FusionPackage is a Fusion 360 Add-in made with the Fusion 360's API.
The main goal of this Add-in is to regroup all the script you need, under one roof. It regroups some original script and script from others like AutodeskFusion360.
Once you install the FusionBackage Add-in to Fusion 360, a wonderful new tab appears after the "UTILIES" tab in Fusion 360. This marvellous tab contain panels of all sort.
The advantage of having all those scripts and add-in under one big add-in is to uniformise the practices across a company.
In short, FusionPackage is a convivial way to ensure all Fusion 360 users of an organisation use the same add-in to streamline their work.
Fortunately, AutodeskFusion360 has already made a nice tutorial on how to install Add-in into fusion 360. You can find it here.
This command is used to delete all the empty component of the current active document.
**This command is a work in progress. It will re-save all the external part present in the assembly and will not rebuild subassemblies. ** If you have created all your part in one document and now you want them as external part, you can use this command. It will go through all the file, save them as external and reimport them in the assembly.
Export in PDF all drawing in the active folder to a folder of your chose.