File tree
1,357 files changed
lines changed- .github
- workflows
- docs
- book
- src
- advanced
- forc
- introduction
- testing
- reference/src/code
- language
- control_flow/src
- style-guide/intermediate_variables
- operations/namespace
- slides
- examples
- advanced_storage_variables
- arrays
- asm_return_tuple_pointer
- basic_storage_variables
- break_and_continue
- cei_analysis
- configurable_constants
- converting_types
- counter
- fizzbuzz
- hashing
- identity
- liquidity_pool
- match_expressions
- methods_and_associated_functions
- msg_sender
- multi_contract_calls
- callee
- caller
- native_asset
- nested_storage_variables
- option
- ownership
- ref_mut_params
- result
- signatures
- storage_example
- storage_map
- storage_namespace
- storage_vec
- struct_storage_variables
- type_aliases
- upgradeable_proxy
- implementation
- proxy
- vec
- wallet_abi
- wallet_contract_caller_script
- wallet_smart_contract
- forc/tests/fixtures/test_contract
- forc-pkg/src
- manifest
- source/git
- forc-plugins
- forc-client
- test/data
- big_contract/src
- standalone_contract
- tests
- forc-doc/src/tests
- data
- impl_traits
- src
- impl_traits_generic
- src
- nested_subdirs
- ops
- src
- expects/impl_trait
- forc-fmt/src
- forc-migrate/src/migrations
- forc-test
- src
- test_data
- test_contract
- test_library
- test_predicate
- test_script
- sway-ast/src/expr
- sway-core/src
- language/parsed/expression
- semantic_analysis
- ast_node
- declaration
- auto_impl
- expression
- match_expression/typed
- namespace
- transform/to_parsed_lang
- sway-error/src
- sway-ir/tests
- fn_dedup
- debug
- release
- mem2reg
- sway-lib-core
- src
- sway-lib-std
- src
- crypto
- primitive_conversions
- storage
- vm/evm
- sway-lsp/tests
- fixtures
- auto_import
- benchmark/src
- completion
- diagnostics
- dead_code
- multi_file
- inlay_hints
- renaming
- src
- runnables
- tokens
- abi
- consts
- enums
- fields
- functions
- impls
- matches
- modules
- paths
- src
- storage
- structs
- traits
- turbofish
- variables
- where_clause
- integration
- sway-parse/src
- sway-types/src
- test/src
- e2e_vm_tests
- reduced_std_libs
- sway-lib-std-assert
- src
- sway-lib-std-conversions
- src
- sway-lib-std-core
- src
- sway-lib-std-option-result
- src
- sway-lib-std-vec
- src
- test_programs
- should_fail
- abi_impl_method_shadows_interface_method
- abi_pure_calls_impure
- abi_supertrait_method_call
- abort_control_flow_bad
- addrof_intrinsic
- annotated_missing_item
- arith_overflow
- u16_add_const_eval_overflow
- u16_add_overflow
- u16_mul_const_eval_overflow
- u16_mul_overflow
- u16_sub_const_eval_underflow
- u16_sub_underflow
- u32_add_const_eval_overflow
- u32_add_overflow
- u32_mul_const_eval_overflow
- u32_mul_overflow
- u32_sub_const_eval_underflow
- u32_sub_underflow
- u64_add_const_eval_overflow
- u64_add_overflow
- u64_mul_const_eval_overflow
- u64_mul_overflow
- u64_sub_const_eval_underflow
- u64_sub_underflow
- u8_add_const_eval_overflow
- u8_add_overflow
- u8_mul_const_eval_overflow
- u8_mul_overflow
- u8_sub_const_eval_underflow
- u8_sub_underflow
- array_oob
- array_oob_global_const_index
- array_oob_reassignment
- array_oob_variable_index
- array_wrong_elements_types
- better_type_error_message
- binop_intrinsics
- chained_if_let_missing_branch
- configurables_and_consts_are_immutable
- configurables_are_not_const
- configurables_in_lib
- configurables_undefined_var
- const_eval_bad_struct
- const_instead_of_let
- contract_dependencies_conflicting_salt
- contract_a
- contract_b
- contract_c
- contract_implements_multiple_abis_with_same_methods
- contract_pure_calls_impure
- deduplication_of_shadowing_errors
- dep_annotated
- dependency_not_at_beginning
- disallowed_gm
- diverging_never
- double_underscore_trait_fn
- double_underscore_var
- duplicate_struct_field
- encode_buffer_empty_with_args
- enum_bad_type_inference
- enum_if_let_invalid_variable
- enum_instantiation_type_mismatch
- enum_rust_like
- enum_variant_unit
- eq_intrinsic
- error_const
- error_deduplication
- excess_associated_fn_arguments
- excess_fn_arguments
- excess_method_arguments
- for_bad_iterator
- for_loop_error
- src
- for_mismatch_pattern_type
- function_selector_collision_check
- generic_traits
- generic_traits_bad_type_inference
- generic_traits_with_bounds
- generics_in_contract
- generics_multiple_type_arguments
- generics_not_supported
- hash_str
- illegal_break
- illegal_continue
- impl_self_duplicated
- impl_self_recursive
- impl_with_bad_generic
- impl_with_semantic_type_constraints
- implicit_trait_constraint
- import_error_ambiguity
- import_non_item
- impure_abi_read_calls_impure_write
- impure_trait_read_calls_impure_write
- insufficient_type_info
- insufficient_type_info_enum
- insufficient_type_info_fnret
- insufficient_type_info_struct
- language
- const_generics
- import_star_name_clash
- intrinsics/transmute
- reexport
- aliases
- multiple_imports_of_same_reexport
- shadowing_in_reexporting_module
- simple_glob_import
- simple_item_import
- references/references_to_mutable_values
- lexer_errors
- main_args/main_args_mutation
- marker_trait_cannot_be_explicitly_implemented
- src
- marker_trait_enum_not_implemented_for_non_enum
- marker_trait_error_not_implemented_for_non_error_types
- match_expressions_duplicate_variables
- match_expressions_non_exhaustive
- match_expressions_non_literal_constant
- match_expressions_or_mismatched_types
- match_expressions_or_missing_variables
- match_expressions_wrong_struct
- mismatch_closing_delimiters
- missing_associated_fn_arguments
- missing_fn_arguments
- missing_hash_trait
- missing_method_arguments
- missing_type_parameters
- module_privacy
- multiple_enums_with_the_same_name
- multiple_impl_fns
- multiple_methods_with_the_same_name
- multiple_structs_with_the_same_name
- nested_impure
- non_payable_non_script_call_with_non_zero_coins
- non_payable_non_zero_coins_const
- non_payable_non_zero_coins_let_binding
- non_payable_non_zero_coins_literal
- nonconst_storage_init
- parser_associated_type_error
- parser_generic_turbo_fish_prefix
- payable_attribute_extra_in_implementation
- payable_attribute_missing_in_implementation
- predicate_invalid_opcodes
- predicate_log
- purity_of_asm_instructions_and_intrinsics
- recover_path_lib_import
- recover_path_pattern_matching
- redefine_method_from_core
- repeated_storage_field
- resolve_local_items_that_shadow_imports
- return_in_strange_positions
- return_path_analysis
- src
- script_calls_impure
- self_return_type
- shadowing
- shadowed_configurables
- shadowed_configurables_in_pattern_matching
- simple_generics
- slice/slice_intrinsics
- storage_clear_incorrect_purity_annotation
- storage_configurable
- storage_field_access_on_non_struct
- storage_in_library
- storage_in_script
- storage_invalid_storage_key_type
- storage_ops_in_library
- storage_purity_conflict
- str_slice_contract
- struct_field_privacy_pattern_matching
- struct_field_privacy_storage
- struct_generic_abi_encode
- struct_instantiation_type_mismatch
- superabi_duplicate_methods6
- superabi_duplicate_methods7
- superabi_duplicate_methods8
- supertraits_for_abis_ownable1
- supertraits_for_abis_ownable2
- trait_constraints_not_satisfied
- trait_inference_multiple_options
- trait_pure_calls_impure
- type_alias_unification
- type_check_analyze_errors
- type_mismatch_error_message
- u256/u256_only_hex_literal
- unify_never
- unknown_types_in_contract
- variable_does_not_exist
- vec
- vec_set_index_out_of_bounds
- vec_swap_param1_out_of_bounds
- vec_swap_param2_out_of_bounds
- where_clause_enums
- where_clause_generic_traits
- where_clause_impls
- where_clause_structs
- where_clause_traits
- while_explicit_ret_1
- while_explicit_ret_2
- should_pass
- blanket_impl
- blanket_impl_u16
- break_in_strange_positions
- conditional_compilation
- compile
- run
- continue_in_strange_positions
- dca
- alias_lib
- alias_type_ascription
- alias_type_ascription_generic
- alias_unused
- all_paths_return
- allow_dead_code
- constant_decl_expr
- constant_struct
- constant_while
- contract
- abi_fn_params
- superabi_contract_calls
- unused_struct_field
- unused_struct_field_array
- unused_struct_field_enum
- unused_struct_field_tuple
- func_param
- generic_fn_trait_constraint
- impl_self
- impl_self_alias
- impl_self_alias2
- impl_trait_multiple
- impl_trait_single
- impl_unused_fn
- log_intrinsic
- log_stdlib
- multiple_enums_same_name
- multiple_fns_same_name
- reassignment_lhs
- revert
- struct_field_no_warning
- trait_method
- trait_method_neq
- src
- unused_enum
- unused_fields
- unused_free_fn
- unused_struct
- unused_trait
- unused_variable
- unused_variable_in_free_fn
- empty_fields_in_storage_struct
- evm/evm_basic
- forc
- contract_dependencies
- contract_a
- contract_b
- contract_c
- dependency_package_field
- src
- dependency_patching
- parent_pkg_manifest/contract_a
- workspace_building
- test_contract
- test_script
- impl_self_dependency_order_conflict
- language
- abi_cast_nested_method
- abort_control_flow_good
- aliased_imports
- arg_demotion_inline
- args_on_stack
- array_basics
- array_generics
- asm/instructions
- bldd/src
- ldc
- wqxx
- asm_expr_basic
- asm_uninitialized_register_shadows_item
- associated_const_abi
- associated_const_abi_multiple
- associated_const_impl
- associated_const_impl_local_same_name
- associated_const_impl_multiple
- associated_const_impl_self
- associated_const_in_decls_of_other_constants
- associated_const_trait
- associated_const_trait_default
- associated_const_trait_impl_method
- associated_const_trait_method
- associated_type_and_associated_const
- associated_type_ascription
- associated_type_container
- associated_type_container_in_library
- associated_type_fully_qualified
- associated_type_iterator
- associated_type_method
- associated_type_parameter
- attributes_warnings
- b256_bad_jumps
- b256_bitwise_ops
- b256_ops
- basic_func_decl
- binary_and_hex_literals
- binop_intrinsics
- bitwise_not
- blanket_trait
- bool_and_or
- break_and_continue
- break_and_continue_block_ret
- builtin_type_method_call
- src
- callpath_local_shadowing
- chained_if_let
- complex_cfg
- configurable_consts
- src
- configurable_dedup_decode
- configurable_tests
- src
- const_decl_and_use_in_library
- const_decl_in_library
- const_generics
- const_indexing_aggregates_asmgen
- const_inits
- contract_caller_as_ret
- contract_caller_dynamic_address
- contract_calls_unwrapped_contract_id
- contract_ret_intrinsic
- deprecated
- diagnose_unknown_annotations
- diverging_exprs
- doc_comments
- dummy_method_issue
- duplicated_storage_keys
- empty_method_initializer
- enum_destructuring
- enum_if_let
- enum_if_let_large_type
- enum_in_fn_decl
- src
- enum_init_fn_call
- enum_instantiation
- enum_padding
- enum_type_inference
- enum_variant_imports
- eq_and_neq
- eq_intrinsic
- fallback_only
- far_jumps
- many_blobs
- single_blob
- fix_opcode_bug
- for_loops
- fqp_in_lib
- funcs_with_generic_types
- function_return_type_unification
- generic_functions
- generic_impl_self
- generic_impl_self_where
- src
- generic_inside_generic
- generic_result_method
- src
- generic_struct
- generic_struct_instantiation
- generic_structs
- generic_trait_constraints
- generic_traits
- generic_transpose
- generic_tuple_trait
- generic_type_inference
- generic_where_in_impl_self
- generic_where_in_impl_self2
- generics_in_contract
- gtf_intrinsic
- if_elseif_enum
- src
- if_implicit_unit
- if_let_no_side_effects
- impl_self_method
- impl_self_method_order
- implicit_casting
- implicit_return
- import_from_private_ancestor
- import_method_from_other_file
- src
- import_star_name_clash
- import_trailing_comma
- import_with_different_callpaths
- src
- impure_ifs
- inline_if_expr_const
- insert_element_reg_reuse
- src
- integer_type_inference
- intrinsics/transmute
- is_prime
- src
- is_reference_type
- largeint_sroa
- left_to_right_func_args_evaluation
- local_impl_for_ord
- src
- logging
- src
- main_args
- main_args_empty
- main_args_generics
- main_args_one_u64
- main_args_predicate
- main_args_ref
- main_args_ref_copy
- main_args_ref_ref
- main_args_two_u64
- main_args_various_types
- main_returns_unit
- many_stack_variables
- marker_traits
- marker_trait_enum_implemented_for_all_enums
- src
- marker_trait_error_implemented_for_str
- src
- match_expressions_all
- match_expressions_constants
- match_expressions_empty_enums
- match_expressions_enums
- match_expressions_explicit_rets
- match_expressions_inside_generic_functions
- match_expressions_mismatched
- match_expressions_nested
- src
- match_expressions_or
- match_expressions_rest
- match_expressions_simple
- match_expressions_structs
- match_expressions_unreachable_catch_all_last_arm
- match_expressions_unreachable_catch_all_middle_arm
- match_expressions_unreachable_last_arm
- match_expressions_unreachable_middle_arm
- match_expressions_unreachable_or
- match_expressions_with_self
- src
- mega_example
- memcpy
- method_indirect_inference
- method_nested_type_args
- method_on_empty_struct
- method_on_primitives
- method_type_args
- method_unambiguous
- modulo_uint_test
- multi_impl_self
- multi_item_import
- mut_ref_empty_type
- mutable_and_initd
- mutable_arrays
- mutable_arrays_enum
- mutable_arrays_multiple_nested
- mutable_arrays_nested
- mutable_arrays_struct
- mutable_arrays_swap
- name_resolution_after_monomorphization
- name_resolution_inside_intrinsics
- nested_generics
- nested_struct_destructuring
- nested_structs
- nested_while_and_if
- src
- new_allocator_test
- src
- non_literal_const_decl
- numeric_constants
- numeric_type_propagation
- op_precedence
- ops
- src
- out_of_order_decl
- overlapped_trait_impls
- predicate_while
- predicate_while_dep
- prelude_access
- prelude_access2
- primitive_type_argument
- pusha_popa_multiple_defreg
- raw_identifiers
- raw_ptr
- raw_ptr_ret
- vec_ret
- reassignment_operators
- reassignment_rhs_lhs_evaluation_order
- redundant_return
- reexport
- aliases
- multiple_imports_of_same_reexport
- reexport_paths
- src
- reexport_paths_external_lib
- shadowing_in_reexporting_module
- simple_glob_import
- simple_item_import
- visibility
- ref_mutable_arrays
- ref_mutable_arrays_inline
- ref_mutable_fn_args_bool
- ref_mutable_fn_args_call
- src
- ref_mutable_fn_args_struct
- ref_mutable_fn_args_struct_assign
- ref_mutable_fn_args_u32
- references
- dereferencing_control_flow_expressions
- dereferencing_operator_dot_on_structs
- src
- dereferencing_operator_dot_on_tuples
- src
- dereferencing_operator_index
- src
- dereferencing_operator_star
- src
- impl_reference_types
- mutability_of_references
- mutability_of_references_memcpy_bug
- passing_and_returning_references_to_and_from_functions
- src
- reassigning_via_references_in_aggregates
- src
- reassigning_via_references_passed_and_returned_to_and_from_functions
- src
- reassigning_via_references_to_expressions
- src
- reassigning_via_references_to_values
- src
- references_and_generics
- src
- references_and_type_aliases
- references_in_aggregates
- references_in_asm_blocks
- referencing_control_flow_expressions
- referencing_expressions
- src
- referencing_function_parameters
- src
- referencing_global_constants
- referencing_local_vars_and_values
- src
- referencing_parts_of_aggregates
- referencing_references
- type_unification_of_references
- ret_small_string
- ret_string_in_struct
- retd_b256
- retd_small_array
- retd_struct
- retd_zero_len_array
- revert_in_first_if_branch
- same_const_name
- same_const_name_lib
- self_impl_reassignment
- shadowing/shadowed_glob_imports
- size_of
- slice
- slice_contract
- slice_intrinsics
- slice_script
- smo
- smo_opcode
- string_slice
- string_slice_contract
- string_slice_features
- string_slice_script
- struct_destructuring
- struct_field_access
- struct_field_reassignment
- struct_init_reorder
- struct_instantiation
- supertraits
- supertraits_with_trait_methods
- totalord
- trait_generic_override
- trait_import_with_star
- trait_inference
- trait_method_ascription_disambiguate
- trait_method_generic_qualified
- trait_method_qualified
- trait_nested
- tuple_access
- tuple_desugaring
- tuple_field_reassignment
- tuple_in_struct
- tuple_indexing
- tuple_single_element
- tuple_trait
- src
- tuple_types
- type_alias
- src
- type_inference_propagation_of_type_constraints
- typeinfo_custom_callpath
- typeinfo_custom_callpath2
- typeinfo_custom_callpath_with_import
- u256
- u256_abi
- u256_operators
- unary_not_basic
- unary_not_basic_2
- unify_never
- unit_type_variants
- use_absolute_path
- use_full_path_names
- valid_impurity
- where_clause_enums
- where_clause_functions
- src
- where_clause_generic_traits
- where_clause_generic_tuple
- where_clause_impls
- where_clause_methods
- where_clause_structs
- where_clause_traits
- while_loops
- zero_field_types
- zk_opcodes
- multiple_supertraits_for_abis
- non_payable_implicit_zero_coins
- non_payable_zero_coins_let_binding
- payable_non_zero_coins
- require_contract_deployment
- array_of_structs_caller
- src
- asset_ops_test
- bal_opcode
- call_abi_with_tuples
- src
- call_basic_storage
- src
- call_contract_with_type_aliases
- call_increment_contract
- src
- call_storage_enum
- caller_auth_test
- src
- caller_context_test
- src
- nested_struct_args_caller
- src
- storage_access_caller
- src
- resolve_local_items_that_shadow_imports
- return_in_strange_positions
- return_into
- static_analysis
- cei_pattern_violation
- cei_pattern_violation_in_asm_block
- cei_pattern_violation_in_asm_block_bal
- cei_pattern_violation_in_asm_block_mint_burn
- cei_pattern_violation_in_asm_block_read
- cei_pattern_violation_in_asm_block_smo
- cei_pattern_violation_in_asm_block_tr
- cei_pattern_violation_in_asm_block_tro
- cei_pattern_violation_in_codeblocks_other_than_in_functions
- cei_pattern_violation_in_func_app-1
- cei_pattern_violation_in_func_app-2
- cei_pattern_violation_in_func_app-3
- cei_pattern_violation_in_if_statement-1
- cei_pattern_violation_in_if_statement-2
- cei_pattern_violation_in_intrinsic_call
- cei_pattern_violation_in_match_statement-1
- cei_pattern_violation_in_standalone_function
- cei_pattern_violation_in_struct
- cei_pattern_violation_in_tuple
- cei_pattern_violation_in_while_loop-1
- cei_pattern_violation_in_while_loop-2
- cei_pattern_violation_in_while_loop-3
- cei_pattern_violation_in_while_loop-4
- cei_pattern_violation_more_complex_logic
- cei_pattern_violation_smo_intrinsic
- cei_pattern_violation_storage_map_and_vec
- cei_pattern_violation_storage_struct_read
- cei_pattern_violation_storage_var_read
- cei_pattern_violation_storage_var_update
- storage_annotations_unused_read
- storage_annotations_unused_read_and_write
- storage_annotations_unused_write
- stdlib
- address_test
- alloc_test
- assert_eq
- assert_eq_revert
- assert_ne
- assert_ne_revert
- assert_test
- asset_id_into_bytes
- b512_struct_alignment
- b512_test
- block_height
- chess
- src
- contract_id_test
- contract_id_type
- eq_custom_type
- src
- eq_generic
- src
- ge_test
- generic_empty_struct_with_constraint
- identity_eq
- if_type_revert
- intrinsics
- iterator
- option
- src
- option_eq
- src
- raw_ptr
- raw_slice
- require
- result
- src
- sha256
- storage_vec_insert
- u128_div_test
- u128_log_test
- u128_mul_test
- u128_root_test
- u128_test
- vec
- vec_byte_remove
- vec_swap
- storage_into
- storage_slot_key_calculation
- superabi
- superabi_contract_calls
- superabi_diamond
- superabi_diamond_impl
- superabi_supertrait_external_call
- superabi_supertrait_same_methods
- supertraits_for_abis
- supertraits_for_abis_diamond
- supertraits_for_abis_ownable
- supertraits_via_self
- test_abis
- abi_impl_methods_callable
- abi_impl_methods_in_json_abi
- abi_with_tuples
- array_of_structs_abi
- auth_testing_abi
- balance_test_abi
- contract_with_type_aliases_abi/src
- increment_abi
- nested_struct_args_abi
- storage_access_abi
- storage_enum_abi
- test_contracts
- abi_with_alias
- abi_with_generic_types
- abi_with_same_name_types
- abi_with_tuples_contract
- array_of_structs_contract
- auth_testing_contract
- balance_test_contract
- basic_storage
- context_testing_contract
- contract_with_type_aliases
- increment_contract
- issue_1512_repro
- src
- issue_6335_repro
- multiple_impl
- nested_struct_args_contract
- return_struct
- storage_access_contract
- storage_enum_contract
- storage_namespace
- test_fuel_coin_contract
- trait_cannot_find_in_scope_issue
- unit_tests
- aggr_indexing
- contract-multi-contract-calls
- contract_multi_test
- contract_with_nested_libs
- lib_log_decode
- lib_multi_test
- lib_single_test
- memcpyopt
- nested_libs
- predicate_multi_test
- predicate_with_nested_libs
- regalloc_spill
- script-contract-calls
- script_log_decode
- script_multi_test
- script_with_nested_libs
- should_revert
- stack_indexing_overflow
- workspace_test
- utils
- in_language_tests
- test_programs
- crypto_point2d_inline_tests
- crypto_scalar_inline_tests
- crypto_zk_inline_tests
- math_inline_tests
- ops_inline_tests
- src
- primitive_conversions_b256_inline_tests/src
- primitive_conversions_u16_inline_tests/src
- primitive_conversions_u256_inline_tests/src
- primitive_conversions_u32_inline_tests/src
- primitive_conversions_u64_inline_tests/src
- primitive_conversions_u8_inline_tests/src
- storage_vec_iter_tests/src
- ir_generation
- tests
- sdk-harness
- test_projects
- abi_impl_methods_callable
- private_struct_fields_in_storage_and_abi/src
- storage_access/src
- storage_init/src
- storage_map_nested/src
- storage_string
- string_slice/string_slice_predicate
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,357 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
8 | 8 |
| |
9 |
| - | |
10 | 9 |
| |
11 | 10 |
| |
12 | 11 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
21 | 21 |
| |
22 | 22 |
| |
23 | 23 |
| |
24 |
| - | |
25 | 24 |
| |
26 | 25 |
| |
27 | 26 |
| |
28 |
| - | |
29 | 27 |
| |
30 | 28 |
| |
31 | 29 |
| |
| |||
76 | 74 |
| |
77 | 75 |
| |
78 | 76 |
| |
79 |
| - | |
80 |
| - | |
81 |
| - | |
82 |
| - | |
83 |
| - | |
84 |
| - | |
85 |
| - | |
86 |
| - | |
87 |
| - | |
88 |
| - | |
89 |
| - | |
90 |
| - | |
91 |
| - | |
92 |
| - | |
93 |
| - | |
94 |
| - | |
95 | 77 |
| |
96 | 78 |
| |
97 | 79 |
| |
| |||
136 | 118 |
| |
137 | 119 |
| |
138 | 120 |
| |
139 |
| - | |
140 |
| - | |
141 |
| - | |
142 |
| - | |
143 |
| - | |
144 |
| - | |
145 |
| - | |
146 |
| - | |
147 |
| - | |
148 |
| - | |
149 |
| - | |
150 |
| - | |
151 |
| - | |
152 |
| - | |
153 | 121 |
| |
154 | 122 |
| |
155 | 123 |
| |
| |||
553 | 521 |
| |
554 | 522 |
| |
555 | 523 |
| |
556 |
| - | |
557 |
| - | |
558 |
| - | |
559 |
| - | |
560 |
| - | |
561 |
| - | |
562 |
| - | |
563 |
| - | |
564 |
| - | |
565 |
| - | |
566 | 524 |
| |
567 | 525 |
| |
568 | 526 |
| |
| |||
744 | 702 |
| |
745 | 703 |
| |
746 | 704 |
| |
747 |
| - | |
748 | 705 |
| |
749 | 706 |
| |
750 | 707 |
| |
| |||
809 | 766 |
| |
810 | 767 |
| |
811 | 768 |
| |
812 |
| - | |
813 | 769 |
| |
814 | 770 |
| |
815 | 771 |
| |
| |||
858 | 814 |
| |
859 | 815 |
| |
860 | 816 |
| |
861 |
| - | |
862 | 817 |
| |
863 | 818 |
| |
864 | 819 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
9 | 9 |
| |
10 | 10 |
| |
11 | 11 |
| |
12 |
| - | |
13 |
| - | |
| 12 | + | |
14 | 13 |
| |
15 | 14 |
| |
16 | 15 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
31 | 31 |
| |
32 | 32 |
| |
33 | 33 |
| |
34 |
| - | |
35 |
| - | |
36 | 34 |
| |
37 | 35 |
| |
38 | 36 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
13 | 13 |
| |
14 | 14 |
| |
15 | 15 |
| |
| 16 | + | |
16 | 17 |
| |
17 | 18 |
| |
18 | 19 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
7 | 7 |
| |
8 | 8 |
| |
9 | 9 |
| |
10 |
| - | |
11 | 10 |
| |
12 | 11 |
| |
13 | 12 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
35 | 35 |
| |
36 | 36 |
| |
37 | 37 |
| |
38 |
| - | |
| 38 | + | |
39 | 39 |
| |
40 | 40 |
| |
41 | 41 |
| |
| |||
169 | 169 |
| |
170 | 170 |
| |
171 | 171 |
| |
172 |
| - | |
| 172 | + | |
173 | 173 |
| |
174 | 174 |
| |
175 | 175 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
238 | 238 |
| |
239 | 239 |
| |
240 | 240 |
| |
241 |
| - | |
| 241 | + | |
242 | 242 |
| |
243 | 243 |
| |
244 | 244 |
| |
This file was deleted.
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
8 | 8 |
| |
9 |
| - | |
10 | 9 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
35 | 35 |
| |
36 | 36 |
| |
37 | 37 |
| |
38 |
| - | |
| 38 | + | |
39 | 39 |
| |
40 | 40 |
| |
41 | 41 |
| |
| |||
46 | 46 |
| |
47 | 47 |
| |
48 | 48 |
| |
| 49 | + | |
| 50 | + | |
| 51 | + | |
| 52 | + | |
| 53 | + | |
| 54 | + | |
| 55 | + | |
49 | 56 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
98 | 98 |
| |
99 | 99 |
| |
100 | 100 |
| |
101 |
| - | |
102 | 101 |
| |
103 | 102 |
| |
104 |
| - | |
105 | 103 |
| |
106 | 104 |
| |
107 | 105 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
33 | 33 |
| |
34 | 34 |
| |
35 | 35 |
| |
36 |
| - | |
37 | 36 |
| |
38 | 37 |
| |
39 | 38 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
70 | 70 |
| |
71 | 71 |
| |
72 | 72 |
| |
73 |
| - | |
74 |
| - | |
75 |
| - | |
76 |
| - | |
77 | 73 |
| |
78 | 74 |
| |
79 | 75 |
| |
| |||
127 | 123 |
| |
128 | 124 |
| |
129 | 125 |
| |
130 |
| - | |
131 |
| - | |
132 |
| - | |
133 |
| - | |
| 126 | + | |
134 | 127 |
| |
135 | 128 |
| |
136 | 129 |
| |
| |||
163 | 156 |
| |
164 | 157 |
| |
165 | 158 |
| |
166 |
| - | |
167 |
| - | |
168 |
| - | |
169 |
| - | |
| 159 | + | |
170 | 160 |
| |
171 | 161 |
| |
172 | 162 |
| |
| |||
201 | 191 |
| |
202 | 192 |
| |
203 | 193 |
| |
204 |
| - | |
205 | 194 |
| |
206 | 195 |
| |
207 | 196 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
151 | 151 |
| |
152 | 152 |
| |
153 | 153 |
| |
154 |
| - | |
155 |
| - | |
156 | 154 |
| |
157 | 155 |
| |
158 | 156 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
8 |
| - | |
9 | 8 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
8 |
| - | |
9 | 8 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
31 | 31 |
| |
32 | 32 |
| |
33 | 33 |
| |
34 |
| - | |
| 34 | + | |
35 | 35 |
| |
36 | 36 |
| |
37 | 37 |
| |
| |||
108 | 108 |
| |
109 | 109 |
| |
110 | 110 |
| |
111 |
| - | |
| 111 | + | |
112 | 112 |
| |
113 |
| - | |
| 113 | + | |
114 | 114 |
| |
115 | 115 |
| |
116 | 116 |
| |
| |||
398 | 398 |
| |
399 | 399 |
| |
400 | 400 |
| |
401 |
| - | |
| 401 | + | |
402 | 402 |
| |
403 | 403 |
| |
404 | 404 |
| |
0 commit comments