Send Microsoft Teams messages for new alerts.
If you have the Python Jinja2 package installed you can customize the Microsoft Teams message format.
Clone the GitHub repo and run:
$ python install
Or, to install remotely from GitHub run:
$ pip install git+
Note: If Alerta is installed in a python virtual environment then plugins need to be installed into the same environment for Alerta to dynamically discover them.
Add msteams
to the list of enabled PLUGINS
in alertad.conf
configuration file and set plugin-specific variables either in the
server configuration file or as environment variables.
PLUGINS = ['msteams']
configuration variable is a Jinja2 template
string and accepts any Jinja2 syntax. The formatter has access to two
variables in the template environment, 'alert' for all alert details
and 'config' for access to the alerta configuration.
If you have Jinja2 available you can try customizing the message like this:
MS_TEAMS_SUMMARY_FMT = '<b>[{{ alert.status|capitalize }}]</b> [{{ alert.severity|upper }}] Event {{ alert.event }} on <b>{{ alert.resource }}</b><br>{{ alert.text }}'
- HipChat room notification API:
- Jinja2 templating language for Python:
Copyright (c) 2017 Anton Delitsch. Available under the MIT License.