Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Network | string | Indicates the blockchain network that contains this anchor. | |
Status | string | The confirmation status of the anchor. Either pending or confirmed. | |
CreatedAt | string | The time at which this entry was created. Sent in ISO 8601 Format. For example: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssssssZ` This will be null if the chain is not at least at the `factom` immutability stage. | [optional] |
EntrySerialized | string | The raw data that makes up the entry. | [optional] |
EntryHash | string | The unique identitfier of the entry. | [optional] |
Dblock | DBlockLink | [optional] | |
MerkleBranch | []MerkleNode | The branch of the merkle tree that represents this anchor. Presented as an array of Merkle nodes. | [optional] |