A Scala/ScalaJS library for DID and DIDcomm. The one of the main goals of this library is to make DID Comm v2 type safety and easy to use. Made for developers by developers.
- CI automate builds and tests all pushes to the master branch also as all PRs created.
- Scala Steward automate the creation of pull requests for libraries with updated dependencies, saving maintainers time and effort. It can also help ensure that libraries are kept up-to-date, improving their reliability and performance.
The future version of DID Comm v2.1 is been track&develop in the branch didcomm-v2.1
More documentation:
- LICENSE - Apache License, Version 2.0
- did implementations = Notes and TODO list
- example - just a set of DIDs for experiments.
- demo - How to build, test and deploy the Demo. The Demo is a server with (webapp) client.
- webapp module - How to build, develop and run localy.
- multiformats module - Implemente notes and an considerations (of TODOs) if we want to use as the independent Library.
- docs - Base folder of the library documentation website.
Following is a partial list of companies and project using DID Comm to craft applications.
Want to see your project here? [Submit a PR]
See specifications of the implemented DID Comm Protocols
- We are still working on core API.
- decrypting a file MUST be one of the following combinations: See this like
- [TODO!] Message Layer Addressing Consistency
- did-rotation: https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/#did-rotation
- support
- support
on JWT https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519
- support
- maybe implement method
- [TODO] method
- maybe implement method
https://github.com/quartzjer/did-jwk - maybe implement methods "KERI lite"
- be part of the Adopters in https://github.com/sbt/sbt-ci-release/
- Remove field
. Make custom json encoder/decoder - FIXME The encoder for ProtectedHeader MUST not have the field "className"
It would help prevent errors by ensuring that only valid DIDs are used, and that the library does not attempt to perform any invalid operations on them. This could help ensure that the library functions correctly and reliably.
It would make the code easier to read and understand, by making it clear what types of values are being used and what operations are being performed on them. This could make it easier for developers to work with the library and understand its functionality. Speeding up the development of applications
It could make the library more efficient, by allowing the compiler to optimize the code for working with DIDs. This could make the library run faster and more efficiently.
It could improve the reliability and correctness of the library, by catching any errors or bugs related to invalid DIDs or invalid operations at compile time. This could save time and effort in the development process and help prevent potential issues in the final library.
I usually say if it compiles it probably also works!
flowchart BT
zhttp --> zio
did --> zio
zio-json --> zio
did --> zio-json
did-resolver-web ----> zhttp:::JVM
subgraph fmgp libraries
did-resolver-peer --> multibase
subgraph platform specific
did-imp-hw:::Others -.-> did-imp
did-imp_js:::JS ==>|compiles together| did-imp
did-imp_jvm:::JVM ==>|compiles together| did-imp
did-resolver-peer --> did
did-resolver-web --> did
did-comm-protocols --> did
did-framework --> did
did-framework --> did-comm-protocols
did-imp --> did
did-example ----> did
did-example --> did-imp
demo --> did-imp
did-imp_jvm:::JVM ----> nimbus-jose-jwt:::JVM --> google-tink:::JVM
did-imp_jvm:::JVM ---> google-tink
did-imp_js ----> jose:::JS
%% subgraph demo/docs
webapp:::JS --> did-framework
demo --> did-framework
demo --> did-resolver-web
demo --> did-resolver-peer
webapp:::JS --> did-imp_js
webapp:::JS --> did-resolver-web
webapp:::JS --> did-resolver-peer
webapp:::JS --> did-example
demo --> did-example
demo -.->|uses\serves| webapp
demo_jvm(demo_jvm\nA server):::JVM ==>|compiles together| demo
did-example --> did-resolver-peer
did-example --> did-resolver-web
%% end
classDef JVM fill:#141,stroke:#444,stroke-width:2px;
classDef JS fill:#05a,stroke:#444,stroke-width:2px;
classDef Others fill:#222,stroke:#444,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
- The things inside the group box (fmgp) are implemented on this repository and that are intended to be published as a library.
- Green boxes is JVM's platform specific.
- Blue boxes is JavaScript's platform specific.
- Other boxes are not platform specific.
- The
is a idea how to extend for other implementation. Like a hardware/platform specific or with hardware wallet support. did-resolver-web
are implementations of the respective did methods.