Client and server sending the following packet structures
[length] [packetID] [data]
- length: The first 2 byte represent packet length like
0x04, 0x00
which 4 byte length. - packetID: second 2 byte represent packet id to handle like
which disconnect packetID. - data: and last packet until length was just a data.
The server will tried to load the following spt files:
- LauncherSettings.spt - Just addition of mine for storing in-game name, webport, and gameport
- Channel1.spt - Just storing packet of list available room channels
- MusicList.spt - Storing what server send about OJNList.dat to match the song files
- D007.spt - Storing username and Character ID
- D207.spt - Storing available room to join (Yeah this is singleplayer server so it must be empty)
- Add new length character nickname from 5 to 12 (can't more than that since it will shorter by the game)
- Fixed max buffer size in SocketServer.cs
- Fixed character level changed from level 100 to level 30 after a song play in packet handler ID:
- Change from closed source to open source with MIT License