1 Search for a given event in the Seismic Portal via the GUI and get its ID
- use the Seismic Portal homepage to find an earthquake in Turkey, September 26th with a magnitude >5 thanks to the top right panel.
- unid: 20190926_0000070
- longitude latitude: 28,19 40,87
- magnitude: Mw 5.7
- origin time: 2019-09-26 10:59:25.1 UTC
2 Check all available information for this event (origins, phases, moment tensors and felt reports)
- In the earthquake list, click on the corresponding events.
The event page is displayed and you can check origins, moment tensors and felt reports on the map.
3 Search previous moment tensors in this region
- Go to the moment tensor service
- Use the geographic side panel to select circle and fills the boxes longitude=28,19 latitude=40,87 and radius=3 (click on the search button).
- Go to the MAP VIEW tap and look the beachballs.
4 Download all moment tensors for this event
- Put the unid in the EVENT ID side panel and click on search.
- Click on the download button in the bottom right corner.
5 Search for felt seismic events close to this event
- Go to the felt reports service (called testimonies).
- Fill out the min #TESTIMONIES with 100, the min MAGNITUDE to 5 and click on the search button.
- Go to the MAP VIEW, zoom on the Turkey, draw a rectangle that contains at least the northern west coast and click on the search button.
6 Download felt reports for this event
- On the LIST VIEW select the event in your interest. It increments the event count in your CART.
- In your CART, click on the green Download button and select Events and testimonies as csv zipped.
7 Find the EMSC event identifier to look for extra information on the EMSC website.
- Used the eventid service with the parameters:
- source_id: 20190926_0000070
- source_catalog: UNID
- out_catalog: EMSC
And we obtained
the evid: 794756 and the EMSC page for this event will be https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=794756