Releases: EVerest/everest-core
Releases · EVerest/everest-core
What's Changed
- Pin versions of libraries by @hikinggrass in #153
- AuthModule: Clear Error on SessionFinished event by @Pietfried in #150
- Added reset functionality to System module by @Pietfried in #155
- Bump libocpp version to v0.2.0 because of an API change by @hikinggrass in #156
- Generate random NMK key for every SLAC session by @SebaLukas in #157
- TokenType for differentiation of authorization media source by @Pietfried in #159
- OCPP Module sets Auth connection timeout on startup by @Pietfried in #158
- OCPP module shares connection state of OCPP by @Pietfried in #160
- Change of token type in nodered flow by @Pietfried in #161
- Update by @Fufanu in #152
- Use module info everest_prefix to access filesystem by @Pietfried in #163
- Josev Integration by @SebaLukas in #164
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2022-11.0...2022.12.0