diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e32a5e4..614bf0b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

diff --git a/src/Funogram.Generator/Constants.fs b/src/Funogram.Generator/Constants.fs
index 7da4c10..1fcd7d3 100644
--- a/src/Funogram.Generator/Constants.fs
+++ b/src/Funogram.Generator/Constants.fs
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ module Funogram.Generator.Constants
let ApiUri = "https://core.telegram.org/bots/api"
+let RootDir = "../../"
let CodeOutputDir = "../Funogram.Telegram/"
@@ -19,5 +23,9 @@ let MethodsFileName = "RequestsTypes.fs"
let TypesFileName = "Types.fs"
+let BuildPropsFileName = "Directory.Build.props"
+let ReadmeFileName = "README.md"
diff --git a/src/Funogram.Generator/Funogram.Generator.fsproj b/src/Funogram.Generator/Funogram.Generator.fsproj
index d1db48c..2a57474 100644
--- a/src/Funogram.Generator/Funogram.Generator.fsproj
+++ b/src/Funogram.Generator/Funogram.Generator.fsproj
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
diff --git a/src/Funogram.Generator/Program.fs b/src/Funogram.Generator/Program.fs
index af6fa92..94b9bee 100644
--- a/src/Funogram.Generator/Program.fs
+++ b/src/Funogram.Generator/Program.fs
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ let processAsync (args: CliArguments list) =
|> MethodsGenerator.mkGenerator (Path.Combine(Constants.CodeOutputDir, Constants.MethodsFileName))
|> MethodsGenerator.generate
+ VersionParser.mkParser html
+ |> VersionParser.withBuildPropsPath (Path.Combine(Constants.CodeOutputDir, Constants.BuildPropsFileName))
+ |> VersionParser.withReadmePath (Path.Combine(Constants.RootDir, Constants.ReadmeFileName))
+ |> VersionParser.parseAndWrite
diff --git a/src/Funogram.Generator/VersionParser.fs b/src/Funogram.Generator/VersionParser.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c1467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Funogram.Generator/VersionParser.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+module Funogram.Generator.VersionParser
+open System
+open System.IO
+open System.Xml
+open System.Xml.Linq
+open FSharp.Data
+type ParseConfig =
+ {
+ Document: HtmlDocument
+ BuildPropsPath: string option
+ ReadmePath: string option
+ }
+let mkParser (html: HtmlDocument) =
+ {
+ Document = html
+ BuildPropsPath = None
+ ReadmePath = None
+ }
+let withBuildPropsPath path config =
+ { config with BuildPropsPath = Some path }
+let withReadmePath path config =
+ { config with ReadmePath = Some path }
+let private parseVersion (text: string) =
+ try
+ Some (text.Split('.') |> Array.map Int32.Parse)
+ with
+ | _ -> None
+let private updateReadme (apiVersion: int[]) (path: string) =
+ let version = apiVersion |> Seq.map string |> String.concat "."
+ let lines = File.ReadAllLines(path)
+ match lines |> Seq.tryFindIndex (_.StartsWith("[) with
+ | Some badgeIndex ->
+ lines[badgeIndex] <- $"[](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Funogram.Telegram/)"
+ File.WriteAllLines(path, lines)
+ | None ->
+ printfn "Unable to find line with version badge."
+let parseAndWrite (config: ParseConfig) =
+ let content = config.Document.CssSelect("#dev_page_content > p > strong") |> Seq.head
+ let version = content.InnerText() |> String.filter (fun x -> x = '.' || Char.IsDigit(x))
+ match parseVersion version with
+ | Some newApiVersion ->
+ match config.BuildPropsPath with
+ | Some buildPropsPath ->
+ use fs = File.Open(buildPropsPath, FileMode.Open)
+ let doc = XDocument.Load(fs)
+ fs.Close()
+ let versionNode = doc.Root.Element("PropertyGroup").Element("Version")
+ match parseVersion versionNode.Value with
+ | Some currentVersion ->
+ let newVersion =
+ if currentVersion[0] <> newApiVersion[0] || currentVersion[1] <> newApiVersion[1] then
+ let zeros = Array.zeroCreate (4 - newApiVersion.Length)
+ Array.append newApiVersion zeros |> Seq.map string |> String.concat "."
+ else
+ currentVersion[currentVersion.Length - 1] <- currentVersion[currentVersion.Length - 1] + 1
+ currentVersion |> Seq.map string |> String.concat "."
+ versionNode.Value <- newVersion
+ printfn $"Updating {buildPropsPath} with new version {newVersion}"
+ doc.Save(buildPropsPath)
+ config.ReadmePath |> Option.iter (updateReadme newApiVersion)
+ | None -> ()
+ | None ->
+ printfn "WARN: Version parsed, but not used, because Build.Props path is not set!"
+ ()
+ | None ->
+ printfn $"WARN: Unable to parse API version: {version} (from element with content: {content})"
diff --git a/src/Funogram.Generator/out/methods.json b/src/Funogram.Generator/out/methods.json
index 9dd9ba4..2539b37 100644
--- a/src/Funogram.Generator/out/methods.json
+++ b/src/Funogram.Generator/out/methods.json
@@ -231,6 +231,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@
"OriginalName": "copyMessage",
"ConvertedName": "CopyMessage",
- "Description": "Use this method to copy messages of any kind. Service messages, giveaway messages, giveaway winners messages, and invoice messages can\u0027t be copied. A quiz poll can be copied only if the value of the field correct_option_id is known to the bot. The method is analogous to the method forwardMessage, but the copied message doesn\u0027t have a link to the original message. Returns the MessageId of the sent message on success.",
+ "Description": "Use this method to copy messages of any kind. Service messages, paid media messages, giveaway messages, giveaway winners messages, and invoice messages can\u0027t be copied. A quiz poll can be copied only if the value of the field correct_option_id is known to the bot. The method is analogous to the method forwardMessage, but the copied message doesn\u0027t have a link to the original message. Returns the MessageId of the sent message on success.",
"Fields": [
"OriginalName": "chat_id",
@@ -426,6 +434,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media. Ignored if a new caption isn\u0027t specified.",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "disable_notification",
"ConvertedName": "DisableNotification",
@@ -465,7 +481,7 @@
"OriginalName": "copyMessages",
"ConvertedName": "CopyMessages",
- "Description": "Use this method to copy messages of any kind. If some of the specified messages can\u0027t be found or copied, they are skipped. Service messages, giveaway messages, giveaway winners messages, and invoice messages can\u0027t be copied. A quiz poll can be copied only if the value of the field correct_option_id is known to the bot. The method is analogous to the method forwardMessages, but the copied messages don\u0027t have a link to the original message. Album grouping is kept for copied messages. On success, an array of MessageId of the sent messages is returned.",
+ "Description": "Use this method to copy messages of any kind. If some of the specified messages can\u0027t be found or copied, they are skipped. Service messages, paid media messages, giveaway messages, giveaway winners messages, and invoice messages can\u0027t be copied. A quiz poll can be copied only if the value of the field correct_option_id is known to the bot. The method is analogous to the method forwardMessages, but the copied messages don\u0027t have a link to the original message. Album grouping is kept for copied messages. On success, an array of MessageId of the sent messages is returned.",
"Fields": [
"OriginalName": "chat_id",
@@ -588,6 +604,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "has_spoiler",
"ConvertedName": "HasSpoiler",
@@ -612,6 +636,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -741,6 +773,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -854,6 +894,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -967,6 +1015,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "has_spoiler",
"ConvertedName": "HasSpoiler",
@@ -999,6 +1055,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -1112,6 +1176,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "has_spoiler",
"ConvertedName": "HasSpoiler",
@@ -1136,6 +1208,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -1241,6 +1321,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -1338,6 +1426,111 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
+ "ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
+ "Description": "Description of the message to reply to",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "ReplyParameters",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "ReplyParameters",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "reply_markup",
+ "ConvertedName": "ReplyMarkup",
+ "Description": "Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions to remove a reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "Markup",
+ "Optional": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "OriginalReturnType": "Message",
+ "ConvertedReturnType": "Message"
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "sendPaidMedia",
+ "ConvertedName": "SendPaidMedia",
+ "Description": "Use this method to send paid media to channel chats. On success, the sent Message is returned.",
+ "Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "chat_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "ChatId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer or String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "ChatId",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "star_count",
+ "ConvertedName": "StarCount",
+ "Description": "The number of Telegram Stars that must be paid to buy access to the media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "media",
+ "ConvertedName": "Media",
+ "Description": "A JSON-serialized array describing the media to be sent; up to 10 items",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Array of InputPaidMedia",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "InputPaidMedia[]",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "caption",
+ "ConvertedName": "Caption",
+ "Description": "Media caption, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "parse_mode",
+ "ConvertedName": "ParseMode",
+ "Description": "Mode for parsing entities in the media caption. See formatting options for more details.",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "ParseMode",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "caption_entities",
+ "ConvertedName": "CaptionEntities",
+ "Description": "A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Array of MessageEntity",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "disable_notification",
+ "ConvertedName": "DisableNotification",
+ "Description": "Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "protect_content",
+ "ConvertedName": "ProtectContent",
+ "Description": "Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -1411,6 +1604,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -1516,6 +1717,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -1645,6 +1854,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -1742,6 +1959,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -1919,6 +2144,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -1992,6 +2225,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -3715,8 +3956,16 @@
"OriginalName": "editMessageText",
"ConvertedName": "EditMessageText",
- "Description": "Use this method to edit text and game messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.",
+ "Description": "Use this method to edit text and game messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned. Note that business messages that were not sent by the bot and do not contain an inline keyboard can only be edited within 48 hours from the time they were sent.",
"Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "business_connection_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "BusinessConnectionId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message to be edited was sent",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "chat_id",
"ConvertedName": "ChatId",
@@ -3788,8 +4037,16 @@
"OriginalName": "editMessageCaption",
"ConvertedName": "EditMessageCaption",
- "Description": "Use this method to edit captions of messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.",
+ "Description": "Use this method to edit captions of messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned. Note that business messages that were not sent by the bot and do not contain an inline keyboard can only be edited within 48 hours from the time they were sent.",
"Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "business_connection_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "BusinessConnectionId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message to be edited was sent",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "chat_id",
"ConvertedName": "ChatId",
@@ -3838,6 +4095,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media. Supported only for animation, photo and video messages.",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_markup",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyMarkup",
@@ -3853,8 +4118,16 @@
"OriginalName": "editMessageMedia",
"ConvertedName": "EditMessageMedia",
- "Description": "Use this method to edit animation, audio, document, photo, or video messages. If a message is part of a message album, then it can be edited only to an audio for audio albums, only to a document for document albums and to a photo or a video otherwise. When an inline message is edited, a new file can\u0027t be uploaded; use a previously uploaded file via its file_id or specify a URL. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.",
+ "Description": "Use this method to edit animation, audio, document, photo, or video messages. If a message is part of a message album, then it can be edited only to an audio for audio albums, only to a document for document albums and to a photo or a video otherwise. When an inline message is edited, a new file can\u0027t be uploaded; use a previously uploaded file via its file_id or specify a URL. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned. Note that business messages that were not sent by the bot and do not contain an inline keyboard can only be edited within 48 hours from the time they were sent.",
"Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "business_connection_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "BusinessConnectionId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message to be edited was sent",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "chat_id",
"ConvertedName": "ChatId",
@@ -3904,6 +4177,14 @@
"ConvertedName": "EditMessageLiveLocation",
"Description": "Use this method to edit live location messages. A location can be edited until its live_period expires or editing is explicitly disabled by a call to stopMessageLiveLocation. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.",
"Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "business_connection_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "BusinessConnectionId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message to be edited was sent",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "chat_id",
"ConvertedName": "ChatId",
@@ -3993,6 +4274,14 @@
"ConvertedName": "StopMessageLiveLocation",
"Description": "Use this method to stop updating a live location message before live_period expires. On success, if the message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.",
"Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "business_connection_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "BusinessConnectionId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message to be edited was sent",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "chat_id",
"ConvertedName": "ChatId",
@@ -4032,8 +4321,16 @@
"OriginalName": "editMessageReplyMarkup",
"ConvertedName": "EditMessageReplyMarkup",
- "Description": "Use this method to edit only the reply markup of messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.",
+ "Description": "Use this method to edit only the reply markup of messages. On success, if the edited message is not an inline message, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned. Note that business messages that were not sent by the bot and do not contain an inline keyboard can only be edited within 48 hours from the time they were sent.",
"Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "business_connection_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "BusinessConnectionId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message to be edited was sent",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "chat_id",
"ConvertedName": "ChatId",
@@ -4075,6 +4372,14 @@
"ConvertedName": "StopPoll",
"Description": "Use this method to stop a poll which was sent by the bot. On success, the stopped Poll is returned.",
"Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "business_connection_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "BusinessConnectionId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message to be edited was sent",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "chat_id",
"ConvertedName": "ChatId",
@@ -4214,6 +4519,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -4787,15 +5100,15 @@
"OriginalName": "provider_token",
"ConvertedName": "ProviderToken",
- "Description": "Payment provider token, obtained via @BotFather",
+ "Description": "Payment provider token, obtained via @BotFather. Pass an empty string for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
- "Optional": false
+ "Optional": true
"OriginalName": "currency",
"ConvertedName": "Currency",
- "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies",
+ "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies. Pass \u201CXTR\u201D for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -4803,7 +5116,7 @@
"OriginalName": "prices",
"ConvertedName": "Prices",
- "Description": "Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.)",
+ "Description": "Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.). Must contain exactly one item for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Array of LabeledPrice",
"ConvertedFieldType": "LabeledPrice[]",
"Optional": false
@@ -4811,7 +5124,7 @@
"OriginalName": "max_tip_amount",
"ConvertedName": "MaxTipAmount",
- "Description": "The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0",
+ "Description": "The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0. Not supported for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": true
@@ -4875,7 +5188,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_name",
"ConvertedName": "NeedName",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s full name to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s full name to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -4883,7 +5196,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_phone_number",
"ConvertedName": "NeedPhoneNumber",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s phone number to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s phone number to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -4891,7 +5204,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_email",
"ConvertedName": "NeedEmail",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s email address to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s email address to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -4899,7 +5212,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_shipping_address",
"ConvertedName": "NeedShippingAddress",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s shipping address to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s shipping address to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -4907,7 +5220,7 @@
"OriginalName": "send_phone_number_to_provider",
"ConvertedName": "SendPhoneNumberToProvider",
- "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s phone number should be sent to provider",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s phone number should be sent to the provider. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -4915,7 +5228,7 @@
"OriginalName": "send_email_to_provider",
"ConvertedName": "SendEmailToProvider",
- "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s email address should be sent to provider",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s email address should be sent to the provider. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -4923,7 +5236,7 @@
"OriginalName": "is_flexible",
"ConvertedName": "IsFlexible",
- "Description": "Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -4944,6 +5257,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
@@ -4996,15 +5317,15 @@
"OriginalName": "provider_token",
"ConvertedName": "ProviderToken",
- "Description": "Payment provider token, obtained via BotFather",
+ "Description": "Payment provider token, obtained via @BotFather. Pass an empty string for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
- "Optional": false
+ "Optional": true
"OriginalName": "currency",
"ConvertedName": "Currency",
- "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies",
+ "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies. Pass \u201CXTR\u201D for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -5012,7 +5333,7 @@
"OriginalName": "prices",
"ConvertedName": "Prices",
- "Description": "Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.)",
+ "Description": "Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.). Must contain exactly one item for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Array of LabeledPrice",
"ConvertedFieldType": "LabeledPrice[]",
"Optional": false
@@ -5020,7 +5341,7 @@
"OriginalName": "max_tip_amount",
"ConvertedName": "MaxTipAmount",
- "Description": "The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0",
+ "Description": "The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0. Not supported for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": true
@@ -5076,7 +5397,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_name",
"ConvertedName": "NeedName",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s full name to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s full name to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -5084,7 +5405,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_phone_number",
"ConvertedName": "NeedPhoneNumber",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s phone number to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s phone number to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -5092,7 +5413,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_email",
"ConvertedName": "NeedEmail",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s email address to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s email address to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -5100,7 +5421,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_shipping_address",
"ConvertedName": "NeedShippingAddress",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s shipping address to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s shipping address to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -5108,7 +5429,7 @@
"OriginalName": "send_phone_number_to_provider",
"ConvertedName": "SendPhoneNumberToProvider",
- "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s phone number should be sent to the provider",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s phone number should be sent to the provider. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -5116,7 +5437,7 @@
"OriginalName": "send_email_to_provider",
"ConvertedName": "SendEmailToProvider",
- "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s email address should be sent to the provider",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s email address should be sent to the provider. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -5124,7 +5445,7 @@
"OriginalName": "is_flexible",
"ConvertedName": "IsFlexible",
- "Description": "Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -5207,6 +5528,56 @@
"OriginalReturnType": "True",
"ConvertedReturnType": "bool"
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "getStarTransactions",
+ "ConvertedName": "GetStarTransactions",
+ "Description": "Returns the bot\u0027s Telegram Star transactions in chronological order. On success, returns a StarTransactions object.",
+ "Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "offset",
+ "ConvertedName": "Offset",
+ "Description": "Number of transactions to skip in the response",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "limit",
+ "ConvertedName": "Limit",
+ "Description": "The maximum number of transactions to be retrieved. Values between 1-100 are accepted. Defaults to 100.",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "OriginalReturnType": "StarTransactions",
+ "ConvertedReturnType": "StarTransactions"
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "refundStarPayment",
+ "ConvertedName": "RefundStarPayment",
+ "Description": "Refunds a successful payment in Telegram Stars. Returns True on success.",
+ "Fields": [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "user_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "UserId",
+ "Description": "Identifier of the user whose payment will be refunded",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "telegram_payment_charge_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "TelegramPaymentChargeId",
+ "Description": "Telegram payment identifier",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "OriginalReturnType": "True",
+ "ConvertedReturnType": "bool"
+ },
"OriginalName": "setPassportDataErrors",
"ConvertedName": "SetPassportDataErrors",
@@ -5285,6 +5656,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "message_effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "MessageEffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_parameters",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyParameters",
diff --git a/src/Funogram.Generator/out/types.json b/src/Funogram.Generator/out/types.json
index ce1550e..516b4be 100644
--- a/src/Funogram.Generator/out/types.json
+++ b/src/Funogram.Generator/out/types.json
@@ -706,6 +706,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "ChatPermissions",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "can_send_paid_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "CanSendPaidMedia",
+ "Description": "True, if paid media messages can be sent or forwarded to the channel chat. The field is available only for channel chats.",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "True",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "slow_mode_delay",
"ConvertedName": "SlowModeDelay",
@@ -1013,6 +1021,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "LinkPreviewOptions",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "effect_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "EffectId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the message effect added to the message",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "animation",
"ConvertedName": "Animation",
@@ -1037,6 +1053,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "Document",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "paid_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "PaidMedia",
+ "Description": "Message contains paid media; information about the paid media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "PaidMediaInfo",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "PaidMediaInfo",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "photo",
"ConvertedName": "Photo",
@@ -1088,7 +1112,7 @@
"OriginalName": "caption",
"ConvertedName": "Caption",
- "Description": "Caption for the animation, audio, document, photo, video or voice",
+ "Description": "Caption for the animation, audio, document, paid media, photo, video or voice",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -1101,6 +1125,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "True",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "has_media_spoiler",
"ConvertedName": "HasMediaSpoiler",
@@ -1269,6 +1301,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "SuccessfulPayment",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "refunded_payment",
+ "ConvertedName": "RefundedPayment",
+ "Description": "Message is a service message about a refunded payment, information about the payment. More about payments \u00BB",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "RefundedPayment",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "RefundedPayment",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "users_shared",
"ConvertedName": "UsersShared",
@@ -1548,7 +1588,7 @@
"OriginalName": "type",
"ConvertedName": "Type",
- "Description": "Type of the entity. Currently, can be \u201Cmention\u201D (@username), \u201Chashtag\u201D (#hashtag), \u201Ccashtag\u201D ($USD), \u201Cbot_command\u201D (/start@jobs_bot), \u201Curl\u201D (https://telegram.org), \u201Cemail\u201D (do-not-reply@telegram.org), \u201Cphone_number\u201D (\u002B1-212-555-0123), \u201Cbold\u201D (bold text), \u201Citalic\u201D (italic text), \u201Cunderline\u201D (underlined text), \u201Cstrikethrough\u201D (strikethrough text), \u201Cspoiler\u201D (spoiler message), \u201Cblockquote\u201D (block quotation), \u201Ccode\u201D (monowidth string), \u201Cpre\u201D (monowidth block), \u201Ctext_link\u201D (for clickable text URLs), \u201Ctext_mention\u201D (for users without usernames), \u201Ccustom_emoji\u201D (for inline custom emoji stickers)",
+ "Description": "Type of the entity. Currently, can be \u201Cmention\u201D (@username), \u201Chashtag\u201D (#hashtag), \u201Ccashtag\u201D ($USD), \u201Cbot_command\u201D (/start@jobs_bot), \u201Curl\u201D (https://telegram.org), \u201Cemail\u201D (do-not-reply@telegram.org), \u201Cphone_number\u201D (\u002B1-212-555-0123), \u201Cbold\u201D (bold text), \u201Citalic\u201D (italic text), \u201Cunderline\u201D (underlined text), \u201Cstrikethrough\u201D (strikethrough text), \u201Cspoiler\u201D (spoiler message), \u201Cblockquote\u201D (block quotation), \u201Cexpandable_blockquote\u201D (collapsed-by-default block quotation), \u201Ccode\u201D (monowidth string), \u201Cpre\u201D (monowidth block), \u201Ctext_link\u201D (for clickable text URLs), \u201Ctext_mention\u201D (for users without usernames), \u201Ccustom_emoji\u201D (for inline custom emoji stickers)",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -1711,6 +1751,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "Document",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "paid_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "PaidMedia",
+ "Description": "Message contains paid media; information about the paid media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "PaidMediaInfo",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "PaidMediaInfo",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "photo",
"ConvertedName": "Photo",
@@ -2178,7 +2226,7 @@
"OriginalName": "width",
"ConvertedName": "Width",
- "Description": "Video width as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Video width as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2186,7 +2234,7 @@
"OriginalName": "height",
"ConvertedName": "Height",
- "Description": "Video height as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Video height as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2194,7 +2242,7 @@
"OriginalName": "duration",
"ConvertedName": "Duration",
- "Description": "Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Duration of the video in seconds as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2202,7 +2250,7 @@
"OriginalName": "thumbnail",
"ConvertedName": "Thumbnail",
- "Description": "Animation thumbnail as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Animation thumbnail as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "PhotoSize",
"ConvertedFieldType": "PhotoSize",
"Optional": true
@@ -2210,7 +2258,7 @@
"OriginalName": "file_name",
"ConvertedName": "FileName",
- "Description": "Original animation filename as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Original animation filename as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2218,7 +2266,7 @@
"OriginalName": "mime_type",
"ConvertedName": "MimeType",
- "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2261,7 +2309,7 @@
"OriginalName": "duration",
"ConvertedName": "Duration",
- "Description": "Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2269,7 +2317,7 @@
"OriginalName": "performer",
"ConvertedName": "Performer",
- "Description": "Performer of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags",
+ "Description": "Performer of the audio as defined by the sender or by audio tags",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2277,7 +2325,7 @@
"OriginalName": "title",
"ConvertedName": "Title",
- "Description": "Title of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags",
+ "Description": "Title of the audio as defined by the sender or by audio tags",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2285,7 +2333,7 @@
"OriginalName": "file_name",
"ConvertedName": "FileName",
- "Description": "Original filename as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Original filename as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2293,7 +2341,7 @@
"OriginalName": "mime_type",
"ConvertedName": "MimeType",
- "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2344,7 +2392,7 @@
"OriginalName": "thumbnail",
"ConvertedName": "Thumbnail",
- "Description": "Document thumbnail as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Document thumbnail as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "PhotoSize",
"ConvertedFieldType": "PhotoSize",
"Optional": true
@@ -2352,7 +2400,7 @@
"OriginalName": "file_name",
"ConvertedName": "FileName",
- "Description": "Original filename as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Original filename as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2360,7 +2408,7 @@
"OriginalName": "mime_type",
"ConvertedName": "MimeType",
- "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2430,7 +2478,7 @@
"OriginalName": "width",
"ConvertedName": "Width",
- "Description": "Video width as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Video width as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2438,7 +2486,7 @@
"OriginalName": "height",
"ConvertedName": "Height",
- "Description": "Video height as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Video height as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2446,7 +2494,7 @@
"OriginalName": "duration",
"ConvertedName": "Duration",
- "Description": "Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Duration of the video in seconds as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2462,7 +2510,7 @@
"OriginalName": "file_name",
"ConvertedName": "FileName",
- "Description": "Original filename as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Original filename as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2470,7 +2518,7 @@
"OriginalName": "mime_type",
"ConvertedName": "MimeType",
- "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2513,7 +2561,7 @@
"OriginalName": "length",
"ConvertedName": "Length",
- "Description": "Video width and height (diameter of the video message) as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Video width and height (diameter of the video message) as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2521,7 +2569,7 @@
"OriginalName": "duration",
"ConvertedName": "Duration",
- "Description": "Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Duration of the video in seconds as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2572,7 +2620,7 @@
"OriginalName": "duration",
"ConvertedName": "Duration",
- "Description": "Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": false
@@ -2580,7 +2628,7 @@
"OriginalName": "mime_type",
"ConvertedName": "MimeType",
- "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "MIME type of the file as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -2597,6 +2645,153 @@
+ {
+ "Name": "PaidMediaInfo",
+ "Description": "Describes the paid media added to a message.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "star_count",
+ "ConvertedName": "StarCount",
+ "Description": "The number of Telegram Stars that must be paid to buy access to the media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "paid_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "PaidMedia",
+ "Description": "Information about the paid media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Array of PaidMedia",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "PaidMedia[]",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "PaidMedia",
+ "Description": "This object describes paid media. Currently, it can be one of",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Cases",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "Name": "Preview",
+ "CaseType": "PaidMediaPreview"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Photo",
+ "CaseType": "PaidMediaPhoto"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Video",
+ "CaseType": "PaidMediaVideo"
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "PaidMediaPreview",
+ "Description": "The paid media isn\u0027t available before the payment.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the paid media, always \u201Cpreview\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "width",
+ "ConvertedName": "Width",
+ "Description": "Media width as defined by the sender",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "height",
+ "ConvertedName": "Height",
+ "Description": "Media height as defined by the sender",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "duration",
+ "ConvertedName": "Duration",
+ "Description": "Duration of the media in seconds as defined by the sender",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": true
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "PaidMediaPhoto",
+ "Description": "The paid media is a photo.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the paid media, always \u201Cphoto\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "photo",
+ "ConvertedName": "Photo",
+ "Description": "The photo",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Array of PhotoSize",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "PhotoSize[]",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "PaidMediaVideo",
+ "Description": "The paid media is a video.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the paid media, always \u201Cvideo\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "video",
+ "ConvertedName": "Video",
+ "Description": "The video",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Video",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "Video",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"Name": "Contact",
"Description": "This object represents a phone contact.",
@@ -2712,7 +2907,7 @@
"Name": "InputPollOption",
- "Description": "This object contains information about one answer option in a poll to send.",
+ "Description": "This object contains information about one answer option in a poll to be sent.",
"Kind": {
"Case": "Fields",
"Fields": [
@@ -2921,7 +3116,7 @@
"OriginalName": "latitude",
"ConvertedName": "Latitude",
- "Description": "Latitude as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Latitude as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Float",
"ConvertedFieldType": "float",
"Optional": false
@@ -2929,7 +3124,7 @@
"OriginalName": "longitude",
"ConvertedName": "Longitude",
- "Description": "Longitude as defined by sender",
+ "Description": "Longitude as defined by the sender",
"OriginalFieldType": "Float",
"ConvertedFieldType": "float",
"Optional": false
@@ -4210,7 +4405,7 @@
"Name": "KeyboardButton",
- "Description": "This object represents one button of the reply keyboard. For simple text buttons, String can be used instead of this object to specify the button text. The optional fields web_app, request_users, request_chat, request_contact, request_location, and request_poll are mutually exclusive.\nNote:request_users and request_chat options will only work in Telegram versions released after 3 February, 2023. Older clients will display unsupported message.",
+ "Description": "This object represents one button of the reply keyboard. At most one of the optional fields must be used to specify type of the button. For simple text buttons, String can be used instead of this object to specify the button text.\nNote:request_users and request_chat options will only work in Telegram versions released after 3 February, 2023. Older clients will display unsupported message.",
"Kind": {
"Case": "Fields",
"Fields": [
@@ -4508,7 +4703,7 @@
"Name": "InlineKeyboardButton",
- "Description": "This object represents one button of an inline keyboard. You must use exactly one of the optional fields.",
+ "Description": "This object represents one button of an inline keyboard. Exactly one of the optional fields must be used to specify type of the button.",
"Kind": {
"Case": "Fields",
"Fields": [
@@ -4532,7 +4727,7 @@
"OriginalName": "callback_data",
"ConvertedName": "CallbackData",
- "Description": "Data to be sent in a callback query to the bot when button is pressed, 1-64 bytes. Not supported for messages sent on behalf of a Telegram Business account.",
+ "Description": "Data to be sent in a callback query to the bot when the button is pressed, 1-64 bytes",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -4588,7 +4783,7 @@
"OriginalName": "pay",
"ConvertedName": "Pay",
- "Description": "Specify True, to send a Pay button.\n\nNOTE: This type of button must always be the first button in the first row and can only be used in invoice messages.",
+ "Description": "Specify True, to send a Pay button. Substrings \u201C\u201D and \u201CXTR\u201D in the buttons\u0027s text will be replaced with a Telegram Star icon.\n\nNOTE: This type of button must always be the first button in the first row and can only be used in invoice messages.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -6595,7 +6790,7 @@
"OriginalName": "web_app",
"ConvertedName": "WebApp",
- "Description": "Description of the Web App that will be launched when the user presses the button. The Web App will be able to send an arbitrary message on behalf of the user using the method answerWebAppQuery.",
+ "Description": "Description of the Web App that will be launched when the user presses the button. The Web App will be able to send an arbitrary message on behalf of the user using the method answerWebAppQuery. Alternatively, a t.me link to a Web App of the bot can be specified in the object instead of the Web App\u0027s URL, in which case the Web App will be opened as if the user pressed the link.",
"OriginalFieldType": "WebAppInfo",
"ConvertedFieldType": "WebAppInfo",
"Optional": false
@@ -7074,6 +7269,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "has_spoiler",
"ConvertedName": "HasSpoiler",
@@ -7141,6 +7344,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "width",
"ConvertedName": "Width",
@@ -7240,6 +7451,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "width",
"ConvertedName": "Width",
@@ -7434,82 +7653,195 @@
- "Name": "Sticker",
- "Description": "This object represents a sticker.",
+ "Name": "InputPaidMedia",
+ "Description": "This object describes the paid media to be sent. Currently, it can be one of",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Cases",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "Name": "Photo",
+ "CaseType": "InputPaidMediaPhoto"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Video",
+ "CaseType": "InputPaidMediaVideo"
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "InputPaidMediaPhoto",
+ "Description": "The paid media to send is a photo.",
"Kind": {
"Case": "Fields",
"Fields": [
- "OriginalName": "file_id",
- "ConvertedName": "FileId",
- "Description": "Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file",
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the media, must be photo",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
- "OriginalName": "file_unique_id",
- "ConvertedName": "FileUniqueId",
- "Description": "Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can\u0027t be used to download or reuse the file.",
+ "OriginalName": "media",
+ "ConvertedName": "Media",
+ "Description": "File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass \u201Cattach://\u003Cfile_attach_name\u003E\u201D to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under \u003Cfile_attach_name\u003E name. More information on Sending Files \u00BB",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
- "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "InputFile",
"Optional": false
- },
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "InputPaidMediaVideo",
+ "Description": "The paid media to send is a video.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
"OriginalName": "type",
"ConvertedName": "Type",
- "Description": "Type of the sticker, currently one of \u201Cregular\u201D, \u201Cmask\u201D, \u201Ccustom_emoji\u201D. The type of the sticker is independent from its format, which is determined by the fields is_animated and is_video.",
+ "Description": "Type of the media, must be video",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "media",
+ "ConvertedName": "Media",
+ "Description": "File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass \u201Cattach://\u003Cfile_attach_name\u003E\u201D to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under \u003Cfile_attach_name\u003E name. More information on Sending Files \u00BB",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "InputFile",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "thumbnail",
+ "ConvertedName": "Thumbnail",
+ "Description": "Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail\u0027s width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can\u0027t be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass \u201Cattach://\u003Cfile_attach_name\u003E\u201D if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under \u003Cfile_attach_name\u003E. More information on Sending Files \u00BB",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "InputFile or String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "InputFile",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "width",
"ConvertedName": "Width",
- "Description": "Sticker width",
+ "Description": "Video width",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
- "Optional": false
+ "Optional": true
"OriginalName": "height",
"ConvertedName": "Height",
- "Description": "Sticker height",
+ "Description": "Video height",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
- "Optional": false
+ "Optional": true
- "OriginalName": "is_animated",
- "ConvertedName": "IsAnimated",
- "Description": "True, if the sticker is animated",
- "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
- "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
- "Optional": false
+ "OriginalName": "duration",
+ "ConvertedName": "Duration",
+ "Description": "Video duration in seconds",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": true
- "OriginalName": "is_video",
- "ConvertedName": "IsVideo",
- "Description": "True, if the sticker is a video sticker",
+ "OriginalName": "supports_streaming",
+ "ConvertedName": "SupportsStreaming",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the uploaded video is suitable for streaming",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
- "Optional": false
- },
- {
- "OriginalName": "thumbnail",
- "ConvertedName": "Thumbnail",
- "Description": "Sticker thumbnail in the .WEBP or .JPG format",
- "OriginalFieldType": "PhotoSize",
- "ConvertedFieldType": "PhotoSize",
- "Optional": true
- },
- {
- "OriginalName": "emoji",
- "ConvertedName": "Emoji",
- "Description": "Emoji associated with the sticker",
- "OriginalFieldType": "String",
- "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Sticker",
+ "Description": "This object represents a sticker.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "file_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "FileId",
+ "Description": "Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "file_unique_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "FileUniqueId",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can\u0027t be used to download or reuse the file.",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the sticker, currently one of \u201Cregular\u201D, \u201Cmask\u201D, \u201Ccustom_emoji\u201D. The type of the sticker is independent from its format, which is determined by the fields is_animated and is_video.",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "width",
+ "ConvertedName": "Width",
+ "Description": "Sticker width",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "height",
+ "ConvertedName": "Height",
+ "Description": "Sticker height",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "is_animated",
+ "ConvertedName": "IsAnimated",
+ "Description": "True, if the sticker is animated",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "is_video",
+ "ConvertedName": "IsVideo",
+ "Description": "True, if the sticker is a video sticker",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "thumbnail",
+ "ConvertedName": "Thumbnail",
+ "Description": "Sticker thumbnail in the .WEBP or .JPG format",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "PhotoSize",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "PhotoSize",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "emoji",
+ "ConvertedName": "Emoji",
+ "Description": "Emoji associated with the sticker",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": true
@@ -8088,6 +8420,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_markup",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyMarkup",
@@ -8211,6 +8551,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_markup",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyMarkup",
@@ -8334,6 +8682,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_markup",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyMarkup",
@@ -8433,6 +8789,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "video_width",
"ConvertedName": "VideoWidth",
@@ -9265,6 +9629,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_markup",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyMarkup",
@@ -9348,6 +9720,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_markup",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyMarkup",
@@ -9431,6 +9811,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_markup",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyMarkup",
@@ -9664,6 +10052,14 @@
"ConvertedFieldType": "MessageEntity[]",
"Optional": true
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "show_caption_above_media",
+ "ConvertedName": "ShowCaptionAboveMedia",
+ "Description": "Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
"OriginalName": "reply_markup",
"ConvertedName": "ReplyMarkup",
@@ -10127,15 +10523,15 @@
"OriginalName": "provider_token",
"ConvertedName": "ProviderToken",
- "Description": "Payment provider token, obtained via @BotFather",
+ "Description": "Payment provider token, obtained via @BotFather. Pass an empty string for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
- "Optional": false
+ "Optional": true
"OriginalName": "currency",
"ConvertedName": "Currency",
- "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies",
+ "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies. Pass \u201CXTR\u201D for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -10143,7 +10539,7 @@
"OriginalName": "prices",
"ConvertedName": "Prices",
- "Description": "Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.)",
+ "Description": "Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.). Must contain exactly one item for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Array of LabeledPrice",
"ConvertedFieldType": "LabeledPrice[]",
"Optional": false
@@ -10151,7 +10547,7 @@
"OriginalName": "max_tip_amount",
"ConvertedName": "MaxTipAmount",
- "Description": "The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0",
+ "Description": "The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0. Not supported for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
"ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
"Optional": true
@@ -10207,7 +10603,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_name",
"ConvertedName": "NeedName",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s full name to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s full name to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -10215,7 +10611,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_phone_number",
"ConvertedName": "NeedPhoneNumber",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s phone number to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s phone number to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -10223,7 +10619,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_email",
"ConvertedName": "NeedEmail",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s email address to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s email address to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -10231,7 +10627,7 @@
"OriginalName": "need_shipping_address",
"ConvertedName": "NeedShippingAddress",
- "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s shipping address to complete the order",
+ "Description": "Pass True if you require the user\u0027s shipping address to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -10239,7 +10635,7 @@
"OriginalName": "send_phone_number_to_provider",
"ConvertedName": "SendPhoneNumberToProvider",
- "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s phone number should be sent to provider",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s phone number should be sent to the provider. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -10247,7 +10643,7 @@
"OriginalName": "send_email_to_provider",
"ConvertedName": "SendEmailToProvider",
- "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s email address should be sent to provider",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the user\u0027s email address should be sent to the provider. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -10255,7 +10651,7 @@
"OriginalName": "is_flexible",
"ConvertedName": "IsFlexible",
- "Description": "Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method",
+ "Description": "Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.",
"OriginalFieldType": "Boolean",
"ConvertedFieldType": "bool",
"Optional": true
@@ -10395,7 +10791,7 @@
"OriginalName": "currency",
"ConvertedName": "Currency",
- "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code",
+ "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, or \u201CXTR\u201D for payments in Telegram Stars",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -10559,7 +10955,7 @@
"OriginalName": "currency",
"ConvertedName": "Currency",
- "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code",
+ "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, or \u201CXTR\u201D for payments in Telegram Stars",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -10575,7 +10971,7 @@
"OriginalName": "invoice_payload",
"ConvertedName": "InvoicePayload",
- "Description": "Bot specified invoice payload",
+ "Description": "Bot-specified invoice payload",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -10616,6 +11012,57 @@
+ {
+ "Name": "RefundedPayment",
+ "Description": "This object contains basic information about a refunded payment.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "currency",
+ "ConvertedName": "Currency",
+ "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, or \u201CXTR\u201D for payments in Telegram Stars. Currently, always \u201CXTR\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "total_amount",
+ "ConvertedName": "TotalAmount",
+ "Description": "Total refunded price in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of US$ 1.45, total_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "invoice_payload",
+ "ConvertedName": "InvoicePayload",
+ "Description": "Bot-specified invoice payload",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "telegram_payment_charge_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "TelegramPaymentChargeId",
+ "Description": "Telegram payment identifier",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "provider_payment_charge_id",
+ "ConvertedName": "ProviderPaymentChargeId",
+ "Description": "Provider payment identifier",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"Name": "ShippingQuery",
"Description": "This object contains information about an incoming shipping query.",
@@ -10642,7 +11089,7 @@
"OriginalName": "invoice_payload",
"ConvertedName": "InvoicePayload",
- "Description": "Bot specified invoice payload",
+ "Description": "Bot-specified invoice payload",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -10661,7 +11108,7 @@
"Name": "PreCheckoutQuery",
- "Description": "This object contains information about an incoming pre-checkout query.\nTelegram Passport is a unified authorization method for services that require personal identification. Users can upload their documents once, then instantly share their data with services that require real-world ID (finance, ICOs, etc.). Please see the manual for details.",
+ "Description": "This object contains information about an incoming pre-checkout query.",
"Kind": {
"Case": "Fields",
"Fields": [
@@ -10685,7 +11132,7 @@
"OriginalName": "currency",
"ConvertedName": "Currency",
- "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code",
+ "Description": "Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, or \u201CXTR\u201D for payments in Telegram Stars",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -10701,7 +11148,7 @@
"OriginalName": "invoice_payload",
"ConvertedName": "InvoicePayload",
- "Description": "Bot specified invoice payload",
+ "Description": "Bot-specified invoice payload",
"OriginalFieldType": "String",
"ConvertedFieldType": "string",
"Optional": false
@@ -10726,6 +11173,299 @@
+ {
+ "Name": "RevenueWithdrawalState",
+ "Description": "This object describes the state of a revenue withdrawal operation. Currently, it can be one of",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Cases",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "Name": "Pending",
+ "CaseType": "RevenueWithdrawalStatePending"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Succeeded",
+ "CaseType": "RevenueWithdrawalStateSucceeded"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Failed",
+ "CaseType": "RevenueWithdrawalStateFailed"
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "RevenueWithdrawalStatePending",
+ "Description": "The withdrawal is in progress.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the state, always \u201Cpending\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "RevenueWithdrawalStateSucceeded",
+ "Description": "The withdrawal succeeded.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the state, always \u201Csucceeded\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "date",
+ "ConvertedName": "Date",
+ "Description": "Date the withdrawal was completed in Unix time",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "DateTime",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "url",
+ "ConvertedName": "Url",
+ "Description": "An HTTPS URL that can be used to see transaction details",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "RevenueWithdrawalStateFailed",
+ "Description": "The withdrawal failed and the transaction was refunded.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the state, always \u201Cfailed\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "TransactionPartner",
+ "Description": "This object describes the source of a transaction, or its recipient for outgoing transactions. Currently, it can be one of",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Cases",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "Name": "User",
+ "CaseType": "TransactionPartnerUser"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Fragment",
+ "CaseType": "TransactionPartnerFragment"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "TelegramAds",
+ "CaseType": "TransactionPartnerTelegramAds"
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Other",
+ "CaseType": "TransactionPartnerOther"
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "TransactionPartnerUser",
+ "Description": "Describes a transaction with a user.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the transaction partner, always \u201Cuser\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "user",
+ "ConvertedName": "User",
+ "Description": "Information about the user",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "User",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "User",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "invoice_payload",
+ "ConvertedName": "InvoicePayload",
+ "Description": "Bot-specified invoice payload",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": true
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "TransactionPartnerFragment",
+ "Description": "Describes a withdrawal transaction with Fragment.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the transaction partner, always \u201Cfragment\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "withdrawal_state",
+ "ConvertedName": "WithdrawalState",
+ "Description": "State of the transaction if the transaction is outgoing",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "RevenueWithdrawalState",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "RevenueWithdrawalState",
+ "Optional": true
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "TransactionPartnerTelegramAds",
+ "Description": "Describes a withdrawal transaction to the Telegram Ads platform.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the transaction partner, always \u201Ctelegram_ads\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "TransactionPartnerOther",
+ "Description": "Describes a transaction with an unknown source or recipient.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "type",
+ "ConvertedName": "Type",
+ "Description": "Type of the transaction partner, always \u201Cother\u201D",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "StarTransaction",
+ "Description": "Describes a Telegram Star transaction.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "id",
+ "ConvertedName": "Id",
+ "Description": "Unique identifier of the transaction. Coincides with the identifer of the original transaction for refund transactions. Coincides with SuccessfulPayment.telegram_payment_charge_id for successful incoming payments from users.",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "String",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "string",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "amount",
+ "ConvertedName": "Amount",
+ "Description": "Number of Telegram Stars transferred by the transaction",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "int64",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "date",
+ "ConvertedName": "Date",
+ "Description": "Date the transaction was created in Unix time",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Integer",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "DateTime",
+ "Optional": false
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "source",
+ "ConvertedName": "Source",
+ "Description": "Source of an incoming transaction (e.g., a user purchasing goods or services, Fragment refunding a failed withdrawal). Only for incoming transactions",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "TransactionPartner",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "TransactionPartner",
+ "Optional": true
+ },
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "receiver",
+ "ConvertedName": "Receiver",
+ "Description": "Receiver of an outgoing transaction (e.g., a user for a purchase refund, Fragment for a withdrawal). Only for outgoing transactions",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "TransactionPartner",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "TransactionPartner",
+ "Optional": true
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "StarTransactions",
+ "Description": "Contains a list of Telegram Star transactions.\nTelegram Passport is a unified authorization method for services that require personal identification. Users can upload their documents once, then instantly share their data with services that require real-world ID (finance, ICOs, etc.). Please see the manual for details.",
+ "Kind": {
+ "Case": "Fields",
+ "Fields": [
+ [
+ {
+ "OriginalName": "transactions",
+ "ConvertedName": "Transactions",
+ "Description": "The list of transactions",
+ "OriginalFieldType": "Array of StarTransaction",
+ "ConvertedFieldType": "StarTransaction[]",
+ "Optional": false
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
"Name": "PassportData",
"Description": "Describes Telegram Passport data shared with the bot by the user.",
diff --git a/src/Funogram.Telegram/Api.fs b/src/Funogram.Telegram/Api.fs
index e5fb3a6..c61ebed 100644
--- a/src/Funogram.Telegram/Api.fs
+++ b/src/Funogram.Telegram/Api.fs
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ let editMessageMediaBase chatId messageId inlineMessageId media replyMarkup =
let editMessageReplyMarkupBase (chatId: ChatId option) messageId inlineMessageId replyMarkup =
Req.EditMessageReplyMarkup.Make(?chatId = chatId, ?messageId = messageId, ?inlineMessageId = inlineMessageId, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
-let stopPollBase chatId messageId replyMarkup =
- ({ ChatId = chatId; MessageId = messageId; ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup }: Req.StopPoll)
+let stopPollBase chatId messageId replyMarkup businessConnectionId =
+ ({ ChatId = chatId; MessageId = messageId; ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup; BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId }: Req.StopPoll)
let private deleteMessageBase chatId messageId =
({ ChatId = chatId; MessageId = messageId }: Req.DeleteMessage)
diff --git a/src/Funogram.Telegram/Directory.Build.props b/src/Funogram.Telegram/Directory.Build.props
index f1fc90c..9acc287 100644
--- a/src/Funogram.Telegram/Directory.Build.props
+++ b/src/Funogram.Telegram/Directory.Build.props
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
- Nikolay Matyushin
- Funogram.Telegram
- Funogram.Telegram
- Funogram.Telegram
- telegram;funogram;F#;bot
- logo.png
- https://github.com/Dolfik1/Funogram
- true
+ Nikolay Matyushin
+ Funogram.Telegram
+ Funogram.Telegram
+ Funogram.Telegram
+ telegram;funogram;F#;bot
+ logo.png
+ https://github.com/Dolfik1/Funogram
+ true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Funogram.Telegram/RequestsTypes.fs b/src/Funogram.Telegram/RequestsTypes.fs
index ad66932..0423cb9 100644
--- a/src/Funogram.Telegram/RequestsTypes.fs
+++ b/src/Funogram.Telegram/RequestsTypes.fs
@@ -87,10 +87,11 @@ type SendMessage =
LinkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, text: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, text: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -101,13 +102,14 @@ type SendMessage =
LinkPreviewOptions = linkPreviewOptions
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, text: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendMessage.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, text, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?entities = entities, ?linkPreviewOptions = linkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, text: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendMessage.Make(ChatId.String chatId, text, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?entities = entities, ?linkPreviewOptions = linkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, text: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendMessage.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, text, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?entities = entities, ?linkPreviewOptions = linkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, text: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendMessage.Make(ChatId.String chatId, text, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?entities = entities, ?linkPreviewOptions = linkPreviewOptions, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendMessage"
@@ -170,12 +172,13 @@ type CopyMessage =
Caption: string option
ParseMode: ParseMode option
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, fromChatId: ChatId, messageId: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, fromChatId: ChatId, messageId: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
ChatId = chatId
MessageThreadId = messageThreadId
@@ -184,15 +187,16 @@ type CopyMessage =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, fromChatId: int64, messageId: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- CopyMessage.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, ChatId.Int fromChatId, messageId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, fromChatId: string, messageId: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- CopyMessage.Make(ChatId.String chatId, ChatId.String fromChatId, messageId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, fromChatId: int64, messageId: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ CopyMessage.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, ChatId.Int fromChatId, messageId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, fromChatId: string, messageId: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ CopyMessage.Make(ChatId.String chatId, ChatId.String fromChatId, messageId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "copyMessage"
@@ -232,13 +236,15 @@ type SendPhoto =
Caption: string option
ParseMode: ParseMode option
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
HasSpoiler: bool option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, photo: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, photo: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -247,16 +253,18 @@ type SendPhoto =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
HasSpoiler = hasSpoiler
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, photo: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendPhoto.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, photo, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, photo: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendPhoto.Make(ChatId.String chatId, photo, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, photo: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendPhoto.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, photo, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, photo: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendPhoto.Make(ChatId.String chatId, photo, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendPhoto"
@@ -275,10 +283,11 @@ type SendAudio =
Thumbnail: InputFile option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, audio: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?performer: string, ?title: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, audio: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?performer: string, ?title: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -293,13 +302,14 @@ type SendAudio =
Thumbnail = thumbnail
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, audio: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?performer: string, ?title: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendAudio.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, audio, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?duration = duration, ?performer = performer, ?title = title, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, audio: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?performer: string, ?title: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendAudio.Make(ChatId.String chatId, audio, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?duration = duration, ?performer = performer, ?title = title, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, audio: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?performer: string, ?title: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendAudio.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, audio, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?duration = duration, ?performer = performer, ?title = title, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, audio: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?performer: string, ?title: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendAudio.Make(ChatId.String chatId, audio, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?duration = duration, ?performer = performer, ?title = title, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendAudio"
@@ -316,10 +326,11 @@ type SendDocument =
DisableContentTypeDetection: bool option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, document: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?disableContentTypeDetection: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, document: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?disableContentTypeDetection: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -332,13 +343,14 @@ type SendDocument =
DisableContentTypeDetection = disableContentTypeDetection
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, document: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?disableContentTypeDetection: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendDocument.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, document, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?disableContentTypeDetection = disableContentTypeDetection, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, document: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?disableContentTypeDetection: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendDocument.Make(ChatId.String chatId, document, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?disableContentTypeDetection = disableContentTypeDetection, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, document: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?disableContentTypeDetection: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendDocument.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, document, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?disableContentTypeDetection = disableContentTypeDetection, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, document: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?disableContentTypeDetection: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendDocument.Make(ChatId.String chatId, document, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?disableContentTypeDetection = disableContentTypeDetection, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendDocument"
@@ -355,14 +367,16 @@ type SendVideo =
Caption: string option
ParseMode: ParseMode option
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
HasSpoiler: bool option
SupportsStreaming: bool option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, video: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?supportsStreaming: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?caption: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?height: int64, ?width: int64, ?duration: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, video: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?supportsStreaming: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?caption: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?height: int64, ?width: int64, ?duration: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -375,17 +389,19 @@ type SendVideo =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
HasSpoiler = hasSpoiler
SupportsStreaming = supportsStreaming
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, video: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?supportsStreaming: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?caption: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?height: int64, ?width: int64, ?duration: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendVideo.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, video, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?supportsStreaming = supportsStreaming, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?caption = caption, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?height = height, ?width = width, ?duration = duration, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, video: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?supportsStreaming: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?caption: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?height: int64, ?width: int64, ?duration: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendVideo.Make(ChatId.String chatId, video, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?supportsStreaming = supportsStreaming, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?caption = caption, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?height = height, ?width = width, ?duration = duration, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, video: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?supportsStreaming: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?caption: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?height: int64, ?width: int64, ?duration: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendVideo.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, video, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?supportsStreaming = supportsStreaming, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?caption = caption, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?height = height, ?width = width, ?duration = duration, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, video: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?supportsStreaming: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?caption: string, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?height: int64, ?width: int64, ?duration: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendVideo.Make(ChatId.String chatId, video, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?supportsStreaming = supportsStreaming, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?caption = caption, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?height = height, ?width = width, ?duration = duration, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendVideo"
@@ -402,13 +418,15 @@ type SendAnimation =
Caption: string option
ParseMode: ParseMode option
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
HasSpoiler: bool option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, animation: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?duration: int64, ?width: int64, ?height: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, animation: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?caption: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?height: int64, ?width: int64, ?duration: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -421,16 +439,18 @@ type SendAnimation =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
HasSpoiler = hasSpoiler
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, animation: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?duration: int64, ?width: int64, ?height: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendAnimation.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, animation, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?duration = duration, ?width = width, ?height = height, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, animation: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?duration: int64, ?width: int64, ?height: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendAnimation.Make(ChatId.String chatId, animation, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?duration = duration, ?width = width, ?height = height, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, animation: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?caption: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?height: int64, ?width: int64, ?duration: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendAnimation.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, animation, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?caption = caption, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?height = height, ?width = width, ?duration = duration, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, animation: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool, ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?caption: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?height: int64, ?width: int64, ?duration: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendAnimation.Make(ChatId.String chatId, animation, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?hasSpoiler = hasSpoiler, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?caption = caption, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?height = height, ?width = width, ?duration = duration, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendAnimation"
@@ -446,10 +466,11 @@ type SendVoice =
Duration: int64 option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, voice: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, voice: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -461,13 +482,14 @@ type SendVoice =
Duration = duration
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, voice: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendVoice.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, voice, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?duration = duration, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, voice: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendVoice.Make(ChatId.String chatId, voice, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?duration = duration, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, voice: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendVoice.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, voice, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?duration = duration, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, voice: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?duration: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendVoice.Make(ChatId.String chatId, voice, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?duration = duration, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendVoice"
@@ -482,10 +504,11 @@ type SendVideoNote =
Thumbnail: InputFile option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, videoNote: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?duration: int64, ?length: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, videoNote: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?duration: int64, ?length: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -496,16 +519,52 @@ type SendVideoNote =
Thumbnail = thumbnail
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, videoNote: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?duration: int64, ?length: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendVideoNote.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, videoNote, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?duration = duration, ?length = length, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, videoNote: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?duration: int64, ?length: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendVideoNote.Make(ChatId.String chatId, videoNote, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?duration = duration, ?length = length, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, videoNote: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?duration: int64, ?length: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendVideoNote.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, videoNote, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?duration = duration, ?length = length, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, videoNote: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?duration: int64, ?length: int64, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendVideoNote.Make(ChatId.String chatId, videoNote, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?duration = duration, ?length = length, ?thumbnail = thumbnail, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendVideoNote"
+type SendPaidMedia =
+ {
+ ChatId: ChatId
+ StarCount: int64
+ Media: InputPaidMedia[]
+ Caption: string option
+ ParseMode: ParseMode option
+ CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
+ DisableNotification: bool option
+ ProtectContent: bool option
+ ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
+ ReplyMarkup: Markup option
+ }
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, starCount: int64, media: InputPaidMedia[], ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ {
+ ChatId = chatId
+ StarCount = starCount
+ Media = media
+ Caption = caption
+ ParseMode = parseMode
+ CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
+ DisableNotification = disableNotification
+ ProtectContent = protectContent
+ ReplyParameters = replyParameters
+ ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
+ }
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, starCount: int64, media: InputPaidMedia[], ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendPaidMedia.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, starCount, media, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, starCount: int64, media: InputPaidMedia[], ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendPaidMedia.Make(ChatId.String chatId, starCount, media, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?showCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ interface IRequestBase with
+ member _.MethodName = "sendPaidMedia"
type SendMediaGroup =
BusinessConnectionId: string option
@@ -514,9 +573,10 @@ type SendMediaGroup =
Media: InputMedia[]
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, media: InputMedia[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, media: InputMedia[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -524,12 +584,13 @@ type SendMediaGroup =
Media = media
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
- static member Make(chatId: int64, media: InputMedia[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters) =
- SendMediaGroup.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, media, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters)
- static member Make(chatId: string, media: InputMedia[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters) =
- SendMediaGroup.Make(ChatId.String chatId, media, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, media: InputMedia[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters) =
+ SendMediaGroup.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, media, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, media: InputMedia[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters) =
+ SendMediaGroup.Make(ChatId.String chatId, media, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendMediaGroup"
@@ -546,10 +607,11 @@ type SendLocation =
ProximityAlertRadius: int64 option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, latitude: float, longitude: float, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?horizontalAccuracy: float, ?livePeriod: int64, ?heading: int64, ?proximityAlertRadius: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, latitude: float, longitude: float, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?horizontalAccuracy: float, ?livePeriod: int64, ?heading: int64, ?proximityAlertRadius: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -562,13 +624,14 @@ type SendLocation =
ProximityAlertRadius = proximityAlertRadius
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, latitude: float, longitude: float, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?horizontalAccuracy: float, ?livePeriod: int64, ?heading: int64, ?proximityAlertRadius: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendLocation.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, latitude, longitude, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?horizontalAccuracy = horizontalAccuracy, ?livePeriod = livePeriod, ?heading = heading, ?proximityAlertRadius = proximityAlertRadius, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, latitude: float, longitude: float, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?horizontalAccuracy: float, ?livePeriod: int64, ?heading: int64, ?proximityAlertRadius: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendLocation.Make(ChatId.String chatId, latitude, longitude, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?horizontalAccuracy = horizontalAccuracy, ?livePeriod = livePeriod, ?heading = heading, ?proximityAlertRadius = proximityAlertRadius, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, latitude: float, longitude: float, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?horizontalAccuracy: float, ?livePeriod: int64, ?heading: int64, ?proximityAlertRadius: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendLocation.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, latitude, longitude, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?horizontalAccuracy = horizontalAccuracy, ?livePeriod = livePeriod, ?heading = heading, ?proximityAlertRadius = proximityAlertRadius, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, latitude: float, longitude: float, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?horizontalAccuracy: float, ?livePeriod: int64, ?heading: int64, ?proximityAlertRadius: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendLocation.Make(ChatId.String chatId, latitude, longitude, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?horizontalAccuracy = horizontalAccuracy, ?livePeriod = livePeriod, ?heading = heading, ?proximityAlertRadius = proximityAlertRadius, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendLocation"
@@ -587,10 +650,11 @@ type SendVenue =
GooglePlaceType: string option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, latitude: float, longitude: float, title: string, address: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?foursquareId: string, ?foursquareType: string, ?googlePlaceId: string, ?googlePlaceType: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, latitude: float, longitude: float, title: string, address: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?foursquareId: string, ?foursquareType: string, ?googlePlaceId: string, ?googlePlaceType: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -605,13 +669,14 @@ type SendVenue =
GooglePlaceType = googlePlaceType
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, latitude: float, longitude: float, title: string, address: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?foursquareId: string, ?foursquareType: string, ?googlePlaceId: string, ?googlePlaceType: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendVenue.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, latitude, longitude, title, address, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?foursquareId = foursquareId, ?foursquareType = foursquareType, ?googlePlaceId = googlePlaceId, ?googlePlaceType = googlePlaceType, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, latitude: float, longitude: float, title: string, address: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?foursquareId: string, ?foursquareType: string, ?googlePlaceId: string, ?googlePlaceType: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendVenue.Make(ChatId.String chatId, latitude, longitude, title, address, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?foursquareId = foursquareId, ?foursquareType = foursquareType, ?googlePlaceId = googlePlaceId, ?googlePlaceType = googlePlaceType, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, latitude: float, longitude: float, title: string, address: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?foursquareId: string, ?foursquareType: string, ?googlePlaceId: string, ?googlePlaceType: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendVenue.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, latitude, longitude, title, address, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?foursquareId = foursquareId, ?foursquareType = foursquareType, ?googlePlaceId = googlePlaceId, ?googlePlaceType = googlePlaceType, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, latitude: float, longitude: float, title: string, address: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?foursquareId: string, ?foursquareType: string, ?googlePlaceId: string, ?googlePlaceType: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendVenue.Make(ChatId.String chatId, latitude, longitude, title, address, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?foursquareId = foursquareId, ?foursquareType = foursquareType, ?googlePlaceId = googlePlaceId, ?googlePlaceType = googlePlaceType, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendVenue"
@@ -626,10 +691,11 @@ type SendContact =
Vcard: string option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, phoneNumber: string, firstName: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?lastName: string, ?vcard: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, phoneNumber: string, firstName: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?lastName: string, ?vcard: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -640,13 +706,14 @@ type SendContact =
Vcard = vcard
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, phoneNumber: string, firstName: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?lastName: string, ?vcard: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendContact.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, phoneNumber, firstName, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?lastName = lastName, ?vcard = vcard, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, phoneNumber: string, firstName: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?lastName: string, ?vcard: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendContact.Make(ChatId.String chatId, phoneNumber, firstName, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?lastName = lastName, ?vcard = vcard, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, phoneNumber: string, firstName: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?lastName: string, ?vcard: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendContact.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, phoneNumber, firstName, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?lastName = lastName, ?vcard = vcard, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, phoneNumber: string, firstName: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?lastName: string, ?vcard: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendContact.Make(ChatId.String chatId, phoneNumber, firstName, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?lastName = lastName, ?vcard = vcard, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendContact"
@@ -671,10 +738,11 @@ type SendPoll =
IsClosed: bool option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, question: string, options: InputPollOption[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isClosed: bool, ?closeDate: int64, ?openPeriod: int64, ?explanationEntities: MessageEntity[], ?explanationParseMode: string, ?correctOptionId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers: bool, ?``type``: string, ?isAnonymous: bool, ?questionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?questionParseMode: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?explanation: string, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, question: string, options: InputPollOption[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isClosed: bool, ?closeDate: int64, ?openPeriod: int64, ?explanationEntities: MessageEntity[], ?explanationParseMode: string, ?correctOptionId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers: bool, ?``type``: string, ?isAnonymous: bool, ?questionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?questionParseMode: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?explanation: string, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -695,13 +763,14 @@ type SendPoll =
IsClosed = isClosed
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, question: string, options: InputPollOption[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isClosed: bool, ?closeDate: int64, ?openPeriod: int64, ?explanationEntities: MessageEntity[], ?explanationParseMode: string, ?correctOptionId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers: bool, ?``type``: string, ?isAnonymous: bool, ?questionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?questionParseMode: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?explanation: string, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendPoll.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, question, options, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?isClosed = isClosed, ?closeDate = closeDate, ?openPeriod = openPeriod, ?explanationEntities = explanationEntities, ?explanationParseMode = explanationParseMode, ?correctOptionId = correctOptionId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers = allowsMultipleAnswers, ?``type`` = ``type``, ?isAnonymous = isAnonymous, ?questionEntities = questionEntities, ?questionParseMode = questionParseMode, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?explanation = explanation, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, question: string, options: InputPollOption[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isClosed: bool, ?closeDate: int64, ?openPeriod: int64, ?explanationEntities: MessageEntity[], ?explanationParseMode: string, ?correctOptionId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers: bool, ?``type``: string, ?isAnonymous: bool, ?questionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?questionParseMode: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?explanation: string, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendPoll.Make(ChatId.String chatId, question, options, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?isClosed = isClosed, ?closeDate = closeDate, ?openPeriod = openPeriod, ?explanationEntities = explanationEntities, ?explanationParseMode = explanationParseMode, ?correctOptionId = correctOptionId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers = allowsMultipleAnswers, ?``type`` = ``type``, ?isAnonymous = isAnonymous, ?questionEntities = questionEntities, ?questionParseMode = questionParseMode, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?explanation = explanation, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, question: string, options: InputPollOption[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isClosed: bool, ?closeDate: int64, ?openPeriod: int64, ?explanationEntities: MessageEntity[], ?explanationParseMode: string, ?correctOptionId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers: bool, ?``type``: string, ?isAnonymous: bool, ?questionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?questionParseMode: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?explanation: string, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendPoll.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, question, options, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?isClosed = isClosed, ?closeDate = closeDate, ?openPeriod = openPeriod, ?explanationEntities = explanationEntities, ?explanationParseMode = explanationParseMode, ?correctOptionId = correctOptionId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers = allowsMultipleAnswers, ?``type`` = ``type``, ?isAnonymous = isAnonymous, ?questionEntities = questionEntities, ?questionParseMode = questionParseMode, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?explanation = explanation, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, question: string, options: InputPollOption[], ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isClosed: bool, ?closeDate: int64, ?openPeriod: int64, ?explanationEntities: MessageEntity[], ?explanationParseMode: string, ?correctOptionId: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers: bool, ?``type``: string, ?isAnonymous: bool, ?questionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?questionParseMode: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?explanation: string, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendPoll.Make(ChatId.String chatId, question, options, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?isClosed = isClosed, ?closeDate = closeDate, ?openPeriod = openPeriod, ?explanationEntities = explanationEntities, ?explanationParseMode = explanationParseMode, ?correctOptionId = correctOptionId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?allowsMultipleAnswers = allowsMultipleAnswers, ?``type`` = ``type``, ?isAnonymous = isAnonymous, ?questionEntities = questionEntities, ?questionParseMode = questionParseMode, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?explanation = explanation, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendPoll"
@@ -713,10 +782,11 @@ type SendDice =
Emoji: string option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -724,13 +794,14 @@ type SendDice =
Emoji = emoji
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendDice.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?emoji = emoji, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendDice.Make(ChatId.String chatId, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?emoji = emoji, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendDice.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?emoji = emoji, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendDice.Make(ChatId.String chatId, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?emoji = emoji, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendDice"
@@ -1741,6 +1812,7 @@ type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights =
type EditMessageText =
+ BusinessConnectionId: string option
ChatId: ChatId option
MessageId: int64 option
InlineMessageId: string option
@@ -1750,8 +1822,9 @@ type EditMessageText =
LinkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions option
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Make(text: string, ?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Make(text: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
MessageId = messageId
InlineMessageId = inlineMessageId
@@ -1766,41 +1839,43 @@ type EditMessageText =
type EditMessageCaption =
+ BusinessConnectionId: string option
ChatId: ChatId option
MessageId: int64 option
InlineMessageId: string option
Caption: string option
ParseMode: ParseMode option
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Make(?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Make(?businessConnectionId: string, ?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
MessageId = messageId
InlineMessageId = inlineMessageId
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(?chatId: int64, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- EditMessageCaption.Make(?chatId = (chatId |> Option.map ChatId.Int), ?messageId = messageId, ?inlineMessageId = inlineMessageId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(?chatId: string, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- EditMessageCaption.Make(?chatId = (chatId |> Option.map ChatId.String), ?messageId = messageId, ?inlineMessageId = inlineMessageId, ?caption = caption, ?parseMode = parseMode, ?captionEntities = captionEntities, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "editMessageCaption"
type EditMessageMedia =
+ BusinessConnectionId: string option
ChatId: ChatId option
MessageId: int64 option
InlineMessageId: string option
Media: InputMedia
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Make(media: InputMedia, ?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Make(media: InputMedia, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
MessageId = messageId
InlineMessageId = inlineMessageId
@@ -1812,6 +1887,7 @@ type EditMessageMedia =
type EditMessageLiveLocation =
+ BusinessConnectionId: string option
ChatId: ChatId option
MessageId: int64 option
InlineMessageId: string option
@@ -1823,8 +1899,9 @@ type EditMessageLiveLocation =
ProximityAlertRadius: int64 option
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Make(latitude: float, longitude: float, ?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?livePeriod: int64, ?horizontalAccuracy: float, ?heading: int64, ?proximityAlertRadius: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Make(latitude: float, longitude: float, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?livePeriod: int64, ?horizontalAccuracy: float, ?heading: int64, ?proximityAlertRadius: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
MessageId = messageId
InlineMessageId = inlineMessageId
@@ -1841,62 +1918,60 @@ type EditMessageLiveLocation =
type StopMessageLiveLocation =
+ BusinessConnectionId: string option
ChatId: ChatId option
MessageId: int64 option
InlineMessageId: string option
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Make(?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Make(?businessConnectionId: string, ?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
MessageId = messageId
InlineMessageId = inlineMessageId
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(?chatId: int64, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- StopMessageLiveLocation.Make(?chatId = (chatId |> Option.map ChatId.Int), ?messageId = messageId, ?inlineMessageId = inlineMessageId, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(?chatId: string, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- StopMessageLiveLocation.Make(?chatId = (chatId |> Option.map ChatId.String), ?messageId = messageId, ?inlineMessageId = inlineMessageId, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "stopMessageLiveLocation"
type EditMessageReplyMarkup =
+ BusinessConnectionId: string option
ChatId: ChatId option
MessageId: int64 option
InlineMessageId: string option
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Make(?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Make(?businessConnectionId: string, ?chatId: ChatId, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
MessageId = messageId
InlineMessageId = inlineMessageId
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(?chatId: int64, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- EditMessageReplyMarkup.Make(?chatId = (chatId |> Option.map ChatId.Int), ?messageId = messageId, ?inlineMessageId = inlineMessageId, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(?chatId: string, ?messageId: int64, ?inlineMessageId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- EditMessageReplyMarkup.Make(?chatId = (chatId |> Option.map ChatId.String), ?messageId = messageId, ?inlineMessageId = inlineMessageId, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "editMessageReplyMarkup"
type StopPoll =
+ BusinessConnectionId: string option
ChatId: ChatId
MessageId: int64
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, messageId: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, messageId: int64, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
MessageId = messageId
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, messageId: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- StopPoll.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, messageId, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, messageId: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- StopPoll.Make(ChatId.String chatId, messageId, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, messageId: int64, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ StopPoll.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, messageId, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, messageId: int64, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ StopPoll.Make(ChatId.String chatId, messageId, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "stopPoll"
@@ -1943,10 +2018,11 @@ type SendSticker =
Emoji: string option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: Markup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, sticker: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, sticker: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -1955,13 +2031,14 @@ type SendSticker =
Emoji = emoji
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, sticker: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendSticker.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, sticker, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?emoji = emoji, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, sticker: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
- SendSticker.Make(ChatId.String chatId, sticker, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?emoji = emoji, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, sticker: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendSticker.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, sticker, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?emoji = emoji, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, sticker: InputFile, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?emoji: string, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: Markup) =
+ SendSticker.Make(ChatId.String chatId, sticker, ?businessConnectionId = businessConnectionId, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?emoji = emoji, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendSticker"
@@ -2213,7 +2290,7 @@ type SendInvoice =
Title: string
Description: string
Payload: string
- ProviderToken: string
+ ProviderToken: string option
Currency: string
Prices: LabeledPrice[]
MaxTipAmount: int64 option
@@ -2233,10 +2310,11 @@ type SendInvoice =
IsFlexible: bool option
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Make(chatId: ChatId, title: string, description: string, payload: string, providerToken: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isFlexible: bool, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoSize: int64, ?photoWidth: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?photoUrl: string, ?providerData: string, ?startParameter: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?photoHeight: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: ChatId, title: string, description: string, payload: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isFlexible: bool, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoSize: int64, ?photoWidth: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?photoUrl: string, ?providerData: string, ?startParameter: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?providerToken: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?photoHeight: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
ChatId = chatId
MessageThreadId = messageThreadId
@@ -2263,13 +2341,14 @@ type SendInvoice =
IsFlexible = isFlexible
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
- static member Make(chatId: int64, title: string, description: string, payload: string, providerToken: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isFlexible: bool, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoSize: int64, ?photoWidth: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?photoUrl: string, ?providerData: string, ?startParameter: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?photoHeight: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- SendInvoice.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, title, description, payload, providerToken, currency, prices, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?isFlexible = isFlexible, ?sendEmailToProvider = sendEmailToProvider, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider = sendPhoneNumberToProvider, ?needShippingAddress = needShippingAddress, ?needEmail = needEmail, ?needPhoneNumber = needPhoneNumber, ?needName = needName, ?photoSize = photoSize, ?photoWidth = photoWidth, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?photoUrl = photoUrl, ?providerData = providerData, ?startParameter = startParameter, ?suggestedTipAmounts = suggestedTipAmounts, ?maxTipAmount = maxTipAmount, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?photoHeight = photoHeight, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
- static member Make(chatId: string, title: string, description: string, payload: string, providerToken: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isFlexible: bool, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoSize: int64, ?photoWidth: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?photoUrl: string, ?providerData: string, ?startParameter: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?photoHeight: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
- SendInvoice.Make(ChatId.String chatId, title, description, payload, providerToken, currency, prices, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?isFlexible = isFlexible, ?sendEmailToProvider = sendEmailToProvider, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider = sendPhoneNumberToProvider, ?needShippingAddress = needShippingAddress, ?needEmail = needEmail, ?needPhoneNumber = needPhoneNumber, ?needName = needName, ?photoSize = photoSize, ?photoWidth = photoWidth, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?photoUrl = photoUrl, ?providerData = providerData, ?startParameter = startParameter, ?suggestedTipAmounts = suggestedTipAmounts, ?maxTipAmount = maxTipAmount, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?photoHeight = photoHeight, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, title: string, description: string, payload: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isFlexible: bool, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoSize: int64, ?photoWidth: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?photoUrl: string, ?providerData: string, ?startParameter: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?providerToken: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?photoHeight: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ SendInvoice.Make(ChatId.Int chatId, title, description, payload, currency, prices, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?isFlexible = isFlexible, ?sendEmailToProvider = sendEmailToProvider, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider = sendPhoneNumberToProvider, ?needShippingAddress = needShippingAddress, ?needEmail = needEmail, ?needPhoneNumber = needPhoneNumber, ?needName = needName, ?photoSize = photoSize, ?photoWidth = photoWidth, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?photoUrl = photoUrl, ?providerData = providerData, ?startParameter = startParameter, ?suggestedTipAmounts = suggestedTipAmounts, ?maxTipAmount = maxTipAmount, ?providerToken = providerToken, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?photoHeight = photoHeight, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
+ static member Make(chatId: string, title: string, description: string, payload: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?messageEffectId: string, ?protectContent: bool, ?disableNotification: bool, ?isFlexible: bool, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoSize: int64, ?photoWidth: int64, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?photoUrl: string, ?providerData: string, ?startParameter: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?providerToken: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?photoHeight: int64, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ SendInvoice.Make(ChatId.String chatId, title, description, payload, currency, prices, ?messageEffectId = messageEffectId, ?protectContent = protectContent, ?disableNotification = disableNotification, ?isFlexible = isFlexible, ?sendEmailToProvider = sendEmailToProvider, ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider = sendPhoneNumberToProvider, ?needShippingAddress = needShippingAddress, ?needEmail = needEmail, ?needPhoneNumber = needPhoneNumber, ?needName = needName, ?photoSize = photoSize, ?photoWidth = photoWidth, ?replyParameters = replyParameters, ?photoUrl = photoUrl, ?providerData = providerData, ?startParameter = startParameter, ?suggestedTipAmounts = suggestedTipAmounts, ?maxTipAmount = maxTipAmount, ?providerToken = providerToken, ?messageThreadId = messageThreadId, ?photoHeight = photoHeight, ?replyMarkup = replyMarkup)
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "sendInvoice"
@@ -2278,7 +2357,7 @@ type CreateInvoiceLink =
Title: string
Description: string
Payload: string
- ProviderToken: string
+ ProviderToken: string option
Currency: string
Prices: LabeledPrice[]
MaxTipAmount: int64 option
@@ -2296,7 +2375,7 @@ type CreateInvoiceLink =
SendEmailToProvider: bool option
IsFlexible: bool option
- static member Make(title: string, description: string, payload: string, providerToken: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoHeight: int64, ?photoUrl: string, ?photoSize: int64, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?providerData: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?photoWidth: int64, ?isFlexible: bool) =
+ static member Make(title: string, description: string, payload: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoHeight: int64, ?photoUrl: string, ?photoSize: int64, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?providerData: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?providerToken: string, ?photoWidth: int64, ?isFlexible: bool) =
Title = title
Description = description
@@ -2354,6 +2433,32 @@ type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery =
interface IRequestBase with
member _.MethodName = "answerPreCheckoutQuery"
+type GetStarTransactions =
+ {
+ Offset: int64 option
+ Limit: int64 option
+ }
+ static member Make(?offset: int64, ?limit: int64) =
+ {
+ Offset = offset
+ Limit = limit
+ }
+ interface IRequestBase with
+ member _.MethodName = "getStarTransactions"
+type RefundStarPayment =
+ {
+ UserId: int64
+ TelegramPaymentChargeId: string
+ }
+ static member Make(userId: int64, telegramPaymentChargeId: string) =
+ {
+ UserId = userId
+ TelegramPaymentChargeId = telegramPaymentChargeId
+ }
+ interface IRequestBase with
+ member _.MethodName = "refundStarPayment"
type SetPassportDataErrors =
UserId: int64
@@ -2375,10 +2480,11 @@ type SendGame =
GameShortName: string
DisableNotification: bool option
ProtectContent: bool option
+ MessageEffectId: string option
ReplyParameters: ReplyParameters option
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Make(chatId: int64, gameShortName: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Make(chatId: int64, gameShortName: string, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?disableNotification: bool, ?protectContent: bool, ?messageEffectId: string, ?replyParameters: ReplyParameters, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
ChatId = chatId
@@ -2386,6 +2492,7 @@ type SendGame =
GameShortName = gameShortName
DisableNotification = disableNotification
ProtectContent = protectContent
+ MessageEffectId = messageEffectId
ReplyParameters = replyParameters
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
diff --git a/src/Funogram.Telegram/Types.fs b/src/Funogram.Telegram/Types.fs
index d5f08b0..40b8776 100644
--- a/src/Funogram.Telegram/Types.fs
+++ b/src/Funogram.Telegram/Types.fs
@@ -408,6 +408,9 @@ and [] ChatFullInfo =
/// Default chat member permissions, for groups and supergroups
Permissions: ChatPermissions option
+ /// True, if paid media messages can be sent or forwarded to the channel chat. The field is available only for channel chats.
+ []
+ CanSendPaidMedia: bool option
/// For supergroups, the minimum allowed delay between consecutive messages sent by each unprivileged user; in seconds
SlowModeDelay: int64 option
@@ -445,7 +448,7 @@ and [] ChatFullInfo =
Location: ChatLocation option
- static member Create(id: int64, ``type``: string, accentColorId: int64, maxReactionCount: int64, ?joinToSendMessages: bool, ?joinByRequest: bool, ?description: string, ?inviteLink: string, ?pinnedMessage: Message, ?permissions: ChatPermissions, ?slowModeDelay: int64, ?unrestrictBoostCount: int64, ?hasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled: bool, ?hasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoMessages: bool, ?hasHiddenMembers: bool, ?hasProtectedContent: bool, ?hasVisibleHistory: bool, ?stickerSetName: string, ?canSetStickerSet: bool, ?customEmojiStickerSetName: string, ?messageAutoDeleteTime: int64, ?hasPrivateForwards: bool, ?emojiStatusExpirationDate: int64, ?linkedChatId: int64, ?title: string, ?username: string, ?firstName: string, ?lastName: string, ?isForum: bool, ?photo: ChatPhoto, ?activeUsernames: string[], ?birthdate: Birthdate, ?businessIntro: BusinessIntro, ?businessLocation: BusinessLocation, ?businessOpeningHours: BusinessOpeningHours, ?personalChat: Chat, ?availableReactions: ReactionType[], ?backgroundCustomEmojiId: string, ?profileAccentColorId: int64, ?profileBackgroundCustomEmojiId: string, ?emojiStatusCustomEmojiId: string, ?bio: string, ?location: ChatLocation) =
+ static member Create(id: int64, ``type``: string, accentColorId: int64, maxReactionCount: int64, ?joinToSendMessages: bool, ?joinByRequest: bool, ?description: string, ?inviteLink: string, ?pinnedMessage: Message, ?permissions: ChatPermissions, ?canSendPaidMedia: bool, ?slowModeDelay: int64, ?messageAutoDeleteTime: int64, ?hasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoMessages: bool, ?hasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled: bool, ?hasHiddenMembers: bool, ?hasProtectedContent: bool, ?hasVisibleHistory: bool, ?stickerSetName: string, ?canSetStickerSet: bool, ?customEmojiStickerSetName: string, ?unrestrictBoostCount: int64, ?hasPrivateForwards: bool, ?emojiStatusExpirationDate: int64, ?linkedChatId: int64, ?title: string, ?username: string, ?firstName: string, ?lastName: string, ?isForum: bool, ?photo: ChatPhoto, ?activeUsernames: string[], ?birthdate: Birthdate, ?businessIntro: BusinessIntro, ?businessLocation: BusinessLocation, ?businessOpeningHours: BusinessOpeningHours, ?personalChat: Chat, ?availableReactions: ReactionType[], ?backgroundCustomEmojiId: string, ?profileAccentColorId: int64, ?profileBackgroundCustomEmojiId: string, ?emojiStatusCustomEmojiId: string, ?bio: string, ?location: ChatLocation) =
Id = id
Type = ``type``
@@ -457,17 +460,18 @@ and [] ChatFullInfo =
InviteLink = inviteLink
PinnedMessage = pinnedMessage
Permissions = permissions
+ CanSendPaidMedia = canSendPaidMedia
SlowModeDelay = slowModeDelay
- UnrestrictBoostCount = unrestrictBoostCount
- HasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled = hasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled
+ MessageAutoDeleteTime = messageAutoDeleteTime
HasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoMessages = hasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoMessages
+ HasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled = hasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled
HasHiddenMembers = hasHiddenMembers
HasProtectedContent = hasProtectedContent
HasVisibleHistory = hasVisibleHistory
StickerSetName = stickerSetName
CanSetStickerSet = canSetStickerSet
CustomEmojiStickerSetName = customEmojiStickerSetName
- MessageAutoDeleteTime = messageAutoDeleteTime
+ UnrestrictBoostCount = unrestrictBoostCount
HasPrivateForwards = hasPrivateForwards
EmojiStatusExpirationDate = emojiStatusExpirationDate
LinkedChatId = linkedChatId
@@ -570,6 +574,9 @@ and [] Message =
/// Options used for link preview generation for the message, if it is a text message and link preview options were changed
LinkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions option
+ /// Unique identifier of the message effect added to the message
+ []
+ EffectId: string option
/// Message is an animation, information about the animation. For backward compatibility, when this field is set, the document field will also be set
Animation: Animation option
@@ -579,6 +586,9 @@ and [] Message =
/// Message is a general file, information about the file
Document: Document option
+ /// Message contains paid media; information about the paid media
+ []
+ PaidMedia: PaidMediaInfo option
/// Message is a photo, available sizes of the photo
Photo: PhotoSize[] option
@@ -597,12 +607,15 @@ and [] Message =
/// Message is a voice message, information about the file
Voice: Voice option
- /// Caption for the animation, audio, document, photo, video or voice
+ /// Caption for the animation, audio, document, paid media, photo, video or voice
Caption: string option
/// For messages with a caption, special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. that appear in the caption
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// True, if the message media is covered by a spoiler animation
HasMediaSpoiler: bool option
@@ -666,6 +679,9 @@ and [] Message =
/// Message is a service message about a successful payment, information about the payment. More about payments »
SuccessfulPayment: SuccessfulPayment option
+ /// Message is a service message about a refunded payment, information about the payment. More about payments »
+ []
+ RefundedPayment: RefundedPayment option
/// Service message: users were shared with the bot
UsersShared: UsersShared option
@@ -739,31 +755,32 @@ and [] Message =
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
- static member Create(messageId: int64, date: DateTime, chat: Chat, ?chatShared: ChatShared, ?usersShared: UsersShared, ?successfulPayment: SuccessfulPayment, ?invoice: Invoice, ?pinnedMessage: MaybeInaccessibleMessage, ?migrateFromChatId: int64, ?migrateToChatId: int64, ?messageAutoDeleteTimerChanged: MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged, ?channelChatCreated: bool, ?supergroupChatCreated: bool, ?groupChatCreated: bool, ?deleteChatPhoto: bool, ?newChatPhoto: PhotoSize[], ?newChatTitle: string, ?leftChatMember: User, ?newChatMembers: User[], ?connectedWebsite: string, ?writeAccessAllowed: WriteAccessAllowed, ?passportData: PassportData, ?proximityAlertTriggered: ProximityAlertTriggered, ?videoChatParticipantsInvited: VideoChatParticipantsInvited, ?videoChatEnded: VideoChatEnded, ?videoChatStarted: VideoChatStarted, ?videoChatScheduled: VideoChatScheduled, ?giveawayCompleted: GiveawayCompleted, ?giveawayWinners: GiveawayWinners, ?giveaway: Giveaway, ?location: Location, ?giveawayCreated: GiveawayCreated, ?generalForumTopicHidden: GeneralForumTopicHidden, ?forumTopicReopened: ForumTopicReopened, ?forumTopicClosed: ForumTopicClosed, ?forumTopicEdited: ForumTopicEdited, ?forumTopicCreated: ForumTopicCreated, ?chatBackgroundSet: ChatBackground, ?boostAdded: ChatBoostAdded, ?generalForumTopicUnhidden: GeneralForumTopicUnhidden, ?venue: Venue, ?poll: Poll, ?game: Game, ?hasProtectedContent: bool, ?editDate: int64, ?viaBot: User, ?replyToStory: Story, ?quote: TextQuote, ?externalReply: ExternalReplyInfo, ?replyToMessage: Message, ?isFromOffline: bool, ?isAutomaticForward: bool, ?forwardOrigin: MessageOrigin, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?senderBusinessBot: User, ?senderBoostCount: int64, ?senderChat: Chat, ?from: User, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?isTopicMessage: bool, ?webAppData: WebAppData, ?mediaGroupId: string, ?text: string, ?dice: Dice, ?contact: Contact, ?hasMediaSpoiler: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?caption: string, ?voice: Voice, ?videoNote: VideoNote, ?authorSignature: string, ?video: Video, ?sticker: Sticker, ?photo: PhotoSize[], ?document: Document, ?audio: Audio, ?animation: Animation, ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?story: Story, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
+ static member Create(messageId: int64, date: DateTime, chat: Chat, ?usersShared: UsersShared, ?refundedPayment: RefundedPayment, ?successfulPayment: SuccessfulPayment, ?invoice: Invoice, ?pinnedMessage: MaybeInaccessibleMessage, ?migrateFromChatId: int64, ?migrateToChatId: int64, ?messageAutoDeleteTimerChanged: MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged, ?supergroupChatCreated: bool, ?chatShared: ChatShared, ?groupChatCreated: bool, ?deleteChatPhoto: bool, ?newChatPhoto: PhotoSize[], ?newChatTitle: string, ?leftChatMember: User, ?newChatMembers: User[], ?location: Location, ?channelChatCreated: bool, ?connectedWebsite: string, ?writeAccessAllowed: WriteAccessAllowed, ?passportData: PassportData, ?videoChatParticipantsInvited: VideoChatParticipantsInvited, ?videoChatEnded: VideoChatEnded, ?videoChatStarted: VideoChatStarted, ?videoChatScheduled: VideoChatScheduled, ?giveawayCompleted: GiveawayCompleted, ?giveawayWinners: GiveawayWinners, ?giveaway: Giveaway, ?giveawayCreated: GiveawayCreated, ?generalForumTopicUnhidden: GeneralForumTopicUnhidden, ?generalForumTopicHidden: GeneralForumTopicHidden, ?forumTopicReopened: ForumTopicReopened, ?forumTopicClosed: ForumTopicClosed, ?forumTopicEdited: ForumTopicEdited, ?forumTopicCreated: ForumTopicCreated, ?chatBackgroundSet: ChatBackground, ?boostAdded: ChatBoostAdded, ?proximityAlertTriggered: ProximityAlertTriggered, ?venue: Venue, ?poll: Poll, ?game: Game, ?dice: Dice, ?isFromOffline: bool, ?hasProtectedContent: bool, ?editDate: int64, ?viaBot: User, ?replyToStory: Story, ?quote: TextQuote, ?externalReply: ExternalReplyInfo, ?replyToMessage: Message, ?isAutomaticForward: bool, ?isTopicMessage: bool, ?forwardOrigin: MessageOrigin, ?businessConnectionId: string, ?senderBusinessBot: User, ?senderBoostCount: int64, ?senderChat: Chat, ?from: User, ?messageThreadId: int64, ?mediaGroupId: string, ?webAppData: WebAppData, ?authorSignature: string, ?entities: MessageEntity[], ?contact: Contact, ?hasMediaSpoiler: bool, ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?caption: string, ?voice: Voice, ?videoNote: VideoNote, ?video: Video, ?story: Story, ?sticker: Sticker, ?photo: PhotoSize[], ?paidMedia: PaidMediaInfo, ?document: Document, ?audio: Audio, ?animation: Animation, ?effectId: string, ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?text: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) =
MessageId = messageId
Date = date
Chat = chat
- ChatShared = chatShared
UsersShared = usersShared
+ RefundedPayment = refundedPayment
SuccessfulPayment = successfulPayment
Invoice = invoice
PinnedMessage = pinnedMessage
MigrateFromChatId = migrateFromChatId
MigrateToChatId = migrateToChatId
MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged = messageAutoDeleteTimerChanged
- ChannelChatCreated = channelChatCreated
SupergroupChatCreated = supergroupChatCreated
+ ChatShared = chatShared
GroupChatCreated = groupChatCreated
DeleteChatPhoto = deleteChatPhoto
NewChatPhoto = newChatPhoto
NewChatTitle = newChatTitle
LeftChatMember = leftChatMember
NewChatMembers = newChatMembers
+ Location = location
+ ChannelChatCreated = channelChatCreated
ConnectedWebsite = connectedWebsite
WriteAccessAllowed = writeAccessAllowed
PassportData = passportData
- ProximityAlertTriggered = proximityAlertTriggered
VideoChatParticipantsInvited = videoChatParticipantsInvited
VideoChatEnded = videoChatEnded
VideoChatStarted = videoChatStarted
@@ -771,8 +788,8 @@ and [] Message =
GiveawayCompleted = giveawayCompleted
GiveawayWinners = giveawayWinners
Giveaway = giveaway
- Location = location
GiveawayCreated = giveawayCreated
+ GeneralForumTopicUnhidden = generalForumTopicUnhidden
GeneralForumTopicHidden = generalForumTopicHidden
ForumTopicReopened = forumTopicReopened
ForumTopicClosed = forumTopicClosed
@@ -780,10 +797,12 @@ and [] Message =
ForumTopicCreated = forumTopicCreated
ChatBackgroundSet = chatBackgroundSet
BoostAdded = boostAdded
- GeneralForumTopicUnhidden = generalForumTopicUnhidden
+ ProximityAlertTriggered = proximityAlertTriggered
Venue = venue
Poll = poll
Game = game
+ Dice = dice
+ IsFromOffline = isFromOffline
HasProtectedContent = hasProtectedContent
EditDate = editDate
ViaBot = viaBot
@@ -791,8 +810,8 @@ and [] Message =
Quote = quote
ExternalReply = externalReply
ReplyToMessage = replyToMessage
- IsFromOffline = isFromOffline
IsAutomaticForward = isAutomaticForward
+ IsTopicMessage = isTopicMessage
ForwardOrigin = forwardOrigin
BusinessConnectionId = businessConnectionId
SenderBusinessBot = senderBusinessBot
@@ -800,27 +819,28 @@ and [] Message =
SenderChat = senderChat
From = from
MessageThreadId = messageThreadId
- IsTopicMessage = isTopicMessage
- WebAppData = webAppData
MediaGroupId = mediaGroupId
- Text = text
- Dice = dice
+ WebAppData = webAppData
+ AuthorSignature = authorSignature
+ Entities = entities
Contact = contact
HasMediaSpoiler = hasMediaSpoiler
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
Caption = caption
Voice = voice
VideoNote = videoNote
- AuthorSignature = authorSignature
Video = video
+ Story = story
Sticker = sticker
Photo = photo
+ PaidMedia = paidMedia
Document = document
Audio = audio
Animation = animation
+ EffectId = effectId
LinkPreviewOptions = linkPreviewOptions
- Entities = entities
- Story = story
+ Text = text
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
@@ -864,7 +884,7 @@ and MaybeInaccessibleMessage =
/// This object represents one special entity in a text message. For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc.
and [] MessageEntity =
- /// Type of the entity. Currently, can be “mention” (@username), “hashtag” (#hashtag), “cashtag” ($USD), “bot_command” (/start@jobs_bot), “url” (https://telegram.org), “email” (do-not-reply@telegram.org), “phone_number” (+1-212-555-0123), “bold” (bold text), “italic” (italic text), “underline” (underlined text), “strikethrough” (strikethrough text), “spoiler” (spoiler message), “blockquote” (block quotation), “code” (monowidth string), “pre” (monowidth block), “text_link” (for clickable text URLs), “text_mention” (for users without usernames), “custom_emoji” (for inline custom emoji stickers)
+ /// Type of the entity. Currently, can be “mention” (@username), “hashtag” (#hashtag), “cashtag” ($USD), “bot_command” (/start@jobs_bot), “url” (https://telegram.org), “email” (do-not-reply@telegram.org), “phone_number” (+1-212-555-0123), “bold” (bold text), “italic” (italic text), “underline” (underlined text), “strikethrough” (strikethrough text), “spoiler” (spoiler message), “blockquote” (block quotation), “expandable_blockquote” (collapsed-by-default block quotation), “code” (monowidth string), “pre” (monowidth block), “text_link” (for clickable text URLs), “text_mention” (for users without usernames), “custom_emoji” (for inline custom emoji stickers)
Type: string
/// Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity
@@ -945,6 +965,9 @@ and [] ExternalReplyInfo =
/// Message is a general file, information about the file
Document: Document option
+ /// Message contains paid media; information about the paid media
+ []
+ PaidMedia: PaidMediaInfo option
/// Message is a photo, available sizes of the photo
Photo: PhotoSize[] option
@@ -994,7 +1017,7 @@ and [] ExternalReplyInfo =
Venue: Venue option
- static member Create(origin: MessageOrigin, ?location: Location, ?invoice: Invoice, ?giveawayWinners: GiveawayWinners, ?giveaway: Giveaway, ?game: Game, ?dice: Dice, ?contact: Contact, ?hasMediaSpoiler: bool, ?voice: Voice, ?poll: Poll, ?videoNote: VideoNote, ?story: Story, ?sticker: Sticker, ?photo: PhotoSize[], ?document: Document, ?audio: Audio, ?animation: Animation, ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?messageId: int64, ?chat: Chat, ?video: Video, ?venue: Venue) =
+ static member Create(origin: MessageOrigin, ?location: Location, ?invoice: Invoice, ?giveawayWinners: GiveawayWinners, ?giveaway: Giveaway, ?game: Game, ?dice: Dice, ?contact: Contact, ?hasMediaSpoiler: bool, ?voice: Voice, ?videoNote: VideoNote, ?video: Video, ?story: Story, ?sticker: Sticker, ?photo: PhotoSize[], ?paidMedia: PaidMediaInfo, ?document: Document, ?audio: Audio, ?animation: Animation, ?linkPreviewOptions: LinkPreviewOptions, ?messageId: int64, ?chat: Chat, ?poll: Poll, ?venue: Venue) =
Origin = origin
Location = location
@@ -1006,18 +1029,19 @@ and [] ExternalReplyInfo =
Contact = contact
HasMediaSpoiler = hasMediaSpoiler
Voice = voice
- Poll = poll
VideoNote = videoNote
+ Video = video
Story = story
Sticker = sticker
Photo = photo
+ PaidMedia = paidMedia
Document = document
Audio = audio
Animation = animation
LinkPreviewOptions = linkPreviewOptions
MessageId = messageId
Chat = chat
- Video = video
+ Poll = poll
Venue = venue
@@ -1193,22 +1217,22 @@ and [] Animation =
/// Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
FileUniqueId: string
- /// Video width as defined by sender
+ /// Video width as defined by the sender
Width: int64
- /// Video height as defined by sender
+ /// Video height as defined by the sender
Height: int64
- /// Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender
+ /// Duration of the video in seconds as defined by the sender
Duration: int64
- /// Animation thumbnail as defined by sender
+ /// Animation thumbnail as defined by the sender
Thumbnail: PhotoSize option
- /// Original animation filename as defined by sender
+ /// Original animation filename as defined by the sender
FileName: string option
- /// MIME type of the file as defined by sender
+ /// MIME type of the file as defined by the sender
MimeType: string option
/// File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
@@ -1237,19 +1261,19 @@ and [] Audio =
/// Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
FileUniqueId: string
- /// Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender
+ /// Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by the sender
Duration: int64
- /// Performer of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags
+ /// Performer of the audio as defined by the sender or by audio tags
Performer: string option
- /// Title of the audio as defined by sender or by audio tags
+ /// Title of the audio as defined by the sender or by audio tags
Title: string option
- /// Original filename as defined by sender
+ /// Original filename as defined by the sender
FileName: string option
- /// MIME type of the file as defined by sender
+ /// MIME type of the file as defined by the sender
MimeType: string option
/// File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
@@ -1281,13 +1305,13 @@ and [] Document =
/// Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
FileUniqueId: string
- /// Document thumbnail as defined by sender
+ /// Document thumbnail as defined by the sender
Thumbnail: PhotoSize option
- /// Original filename as defined by sender
+ /// Original filename as defined by the sender
FileName: string option
- /// MIME type of the file as defined by sender
+ /// MIME type of the file as defined by the sender
MimeType: string option
/// File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
@@ -1329,22 +1353,22 @@ and [] Video =
/// Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
FileUniqueId: string
- /// Video width as defined by sender
+ /// Video width as defined by the sender
Width: int64
- /// Video height as defined by sender
+ /// Video height as defined by the sender
Height: int64
- /// Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender
+ /// Duration of the video in seconds as defined by the sender
Duration: int64
/// Video thumbnail
Thumbnail: PhotoSize option
- /// Original filename as defined by sender
+ /// Original filename as defined by the sender
FileName: string option
- /// MIME type of the file as defined by sender
+ /// MIME type of the file as defined by the sender
MimeType: string option
/// File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
@@ -1373,10 +1397,10 @@ and [] VideoNote =
/// Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
FileUniqueId: string
- /// Video width and height (diameter of the video message) as defined by sender
+ /// Video width and height (diameter of the video message) as defined by the sender
Length: int64
- /// Duration of the video in seconds as defined by sender
+ /// Duration of the video in seconds as defined by the sender
Duration: int64
/// Video thumbnail
@@ -1405,10 +1429,10 @@ and [] Voice =
/// Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file.
FileUniqueId: string
- /// Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by sender
+ /// Duration of the audio in seconds as defined by the sender
Duration: int64
- /// MIME type of the file as defined by sender
+ /// MIME type of the file as defined by the sender
MimeType: string option
/// File size in bytes. It can be bigger than 2^31 and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this value.
@@ -1424,6 +1448,84 @@ and [] Voice =
FileSize = fileSize
+/// Describes the paid media added to a message.
+and [] PaidMediaInfo =
+ {
+ /// The number of Telegram Stars that must be paid to buy access to the media
+ []
+ StarCount: int64
+ /// Information about the paid media
+ []
+ PaidMedia: PaidMedia[]
+ }
+ static member Create(starCount: int64, paidMedia: PaidMedia[]) =
+ {
+ StarCount = starCount
+ PaidMedia = paidMedia
+ }
+/// This object describes paid media. Currently, it can be one of
+and PaidMedia =
+ | Preview of PaidMediaPreview
+ | Photo of PaidMediaPhoto
+ | Video of PaidMediaVideo
+/// The paid media isn't available before the payment.
+and [] PaidMediaPreview =
+ {
+ /// Type of the paid media, always “preview”
+ []
+ Type: string
+ /// Media width as defined by the sender
+ []
+ Width: int64 option
+ /// Media height as defined by the sender
+ []
+ Height: int64 option
+ /// Duration of the media in seconds as defined by the sender
+ []
+ Duration: int64 option
+ }
+ static member Create(``type``: string, ?width: int64, ?height: int64, ?duration: int64) =
+ {
+ Type = ``type``
+ Width = width
+ Height = height
+ Duration = duration
+ }
+/// The paid media is a photo.
+and [] PaidMediaPhoto =
+ {
+ /// Type of the paid media, always “photo”
+ []
+ Type: string
+ /// The photo
+ []
+ Photo: PhotoSize[]
+ }
+ static member Create(``type``: string, photo: PhotoSize[]) =
+ {
+ Type = ``type``
+ Photo = photo
+ }
+/// The paid media is a video.
+and [] PaidMediaVideo =
+ {
+ /// Type of the paid media, always “video”
+ []
+ Type: string
+ /// The video
+ []
+ Video: Video
+ }
+ static member Create(``type``: string, video: Video) =
+ {
+ Type = ``type``
+ Video = video
+ }
/// This object represents a phone contact.
and [] Contact =
@@ -1488,7 +1590,7 @@ and [] PollOption =
TextEntities = textEntities
-/// This object contains information about one answer option in a poll to send.
+/// This object contains information about one answer option in a poll to be sent.
and [] InputPollOption =
/// Option text, 1-100 characters
@@ -1599,10 +1701,10 @@ and [] Poll =
/// This object represents a point on the map.
and [] Location =
- /// Latitude as defined by sender
+ /// Latitude as defined by the sender
Latitude: float
- /// Longitude as defined by sender
+ /// Longitude as defined by the sender
Longitude: float
/// The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters; 0-1500
@@ -2327,7 +2429,7 @@ and [] ReplyKeyboardMarkup =
Selective = selective
-/// This object represents one button of the reply keyboard. For simple text buttons, String can be used instead of this object to specify the button text. The optional fields web_app, request_users, request_chat, request_contact, request_location, and request_poll are mutually exclusive.
+/// This object represents one button of the reply keyboard. At most one of the optional fields must be used to specify type of the button. For simple text buttons, String can be used instead of this object to specify the button text.
/// Note:request_users and request_chat options will only work in Telegram versions released after 3 February, 2023. Older clients will display unsupported message.
and [] KeyboardButton =
@@ -2494,7 +2596,7 @@ and [] InlineKeyboardMarkup =
InlineKeyboard = inlineKeyboard
-/// This object represents one button of an inline keyboard. You must use exactly one of the optional fields.
+/// This object represents one button of an inline keyboard. Exactly one of the optional fields must be used to specify type of the button.
and [] InlineKeyboardButton =
/// Label text on the button
@@ -2503,7 +2605,7 @@ and [] InlineKeyboardButton =
/// HTTP or tg:// URL to be opened when the button is pressed. Links tg://user?id= can be used to mention a user by their identifier without using a username, if this is allowed by their privacy settings.
Url: string option
- /// Data to be sent in a callback query to the bot when button is pressed, 1-64 bytes. Not supported for messages sent on behalf of a Telegram Business account.
+ /// Data to be sent in a callback query to the bot when the button is pressed, 1-64 bytes
CallbackData: string option
/// Description of the Web App that will be launched when the user presses the button. The Web App will be able to send an arbitrary message on behalf of the user using the method answerWebAppQuery. Available only in private chats between a user and the bot. Not supported for messages sent on behalf of a Telegram Business account.
@@ -2528,7 +2630,7 @@ and [] InlineKeyboardButton =
/// NOTE: This type of button must always be the first button in the first row.
CallbackGame: CallbackGame option
- /// Specify True, to send a Pay button.
+ /// Specify True, to send a Pay button. Substrings “” and “XTR” in the buttons's text will be replaced with a Telegram Star icon.
/// NOTE: This type of button must always be the first button in the first row and can only be used in invoice messages.
@@ -3619,7 +3721,7 @@ and [] MenuButtonWebApp =
/// Text on the button
Text: string
- /// Description of the Web App that will be launched when the user presses the button. The Web App will be able to send an arbitrary message on behalf of the user using the method answerWebAppQuery.
+ /// Description of the Web App that will be launched when the user presses the button. The Web App will be able to send an arbitrary message on behalf of the user using the method answerWebAppQuery. Alternatively, a t.me link to a Web App of the bot can be specified in the object instead of the Web App's URL, in which case the Web App will be opened as if the user pressed the link.
WebApp: WebAppInfo
@@ -3874,17 +3976,21 @@ and [] InputMediaPhoto =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Pass True if the photo needs to be covered with a spoiler animation
HasSpoiler: bool option
- static member Create(``type``: string, media: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?hasSpoiler: bool) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, media: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool) =
Type = ``type``
Media = media
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
HasSpoiler = hasSpoiler
@@ -3909,6 +4015,9 @@ and [] InputMediaVideo =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Video width
Width: int64 option
@@ -3925,7 +4034,7 @@ and [] InputMediaVideo =
HasSpoiler: bool option
- static member Create(``type``: string, media: InputFile, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?width: int64, ?height: int64, ?duration: int64, ?supportsStreaming: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, media: InputFile, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?width: int64, ?height: int64, ?duration: int64, ?supportsStreaming: bool, ?hasSpoiler: bool) =
Type = ``type``
Media = media
@@ -3933,6 +4042,7 @@ and [] InputMediaVideo =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
Width = width
Height = height
Duration = duration
@@ -3961,6 +4071,9 @@ and [] InputMediaAnimation =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Animation width
Width: int64 option
@@ -3974,7 +4087,7 @@ and [] InputMediaAnimation =
HasSpoiler: bool option
- static member Create(``type``: string, media: InputFile, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?width: int64, ?height: int64, ?duration: int64, ?hasSpoiler: bool) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, media: InputFile, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?width: int64, ?height: int64, ?duration: int64, ?hasSpoiler: bool) =
Type = ``type``
Media = media
@@ -3982,6 +4095,7 @@ and [] InputMediaAnimation =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
Width = width
Height = height
Duration = duration
@@ -4068,6 +4182,63 @@ and [] InputMediaDocument =
DisableContentTypeDetection = disableContentTypeDetection
+/// This object describes the paid media to be sent. Currently, it can be one of
+and InputPaidMedia =
+ | Photo of InputPaidMediaPhoto
+ | Video of InputPaidMediaVideo
+/// The paid media to send is a photo.
+and [] InputPaidMediaPhoto =
+ {
+ /// Type of the media, must be photo
+ []
+ Type: string
+ /// File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under name. More information on Sending Files »
+ []
+ Media: InputFile
+ }
+ static member Create(``type``: string, media: InputFile) =
+ {
+ Type = ``type``
+ Media = media
+ }
+/// The paid media to send is a video.
+and [] InputPaidMediaVideo =
+ {
+ /// Type of the media, must be video
+ []
+ Type: string
+ /// File to send. Pass a file_id to send a file that exists on the Telegram servers (recommended), pass an HTTP URL for Telegram to get a file from the Internet, or pass “attach://” to upload a new one using multipart/form-data under name. More information on Sending Files »
+ []
+ Media: InputFile
+ /// Thumbnail of the file sent; can be ignored if thumbnail generation for the file is supported server-side. The thumbnail should be in JPEG format and less than 200 kB in size. A thumbnail's width and height should not exceed 320. Ignored if the file is not uploaded using multipart/form-data. Thumbnails can't be reused and can be only uploaded as a new file, so you can pass “attach://” if the thumbnail was uploaded using multipart/form-data under . More information on Sending Files »
+ []
+ Thumbnail: InputFile option
+ /// Video width
+ []
+ Width: int64 option
+ /// Video height
+ []
+ Height: int64 option
+ /// Video duration in seconds
+ []
+ Duration: int64 option
+ /// Pass True if the uploaded video is suitable for streaming
+ []
+ SupportsStreaming: bool option
+ }
+ static member Create(``type``: string, media: InputFile, ?thumbnail: InputFile, ?width: int64, ?height: int64, ?duration: int64, ?supportsStreaming: bool) =
+ {
+ Type = ``type``
+ Media = media
+ Thumbnail = thumbnail
+ Width = width
+ Height = height
+ Duration = duration
+ SupportsStreaming = supportsStreaming
+ }
/// This object represents a sticker.
and [] Sticker =
@@ -4382,6 +4553,9 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultPhoto =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Inline keyboard attached to the message
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
@@ -4389,7 +4563,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultPhoto =
InputMessageContent: InputMessageContent option
- static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, photoUrl: string, thumbnailUrl: string, ?photoWidth: int64, ?photoHeight: int64, ?title: string, ?description: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, photoUrl: string, thumbnailUrl: string, ?photoWidth: int64, ?photoHeight: int64, ?title: string, ?description: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
Type = ``type``
Id = id
@@ -4402,6 +4576,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultPhoto =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
InputMessageContent = inputMessageContent
@@ -4445,6 +4620,9 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultGif =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Inline keyboard attached to the message
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
@@ -4452,7 +4630,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultGif =
InputMessageContent: InputMessageContent option
- static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, gifUrl: string, thumbnailUrl: string, ?gifWidth: int64, ?gifHeight: int64, ?gifDuration: int64, ?thumbnailMimeType: string, ?title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, gifUrl: string, thumbnailUrl: string, ?gifWidth: int64, ?gifHeight: int64, ?gifDuration: int64, ?thumbnailMimeType: string, ?title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
Type = ``type``
Id = id
@@ -4466,6 +4644,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultGif =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
InputMessageContent = inputMessageContent
@@ -4509,6 +4688,9 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Inline keyboard attached to the message
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
@@ -4516,7 +4698,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif =
InputMessageContent: InputMessageContent option
- static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, mpeg4Url: string, thumbnailUrl: string, ?mpeg4Width: int64, ?mpeg4Height: int64, ?mpeg4Duration: int64, ?thumbnailMimeType: string, ?title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, mpeg4Url: string, thumbnailUrl: string, ?mpeg4Width: int64, ?mpeg4Height: int64, ?mpeg4Duration: int64, ?thumbnailMimeType: string, ?title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
Type = ``type``
Id = id
@@ -4530,6 +4712,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
InputMessageContent = inputMessageContent
@@ -4564,6 +4747,9 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultVideo =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Video width
VideoWidth: int64 option
@@ -4583,7 +4769,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultVideo =
InputMessageContent: InputMessageContent option
- static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, videoUrl: string, mimeType: string, thumbnailUrl: string, title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?videoWidth: int64, ?videoHeight: int64, ?videoDuration: int64, ?description: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, videoUrl: string, mimeType: string, thumbnailUrl: string, title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?videoWidth: int64, ?videoHeight: int64, ?videoDuration: int64, ?description: string, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
Type = ``type``
Id = id
@@ -4594,6 +4780,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultVideo =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
VideoWidth = videoWidth
VideoHeight = videoHeight
VideoDuration = videoDuration
@@ -5001,6 +5188,9 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Inline keyboard attached to the message
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
@@ -5008,7 +5198,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto =
InputMessageContent: InputMessageContent option
- static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, photoFileId: string, ?title: string, ?description: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, photoFileId: string, ?title: string, ?description: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
Type = ``type``
Id = id
@@ -5018,6 +5208,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
InputMessageContent = inputMessageContent
@@ -5046,6 +5237,9 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedGif =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Inline keyboard attached to the message
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
@@ -5053,7 +5247,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedGif =
InputMessageContent: InputMessageContent option
- static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, gifFileId: string, ?title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, gifFileId: string, ?title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
Type = ``type``
Id = id
@@ -5062,6 +5256,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedGif =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
InputMessageContent = inputMessageContent
@@ -5090,6 +5285,9 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Inline keyboard attached to the message
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
@@ -5097,7 +5295,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif =
InputMessageContent: InputMessageContent option
- static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, mpeg4FileId: string, ?title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, mpeg4FileId: string, ?title: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
Type = ``type``
Id = id
@@ -5106,6 +5304,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
InputMessageContent = inputMessageContent
@@ -5213,6 +5412,9 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedVideo =
/// List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode
CaptionEntities: MessageEntity[] option
+ /// Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
+ []
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia: bool option
/// Inline keyboard attached to the message
ReplyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup option
@@ -5220,7 +5422,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedVideo =
InputMessageContent: InputMessageContent option
- static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, videoFileId: string, title: string, ?description: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
+ static member Create(``type``: string, id: string, videoFileId: string, title: string, ?description: string, ?caption: string, ?parseMode: ParseMode, ?captionEntities: MessageEntity[], ?showCaptionAboveMedia: bool, ?replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, ?inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent) =
Type = ``type``
Id = id
@@ -5230,6 +5432,7 @@ and [] InlineQueryResultCachedVideo =
Caption = caption
ParseMode = parseMode
CaptionEntities = captionEntities
+ ShowCaptionAboveMedia = showCaptionAboveMedia
ReplyMarkup = replyMarkup
InputMessageContent = inputMessageContent
@@ -5458,16 +5661,16 @@ and [] InputInvoiceMessageContent =
/// Bot-defined invoice payload, 1-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use for your internal processes.
Payload: string
- /// Payment provider token, obtained via @BotFather
+ /// Payment provider token, obtained via @BotFather. Pass an empty string for payments in Telegram Stars.
- ProviderToken: string
- /// Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies
+ ProviderToken: string option
+ /// Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code, see more on currencies. Pass “XTR” for payments in Telegram Stars.
Currency: string
- /// Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.)
+ /// Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.). Must contain exactly one item for payments in Telegram Stars.
Prices: LabeledPrice[]
- /// The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0
+ /// The maximum accepted amount for tips in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a maximum tip of US$ 1.45 pass max_tip_amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Defaults to 0. Not supported for payments in Telegram Stars.
MaxTipAmount: int64 option
/// A JSON-serialized array of suggested amounts of tip in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). At most 4 suggested tip amounts can be specified. The suggested tip amounts must be positive, passed in a strictly increased order and must not exceed max_tip_amount.
@@ -5488,34 +5691,33 @@ and [] InputInvoiceMessageContent =
/// Photo height
PhotoHeight: int64 option
- /// Pass True if you require the user's full name to complete the order
+ /// Pass True if you require the user's full name to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.
NeedName: bool option
- /// Pass True if you require the user's phone number to complete the order
+ /// Pass True if you require the user's phone number to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.
NeedPhoneNumber: bool option
- /// Pass True if you require the user's email address to complete the order
+ /// Pass True if you require the user's email address to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.
NeedEmail: bool option
- /// Pass True if you require the user's shipping address to complete the order
+ /// Pass True if you require the user's shipping address to complete the order. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.
NeedShippingAddress: bool option
- /// Pass True if the user's phone number should be sent to provider
+ /// Pass True if the user's phone number should be sent to the provider. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.
SendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool option
- /// Pass True if the user's email address should be sent to provider
+ /// Pass True if the user's email address should be sent to the provider. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.
SendEmailToProvider: bool option
- /// Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method
+ /// Pass True if the final price depends on the shipping method. Ignored for payments in Telegram Stars.
IsFlexible: bool option
- static member Create(title: string, description: string, payload: string, providerToken: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoHeight: int64, ?photoUrl: string, ?photoSize: int64, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?providerData: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?photoWidth: int64, ?isFlexible: bool) =
+ static member Create(title: string, description: string, payload: string, currency: string, prices: LabeledPrice[], ?sendPhoneNumberToProvider: bool, ?needShippingAddress: bool, ?needEmail: bool, ?needPhoneNumber: bool, ?needName: bool, ?photoHeight: int64, ?photoUrl: string, ?photoSize: int64, ?sendEmailToProvider: bool, ?providerData: string, ?suggestedTipAmounts: int64[], ?maxTipAmount: int64, ?providerToken: string, ?photoWidth: int64, ?isFlexible: bool) =
Title = title
Description = description
Payload = payload
- ProviderToken = providerToken
Currency = currency
Prices = prices
SendPhoneNumberToProvider = sendPhoneNumberToProvider
@@ -5530,6 +5732,7 @@ and [] InputInvoiceMessageContent =
ProviderData = providerData
SuggestedTipAmounts = suggestedTipAmounts
MaxTipAmount = maxTipAmount
+ ProviderToken = providerToken
PhotoWidth = photoWidth
IsFlexible = isFlexible
@@ -5604,7 +5807,7 @@ and [