.config {
initialState = INITIAL_STATE_KEY
setOnChangeState { stateKey -> ... } // Handler called whenever state becomes active
final Config config = stateMachine.getConfig();
config.setOnChangeState(stateKey -> { ... }); // Handler called whenever state becomes active
Implementation based on visibility changes on views. To use this, all views must be already in the layout.
stateMachine.state(YOUR_INT_CONSTANT) {
// Visibility
visibles() // views to become visible
invisibles() // views to become invisible
gones() // views to become gone
// Enable
enables() // views to become enable
disables() // views to become disable
final State state = stateMachine.newStateInstance();
// Visibility
.visibles() // views to become visible
.invisibles() // views to become invisible
.gones() // views to become gone
// Enable
.enables() // views to become enable
.disables(); // views to become disable
stateMachine.addState(YOUR_INT_CONSTANT, state);
Implementation based on Transition Scenes framework to change a layout content. To use this, you must have a layout container to put a custom layout on it.
stateMachine.state(YOUR_INT_CONSTANT) {
scene(layoutRes to containerView) // Receives a Pair with LayoutId and the container ViewGroup to inflate the layout on it
transition() // Optional Transition to animate the scene change
final State state = stateMachine.newStateInstance();
.scene(layoutRes to containerView) // Receives a Pair with LayoutId and the container ViewGroup to inflate the layout on it
.transition(); // Optional Transition to animate the scene change
stateMachine.addState(YOUR_INT_CONSTANT, state);
If your Statemachine instance persists configuration changes, or view lifecycle. Don't forget to call the 'shutdown' method
This will erase all current references and states of the machine. =)
If you are not using Kotlin(and you should), you need to add this into your proguard-rules.pro file. Because if you are not using Kotlin, the shrinker will become angry with you, telling that some classes cannot be found.
# State Machine (only if you don't use Kotlin)
-dontwarn kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics
-dontwarn kotlin.Pair
-dontwarn kotlin.Metadata
-dontwarn kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1
-dontwarn kotlin.Unit