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Simulating and analyzing algorithms to play indie game "Buckshot Roulette."


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Running experiments on different algorithms to play the indie video game Buckshot Roulette.

How is Buckshot Roulette Played?

‼️ Do not attempt this in real life. These are the rules of the video game.
  • Two players take turns shooting the shotgun at themselves or at their opponent.
    • Player One (Dealer) always starts first.
  • The shotgun is loaded with blank and live shells, in a sequence unknown to the players.
    • However, the number of each type of shell is visible to both players.
    • When the shotgun runs out of shells, it is reloaded with a new load of shells identical to the previous load.
    • Whomever a player shoots with a live shell takes a point of damage. Blank shells deal no damage.
  • If a player chooses to fire upon themself and a blank is loaded, they do not end their turn.
  • A player ends their turn when they do one of two things:
    1. Fire a blank shell at their opponent
    2. Fire a live shell at their opponent or self
  • The game ends when a player has no more health points left, and the player left standing wins.

Goal of Experiment

When I played Buckshot Roulette for the first time (and lost many, many times), I found myself wondering what the most optimal strategy was. The idea came to mind to experimentally test algorithms in a simulated environment for the game, and thus the idea for this experiment was born.

The goal of the experiment is to see how the win rate of each strategy varies as opposed to other strategies in differing conditions, such as different starting health and blank to live ratio.

How to Use This Repo

🐛 Found a bug? Leave an Issue or PR with a bug fix.


To install and run this repo to gather data for yourself, follow these steps:

  1. If not installed, install Python >=3.12
  2. Run git clone
  3. cd into this new directory
  4. Run python -m venv venv
  5. Activate the virtual environment (run ./venv/scripts/activate)
  6. Run pip install -r requirements.txt

From here, you can choose to implement your own stratagems in src/, alter the experiment variables in src/, and/or gather data.

Implementing a Stratagem

In src/, you should define a class that inherits from the Stratagem base class. It should implement one function: get_move, which takes a GameState object and returns a Move object.

The GameState object represents the simulated player counting the rounds in the gun; from this information, the simulated player should be able to make a decision.

For instance, one could implement a Stupid stratagem that shoots itself when there are more live shells than blanks in the gun, like so:

# src/

class Stupid(Stratagem):
    This player shoots itself when there are more lives in the gun than blanks,
    and shoots the opponent when there are more blanks in the gun than lives.
    def get_move(self, game_state: GameState) -> Move:
        if (game_state.live_shells > game_state.blank_shells):
            return Move.SHOOT_SELF
        elif (game_state.live_shells < game_state.blank_shells):
            return Move.SHOOT_OPPO
            return Move.SHOOT_SELF

As implemented in this repo, you should be able to run the code in and see your stratagem against the others implemented. If you want to test only a selection of stratagems, see line 26 in

Gathering Data

To gather data and plot on a graph:

  1. Run python ./src/ to gather data per your experiments
  2. TBD


Each simulated player adopts a different strategy. Those implemented are highlighted below. Those not yet implemented (but are planned) have an ❌ next to their names.


This player shoots the opponent if the shell in the chamber is more likely to be live. When the odds are even (50:50), this player will shoot itself in an effort to keep control of the gun (if the current shell is blank).


Like Greedy, this player shoots the opponent if the shell in the chamber is more likely to be live. When the odds are even (50:50), this player will shoot the other player in effort to avoid shooting itself.


Like Greedy and Safe, this player shoots the opponent if the shell in the chamber is more likely to be live. When the odds are even (50:50), this player will flip a coin and shoot the opponent if the coin lands on heads, shooting itself otherwise (similar to Random).


This player will flip a coin and shoot the opponent if the coin lands on heads, shooting itself otherwise.


Opposite of Scared. This player will always shoot itself until it is sure that the gun only contains live shells. Then, it will shoot the other player until the next load.


Opposite of Reckless. This player will always shoot the opponent until it is sure that the gun only contains blank shells.

Conservative ❌

This player plays the same as Safe until brought down to 1 HP. Then, it plays like Scared.

Experiments to Run

The following experiments will be run against every single pair of strategies outlined above. The experiment will continue for a fixed number of trials.

Experiment # Load Number of Trials Health Completed?
1 4 Blank, 4 Live 100000 3
2 2 Blank, 4 Live 100000 3
3 1 Blank, 4 Live 100000 3
4 4 Blank, 4 Live 100000 5
5 2 Blank, 4 Live 100000 5
6 1 Blank, 4 Live 100000 5

Glossary of Terms

I defined a few terms in the context of this project that I refer to in this README and in the code. They are defined below.

Term Definition
blank A blank shell that deals no damage to the target.
health The amount of damage points that a player can take before ending the game.
live A live shell that deals 1 health point to the target.
load A randomized sequence of shells consisting of an enumerated amount of blanks and lives.
match/trial A single game played between two simulated players.
pairing A unique pair of two stratagems.


Simulating and analyzing algorithms to play indie game "Buckshot Roulette."








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