diff --git a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/logic/utility_controller.py b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/logic/utility_controller.py
index 295c16b..b84c788 100644
--- a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/logic/utility_controller.py
+++ b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/logic/utility_controller.py
@@ -189,15 +189,15 @@ def servers_operations_post(server_name: str,
if op_type == OperationType.RECOVERY:
- backup_id = request_body["backup_id"]
+ msg_backup_id = request_body["backup_id"]
except KeyError:
msg_400 = "Request body is missing ``backup_id``"
abort(400, description=msg_400)
- backup_id = parse_backup_id(Server(server), backup_id)
+ backup_id = parse_backup_id(Server(server), msg_backup_id)
if not backup_id:
- msg_404 = f"Backup '{backup_id}' does not exist"
+ msg_404 = f"Backup '{msg_backup_id}' does not exist"
abort(404, description=msg_404)
operation = RecoveryOperation(server_name)
diff --git a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/server_operation.py b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/server_operation.py
index fb59b1d..b79c143 100644
--- a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/server_operation.py
+++ b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/server_operation.py
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from barman.config import Config as BarmanConfig
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
log = logging.getLogger()
@@ -117,6 +115,8 @@ def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
f"No barman config found for '{name}'."
+ load_barman_config()
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
assert isinstance(barman.__config__, BarmanConfig)
diff --git a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_main.py b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f072f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# © Copyright EnterpriseDB UK Limited 2021-2023
+# This file is part of Postgres Backup API.
+# Postgres Backup API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Postgres Backup API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Postgres Backup API. If not, see .
+"""Unit tests for the CLI."""
+from textwrap import dedent
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
+import pytest
+from pg_backup_api.__main__ import main
+ "pg-backup-api --help": dedent("""\
+ usage: pg-backup-api [-h] {serve,status,recovery} ...
+ positional arguments:
+ {serve,status,recovery}
+ options:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ Postgres Backup API by EnterpriseDB (www.enterprisedb.com)
+ """),
+ "pg-backup-api serve --help": dedent("""\
+ usage: pg-backup-api serve [-h] [--port PORT]
+ Start the REST API server. Listen for requests on '', on the given port.
+ options:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --port PORT Port to bind to.
+ """), # noqa: E501
+ "pg-backup-api status --help": dedent("""\
+ usage: pg-backup-api status [-h] [--port PORT]
+ Check if the REST API server is up and running
+ options:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --port PORT Port to be checked.
+ """), # noqa: E501
+ "pg-backup-api recovery --help": dedent("""\
+ usage: pg-backup-api recovery [-h] --server-name SERVER_NAME --operation-id OPERATION_ID
+ Perform a 'barman recover' through the 'pg-backup-api'. Can only be run if a recover operation has been previously registered.
+ options:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --server-name SERVER_NAME
+ Name of the Barman server to be recovered.
+ --operation-id OPERATION_ID
+ ID of the operation in the 'pg-backup-api'.
+ """), # noqa: E501
+ "pg-backup-api serve": "serve",
+ "pg-backup-api status": "status",
+ "pg-backup-api recovery --server-name SOME_SERVER --operation-id SOME_OP_ID": "recovery_operation", # noqa: E501
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("command", _HELP_OUTPUT.keys())
+def test_main_helper(command, capsys):
+ """Test :func:`main`.
+ Ensure all the ``--help`` calls print the expected content to the console.
+ """
+ with patch("sys.argv", command.split()), pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc:
+ main()
+ assert str(exc.value) == "0"
+ assert capsys.readouterr().out == _HELP_OUTPUT[command]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("command", _COMMAND_FUNC.keys())
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("output", [None, "SOME_OUTPUT"])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("success", [False, True])
+def test_main_funcs(command, output, success, capsys):
+ """Test :func:`main`.
+ Ensure :func:`main` executes the expected functions, print the expected
+ messages, and exits with the expected codes.
+ """
+ mock_controller = patch(f"pg_backup_api.__main__.{_COMMAND_FUNC[command]}")
+ mock_func = mock_controller.start()
+ mock_func.return_value = (output, success)
+ with patch("sys.argv", command.split()), pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc:
+ main()
+ mock_controller.stop()
+ assert capsys.readouterr().out == (f"{output}\n" if output else "")
+ assert str(exc.value) == ("0" if success else "-1")
+def test_main_with_func(mock_parse_args, capsys):
+ """Test :func:`main`.
+ Ensure :func:`main` calls the function with the expected arguments, if a
+ command has a function associated with it.
+ """
+ mock_parse_args.return_value.func = MagicMock()
+ mock_func = mock_parse_args.return_value.func
+ mock_func.return_value = ("SOME_OUTPUT", True)
+ with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc:
+ main()
+ capsys.readouterr() # so we don't write to stdout during unit tests
+ mock_func.assert_called_once_with(mock_parse_args.return_value)
+ assert str(exc.value) == "0"
+def test_main_without_func(mock_parse_args, mock_print_help, capsys):
+ """Test :func:`main`.
+ Ensure :func:`main` prints a helper if a command has no function associated
+ with it.
+ """
+ delattr(mock_parse_args.return_value, "func")
+ with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc:
+ main()
+ capsys.readouterr() # so we don't write to stdout during unit tests
+ mock_print_help.assert_called_once_with()
+ assert str(exc.value) == "0"
diff --git a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_run.py b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_run.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..255cc35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_run.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# © Copyright EnterpriseDB UK Limited 2021-2023
+# This file is part of Postgres Backup API.
+# Postgres Backup API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Postgres Backup API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Postgres Backup API. If not, see .
+"""Unit tests for functions used by the CLI."""
+import argparse
+from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch, call
+import pytest
+from pg_backup_api.run import serve, status, recovery_operation
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("port", [7480, 7481])
+def test_serve(mock_app, mock_load_config, mock_output, port):
+ """Test :func:`serve`.
+ Ensure :func:`serve` performs the expected calls and return the expected
+ values.
+ """
+ mock_output.AVAILABLE_WRITERS.__getitem__.return_value = MagicMock()
+ expected = mock_output.AVAILABLE_WRITERS.__getitem__.return_value
+ expected.return_value = MagicMock()
+ args = argparse.Namespace(port=port)
+ assert serve(args) == (mock_app.run.return_value, True)
+ mock_load_config.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_output.set_output_writer.assert_called_once_with(
+ expected.return_value,
+ )
+ mock_app.run.assert_called_once_with(host="", port=port)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("port", [7480, 7481])
+def test_status_ok(mock_request, port):
+ """Test :func:`status`.
+ Ensure the expected ``GET`` request is performed, and that :func:`status`
+ returns `OK` when the API is available.
+ """
+ args = argparse.Namespace(port=port)
+ assert status(args) == ("OK", True)
+ mock_request.assert_called_once_with(f"{port}/status")
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("port", [7480, 7481])
+def test_status_failed(mock_request, port):
+ """Test :func:`status`.
+ Ensure the expected ``GET`` request is performed, and that :func:`status`
+ returns an error message when the API is not available.
+ """
+ args = argparse.Namespace(port=port)
+ mock_request.side_effect = ConnectionError("Some Error")
+ message = "The Postgres Backup API does not appear to be available."
+ assert status(args) == (message, False)
+ mock_request.assert_called_once_with(f"{port}/status")
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("server_name", ["SERVER_1", "SERVER_2"])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("operation_id", ["OPERATION_1", "OPERATION_2"])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("rc", [0, 1])
+def test_recovery_operation(mock_rec_op, server_name, operation_id, rc):
+ """Test :func:`recovery_operation`.
+ Ensure the operation is created and executed, and that the expected values
+ are returned depending on the return code.
+ """
+ args = argparse.Namespace(server_name=server_name,
+ operation_id=operation_id)
+ mock_rec_op.return_value.run.return_value = ("SOME_OUTPUT", rc)
+ mock_write_output = mock_rec_op.return_value.write_output_file
+ mock_time_event = mock_rec_op.return_value.time_event_now
+ mock_read_job = mock_rec_op.return_value.read_job_file
+ assert recovery_operation(args) == (mock_write_output.return_value,
+ rc == 0)
+ mock_rec_op.assert_called_once_with(server_name, operation_id)
+ mock_rec_op.return_value.run.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_time_event.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_read_job.assert_called_once_with()
+ # Make sure the expected content was added to `read_job_file` output before
+ # writing it to the output file.
+ assert len(mock_read_job.return_value.__setitem__.mock_calls) == 3
+ mock_read_job.return_value.__setitem__.assert_has_calls([
+ call('success', rc == 0),
+ call('end_time', mock_time_event.return_value),
+ call('output', "SOME_OUTPUT"),
+ ])
+ mock_write_output.assert_called_once_with(mock_read_job.return_value)
diff --git a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_server_operation.py b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_server_operation.py
index fa1eb5c..6d55003 100644
--- a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_server_operation.py
+++ b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_server_operation.py
@@ -1,8 +1,28 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# © Copyright EnterpriseDB UK Limited 2021-2023
+# This file is part of Postgres Backup API.
+# Postgres Backup API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Postgres Backup API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Postgres Backup API. If not, see .
+"""Unit tests for the classes related with REST API operations."""
import os
import subprocess
-from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import Mock, MagicMock, call, patch
+import pytest
from pg_backup_api.server_operation import (
@@ -17,287 +37,364 @@
-@patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.get_server_by_name", Mock())
-@patch("barman.__config__.barman_home", _BARMAN_HOME)
-class TestOperationServer(TestCase):
- @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.get_server_by_name", Mock())
- @patch("barman.__config__.barman_home", _BARMAN_HOME)
- def setUp(self):
- with patch.object(OperationServer, "_create_dir"):
- self.server = OperationServer(_BARMAN_SERVER)
+class TestOperationServer:
+ """Run tests for :class:`OperationServer`."""
- def test___init__(self):
+ @pytest.fixture
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.get_server_by_name", Mock())
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.load_barman_config", Mock())
+ @patch.object(OperationServer, "_create_dir", Mock())
+ def op_server(self):
+ """Create a :class:`OperationServer` instance for testing.
+ :return: :class:`OperationServer` instance for testing.
+ """
+ with patch("barman.__config__") as mock_config:
+ mock_config.barman_home = _BARMAN_HOME
+ return OperationServer(_BARMAN_SERVER)
+ def test___init__(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.__init__`.
+ Ensure its attributes are set as expected.
+ """
# Ensure name is as expected.
- self.assertEqual(self.server.name, _BARMAN_SERVER)
+ assert op_server.name == _BARMAN_SERVER
# Ensure "jobs" directory is created in expected path.
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.jobs_basedir,
- os.path.join(_BARMAN_HOME, _BARMAN_SERVER, "jobs"),
- )
+ expected = os.path.join(_BARMAN_HOME, _BARMAN_SERVER, "jobs")
+ assert op_server.jobs_basedir == expected
# Ensure "output" directory is created in the expected path.
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.output_basedir,
- os.path.join(_BARMAN_HOME, _BARMAN_SERVER, "output"),
- )
+ expected = os.path.join(_BARMAN_HOME, _BARMAN_SERVER, "output")
+ assert op_server.output_basedir == expected
- @patch("os.makedirs")
- def test__create_dir(self, mock_exists, mock_isdir, mock_makedirs):
+ def test__create_dir_file_exists(self, mock_exists, mock_isdir, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._create_dir`.
+ Ensure an exception is raised if the path already exists as a file.
+ """
dir_path = "/SOME/DIR"
- # Ensure an exception is raised if path already exists as a file.
mock_exists.return_value = True
mock_isdir.return_value = False
- with self.assertRaises(NotADirectoryError) as exc:
- self.server._create_dir(dir_path)
+ with pytest.raises(NotADirectoryError) as exc:
+ op_server._create_dir(dir_path)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"'{dir_path}' exists but it is not a directory",
- )
+ expected = f"'{dir_path}' exists but it is not a directory"
+ assert str(exc.value) == expected
+ @patch("os.path.isdir")
+ @patch("os.path.exists")
+ def test__create_dir_directory_exists(self, mock_exists, mock_isdir,
+ op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._create_dir`.
- # Ensure no exception occurs if directory already exists.
- mock_exists.reset_mock()
- mock_isdir.reset_mock()
+ Ensure no exception occurs if the directory already exists.
+ """
+ dir_path = "/SOME/DIR"
mock_exists.return_value = True
mock_isdir.return_value = True
- self.server._create_dir(dir_path)
+ op_server._create_dir(dir_path)
- # Ensure directory is created if missing.
- mock_exists.reset_mock()
- mock_isdir.reset_mock()
+ @patch("os.makedirs")
+ @patch("os.path.isdir")
+ @patch("os.path.exists")
+ def test__create_dir_ok(self, mock_exists, mock_isdir, mock_makedirs,
+ op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._create_dir`.
+ Ensure the directory is created if it's missing.
+ """
+ dir_path = "/SOME/DIR"
mock_exists.return_value = False
- self.server._create_dir(dir_path)
+ op_server._create_dir(dir_path)
- def test__create_jobs_dir(self):
- # Ensure "_create_dir" is called.
- with patch.object(self.server, "_create_dir") as mock:
- self.server._create_jobs_dir()
- mock.assert_called_once_with(self.server.jobs_basedir)
- def test__create_output_dir(self):
- # Ensure "_create_dir" is called.
- with patch.object(self.server, "_create_dir") as mock:
- self.server._create_output_dir()
- mock.assert_called_once_with(self.server.output_basedir)
- def test_get_job_file_path(self):
- # Ensure returns expected file path.
+ def test__create_jobs_dir(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._create_jobs_dir`.
+ Ensure :meth:`OperationServer._create_dir` is called as expected.
+ """
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_create_dir") as mock_create_dir:
+ op_server._create_jobs_dir()
+ mock_create_dir.assert_called_once_with(op_server.jobs_basedir)
+ def test__create_output_dir(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._create_output_dir`.
+ Ensure :meth:`OperationServer._create_dir` is called as expected.
+ """
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_create_dir") as mock_create_dir:
+ op_server._create_output_dir()
+ mock_create_dir.assert_called_once_with(op_server.output_basedir)
+ def test_get_job_file_path(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_job_file_path`.
+ Ensure it returns the expected file path.
+ """
id = "SOME_OP_ID"
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.get_job_file_path(id),
- os.path.join(self.server.jobs_basedir, f"{id}.json")
- )
- def test_get_output_file_path(self):
- # Ensure returns expected file path.
+ expected = os.path.join(op_server.jobs_basedir, f"{id}.json")
+ assert op_server.get_job_file_path(id) == expected
+ def test_get_output_file_path(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_output_file_path`.
+ Ensure it returns the expected file path.
+ """
id = "SOME_OP_ID"
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.get_output_file_path(id),
- os.path.join(self.server.output_basedir, f"{id}.json")
- )
- @patch("json.dump")
- @patch("builtins.open")
+ expected = os.path.join(op_server.output_basedir, f"{id}.json")
+ assert op_server.get_output_file_path(id) == expected
- def test__write_file(self, mock_exists, mock_open, mock_dump):
+ def test__write_file_file_already_exists(self, mock_exists, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._write_file`.
+ Ensure an exception is raised if the file path already exists.
+ """
file_path = "/SOME/FILE"
file_content = {"SOME": "CONTENT"}
- # Ensure exception is raised if file path already exists.
mock_exists.return_value = True
- with self.assertRaises(FileExistsError) as exc:
- self.server._write_file(file_path, file_content)
+ with pytest.raises(FileExistsError) as exc:
+ op_server._write_file(file_path, file_content)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"File '{file_path}' already exists",
- )
+ assert str(str(exc.value)) == f"File '{file_path}' already exists"
+ @patch("json.dump")
+ @patch("builtins.open")
+ @patch("os.path.exists")
+ def test__write_file_ok(self, mock_exists, mock_open, mock_dump,
+ op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._write_file`.
+ Ensure the file is created with the expected content.
+ """
+ file_path = "/SOME/FILE"
+ file_content = {"SOME": "CONTENT"}
- # Ensure file is created with expected content.
- mock_exists.reset_mock()
mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value = "SOME_FILE_DESCRIPTOR"
mock_exists.return_value = False
- self.server._write_file(file_path, file_content)
+ op_server._write_file(file_path, file_content)
mock_open.assert_called_once_with(file_path, "w")
mock_dump.assert_called_once_with(file_content, "SOME_FILE_DESCRIPTOR")
- def test_write_job_file(self):
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("content,missing_keys", [
+ ({}, "operation_type, start_time",),
+ ({"operation_type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE"}, "start_time"),
+ ({"start_time": "SOME_START_TIME"}, "operation_type",),
+ ])
+ def test_write_job_file_content_missing_keys(self, content, missing_keys,
+ op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.write_job_file`.
+ Ensure an exception is raised if the content is missing keys.
+ """
id = "SOME_OP_ID"
- content = {}
- # Ensure exception is raised if content is missing keys -- test 1.
- with self.assertRaises(MalformedContent) as exc:
- self.server.write_job_file(id, content)
+ with pytest.raises(MalformedContent) as exc:
+ op_server.write_job_file(id, content)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
+ expected = (
f"Job file for operation '{id}' is missing required "
- f"keys: operation_type, start_time",
+ f"keys: {missing_keys}"
+ assert str(exc.value) == expected
- # Ensure exception is raised if content is missing keys -- test 2.
- content["operation_type"] = "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE"
+ def test_write_job_file_file_already_exists(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.write_job_file`.
- with self.assertRaises(MalformedContent) as exc:
- self.server.write_job_file(id, content)
+ Ensure an exception is raised if the file already exists.
+ """
+ content = {
+ "operation_type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE",
+ "start_time": "SOME_START_TIME",
+ }
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"Job file for operation '{id}' is missing required "
- f"keys: start_time",
- )
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_write_file") as mock_write_file:
+ mock_write_file.side_effect = FileExistsError
- # Ensure exception is raised if file already exists.
- content["start_time"] = "SOME_START_TIME"
+ with pytest.raises(FileExistsError) as exc:
+ op_server.write_job_file(id, content)
- with patch.object(self.server, "_write_file") as mock:
- mock.side_effect = FileExistsError
- with self.assertRaises(FileExistsError) as exc:
- self.server.write_job_file(id, content)
+ expected = f"Job file for operation '{id}' already exists"
+ assert str(exc.value) == expected
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"Job file for operation '{id}' already exists",
- )
+ def test_write_job_file_ok(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.write_job_file`.
- # Ensure file is written if everything is fine.
- with patch.object(self.server, "_write_file") as mock:
- self.server.write_job_file(id, content)
+ Ensure the file is written if everything is fine.
+ """
+ content = {
+ "operation_type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE",
+ "start_time": "SOME_START_TIME",
+ }
- mock.assert_called_once_with(
- self.server.get_job_file_path(id),
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_write_file") as mock_write_file:
+ op_server.write_job_file(id, content)
+ mock_write_file.assert_called_once_with(
+ op_server.get_job_file_path(id),
- def test_write_output_file(self):
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("content,missing_keys", [
+ ({}, "end_time, output, success",),
+ ({"end_time": "SOME_END_TIME"}, "output, success"),
+ ({"output": "SOME_OUTPUT"}, "end_time, success",),
+ ({"success": "SOME_SUCCESS"}, "end_time, output",),
+ ({"end_time": "SOME_END_TIME", "output": "SOME_OUTPUT"}, "success"),
+ ({"end_time": "SOME_END_TIME", "success": "SOME_SUCCESS"}, "output"),
+ ({"output": "SOME_OUTPUT", "success": "SOME_SUCCESS"}, "end_time"),
+ ])
+ def test_write_output_file_content_missing_keys(self, content,
+ missing_keys, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.write_output_file`.
+ Ensure an exception is raised if the content is missing keys.
+ """
id = "SOME_OP_ID"
- content = {}
- # Ensure exception is raised if content is missing keys -- test 1.
- with self.assertRaises(MalformedContent) as exc:
- self.server.write_output_file(id, content)
+ with pytest.raises(MalformedContent) as exc:
+ op_server.write_output_file(id, content)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
+ expected = (
f"Output file for operation '{id}' is missing required "
- f"keys: end_time, output, success",
+ f"keys: {missing_keys}"
+ assert str(exc.value) == expected
- # Ensure exception is raised if content is missing keys -- test 2.
- content["end_time"] = "SOME_END_TIME"
- with self.assertRaises(MalformedContent) as exc:
- self.server.write_output_file(id, content)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"Output file for operation '{id}' is missing required "
- f"keys: output, success",
- )
+ def test_write_output_file_file_already_exists(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.write_output_file`.
- # Ensure exception is raised if content is missing keys -- test 3.
- content["output"] = "SOME_OUTPUT"
+ Ensure an exception is raised if the file already exists.
+ """
+ content = {
+ "end_time": "SOME_END_TIME",
+ "output": "SOME_OUTPUT",
+ "success": "SOME_SUCCESS",
+ }
- with self.assertRaises(MalformedContent) as exc:
- self.server.write_output_file(id, content)
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_write_file") as mock_write_file:
+ mock_write_file.side_effect = FileExistsError
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"Output file for operation '{id}' is missing required "
- f"keys: success",
- )
+ with pytest.raises(FileExistsError) as exc:
+ op_server.write_output_file(id, content)
- # Ensure exception is raised if file already exists.
- content["success"] = "SOME_SUCCESS"
+ expected = f"Output file for operation '{id}' already exists"
+ assert str(exc.value) == expected
- with patch.object(self.server, "_write_file") as mock:
- mock.side_effect = FileExistsError
- with self.assertRaises(FileExistsError) as exc:
- self.server.write_output_file(id, content)
+ def test_write_output_file_ok(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.write_output_file`.
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"Output file for operation '{id}' already exists",
- )
+ Ensure the file is written if everything is fine.
+ """
+ content = {
+ "end_time": "SOME_END_TIME",
+ "output": "SOME_OUTPUT",
+ "success": "SOME_SUCCESS",
+ }
- # Ensure file is written if everything is fine
- with patch.object(self.server, "_write_file") as mock:
- self.server.write_output_file(id, content)
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_write_file") as mock_write_file:
+ op_server.write_output_file(id, content)
- mock.assert_called_once_with(
- self.server.get_output_file_path(id),
+ mock_write_file.assert_called_once_with(
+ op_server.get_output_file_path(id),
- def test__read_file(self, mock_open, mock_load):
+ def test__read_file(self, mock_open, mock_load, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._read_file`.
+ Ensure the file is read and its content is parsed from JSON.
+ """
file_path = "/SOME/FILE"
- # Ensure file is created with expected content.
mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value = "SOME_FILE_DESCRIPTOR"
- self.server._read_file(file_path)
+ op_server._read_file(file_path)
- def test_read_job_file(self):
+ def test_read_job_file_file_does_not_exist(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._read_job_file`.
+ Ensure an exception is raised if the file does not exist.
+ """
+ id = "SOME_OP_ID"
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_read_file") as mock_read_file:
+ mock_read_file.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
+ with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as exc:
+ op_server.read_job_file(id)
+ expected = f"Job file for operation '{id}' does not exist"
+ assert str(exc.value) == expected
+ def test_read_job_file_ok(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._read_job_file`.
+ Ensure its content is retrieved if everything is fine.
+ """
id = "SOME_OP_ID"
content = {
"operation_type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE",
"start_time": "SOME_START_TIME",
- # Ensure exception is raised if file does not exist.
- with patch.object(self.server, "_read_file") as mock:
- mock.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
- with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError) as exc:
- self.server.read_job_file(id)
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_read_file") as mock_read_file:
+ mock_read_file.return_value = content
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"Job file for operation '{id}' does not exist",
- )
+ assert op_server.read_job_file(id) == content
- # Ensure content is retrieved if everything is fine.
- with patch.object(self.server, "_read_file") as mock:
- mock.return_value = content
+ def test_read_output_file_file_does_not_exist(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._read_output_file`.
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.read_job_file(id),
- content,
- )
+ Ensure and exception is raised if the file does not exist.
+ """
+ id = "SOME_OP_ID"
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_read_file") as mock_read_file:
+ mock_read_file.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
+ with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as exc:
+ op_server.read_output_file(id)
- def test_read_output_file(self):
+ expected = f"Output file for operation '{id}' does not exist"
+ str(exc.value) == expected
+ def test_read_output_file_ok(self, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer._read_output_file`.
+ Ensure its content is retrieved if everything is fine.
+ """
id = "SOME_OP_ID"
content = {
"success": "SOME_SUCCESS",
@@ -305,59 +402,49 @@ def test_read_output_file(self):
"output": "SOME_OUTPUT",
- # Ensure exception is raised if file does not exist.
- with patch.object(self.server, "_read_file") as mock:
- mock.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
- with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError) as exc:
- self.server.read_output_file(id)
+ with patch.object(op_server, "_read_file") as mock_read_file:
+ mock_read_file.return_value = content
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"Output file for operation '{id}' does not exist",
- )
+ assert op_server.read_output_file(id) == content
- # Ensure content is retrieved if everything is fine.
- with patch.object(self.server, "_read_file") as mock:
- mock.return_value = content
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.read_output_file(id),
- content,
- )
- @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer.read_job_file")
- def test_get_operations_list(self, mock_listdir, mock_read_job_file):
- # Ensure it returns an empty list if there are no job files.
+ def test_get_operations_list_empty_list(self, mock_listdir, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_operations_list`.
+ Ensure it returns an empty list if there are no job files.
+ """
mock_listdir.return_value = []
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.get_operations_list(),
- [],
- )
+ assert op_server.get_operations_list() == []
- mock_listdir.assert_called_once_with(self.server.jobs_basedir)
+ mock_listdir.assert_called_once_with(op_server.jobs_basedir)
- # Ensure non-JSON files are not considered.
- mock_listdir.reset_mock()
+ @patch("os.listdir")
+ def test_get_operations_list_ignore_non_json_files(self, mock_listdir,
+ op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_operations_list`.
+ Ensure non-JSON files are not considered.
+ """
mock_listdir.return_value = [
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.get_operations_list(),
- [],
- )
+ assert op_server.get_operations_list() == []
- mock_listdir.assert_called_once_with(self.server.jobs_basedir)
+ mock_listdir.assert_called_once_with(op_server.jobs_basedir)
- # Ensure expected operations are returned if no filters.
- mock_listdir.reset_mock()
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer.read_job_file")
+ @patch("os.listdir")
+ def test_get_operations_list_with_no_filters(self, mock_listdir,
+ mock_read_job_file,
+ op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_operations_list`.
+ Ensure expected operations are returned if no filters are applied.
+ """
mock_listdir.return_value = [
@@ -368,29 +455,31 @@ def test_get_operations_list(self, mock_listdir, mock_read_job_file):
{"operation_type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE_2"},
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.get_operations_list(),
- [
- {
- "id": "SOME_OPERATION_1",
- "type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE_1",
- },
- {
- "id": "SOME_OPERATION_2",
- "type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE_2",
- },
- ],
- )
+ expected = [
+ {
+ "id": "SOME_OPERATION_1",
+ "type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE_1",
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "SOME_OPERATION_2",
+ "type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE_2",
+ },
+ ]
+ assert op_server.get_operations_list() == expected
- # Ensure expected operations are returned if filtering.
- mock_listdir.reset_mock()
- mock_read_job_file.reset_mock()
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer.read_job_file")
+ @patch("os.listdir")
+ def test_get_operations_list_with_filters(self, mock_listdir,
+ mock_read_job_file, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_operations_list`.
+ Ensure expected operations are returned if filters are applied.
+ """
mock_listdir.return_value = [
@@ -401,15 +490,14 @@ def test_get_operations_list(self, mock_listdir, mock_read_job_file):
{"operation_type": "SOME_OPERATION_TYPE_2"},
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.get_operations_list(OperationType.RECOVERY),
- [
- {
- "id": "SOME_OPERATION_1",
- "type": "recovery",
- },
- ],
- )
+ expected = [
+ {
+ "id": "SOME_OPERATION_1",
+ "type": "recovery",
+ },
+ ]
+ result = op_server.get_operations_list(OperationType.RECOVERY)
+ assert result == expected
@@ -418,240 +506,311 @@ def test_get_operations_list(self, mock_listdir, mock_read_job_file):
- def test_get_operation_status(self, mock_read_job_file,
- mock_read_output_file):
+ def test_get_operation_status_done(self, mock_read_job_file,
+ mock_read_output_file, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_operation_status`.
+ Ensure it returns ``DONE`` if the output file is successful.
+ """
id = "SOME_OP_ID"
- # Ensure returns DONE if output file is successful.
mock_read_output_file.return_value = {"success": True}
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.get_operation_status(id),
- "DONE",
- )
+ assert op_server.get_operation_status(id) == "DONE"
- # Ensure returns FAILED if output file is not successful.
- mock_read_job_file.reset_mock()
- mock_read_output_file.reset_mock()
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer.read_output_file")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer.read_job_file")
+ def test_get_operation_status_failed(self, mock_read_job_file,
+ mock_read_output_file, op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_operation_status`.
+ Ensure it returns ``FAILED`` if the output file is not successful.
+ """
+ id = "SOME_OP_ID"
mock_read_output_file.return_value = {"success": False}
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.get_operation_status(id),
- )
+ assert op_server.get_operation_status(id) == "FAILED"
- # Ensure returns IN_PROGRESS if job file exists.
- mock_read_job_file.reset_mock()
- mock_read_output_file.reset_mock()
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer.read_output_file")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer.read_job_file")
+ def test_get_operation_status_in_progress(self, mock_read_job_file,
+ mock_read_output_file,
+ op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_operation_status`.
+ Ensure it returns ``IN_PROGRESS`` if the job file exists, but no
+ output file exists.
+ """
+ id = "SOME_OP_ID"
mock_read_job_file.return_value = {}
mock_read_output_file.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
- self.assertEqual(
- self.server.get_operation_status(id),
- )
+ assert op_server.get_operation_status(id) == "IN_PROGRESS"
- # Ensure exception is raised if neither job nor output file exists.
- mock_read_job_file.reset_mock()
- mock_read_output_file.reset_mock()
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer.read_output_file")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer.read_job_file")
+ def test_get_operation_status_exception(self, mock_read_job_file,
+ mock_read_output_file,
+ op_server):
+ """Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_operation_status`.
+ Ensure an exception is raised if neither job nor output file exist.
+ """
+ id = "SOME_OP_ID"
mock_read_job_file.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
mock_read_output_file.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
- with self.assertRaises(OperationNotExists) as exc:
- self.server.get_operation_status(id)
+ with pytest.raises(OperationNotExists) as exc:
+ op_server.get_operation_status(id)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- f"Operation '{id}' does not exist"
- )
+ assert str(exc.value) == f"Operation '{id}' does not exist"
@patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer", MagicMock())
-class TestOperation(TestCase):
+class TestOperation:
+ """Run tests for :class:`Operation`."""
+ @pytest.fixture
@patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer", MagicMock())
- def setUp(self):
- self.operation = Operation(_BARMAN_SERVER)
+ def operation(self):
+ """Create an :class:`Operation` instance for testing.
+ :return: a new instance of :class:`Operation` for testing.
+ """
+ return Operation(_BARMAN_SERVER)
+ def test___init___auto_id(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.__init__`.
- def test___init__(self):
- # Ensure ID is automatically generated, if no custom one is given.
+ Ensure the ID is automatically generated, if no custom one is given.
+ """
id = "AUTO_ID"
- with patch.object(Operation, "_generate_id") as mock:
- mock.return_value = id
+ with patch.object(Operation, "_generate_id") as mock_generate_id:
+ mock_generate_id.return_value = id
operation = Operation(_BARMAN_SERVER)
- self.assertEqual(operation.id, id)
- mock.assert_called_once()
+ assert operation.id == id
+ mock_generate_id.assert_called_once()
- # Ensure custom ID is considered, if a custom one is given.
+ def test___init___custom_id(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.__init__`.
+ Ensure a custom ID is considered, if a custom one is given.
+ """
- with patch.object(Operation, "_generate_id") as mock:
+ with patch.object(Operation, "_generate_id") as mock_generate_id:
operation = Operation(_BARMAN_SERVER, id)
- self.assertEqual(operation.id, id)
- mock.assert_not_called()
- def test__generate_id(self):
- # Ensure generates ID based on current timestamp.
- with patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.datetime") as mock:
- mock.now.return_value = MagicMock()
- self.operation._generate_id()
- mock.now.return_value.strftime.assert_called_once_with(
+ assert operation.id == id
+ mock_generate_id.assert_not_called()
+ def test__generate_id(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation._generate_id`.
+ Ensure it generates an ID based on current timestamp.
+ """
+ with patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.datetime") as mock_datetime:
+ mock_datetime.now.return_value = MagicMock()
+ operation._generate_id()
+ mock_datetime.now.return_value.strftime.assert_called_once_with(
- def test_time_even_now(self):
- # Ensure timestamp is generated in the expected format.
- with patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.datetime") as mock:
- mock.now.return_value = MagicMock()
- self.operation.time_event_now()
- mock.now.return_value.strftime.assert_called_once_with(
+ def test_time_even_now(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.time_event_now`.
+ Ensure the timestamp is generated in the expected format.
+ """
+ with patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.datetime") as mock_datetime:
+ mock_datetime.now.return_value = MagicMock()
+ operation.time_event_now()
+ mock_datetime.now.return_value.strftime.assert_called_once_with(
- def test_job_file(self):
- # Ensure get_job_file_path is called to satisfy job_file propety.
- self.operation.job_file
- self.operation.server.get_job_file_path.assert_called_once_with(
- self.operation.id,
+ def test_job_file(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.job_file`.
+ Ensure :meth:`OperationServer.get_job_file_path` is called to satisfy
+ the property.
+ """
+ operation.job_file
+ operation.server.get_job_file_path.assert_called_once_with(
+ operation.id,
- def test_output_file(self):
- # Ensure get_output_file_path is called to satisfy output_file propety.
- self.operation.output_file
- self.operation.server.get_output_file_path.assert_called_once_with(
- self.operation.id,
+ def test_output_file(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.output_file`.
+ Ensure :meth:`OperationServer.get_output_file_path is called to satisfy
+ the property.
+ """
+ operation.output_file
+ operation.server.get_output_file_path.assert_called_once_with(
+ operation.id,
- def test_read_job_file(self):
- # Ensure OperationServer.read_job_file is called as expected.
- self.operation.read_job_file()
- self.operation.server.read_job_file.assert_called_once_with(
- self.operation.id,
+ def test_read_job_file(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.read_job_file`.
+ Ensure :meth:`OperationServer.read_job_file` is called as expected.
+ """
+ operation.read_job_file()
+ operation.server.read_job_file.assert_called_once_with(
+ operation.id,
- def test_read_output_file(self):
- # Ensure OperationServer.read_output_file is called as expected.
- self.operation.read_output_file()
- self.operation.server.read_output_file.assert_called_once_with(
- self.operation.id,
+ def test_read_output_file(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.read_output_file`.
+ Test :meth:`OperationServer.read_output_file` is called as expected.
+ """
+ operation.read_output_file()
+ operation.server.read_output_file.assert_called_once_with(
+ operation.id,
- def test_write_job_file(self):
- # Ensure OperationServer.write_job_file is called as expected.
+ def test_write_job_file(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.write_jobf_file`.
+ Ensure :meth:`OperationServer.write_job_file` is called as expected.
+ """
content = {"SOME": "CONTENT"}
- self.operation.write_job_file(content)
- self.operation.server.write_job_file.assert_called_once_with(
- self.operation.id,
+ operation.write_job_file(content)
+ operation.server.write_job_file.assert_called_once_with(
+ operation.id,
- def test_write_output_file(self):
- # Ensure OperationServer.write_output_file is called as expected.
+ def test_write_output_file(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.write_output_file`.
+ Ensure :meth:`OperationServer.write_output_file` is called as expected.
+ """
content = {"SOME": "CONTENT"}
- self.operation.write_output_file(content)
- self.operation.server.write_output_file.assert_called_once_with(
- self.operation.id,
+ operation.write_output_file(content)
+ operation.server.write_output_file.assert_called_once_with(
+ operation.id,
- def test_get_status(self):
- # Ensure OperationServer.get_operation_status is called as expected.
- self.operation.get_status()
- self.operation.server.get_operation_status.assert_called_once_with(
- self.operation.id,
+ def test_get_status(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.get_status`.
+ Test :meth:`OperationServer.get_operation_status` is called as
+ expected.
+ """
+ operation.get_status()
+ operation.server.get_operation_status.assert_called_once_with(
+ operation.id,
- def test__run_subprocess(self):
- # Ensure expected interactions with subprocess module.
+ def test__run_subprocess(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation._run_subprocess`.
+ Ensure it has the expected interactions with :mod:`subprocess`.
+ """
cmd = ["SOME", "COMMAND"]
stdout = "SOME OUTPUT"
return_code = 0
- with patch("subprocess.Popen", MagicMock()) as mock:
- mock.return_value.communicate.return_value = (stdout, None)
- mock.return_value.returncode = return_code
+ with patch("subprocess.Popen", MagicMock()) as mock_popen:
+ mock_popen.return_value.communicate.return_value = (stdout, None)
+ mock_popen.return_value.returncode = return_code
- self.assertEqual(
- self.operation._run_subprocess(cmd),
- (stdout, return_code),
- )
- mock.assert_called_once_with(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- def test_run(self):
- # Ensure _run_logic is called.
- with patch.object(self.operation, "_run_logic") as mock:
- self.operation.run()
- mock.assert_called_once()
-@patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer", MagicMock())
-class TestRecoveryOperation(TestCase):
- @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer", MagicMock())
- def setUp(self):
- self.operation = RecoveryOperation(_BARMAN_SERVER)
- def test__validate_job_content(self):
- content = {}
- # Ensure exception is raised if content is missing keys -- test 1.
- with self.assertRaises(MalformedContent) as exc:
- self.operation._validate_job_content(content)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- "Missing required arguments: backup_id, destination_directory, "
- "remote_ssh_command",
- )
+ assert operation._run_subprocess(cmd) == (stdout, return_code)
- # Ensure exception is raised if content is missing keys -- test 2.
- content["backup_id"] = "SOME_BACKUP_ID"
+ mock_popen.assert_called_once_with(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- with self.assertRaises(MalformedContent) as exc:
- self.operation._validate_job_content(content)
+ def test_run(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`Operation.run`.
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- "Missing required arguments: destination_directory, "
- "remote_ssh_command",
- )
+ Ensure :meth:`Operation._run_logic` is called.
+ """
+ with patch.object(operation, "_run_logic") as mock_run_logic:
+ operation.run()
+ mock_run_logic.assert_called_once()
- # Ensure exception is raised if content is missing keys -- test 3.
- content["destination_directory"] = "SOME_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"
- with self.assertRaises(MalformedContent) as exc:
- self.operation._validate_job_content(content)
- self.assertEqual(
- str(exc.exception),
- "Missing required arguments: remote_ssh_command",
- )
+@patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer", MagicMock())
+class TestRecoveryOperation:
+ """Run tests for :class:`RecoveryOperation`."""
- # Ensure execution is fine if everything is filled.
- content["remote_ssh_command"] = "SOME_REMOTE_SSH_COMMAND"
- self.operation._validate_job_content(content)
+ @pytest.fixture
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.OperationServer", MagicMock())
+ def operation(self):
+ """Create a :class:`RecoveryOperation` instance for testing.
+ :return: a new instance of :class:`RecoveryOperation` for testing.
+ """
+ return RecoveryOperation(_BARMAN_SERVER)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("content,missing_keys", [
+ ({}, "backup_id, destination_directory, remote_ssh_command",),
+ ({"backup_id": "SOME_BACKUP_ID"},
+ "destination_directory, remote_ssh_command"),
+ ({"destination_directory": "SOME_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"},
+ "backup_id, remote_ssh_command",),
+ ({"remote_ssh_command": "SOME_REMOTE_SSH_COMMAND"},
+ "backup_id, destination_directory",),
+ ({"backup_id": "SOME_BACKUP_ID",
+ "destination_directory": "SOME_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY"},
+ "remote_ssh_command"),
+ ({"backup_id": "SOME_BACKUP_ID",
+ "remote_ssh_command": "SOME_REMOTE_SSH_COMMAND"},
+ "destination_directory"),
+ ({"destination_directory": "SOME_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY",
+ "remote_ssh_command": "SOME_REMOTE_SSH_COMMAND"},
+ "backup_id"),
+ ])
+ def test__validate_job_content_content_missing_keys(self, content,
+ missing_keys,
+ operation):
+ """Test :meth:`RecoveryOperation._validate_job_content`.
+ Ensure and exception is raised if the content is missing keys.
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(MalformedContent) as exc:
+ operation._validate_job_content(content)
+ assert str(exc.value) == f"Missing required arguments: {missing_keys}"
+ def test__validate_job_content_ok(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`RecoveryOperation._validate_job_content`.
+ Ensure execution is fine if everything is filled as expected.
+ """
+ content = {
+ "backup_id": "SOME_BACKUP_ID",
+ "destination_directory": "SOME_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY",
+ "remote_ssh_command": "SOME_REMOTE_SSH_COMMAND",
+ }
+ operation._validate_job_content(content)
- def test_write_job_file(self, mock_write_job_file, mock_time_event_now):
- # Ensure underlying methods are called as expected.
+ def test_write_job_file(self, mock_write_job_file, mock_time_event_now,
+ operation):
+ """Test :meth:`RecoveryOperation.write_job_file`.
+ Ensure the underlying methods are called as expected.
+ """
content = {
@@ -661,48 +820,50 @@ def test_write_job_file(self, mock_write_job_file, mock_time_event_now):
"start_time": "SOME_TIMESTAMP",
- with patch.object(self.operation, "_validate_job_content") as mock:
+ with patch.object(operation, "_validate_job_content") as mock:
mock_time_event_now.return_value = "SOME_TIMESTAMP"
- self.operation.write_job_file(content)
+ operation.write_job_file(content)
- def test__get_args(self):
- # Ensure it returns the correct arguments for 'barman recover'.
- with patch.object(self.operation, "read_job_file") as mock:
+ def test__get_args(self, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`RecoveryOperation._get_args`.
+ Ensure it returns the correct arguments for ``barman recover``.
+ """
+ with patch.object(operation, "read_job_file") as mock:
mock.return_value = {
"backup_id": "SOME_BACKUP_ID",
"destination_directory": "SOME_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY",
"remote_ssh_command": "SOME_REMOTE_SSH_COMMAND",
- self.assertEqual(
- self.operation._get_args(),
- [
- self.operation.server.name,
- "--remote-ssh-command",
- ]
- )
+ expected = [
+ operation.server.name,
+ "--remote-ssh-command",
+ ]
+ assert operation._get_args() == expected
- def test__run_logic(self, mock_get_args, mock_run_subprocess):
+ def test__run_logic(self, mock_get_args, mock_run_subprocess, operation):
+ """Test :meth:`RecoveryOperation._run_logic`.
+ Ensure the underlying calls occur as expected.
+ """
arguments = ["SOME", "ARGUMENTS"]
output = ("SOME OUTPUT", 0)
mock_get_args.return_value = arguments
mock_run_subprocess.return_value = output
- self.assertEqual(
- self.operation._run_logic(),
- output,
- )
+ assert operation._run_logic() == output
diff --git a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_utility_controller.py b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_utility_controller.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aeee3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_utility_controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# © Copyright EnterpriseDB UK Limited 2021-2023
+# This file is part of Postgres Backup API.
+# Postgres Backup API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Postgres Backup API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Postgres Backup API. If not, see .
+"""Unit tests for the REST API endpoints."""
+import json
+from unittest.mock import Mock, MagicMock, patch
+import pytest
+from pg_backup_api.server_operation import (OperationServerConfigError,
+ OperationNotExists,
+ MalformedContent)
+@patch("pg_backup_api.server_operation.load_barman_config", MagicMock())
+ MagicMock())
+@patch("barman.__config__", MagicMock())
+class TestUtilityController:
+ """Run tests for the REST API endpoints."""
+ @pytest.fixture(scope="module")
+ def client(self):
+ """Mock :mod:`barman.output` and get a Flask testing client.
+ :yield: a Flask testing client.
+ """
+ with patch("pg_backup_api.run.load_barman_config", MagicMock()):
+ from pg_backup_api.run import app
+ app.config.update({
+ "TESTING": True,
+ })
+ from barman import output
+ output.set_output_writer(output.AVAILABLE_WRITERS["json"]())
+ with app.test_client() as test_client:
+ with app.app_context():
+ yield test_client
+ def _ensure_http_methods_not_allowed(self, methods, path, client):
+ """Ensure none among *methods* are allowed when requesting *path*.
+ :param methods: a set of methods to be tested.
+ :param path: the URL path to be requested.
+ :param client: a Flask testing client.
+ """
+ for method in methods:
+ response = getattr(client, method.lower())(path)
+ assert response.status_code == 405
+ expected = b"The method is not allowed for the requested URL."
+ assert expected in response.data
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.barman_diagnose", Mock())
+ @patch.dict(
+ "pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.output._writer.json_output",
+ {
+ '_INFO': ['SOME', 'JSON', 'ENTRIES', '{"global":{"config":{}}}'],
+ },
+ )
+ def test_diagnose_ok(self, client):
+ """Test ``/diagnose`` endpoint.
+ Ensure a ``GET`` request returns ``200`` and the expected JSON output.
+ """
+ path = "/diagnose"
+ response = client.get(path)
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ assert response.data == b'{"global":{"config":{}}}\n'
+ def test_diagnose_not_allowed(self, client):
+ """Test ``/diagnose`` endpoint.
+ Ensure all other HTTP request methods return an error.
+ """
+ path = "/diagnose"
+ self._ensure_http_methods_not_allowed(_HTTP_METHODS - {"GET"}, path,
+ client)
+ def test_status_ok(self, client):
+ """Test ``/status`` endpoint.
+ Ensure a ``GET`` request returns ``200`` and the expected output.
+ """
+ path = "/status"
+ response = client.get(path)
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ assert response.data == b'"OK"'
+ def test_status_not_allowed(self, client):
+ """Test ``/status`` endpoint.
+ Ensure all other HTTP request methods return an error.
+ """
+ path = "/status"
+ self._ensure_http_methods_not_allowed(_HTTP_METHODS - {"GET"}, path,
+ client)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("status", ["IN_PROGRESS", "DONE", "FAILED"])
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer")
+ def test_servers_operation_id_get_ok(self, mock_op_server, status, client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations/`` endpoint.
+ Ensure a ``GET`` request returns ``200`` and the expected JSON output
+ according to the status of the operation.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations/SOME_OPERATION_ID"
+ mock_op_server.return_value.config = object()
+ mock_get_status = mock_op_server.return_value.get_operation_status
+ mock_get_status.return_value = status
+ response = client.get(path)
+ mock_op_server.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_get_status.assert_called_once_with("SOME_OPERATION_ID")
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ expected = (
+ '{"operation_id":"SOME_OPERATION_ID",'
+ f'"status":"{status}"}}\n'
+ ).encode()
+ assert response.data == expected
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer")
+ def test_servers_operation_id_get_server_does_not_exist(self,
+ mock_op_server,
+ client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations/`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``GET`` returns ``404`` if the Barman server doesn't exist.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations/SOME_OPERATION_ID"
+ mock_op_server.side_effect = OperationServerConfigError("SOME_ISSUE")
+ response = client.get(path)
+ assert response.status_code == 404
+ assert response.data == b'{"error":"404 Not Found: SOME_ISSUE"}\n'
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer")
+ def test_servers_operation_id_get_operation_does_not_exist(self,
+ mock_op_server,
+ client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations/`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``GET`` returns ``404`` if the operation doesn't exist.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations/SOME_OPERATION_ID"
+ mock_get_status = mock_op_server.return_value.get_operation_status
+ mock_op_server.return_value.config = object()
+ mock_get_status.side_effect = OperationNotExists("NOT_FOUND")
+ response = client.get(path)
+ assert response.status_code == 404
+ expected = b'{"error":"404 Not Found: Resource not found"}\n'
+ assert response.data == expected
+ def test_servers_operation_id_get_not_allowed(self, client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations/`` endpoint.
+ Ensure all other HTTP request methods return an error.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations/SOME_OPERATION_ID"
+ self._ensure_http_methods_not_allowed(_HTTP_METHODS - {"GET"}, path,
+ client)
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer")
+ def test_server_operation_get_ok(self, mock_op_server, client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure a ``GET`` request returns ``200`` and the expected JSON output.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ mock_op_server.return_value.config = object()
+ mock_get_ops = mock_op_server.return_value.get_operations_list
+ mock_get_ops.return_value = [
+ {
+ "id": "SOME_ID_1",
+ "type": "SOME_TYPE_1",
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "SOME_ID_2",
+ "type": "SOME_TYPE_2",
+ },
+ ]
+ response = client.get(path)
+ mock_op_server.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_get_ops.assert_called_once_with()
+ assert response.status_code == 200
+ data = json.dumps({"operations": mock_get_ops.return_value})
+ data = data.replace(" ", "") + "\n"
+ expected = data.encode()
+ assert response.data == expected
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer")
+ def test_server_operation_get_server_does_not_exist(self, mock_op_server,
+ client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``GET`` request returns ``404`` if Barman server doesn't exist.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ mock_get_ops = mock_op_server.return_value.get_operations_list
+ mock_op_server.side_effect = OperationServerConfigError(
+ response = client.get(path)
+ mock_op_server.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_get_ops.assert_not_called()
+ assert response.status_code == 404
+ assert response.data == b'{"error":"404 Not Found: SOME_ISSUE"}\n'
+ def test_server_operation_post_not_json(self, client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``POST`` request won't work without data in JSON format.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ response = client.post(path, data={})
+ assert response.status_code == 415
+ assert b"Unsupported Media Type" in response.data
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer", Mock())
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.get_server_by_name")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationType")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.parse_backup_id")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.Server")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.RecoveryOperation")
+ @patch("subprocess.Popen")
+ def test_server_operation_post_empty_json(self, mock_popen, mock_rec_op,
+ mock_server, mock_parse_id,
+ mock_op_type, mock_get_server,
+ client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``POST`` request returns ``400`` if JSON data is empty.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ response = client.post(path, json={})
+ assert response.status_code == 400
+ expected = (
+ b"Minimum barman options not met for server "
+ )
+ assert expected in response.data
+ mock_get_server.assert_not_called()
+ mock_op_type.assert_not_called()
+ mock_parse_id.assert_not_called()
+ mock_server.assert_not_called()
+ mock_rec_op.assert_not_called()
+ mock_popen.assert_not_called()
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer", Mock())
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.get_server_by_name")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationType")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.parse_backup_id")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.Server")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.RecoveryOperation")
+ @patch("subprocess.Popen")
+ def test_server_operation_post_server_does_not_exist(self, mock_popen,
+ mock_rec_op,
+ mock_server,
+ mock_parse_id,
+ mock_op_type,
+ mock_get_server,
+ client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``POST`` request returns ``404`` if Barman server doesn't exist.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ mock_get_server.return_value = None
+ json_data = {
+ "type": "recovery",
+ }
+ response = client.post(path, json=json_data)
+ mock_get_server.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_op_type.assert_not_called()
+ mock_parse_id.assert_not_called()
+ mock_server.assert_not_called()
+ mock_rec_op.assert_not_called()
+ mock_popen.assert_not_called()
+ assert response.status_code == 404
+ expected = (
+ b'{"error":"404 Not Found: Server '
+ b'\'SOME_SERVER_NAME\' does not exist"}\n'
+ )
+ assert response.data == expected
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer", Mock())
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.get_server_by_name")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationType")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.parse_backup_id")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.Server")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.RecoveryOperation")
+ @patch("subprocess.Popen")
+ def test_server_operation_post_backup_id_missing(self, mock_popen,
+ mock_rec_op, mock_server,
+ mock_parse_id,
+ mock_op_type,
+ mock_get_server, client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``POST`` request returns ``400`` if ``backup_id`` is missing.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ json_data = {
+ "type": "recovery",
+ }
+ mock_op_type.return_value = mock_op_type.RECOVERY
+ response = client.post(path, json=json_data)
+ mock_get_server.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_op_type.assert_called_once_with("recovery")
+ mock_parse_id.assert_not_called()
+ mock_server.assert_not_called()
+ mock_rec_op.assert_not_called()
+ mock_popen.assert_not_called()
+ assert response.status_code == 400
+ assert b"Request body is missing ``backup_id``" in response.data
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer", Mock())
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.get_server_by_name")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationType")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.parse_backup_id")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.Server")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.RecoveryOperation")
+ @patch("subprocess.Popen")
+ def test_server_operation_post_backup_does_not_exist(self, mock_popen,
+ mock_rec_op,
+ mock_server,
+ mock_parse_id,
+ mock_op_type,
+ mock_get_server,
+ client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``POST`` request returns ``404`` if backup does not exist.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ json_data = {
+ "type": "recovery",
+ "backup_id": "SOME_BACKUP_ID",
+ }
+ mock_parse_id.return_value = None
+ mock_op_type.return_value = mock_op_type.RECOVERY
+ response = client.post(path, json=json_data)
+ mock_get_server.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_op_type.assert_called_once_with("recovery")
+ mock_server.assert_called_once_with(mock_get_server.return_value)
+ mock_parse_id.assert_called_once_with(mock_server.return_value,
+ mock_rec_op.assert_not_called()
+ mock_popen.assert_not_called()
+ assert response.status_code == 404
+ expected = (
+ b'{"error":"404 Not Found: Backup '
+ b'\'SOME_BACKUP_ID\' does not exist"}\n'
+ )
+ assert response.data == expected
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer", Mock())
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.get_server_by_name")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationType")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.parse_backup_id")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.Server")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.RecoveryOperation")
+ @patch("subprocess.Popen")
+ def test_server_operation_post_missing_options(self, mock_popen,
+ mock_rec_op, mock_server,
+ mock_parse_id, mock_op_type,
+ mock_get_server, client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``POST`` request returns ``400`` if any option is missing.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ json_data = {
+ "type": "recovery",
+ "backup_id": "SOME_BACKUP_ID",
+ }
+ mock_op_type.return_value = mock_op_type.RECOVERY
+ mock_parse_id.return_value = "SOME_BACKUP_ID"
+ mock_rec_op.return_value.id = "SOME_OP_ID"
+ mock_write_job = mock_rec_op.return_value.write_job_file
+ mock_write_job.side_effect = MalformedContent("SOME_ERROR")
+ response = client.post(path, json=json_data)
+ mock_get_server.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_op_type.assert_called_once_with("recovery")
+ mock_server.assert_called_once_with(mock_get_server.return_value)
+ mock_parse_id.assert_called_once_with(mock_server.return_value,
+ mock_rec_op.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_write_job.assert_called_once_with(json_data)
+ mock_popen.assert_not_called()
+ assert response.status_code == 400
+ expected = b"Make sure all options/arguments are met and try again"
+ assert expected in response.data
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer", Mock())
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.get_server_by_name")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationType")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.parse_backup_id")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.Server")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.RecoveryOperation")
+ @patch("subprocess.Popen")
+ def test_server_operation_post_ok(self, mock_popen, mock_rec_op,
+ mock_server, mock_parse_id, mock_op_type,
+ mock_get_server, client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``POST`` request returns ``202`` if everything is ok, and ensure
+ the subprocess is started.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ json_data = {
+ "type": "recovery",
+ "backup_id": "SOME_BACKUP_ID",
+ }
+ mock_op_type.return_value = mock_op_type.RECOVERY
+ mock_parse_id.return_value = "SOME_BACKUP_ID"
+ mock_rec_op.return_value.id = "SOME_OP_ID"
+ response = client.post(path, json=json_data)
+ mock_write_job = mock_rec_op.return_value.write_job_file
+ mock_get_server.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_op_type.assert_called_once_with("recovery")
+ mock_server.assert_called_once_with(mock_get_server.return_value)
+ mock_parse_id.assert_called_once_with(mock_server.return_value,
+ mock_rec_op.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_write_job.assert_called_once_with(json_data)
+ mock_popen.assert_called_once_with(["pg-backup-api", "recovery",
+ "--server-name",
+ "--operation-id",
+ "SOME_OP_ID"])
+ assert response.status_code == 202
+ assert response.data == b'{"operation_id":"SOME_OP_ID"}\n'
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationServer", Mock())
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.get_server_by_name")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.OperationType")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.parse_backup_id")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.Server")
+ @patch("pg_backup_api.logic.utility_controller.RecoveryOperation")
+ @patch("subprocess.Popen")
+ def test_server_operation_post_ok_type_missing(self, mock_popen,
+ mock_rec_op, mock_server,
+ mock_parse_id, mock_op_type,
+ mock_get_server, client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure ``POST`` request returns ``202`` if everything is ok, and ensure
+ the subprocess is started, even if ``type`` is absent, in which
+ case it defaults to ``recovery``.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ json_data = {
+ "backup_id": "SOME_BACKUP_ID",
+ }
+ mock_op_type.return_value = mock_op_type.RECOVERY
+ mock_parse_id.return_value = "SOME_BACKUP_ID"
+ mock_rec_op.return_value.id = "SOME_OP_ID"
+ response = client.post(path, json=json_data)
+ mock_write_job = mock_rec_op.return_value.write_job_file
+ mock_get_server.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_op_type.assert_called_once_with("recovery")
+ mock_server.assert_called_once_with(mock_get_server.return_value)
+ mock_parse_id.assert_called_once_with(mock_server.return_value,
+ mock_rec_op.assert_called_once_with("SOME_SERVER_NAME")
+ mock_write_job.assert_called_once_with(json_data)
+ mock_popen.assert_called_once_with(["pg-backup-api", "recovery",
+ "--server-name",
+ "--operation-id",
+ "SOME_OP_ID"])
+ assert response.status_code == 202
+ assert response.data == b'{"operation_id":"SOME_OP_ID"}\n'
+ def test_server_operation_not_allowed(self, client):
+ """Test ``/servers//operations`` endpoint.
+ Ensure all other HTTP request methods return an error.
+ """
+ path = "/servers/SOME_SERVER_NAME/operations"
+ self._ensure_http_methods_not_allowed(_HTTP_METHODS - {"GET", "POST"},
+ path, client)
diff --git a/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_utils.py b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9746edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pg_backup_api/pg_backup_api/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# © Copyright EnterpriseDB UK Limited 2021-2023
+# This file is part of Postgres Backup API.
+# Postgres Backup API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Postgres Backup API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Postgres Backup API. If not, see .
+"""Unit tests for utilitary functions."""
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch, call
+from barman.infofile import BackupInfo
+import pytest
+from pg_backup_api.utils import (create_app, load_barman_config,
+ setup_logging_for_wsgi_server,
+ get_server_by_name, parse_backup_id)
+def test_create_app(mock_flask):
+ """Test :func:`create_app`.
+ Ensure the :class:`Flask` object is created as expected.
+ """
+ assert create_app() == mock_flask.return_value
+ mock_flask.assert_called_once_with("Postgres Backup API")
+def test_load_barman_config(mock_global_config, mock_config):
+ """Test :func:`load_barman_config`.
+ Ensure Barman configuration is loaded as expected.
+ """
+ assert load_barman_config() is None
+ mock_config.assert_called_once_with("/etc/barman.conf")
+ mock_global_config == mock_config.return_value
+ mock_load = mock_config.return_value.load_configuration_files_directory
+ mock_load.assert_called_once_with()
+def test_setup_logging_for_wsgi_server(mock_dict_config):
+ """Test :func:`setup_logging_for_wsgi_server`.
+ Ensure :meth:`logging.config.dictConfig` is called as expected.
+ """
+ assert setup_logging_for_wsgi_server() is None
+ log_format = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s:%(module)s: %(message)s"
+ expected = {
+ "version": 1,
+ "formatters": {
+ "default": {
+ "format": log_format,
+ }
+ },
+ "handlers": {
+ "wsgi": {
+ "class": "logging.FileHandler",
+ "filename": "/var/log/barman/barman-api.log",
+ "formatter": "default",
+ }
+ },
+ "root": {"level": "INFO", "handlers": ["wsgi"]},
+ "disable_existing_loggers": False,
+ }
+ mock_dict_config.assert_called_once_with(expected)
+def test_get_server_by_name_not_found(mock_config):
+ """Test :func:`get_server_by_name`.
+ Ensure ``None`` is returned if the server could not be found.
+ """
+ mock_server_names = mock_config.server_names
+ mock_server_names.return_value = ["SERVER_1", "SERVER_2", "SERVER_3"]
+ mock_get_server = mock_config.get_server
+ assert get_server_by_name("SERVER_4") is None
+ mock_server_names.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_get_server.assert_has_calls([
+ call("SERVER_1"),
+ call("SERVER_2"),
+ call("SERVER_3"),
+ ])
+def test_get_server_by_name_ok(mock_config):
+ """Test :func:`get_server_by_name`.
+ Ensure a server is returned if the server could be found.
+ """
+ mock_server_names = mock_config.server_names
+ mock_server_names.return_value = ["SERVER_1", "SERVER_2", "SERVER_3"]
+ mock_get_server = mock_config.get_server
+ assert get_server_by_name("SERVER_2") == mock_get_server.return_value
+ mock_server_names.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_get_server.assert_has_calls([
+ call("SERVER_1"),
+ call("SERVER_2"),
+ ])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("backup_id", ["latest", "last"])
+def test_parse_backup_id_latest(backup_id):
+ """Test :func:`parse_backup_id`.
+ Ensure :meth:`barman.server.Server.get_last_backup_id()` is called when
+ backup ID is either ``latest`` or ``last``, then the corresponding backup
+ is returned.
+ """
+ mock_server = MagicMock()
+ expected = mock_server.get_backup.return_value
+ assert parse_backup_id(mock_server, backup_id) == expected
+ mock_server.get_last_backup_id.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_server.get_first_backup_id.assert_not_called()
+ expected = mock_server.get_last_backup_id.return_value
+ mock_server.get_backup.assert_called_once_with(expected)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("backup_id", ["oldest", "first"])
+def test_parse_backup_id_first(backup_id):
+ """Test :func:`parse_backup_id`.
+ Ensure :meth:`barman.server.Server.get_first_backup_id()` is called when
+ backup ID is either ``oldest`` or ``first``, then the corresponding backup
+ is returned.
+ """
+ mock_server = MagicMock()
+ expected = mock_server.get_backup.return_value
+ assert parse_backup_id(mock_server, backup_id) == expected
+ mock_server.get_last_backup_id.assert_not_called()
+ mock_server.get_first_backup_id.assert_called_once_with()
+ expected = mock_server.get_first_backup_id.return_value
+ mock_server.get_backup.assert_called_once_with(expected)
+def test_parse_backup_id_last_failed():
+ """Test :func:`parse_backup_id`.
+ Ensure :meth:`barman.server.Server.get_last_backup_id()` is called when
+ backup ID is ``last-failed``, then the corresponding backup is returned.
+ """
+ backup_id = "last-failed"
+ mock_server = MagicMock()
+ expected = mock_server.get_backup.return_value
+ assert parse_backup_id(mock_server, backup_id) == expected
+ mock_server.get_last_backup_id.assert_called_once_with([BackupInfo.FAILED])
+ mock_server.get_first_backup_id.assert_not_called()
+ expected = mock_server.get_last_backup_id.return_value
+ mock_server.get_backup.assert_called_once_with(expected)
+def test_parse_backup_id_random():
+ """Test :func:`parse_backup_id`.
+ Ensure only :meth:`barman.server.Server.get_backup()` is called.
+ """
+ backup_id = "random"
+ mock_server = MagicMock()
+ expected = mock_server.get_backup.return_value
+ assert parse_backup_id(mock_server, backup_id) == expected
+ mock_server.get_last_backup_id.assert_not_called()
+ mock_server.get_first_backup_id.assert_not_called()
+ mock_server.get_backup.assert_called_once_with(backup_id)