Tools for machine learnt interatomic potentials
- Support for multiple MLIPs
- Single point calculations
- Geometry optimisation
- Molecular Dynamics
- NVT (Langevin(Eijnden/Ciccotti flavour) and Nosé-Hoover (Melchionna flavour))
- NPT (Nosé-Hoover (Melchiona flavour))
- Nudge Elastic Band
- Phonons
- vibroscopy
- Training ML potentials
- Fine tunning MLIPs
- Rare events simulations
The code relies heavily on ASE, unless something else is mentioned.
- Install poetry
- (Optional) Create a virtual environment
- Install
with dependencies:
git clone
cd janus-core
pip install --upgrade pip
poetry install --with pre-commit,dev,docs # install extra dependencies
pre-commit install # install pre-commit hooks
pytest -v # discover and run all tests
Manually updating ASE via is strongly recommended, as tags are no longer regularly published. For example:
pip install git+
To prevent poetry downgrading ASE when installing in future, add the commit to pyproject.toml:
poetry add git+
Perform a single point calcuation (using the MACE-MP "small" force-field):
janus singlepoint --struct tests/data/NaCl.cif --arch mace_mp --calc-kwargs "{'model' : 'small'}"
This will calculate the energy, stress and forces and save this in
, in addition to generating a log file, singlepoint.log
, and summary of inputs, singlepoint_summary.yml
Additional options may be specified. For example:
janus singlepoint --struct tests/data/NaCl.cif --arch mace --calc-kwargs "{'model' : '/path/to/your/ml.model'}" --properties energy --properties forces --log ./example.log --out ./
This calculates both forces and energies, defines the MLIP architecture and path to your locally saved model, and changes where the log and results files are saved.
Note: the MACE calculator currently returns energy, forces and stress together, so in this case the choice of property will not change the output.
For all options, run janus singlepoint --help
Perform geometry optimization (using the MACE-MP "small" force-field):
janus geomopt --struct tests/data/H2O.cif --arch mace_mp --calc-kwargs "{'model' : 'small'}"
This will optimize the atomic positions and save the resulting structure in
, in addition to generating a log file, geomopt.log
, and summary of inputs, geomopt_summary.yml
Additional options may be specified. This shares most options with singlepoint
, as well as a few additional options, such as:
janus geomopt --struct tests/data/NaCl.cif --arch mace_mp --calc-kwargs "{'model' : 'small'}" --vectors-only --traj ''
This allows the cell to be optimised, allowing only hydrostatic deformation, and saves the optimization trajector in addition to the final structure and log.
For all options, run janus geomopt --help
Run an NPT molecular dynamics simulation (using the MACE-MP "small" force-field) at 300K and 1 bar for 1000 steps (1 ps):
janus md --ensemble npt --struct tests/data/NaCl.cif --arch mace_mp --calc-kwargs "{'model' : 'small'}" --temp 300 --steps 1000 --pressure 1.0
This will generate several output files:
- Thermodynamical statistics every 100 steps, written to
- The structure trajectory every 100 steps, written to
- The structure to be able to restart the dynamics every 1000 steps, written to
- A log of the processes carried out, written to
- A summary of the inputs and start/end time, written to
Additional options may be specified. For example:
janus md --ensemble nvt --struct tests/data/NaCl.cif --steps 1000 --timestep 0.5 --temp 300 --minimize --minimize-every 100 --rescale-velocities --remove-rot --rescale-every 100 --equil-steps 200
This performs an NVT molecular dynamics simulation at 300K for 1000 steps (0.5 ps), including performing geometry optimization, rescaling velocities, and removing rotation, both before beginning dynamics and at steps 100 and 200 of the simulation.
janus md --ensemble nve --struct tests/data/NaCl.cif --steps 200 --temp 300 --traj-start 100 --traj-every 10 --traj-file "" --stats-every 10 --stats-file "example-statistics.dat"
This performs an NVE molecular dynamics simulation at 300K for 200 steps (0.2 ps), saving the trajectory every 10 steps after the first 100, and the thermodynamical statistics every 10 steps, as well as changing the output file names for both.
For all options, run janus md --help
Default values for all command line options may be specifed through a Yaml 1.1 formatted configuration file by adding the --config
option. If an option is present in both the command line and configuration file, the command line value takes precedence.
For example, with the following configuration file and command:
struct: "NaCl.cif"
- "energy"
out: ""
arch: mace_mp
model: medium
janus singlepoint --struct KCl.cif --out KCl-results.cif --config config.yml
This will run a singlepoint energy calculation on KCl.cif
using the MACE-MP "medium" force-field, saving the results to KCl-results.cif
must be passed as a Yaml list, as above, not as a string.
Options in the Yaml file must use _
instead of -
For example, calc_kwargs
should be used in the configuration file for the --calc-kwargs
If an option in the configuration file does not match any variable names, an error will not be raised. Please check the summary file to ensure the configuration has been read correctly.
Contributors to this project were funded by