The use cases within the Smart Charging functional block are subdivided into the following three categories of use cases:
- General Smart Charging (Use Cases K01–K10)
- External Charging Limit-based Smart Charging (K11–K14)
- ISO 15118-based Smart Charging (K15–K17)
Support for General and External Charging Limit-based Smart Charging is largely complete, with ISO 15118-based Smart Charging under active development. For an up-to-date overview of exactly which features are currently supported as well as design decisions that have been made to address optional or ambiguous functional requirements, please refer to the OCPP 2.0.1 Status document.
Allows the CSMS to influence the charging power or current drawn from a specific EVSE or the entire Charging Station over a period of time.
CSMS->>+ChargePoint : SetChargingProfileRequest(call)
ChargePoint->>+DeviceModel : SmartChargingCtrlrAvailable?
DeviceModel-->>-ChargePoint : Component
rect rgb(128,202,255)
break SmartChargingCtrlrAvailable = false
ChargePoint-->>CSMS : Smart Charging NotSupported CallError
ChargePoint->>+SmartCharging : validate_and_add_profile(call.msg.Profile, call.msg.EVSE ID)
SmartCharging->>SmartCharging : validate_profile(Profile, EVSE ID)
rect rgb(128,202,255)
break Invalid Profile
SmartCharging-->>ChargePoint : SetChargingProfileResponse: Rejected
ChargePoint-->>CSMS : SetChargingProfileResponse: Rejected
SmartCharging->>+SmartCharging : add_profile(Profile, EVSE ID)
SmartCharging->>-EVerest : signal_set_charging_profiles_callback
SmartCharging-->>-ChargePoint : SetChargingProfileResponse: Accepted
ChargePoint-->>-CSMS : SetChargingProfileResponse: Accepted
Profile validation returns the following errors to the caller when a Profile
is Rejected
Errors | Description |
ChargingProfileFirstStartScheduleIsNotZero |
The startPeriod of the first chargingSchedulePeriod needs to be 0.[K01.FR.31] |
ChargingProfileNoChargingSchedulePeriods |
Happens when the ChargingProfile doesn't have any Charging Schedule Periods. |
ChargingScheduleChargingRateUnitUnsupported |
Happens when a chargingRateUnit is passed in that is not configured in the ChargingScheduleChargingRateUnit . [K01.FR.26] |
ChargingSchedulePeriodInvalidPhaseToUse |
Happens when an invalid phaseToUse is passed in. [K01.FR.19] [K01.FR.48] |
ChargingSchedulePeriodPhaseToUseACPhaseSwitchingUnsupported |
Happens when phaseToUse is passed in and the EVSE does not have ACPhaseSwitchingSupported defined and set to true. [K01.FR.20] [K01.FR.48] |
ChargingSchedulePeriodsOutOfOrder |
ChargingSchedulePeriod.startPeriod elements need to be in increasing values. [K01.FR.35] |
ChargingStationMaxProfileCannotBeRelative |
Happens when a ChargingStationMaxProfile.chargingProfileKind is set to Relative . [K01.FR.38] |
ChargingStationMaxProfileEvseIdGreaterThanZero |
Happens when a ChargingStationMaxProfile is attempted to be set with an EvseID isn't 0 . [K01.FR.03] |
ChargingProfileMissingRequiredStartSchedule |
Happens when an Absolute or Recurring ChargingProfile doesn't have a startSchedule . [K01.FR.40] |
ChargingProfileExtraneousStartSchedule |
Happens when a Relative ChargingProfile has a startSchedule . [K01.FR.41] |
EvseDoesNotExist |
Happens when the evseId of a SetChargingProfileRequest does not exist. [K01.FR.28] |
ExistingChargingStationExternalConstraints |
Happens when a SetChargingProfileRequest Profile has a purpose of ChargingStationExternalConstraints and one already exists with the same exists. [K01.FR.05] |
InvalidProfileType |
Happens when a ChargingStationMaxProfile is attempted to be set with a ChargingProfile that isn't a ChargingStationMaxProfile . |
TxProfileEvseHasNoActiveTransaction |
Happens when a SetChargingProfileRequest with a TxProfile is submitted and there is no transaction active on the specified EVSE. [K01.FR.09] |
TxProfileEvseIdNotGreaterThanZero |
TxProfile needs to have an evseId greater than 0. [K01.FR.16] |
TxProfileMissingTransactionId |
A transactionId is required forSetChargingProfileRequest s with a TxProfile in order to match the profile to a specific transation. [K01.FR.03] |
TxProfileTransactionNotOnEvse |
Happens when the provided transactionId is not known. [K01.FR.33] |
TxProfileConflictingStackLevel |
Happens when a TxProfile has a stackLevel and transactionId combination already exists in a TxProfile with a different id in order to ensure that no two charging profiles with same stack level and purpose can be valid at the same time. [K01.FR.39] |
The CSMS requests the Charging Station to report the Composite Charging Schedule, as calculated by the Charging Station for a specific point of time, and may change over time due to external causes such as local balancing based on grid connection capacity and EVSE availablity.
The Composite Schedule is the result of result of merging the time periods
set in the ChargingStationMaxProfile
, ChargingStationExternalConstraints
and TxProfile
type profiles.
CSMS->>+ChargePoint: GetCompositeSchedule(call)
ChargePoint->>+DeviceModel : ChargingScheduleChargingRateUnit?
DeviceModel-->>-ChargePoint : Component
rect rgb(128,202,255)
break call.msg.chargingRateUnit is not supported
ChargePoint-->>CSMS : ChargingScheduleChargingRateUnitUnsupported CallError
ChargePoint->>+EvseManager : does_evse_exist(call.msg.evseId)
EvseManager-->>-ChargePoint : bool
rect rgb(128,202,255)
break EVSE does not exist
ChargePoint-->>CSMS : EvseDoesNotExist CallError
ChargePoint->>+SmartChargingHandler : get_valid_profiles(call.msg.evseId)
SmartChargingHandler-->>-ChargePoint : vector<ChargingProfile>
ChargePoint->>+SmartChargingHandler : calculate_composite_schedule<br/>(vector<ChargingProfile, now, msg.duration, evseId, call.msg.chargingRateUnit)
loop ExternalConstraints, Max, TxDefault, and Tx Profiles
SmartChargingHandler->>+Profile: calculate_composite_schedule(profiles)
Profile-->>-SmartChargingHandler: composite_schedule
note right of SmartChargingHandler: Create consolidated CompositeSchedule<br />from all 4 Profile types
SmartChargingHandler->>+Profile: calculate_composite_schedule(ExternalConstraints, Max, TxDefault, Tx)
Profile-->>-SmartChargingHandler: CompositeSchedule
SmartChargingHandler-->>-ChargePoint: CompositeSchedule
ChargePoint-->>-CSMS : GetCompositeScheduleResponse(CompositeSchedule)
Returns to the CSMS the Charging Schedules/limits installed on a Charging Station based on the passed in criteria.
CSMS->>+ChargePoint: GetChargingProfiles(criteria)
ChargePoint->>+SmartChargingHandler : get_reported_profiles(criteria)
loop filter ChargingProfiles
SmartChargingHandler->>SmartChargingHandler: filter on ChargingProfile criteria
SmartChargingHandler-->>-ChargePoint : Vector<Profiles>
ChargePoint-->>CSMS : GetChargingProfilesResponse(profiles)
alt no Profiles
rect rgb(128,202,255)
ChargePoint-->>CSMS : GetChargingProfilesResponse(NoProfiles)
ChargePoint->>CSMS : return
else Profiles
ChargePoint-->>CSMS : GetChargingProfilesResponse(Accepted)
ChargePoint->>ChargePoint : determine profiles_to_report
ChargePoint-->>-CSMS : ReportChargingProfilesRequest(profiles_to_report)
Clears Charging Profiles installed on a Charging Station based on the passed in criteria.
CSMS->>+ChargePoint: ClearChargingProfileRequest(criteria)
alt no Profiles matching criteria
rect rgb(128,202,255)
ChargePoint-->>CSMS : ClearChargingProfileResponse(Unknown)
else found matching Profiles
ChargePoint-->>-CSMS : ClearChargingProfileResponse(Accepted)