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Run nixpkgs-review in GitHub Actions


  • Build on x86_64-linux, aarch64-linux, x86_64-darwin and aarch64-darwin
  • No local setup
  • Automatically post results on the reviewed pull request
  • Wait for upstream evaluation to finish before running nixpkgs-review
  • Optionally start an Upterm session after nixpkgs-review has finished to allow interactive testing/debugging via SSH
  • Push new packages to an Attic or Cachix cache
  • Add a "Run nixpkgs-review" shortcut to pull request pages in nixpkgs


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. In your fork, go to the Actions tab and enable GitHub Actions workflows.
  3. (optional) If you want nixpkgs-review-gha to automatically post the results on the reviewed pull requests, you need to generate a personal access token:
    1. Go to and generate a new classic token with the public_repo scope.
    2. In your fork, go to "Settings" > "Secrets and variables" > "actions" and add a new repository secret with the name GH_TOKEN and set its value to the personal access token you generated before.
  4. (optional) Follow these steps if you want nixpkgs-review-gha to push new packages to an Attic cache. Replace $CACHE with the name of your cache (e.g. nixpkgs) and $SERVER with the url of your Attic server (e.g.
    1. Generate a token with push and pull permissions: atticadm make-token --sub nixpkgs-review-gha --validity 1y --pull $CACHE --push $CACHE
    2. Create a new variable with the name ATTIC_SERVER and set it to the value of $SERVER
    3. Create a new variable with the name ATTIC_CACHE and set it to the value of $CACHE
    4. Create a new secret with the name ATTIC_TOKEN and set its value to the token you generated before.
  5. (optional) Follow these steps if you want nixpkgs-review-gha to push new packages to a Cachix cache. Note: If both an Attic cache and a Cachix cache is configured, the Attic cache is preferred and the Cachix configuration is ignored.
    1. Go to and set up your binary cache.
    2. Create a new variable with the name CACHIX_CACHE and set it to the name of your Cachix cache.
    3. Create a new secret with the name CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN and set its value to your auth token. If you are using a self-signed cache, you also need to create a CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY secret and set its value to your private signing key.
  6. (optional) Add shortcut.js as a user script in your browser for for example using the User JavaScript and CSS chrome extension.


  1. Open the review workflow in the "Actions" tab
  2. Click on "Run workflow"
  3. Enter the number of the pull request in nixpkgs you would like to review and click on "Run workflow"
  4. Reload the page if necessary and click on the review run to see the logs