EnMasse releases are created at semi-regular intervals, at present each month. This of course depends a bit on the set of features targeted for the release, but in general EnMasse should be in a 'releasable state' at any point in time.
EnMasse uses semantic versioning of MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO versions with the following requirements:
- Major version is kept at 0 for the time being
- Minor versions should be upgrade/downgrade-compatible with the previous minor version
- Micro versions should only require an update to the images and not the templates
Each minor release has a release branch. Micro-releases are made off the same branch, with patches committed to the minor release branch.
Each release is tagged with the MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO version.
Before a release, a release candidate is created and announced to allow the community some testing before the release is made.
Normally, a release is made within 24 hours after the release candidate is considered satisfactory.
Add relevant changes to CHANGELOG.md.
The release branch should be on the form MAJOR.MINOR. The scripts/branch-release.sh
script creates a release branch for a minor version. To create a new release branch, simply run it with the version name as argument (NB: important to run it from the repository root folder):
./scripts/branch-release.sh 0.22
The script will go through the following steps, pausing after each to allow for cancelling the operation.
- Create local branch and update versions
- Commit changes to local git repository
- Push branch to the upstream repository
Minor and micro releases follow the same process for tagging a release. The only difference is that a micro release will typically have the changes made to the release branch before tagging the new micro.
To tag a release, the scripts/tag-release.sh
script should be used (NB: important to
run it from the repository root folder):
./scripts/tag-release.sh 0.21 0.21.1-rc1
The script will go through the following steps, pausing after each to allow for cancelling the operation:
- Checkout release branch and update versions to tag version and commit to local copy
- Create tag and push branch and tag to github
Travis will detect that the tag has been created, and then build and publish the release.
- Checkout the website documentation
- Add the new version to the documentation build file
- Push changes to website, travis CI will build and publish the new docs
Edit the release tag on github with the changes from CHANGELOG.md (Example: https://github.com/EnMasseProject/enmasse/releases/tag/0.26.0).
Send an e-mail to enmasse@redhat.com announcing the release, including changes for the release.
Releasing to OperatorHub
The EnMasse Operator is released as both a community-operators (for OpenShift) and upstream-community-operators (for Kubernetes).
You will find the Operator bundle beneath install/olm
in the release artefacts produced by the release.
Use this procedure to create a new Operator Bundle version within the EnMasse application registry and test it in OperatorHub on both Kubernetes and OpenShift.
When versioning the bundle, use a PACKAGE_VERSION
in the form <EnMasseVersionNumber>-<Sequence Number>
e.g. 0.28.2-0. If it is necessary
to republish the bundle, simply increment the sequence number. Note it is currently not possible to remove versions from the application
registry on Quay.
Once complete raise two separate PR against the https://github.com/operator-framework/community-operators/ to update EnMasse in both the community-operators and upstream-community-operators areas.