diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fe2b07e..85019c0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
# About gr-doa
-gr-doa is a demonstration on the phase synchronization capability of Ettus Research's TwinRX daughtercards.
-TwinRX daughtercards can achieve a high degree of accurate phase synchronization except for constant
-repeatable relative phase offsets. We provide apps to determine the accuracy of phase synchronization achieved
-and to estimate DoA which fundamentally requires accurate phase synchronization
+gr-doa is a demonstration on the phase synchronization capability of Ettus Research's TwinRX daughtercards.
+TwinRX daughtercards can achieve a high degree of accurate phase synchronization except for constant
+repeatable relative phase offsets. We provide apps to determine the accuracy of phase synchronization achieved
+and to estimate DoA which fundamentally requires accurate phase synchronization
across the receive streams.
### Basic Dependencies
- UHD >=
- gnuradio >=
- armadillo >= 7.300
+ - SWIG >= 3.0.8
### Dependencies Needed for QA Testing
- octave (Tested 4.0.2)
@@ -24,11 +25,11 @@ across the receive streams.
- Relative phase offset measurement and correction
- Antenna element calibration for linear arrays
- MUSIC algorithm for linear arrays
- - Root-MUSIC algorithm for linear arrays
+ - Root-MUSIC algorithm for linear arrays
+### OSs Tested
+ - Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04
-### OSs Tested
- - Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04
### Installation
`$ git clone https://github.com/EttusResearch/gr-doa`
`$ cd gr-doa`
diff --git a/grc/doa_qt_compass.xml b/grc/doa_qt_compass.xml
index 49674a3..933fd45 100644
--- a/grc/doa_qt_compass.xml
+++ b/grc/doa_qt_compass.xml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
import doa
#set $win2 = 'self.%s.this_layout'%$id
-doa.compass($name, $min_val, $max_val, $step, $arc_bias)
+doa.compass($name, $min_val, $max_val, $step, $arc_bias, $needle_N)
@@ -52,7 +52,12 @@ $(gui_hint()($win2))
+ Number of Needles
+ needle_N
+ 1
+ int
GUI Hint
@@ -65,6 +70,7 @@ $(gui_hint()($win2))
+ $needle_N
@@ -75,5 +81,6 @@ min_val: Min. value displayed on the compass.
max_val: Max. value displayed on the compass.
step: Step-size.
arc_bias: Clockwise rotation applied to dial.
+needle_N: Number of needles displayed on the compass.
diff --git a/python/compass.py b/python/compass.py
index 2a769a1..dc823c9 100644
--- a/python/compass.py
+++ b/python/compass.py
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
class compass(gr.sync_block, Qwt.QwtPlot):
__pyqtSignals__ = ("updatePlot(int)")
- def __init__(self, label="", min_val=-90, max_val=90, step=10, arc_bias=0, *args):
- gr.sync_block.__init__(self,name="QT Compass",in_sig=[numpy.float32],out_sig=[])
+ def __init__(self, label="", min_val=-90, max_val=90, step=10, arc_bias=0, needle_N=1, *args):
+ gr.sync_block.__init__(self,name="QT Compass",in_sig=[numpy.float32]*needle_N,out_sig=[])
Qwt.QwtPlot.__init__(self, *args)
# Set parameters
self.update_period = 0.1
self.last = time.time()
- self.next_angle = 0
+ self.next_angles = []
@@ -47,28 +47,63 @@ def __init__(self, label="", min_val=-90, max_val=90, step=10, arc_bias=0, *args
self.this_layout = Qt.QVBoxLayout()
self.compass_layout = Qt.QGridLayout()
- # Setup Dial
- self.dial = Qwt.QwtDial(self)
- self.dial.setOrigin(180+arc_bias) # Orient dial so 0 is at 9 o'clock
- self.dial.setScaleArc(min_val,max_val)
- self.dial.setRange(min_val, max_val, step)
- self.dial.setScale(min_val ,max_val, step)
- self.dial.setScaleTicks(1,20,30)
- # Add needle
- self.dial.setNeedle(Qwt.QwtDialSimpleNeedle(
- Qwt.QwtDialSimpleNeedle.Arrow,
- True,
- QtGui.QColor(QtCore.Qt.red),
- QtGui.QColor(QtCore.Qt.gray).light(130)))
- self.dial.setValue(0)
- # Set sizing
- self.dial.setMinimumSize(250,250)
- self.dial.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
+ # Setup Dials
+ self.dial_list = []
+ for i in range(needle_N):
+ dial = Qwt.QwtDial(self)
+ dial_palette = dial.palette()
+ transparent_color = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255, 0))
+ dial_palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.Active, QtGui.QPalette.WindowText, transparent_color)
+ dial_palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.Active, QtGui.QPalette.Base, transparent_color)
+ dial_palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.Inactive, QtGui.QPalette.WindowText, transparent_color)
+ dial_palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.Inactive, QtGui.QPalette.Base, transparent_color)
+ dial_palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.Disabled, QtGui.QPalette.WindowText, transparent_color)
+ dial_palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.Disabled, QtGui.QPalette.Base, transparent_color)
+ dial.setPalette(dial_palette)
+ dial.setOrigin(180+arc_bias) # Orient dial so 0 is at 9 o'clock
+ dial.setScaleArc(min_val,max_val)
+ dial.setRange(min_val, max_val, step)
+ dial.setScale(min_val, max_val, step)
+ dial.setScaleTicks(1,20,30)
+ # Add needle
+ color_index = int(str(i)[len(str(i))-1:len(str(i)):]) # get last digit of i
+ if color_index == 0:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0) # red
+ elif color_index == 1:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(255, 125, 0) # orange
+ elif color_index == 2:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 0) # yellow
+ elif color_index == 3:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 0) # green
+ elif color_index == 4:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255) # light blue
+ elif color_index == 5:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 255) # blue
+ elif color_index == 6:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 255) # light purple
+ elif color_index == 7:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(150, 0, 255) # purple
+ elif color_index == 8:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(150, 100, 0) # brown
+ else:
+ needleColor = QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0) # black
+ dial.setNeedle(Qwt.QwtDialSimpleNeedle(
+ Qwt.QwtDialSimpleNeedle.Arrow,
+ True,
+ needleColor,
+ QtGui.QColor(QtCore.Qt.gray).light(130)))
+ dial.setValue(0)
+ # Set sizing
+ dial.setMinimumSize(250,250)
+ dial.setSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
+ self.dial_list.append(dial)
+ self.next_angles.append(0)
# Add to overall layout
- self.compass_layout.addWidget(self.dial,0,0)
+ for i in self.dial_list:
+ self.compass_layout.addWidget(i,0,0)
# Add label
self.label = Qt.QLabel(label)
@@ -80,38 +115,6 @@ def __init__(self, label="", min_val=-90, max_val=90, step=10, arc_bias=0, *args
- # Setup LCD
- lcd_layout = Qt.QGridLayout()
- self.lcd = QtGui.QLCDNumber(self)
- sizePolicy = Qt.QSizePolicy(Qt.QSizePolicy.Preferred, Qt.QSizePolicy.Preferred)
- sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(True)
- self.lcd.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy)
- self.lcd.setLineWidth(0)
- # Set sizing
- self.lcd.setMinimumHeight(self.dial.minimumHeight()/2)
- self.lcd.setMinimumWidth(self.dial.minimumWidth()/2)
- self.lcd.raise_() # Bring to front
- self.lcd.setDigitCount(3) # Max digits displayed
- self.lcd.setSmallDecimalPoint(True)
- self.lcd.display(123.4)
- self.compass_layout.addLayout(lcd_layout,0,0)
- lcd_layout.addWidget(self.lcd,1,1,1,1)
- # Add spacers to center LCD
- spacerTop = QtGui.QSpacerItem(1,300,Qt.QSizePolicy.Maximum,Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
- spacerSides = QtGui.QSpacerItem(220,1,Qt.QSizePolicy.Maximum,Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
- spacerBottom = QtGui.QSpacerItem(1,150,Qt.QSizePolicy.Maximum,Qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
- # Top Spacers
- lcd_layout.addItem(spacerTop,0,1,1,1)
- # Side Spacers
- lcd_layout.addItem(spacerSides,1,0,1,1)
- lcd_layout.addItem(spacerSides,1,2,1,1)
- # Bottom Spacers
- lcd_layout.addItem(spacerBottom,2,1,1,1)
# connect the plot callback signal
@@ -119,21 +122,19 @@ def __init__(self, label="", min_val=-90, max_val=90, step=10, arc_bias=0, *args
- def change_angle(self,angle):
- self.dial.setValue(float(angle))
def trigger_update(self):
self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("updatePlot(int)"), 0)
def do_plot(self, a):
# Update qt plots
- self.change_angle(self.next_angle)
- self.lcd.display(self.next_angle)
- self.replot()
+ for i in range(len(self.dial_list)):
+ self.dial_list[i].setValue(self.next_angles[i])
+ self.replot()
def work(self, input_items, output_items):
# Average inputs
- self.next_angle = numpy.mean(input_items[0])
+ for i in range(len(self.next_angles)):
+ self.next_angles[i] = numpy.mean(input_items[i])
if (time.time() - self.last)>self.update_period:
self.last = time.time()