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  • André Costa Lima (up202008169)
  • Eduardo Luís Tronjo Ramos (up201906732)
  • Fábio Araújo de Sá (up202007658)
  • Inês Sá Pereira Estêvão Gaspar (up202007210)


Local Development

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run the containers using Docker Compose with docker compose up --force-recreate --build --watch. On Windows, you need to use docker compose up --force-recreate --build --wait setup_workspace_script; docker compose up --force-recreate --build --watch instead.
  3. The containers will automatically restart when you make changes to the source code, including to the respective dependencies.

Code Editor Support

Dependencies installed in containers are not detected by your IDE. As such, you will need to install the dependencies locally.

To do that, run the following commands:

  1. Create a virtual environment

    python -m venv .venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment

    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install poetry

    pip install -r poetry-requirements.txt
  4. Install the dependencies for each of the applications and packages

    poetry install --no-root -C packages/cert_manager
    poetry install --no-root -C packages/nonce
    poetry install --no-root -C packages/secure_endpoints
    poetry install --no-root -C packages/utils
    # Remove lockfiles from the packages
    rm packages/cert_manager/poetry.lock
    rm packages/nonce/poetry.lock
    rm packages/secure_endpoints/poetry.lock
    rm packages/utils/poetry.lock
    poetry install -C apps/authentication_server
    poetry install -C apps/authorization_server
    poetry install -C apps/resource_server
    poetry install -C apps/web_server
  5. Use the virtual environment in .venv as your Python interpreter in your IDE.

Installing new dependencies

Dependencies are managed using Poetry.

To add a new dependency to a package or app:

  1. Create a new virtual environment

    python -m venv .venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment

    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install poetry

    pip install -r poetry-requirements.txt
  4. Go to the package you want to add the dependency to

    cd apps/authentication_server
  5. Install the dependency using poetry

    # poetry add <dependency>
    poetry add Flask # example for a PyPI dependency
    poetry add ../../packages/cert_manager -e # example for a local dependency
  6. If the installed dependency is a local dependency, you will need to:

    1. update deploy/apps.containerfile to include the new dependency.

      FROM local_packages AS authentication_server_local_packages
      + COPY ./packages/cert_manager ./packages/cert_manager/
    2. update compose.yml and to include the new dependency.

              - path: ./apps/authentication_server/poetry.lock
                target: /app/apps/authentication_server/poetry.lock
                action: rebuild
      +       - path: ./packages/cert_manager
      +         target: /app/packages/cert_manager
      +         action: sync # Or `sync+restart`, if in