Releases: DataLinkDC/dinky
Dinky v1.0.0-rc2
[Fix-2739] Fix bug that complete the missing path in's CLASS_PATH
[Fix-2740] Fixed issue of re-rendering task list after publishing or offline
[Fix] Fix flink 1.18 set operator not work and configure null error
[Fix] Fix the bug of save_point_strategy in submission history
[Fix] Fix the bug of print flink table
[Fix] Fix the bug of create view to ddl catalog
[Fix] Fix flink application not throw exception
[Fix] Fix the alert option is incorrect
[Fix] Fix the bug of job life cycle
[Fix-2754] Fix the YAML of K8s form in the cluster is not displayed
[Fix-2756] Fix the devops job list duration formate error
[Fix-2777] Fix flink dag tooltip
[Fix-2782]Fix checkpoint path not found
[Fix] Fix the locations bug in pushing task to DolphinScheduler
[Fix-2806] The job parameters are not effective when the set parameters key and value contain single quotes
[Fix-2811] Upgrade jmx_prometheus_javaagent to 0.20.0 to fix some CVE
[Fix-2814] Fix checkpoint overview error
[Fix] Fix Flink catalog does not take effect with add_jar
[Fix] Fix some devops bug
[Fix-2832] Fix h2 driver no default packaging problem
[Fix] Fix sql bug
[Fix] Fixed jobInstance was always in the running state
[Fix-2843] Fix Yarn Application mode submission task failed and lack of log printing
[Fix] Fix the bug of udf in h2
[Fix-2823] Fix jobconfig cannot render yarn prejob cluster
[Fix] Fix URL misspelling causing the request to fail
[Fix-2855] Fix savepoint table params bug
[Fix-2776] Fix multi user login with the same token value insert error
Optimization & Improve:
[Improve] Improve extract yaml from execute pipeline command
[Optimization] Add key width for job configure item
[Optimization] Add dinky port configure in PrintNetSink
[Improve] Improve query catalog tree
[Optimization-2773] Optimize the data source directory tree has two scroll bars
[Optimization-2822] Optimize metrics page tips
[Optimization] Optimize Flink on yarn app submit
[Optimization] Optimize explainer class use user builder for result
[Optimization] Optimize document management
[Optimization] Implement operator with SPI
[Improve] Improve document form layout
[Optimization-2757] Optimize Flink instance render type
[Optimization-2755] Optimize datasource detail search box
[Optimization] Add resource implement for DinkyClassLoader
[Document] Improve the cluster instance list document for the registration center
[Document] Improve the alert document for the registration center
[Document] Improve the git project document for the registration center
[Document] Improve the k8s document for the quick start
[Document] Modify domain name
[Document] Improve documents in registration center and authentication center
[Document] Improve documents in developer guide
[Document] Add parameter description in CDCSOURCE and example for debezium.*
[Document-2830] Update download
[Document] Modify document struct
Dinky v1.0.0-rc1
Dinky is a data development platform based on Apache Flink, which enables agile data development and deployment.
Upgrade instructions
Dinky 1.0 is a refactored version that restructures existing functions, adds several enterprise-level functions, and fixes some limitations of 0.7. Currently, it is not possible to directly upgrade from 0.7 to 1.0. An upgrade plan will be provided in the future.
Its main functions are as follows:
- FlinkSQL data development: automatic prompt completion, syntax highlighting, statement beautification, syntax verification, execution plan, MetaStore, lineage analysis, version comparison, etc.
- Support FlinkSQL multi-version development and multiple execution modes: Local, Standalone, Yarn/Kubernetes Session, Yarn Per-Job, Yarn/Kubernetes Application
- Support Apache Flink ecosystem: Connector, FlinkCDC, Paimon, etc.
- Support FlinkSQL syntax enhancement: whole database synchronization, execution environment, global variables, statement merging, table value aggregation function, loading dependencies, row-level permissions, Jar submission, etc.
- Support FlinkCDC real-time warehousing of the entire database into the lake: multi-database output, automatic table creation, model evolution, sub-database and sub-table
- Supports SQL job development and metadata browsing: ClickHouse, Doris, Hive, Mysql, Oracle, Phoenix, PostgreSql, Presto, SqlServer, StarRocks, etc.
- Support Flink real-time online debugging preview TableData, ChangeLog, Operator, Catalog
- Support Flink job custom monitoring statistical analysis and custom alarm rules.
- Support real-time task operation and maintenance: online and offline, job information (supports obtaining checkpoint), job log, version information, job snapshot, monitoring, SQL lineage, alarm record, etc.
- Support real-time job alarms and alarm groups: DingTalk, WeChat business account, Feishu, email, SMS, etc.
- Supports automatically hosted SavePoint/CheckPoint recovery and triggering mechanisms: latest, earliest, specified, etc.
- Supports multiple resource management: cluster instances, cluster configurations, data sources, alarms, documents, global variables, Git projects, UDFs, system configurations, etc.
- Support enterprise-level management: tenants, users, roles, menus, tokens, data permissions
New Feature
- Added new homepage signboard
- Data development supports code tips
- Supports real-time printing of Flink table data
- The console supports real-time printing task submission log
- Support Flink CDC 3.0 entire database synchronization
- Support customized alarm rules and customized alarm information templates
- Comprehensive revision of the operation and maintenance center
- k8s and k8s operator support
- Support proxy Flink webui access
- Support Flink task monitoring
- Support Dinky jvm monitoring
- New resource center function and expanded rs protocol
- New Git UDF/JAR project hosting and overall construction process
- Supports full-mode application mode custom jar submission
- openapi supports custom parameter submission
- Permission system upgrade, supporting tenants, roles, tokens, and menu permissions
- LDAP authentication support
- New widget function on data development page
- Support pushing dependent tasks to DolphinScheduler
Dinky v0.7.5
[Feature-2370][connect] Add jdbc scan filter in flink-connector-jdbc-1.16
[Feature-2381][udf] AGGTABLE supports udtaf in Flink 1.16
[Fix][udf] Fix UDF's submission to submission with Checkpoint failed
[Fix-2392][metadata] Fix listColumnsSortByPK infinite recursion
Optimization & Improve:
[Optimization-2361][web] Optimize the display of job which unable to obtain the latest status
[Optimization][core] Optimize flink task query use enum value
Dinky v0.7.4
[Feature-1930][client] Analyze custom functions from Flink SQL
[Feature-2126][connector] Add SQLServer Simple Connector in Flink 1.16
[Feature][cdc] Doris auto create table in CDCSOURCE task
[Fix][metadata] Fix the issue of no data type when MySQL automatically generates DDL statements
[Fix][cdc] Fix issues with CDCSOURCE
[Fix-1958][cdc] Fix data misalignment occurs after synchronizing data hen PK do not declare at the table head
[Fix-2087][UDF] Fix udf cannot run on flink1.16 and flink 1.17
[Fix][metadata] Fix clickhouse Nullable columns
[Fix-2147][metadata] Fix missing precision and scale when generating MySql DDL
[Fix][metadata] Fix mssql tinyint Type conversion error
[Fix-2176][admin] Fix unknown jobid bug
[Fix-2108][admin] Fix updating the savepoint policy of the job during checkpoint recovery
Optimization & Improve:
[Optimization][cdc] Optimize CDCSOURCE in Flink 1.16
[Optimization-2089][flink] Upgrade Flink version
Dinky v0.7.3
[Feature-1709][core] Support use FlinkSQL CTE to preview data
[Feature-1774][flink] Support Apache Flink 1.17
[Fix-797][web] Fix no fragment parameters were passed when getting lineage
[Fix-1731][gateway] Fix deploy flink k8s session error
[Fix-1787][metadata] Fix error in automatic table creation using CDCSOURCE Mysql field unsigned type problem
[Fix-1805][admin] Fix NPE occurred when publishing the job
[Fix][cdcsource] Fix data sending and receiving issues with synchronizing multiple Sinks in CDCSOURCE
[Fix][SqlSegment] Fix the issue of SQL configuration parsing failure in specific scenarios
[Fix-1784][admin] Fix task is deleted but task instances and history are not deleted consecutively
[Fix-1849][client] Fix CDCSOURCE kafkaSink transactionalIdPrefix NullPointerException
[Fix-1847][metadata] Fix postgreSql get DDL script error
[Fix][metadata] Fix generating MySQL DDL statements without quotes for normal default values
Optimization & Improve:
[Optimization-1715][admin] Optimize job monitor reconnect
[Optimization-1776][core,metadata] Fix typo
[Optimization-1657][client] Optimize MysqlJsonDebeziumDeserializationSchema use shaded lib in flink 1.13
[Optimization][client] Support scan.incremental.snapshot.chunk.size
[Optimization][client] Analyze lineage from the original relNode, not the optimized relNode, and add unit tests
[Optimization-1851][flink] Upgrade all versions of Flink to the latest version
Dinky v0.7.2
[Feature-1593] Add CDCSOURCE support sink catalog
[Feature-1608] Support get task lineage by taskid with openapi
[Feature-1641] Add Flink row level permissions
[Feature-1647] Yarn session support applicationId and resource manager config
[Feature-1547] Flink Jar support alert
[Fix-1615] Fix submit task error but return succeed when using dolphinscheduler
[Fix-1624] Fix lineage api in data explore module returns empty result
[Fix-1652] Fix the task using the FlinkSQLEnv cannot obtain lineage
[Fix-1662] Fix OpenApi notLoginException
[Fix] Fix wrong Python type
[Fix-1672] Fix failed to get metadata due to jdbc session timeout in CDCSOURCE
[Fix-1638] Fix dlink web could not correct display Boolean type data
[Fix-1686] Fix ZipFile got wrong in K8s native app mode
Optimization & Improve:
[Optimization-1631] Optimize and remove useless files
[Optimization-1666] Add job reconnecting status and optimize job monitor
[Optimization-1682] Optimize setting named tinyInt1isBit for mysql metadata
Dinky v0.7.1
[Fix-1494] Fix tinyint(1) convet error
[Fix-1575] Fix unknown column 'tenant_id' in 'field list'
[Fix] Fix i18n
[Fix] Fix UDF function case insensitive
[Fix] Fix the bug that the schema name contains middleLine
[Fix-1556] Fix job submission succeeded but failed
[Fix-1503] Fix use yarn application mode to submit job reported null pointer exception
[Fix-1563] Fix NPE caused by querying data
[Fix] Fix add k8s ClusterConfiguration npe
[Fix] Fix parse type error when use bigint types
Optimization & Improve:
[Optimization-1548] Optimize datasource registration should can save config before validate
[Optimization] Optimize clear console and add clear console at right click
[Optimization] Update org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient 4.4.1 to 4.5.13
Dinky v0.7.0
Supports Apache Flink 1.16.0
Add build java udf jar
Support Flink session mode to automatically load udf jars
Support Flink per-job mode to automatically load udf jars
Support Flink application mode to automatically load udf jars
Support python udf online development
Support scala udf online development
Support custom k8sapp submit at studio
Add file upload in flinkjar task
Add Column Lineage By Logic Plan in Flink all version
Flink JDBC support data filter
Flink JDBC scan partition support datetime
Add multi tenant management
Add select tenant at login
Add dolphinScheduler auto create task
Add system log console
Add execution progress console
Add Flink UDF template
Add Presto data source
Add the function of deleting job tree directory level
Add new sink connector 'datastream-doris-ext' for CDCSOURCE to support metadata writing
DataStudio metadata add refesh button
Add database copying
Add frontend internationalization
Add backend internationalization
Add K8S auto deploy application
Add local environment with web UI
Add FlinkSQL built-in date global variable
Add Kerberos Verification on session model
Add CDCSOURCE supports Doris schema evolution
Add user can change password
Add kill cluster
Add deploy session cluster by cluster configuration
Add jmx monitoring
Add clear console
Resolve the exception when starting from the specified savepoint
Fix StarRocks databases display
Fix query exceptions caused by the system's failure to automatically clean up the selected table information when switching data sources
Fix Exception in obtaining SQLDDL of view
Fix invalid oracle validationQuery
Fix failed to get schema of PG database metadata
Fix kafka sink properties not enable
Fix jobConfig useAutoCancel parameter pass wrong value
Fix job monitoring bugs caused by multi tenancy
Fix the deletion of a cluster instance causes existing tasks to fail to stop
Fix application mode missing database variable
Fix continuous click task item will open multiply tabs problem
Fix cdcsource kafka product transactionalIdPrefix disable
Fix cluster display nothing when alias is not set
Fix task version query error
Fix The status of per-job and application always is unknown when the job completes
Fix guide page link error
Fix open API does not have tenant
Fix switch editor tab doesn't work
Optimization & Improve:
Add parameter configuration of MySQL CDC
Optimizate datastream kafka-json and datastream starrocks
Support metadata cache to memory or redis
Add uuid after doris label prefix
Optimize tenant selection
Change resource center to authentication center
Add spotless plugin
Optimize SQL files and differentiate versions by directory
Improve the automatic creation of MySQL tables
Improve postgres metadata information
Improve the generation of postgres table building statements
Optimizate Flink Oracle Connector
Optimizate maven assembly and profile
Compatible java 11
Remove duplicated init of datasource
Upgrade mysql-connector-java to 8.0.28
Upgrade Flink 1.14.5 to 1.14.6
Upgrade Guava and Lombok Version
Upgrade jackson and sa-token version
Optimize lineage to support watermark and udf and LOCALTIMESTAMP and cep and ROW_NUMBER
The authentication center is not visible under non-admin users
Update website
Optimize deploy doc
Add flink metrics monitor and optimize deploy document
Dinky v0.6.7
[Feature-775][admin] Add tenant implementation
[Feature-789][admin,web] One click online and offline operation
[Feature-812][admin,web] Add FragmentVariable manager && resourcecenter page
[Feature] Added NameSpaceForm PasswordForm
[Feature-823][web] Render multi tenant forms on login
[Feature-823][web] Multi tenant front end implementation
[Feature-868][common] Added github workflow to check the checkstyle, test and build of each PR
[Feature-861][metadata] Add alibaba druid connection pooling to fix jdbc multi-connection problem
[Feature-890][admin,web] Realization of user empowerment role function
[Feature-907][pom] Change Flink base version into 1.14
[Feature-905][admin,web] Implementation of global variable management
[Feature][client] Add SqlServer CDCSOURCE
[Feature-915][admin,core] Add global variables takes effect in flinksql
[Feature-923][*] Build column lineage base on flink logical plan
[Feature][client] Add posgresql CDCSOURCE
[Feature][test] Modify checkstyle to be a required item
[Feature] Add swagger api doc
[Feature] CDCSOURCE supports multi-sink
[feature][admin] File upload
[Feature-987][admin] ClusterConfig and jar add upload file
[Feature-989][metadata] Add StarRocks datasource
[Feature-946][alert] Alarm after task monitoring retry
[Feature][web] Add data development task information log details button
[Fix][admin] Modify the problem of repeated judgment of task monitoring code
[Fix] Fix mail alert params bug
[Fix-804][admin] GetJobInfoDetail and refreshJobInfoDetail maybe return a error result
[Fix-818][connectors] Fix dlink-connector-doris-1.13 when the data is flushed with an exception and no new data is entered subsequently
[Fix-833][client] Error with SQLSinkBuilder.buildRow
[Fix] Fix execute error by flink 1.14.4
[Fix] Fix cluster submission taskId is empty
[Fix] Fix yarn per job can't release resources
[Fix] Fix multi tenant add role and delete role
[Fix] Fix dlink-conector-pulsar-1.14 can't find SubscriptionType
[Fix] Fix the jackjson problem in flink1.14 savepoint
[Fix-803][client] Fix TypeConvert-ColumnType Enumeration usage error
[Fix] The full database sync kafkasinkbuilder does not implement serialization and cause an error
[Fix-840][web] fix registration document type filter condition error
[Fix] Fix yarn perjob/application and k8s application cluster configuration
[Fix] Fix k8s application submit error and add Maximum waiting time
[Fix] Fix the banner of dlink admin app
[Fix][function] Fix udf and udtaf in Flink 1.14
[Fix][app] Fix yarn application task separator error
[Fix][admin] Failed to save job after repairing rename job
[Fix][web] No content when repairing the second pop-up of the submitted history
[Optimization-764][dlink-web,docs] Optimization dlink-web,docs
[Optimization-780][admin] Optimization The task version was not deleted after deleting the task
[Optimization-781][web] Optimization Overflow in job list tree after importing file
[Optimization-801][web] Optimization StudioConsole's StudioProcess
[Optimization-773][dlink-client] Optmizatiion cdcsource filter to process
[Optimization-809][Common] Added ignore of logs folder in git ignore file.
[Optimization-810][Common] Added Maven Wrapper
[Optimization-816][Common] Fix Chinese README link error and add English README
[Optimization] Optimization of multi tenant && Optimize form rendering
[Optimization] Remove sensitive info for more api
[Optimization][admin] Optimized for multi-tenant
[Optimization-819][client] CDCSOURCE with timestamp and timezone
[Optimization-849][client,executor] Replace sql separator and change default sql separator into ;\n
[Optimization][Style] Optimization code style import order
[Optimization][Git] Added .DS_Store git file ignore
[Optimization] Optimization multi tenant of delete roles && optimization multi tenant web render
[Optimization] Optimize user associated character rendering
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-admin module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-alert module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-common module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-catalog module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-client module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-app module code style
[Optimization][metadata] Optimized connection pooling and connection creation
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-connectors module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-core module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-daemon module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-executor module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-function and dlink-gateway module code style
[Optimization][Style] Added dlink-metadata module code style
[Optimization][license] Add a license description to the pom file
[Optimization-932][pom] Optimizate package and by loading classpaths
[Optimization] dlink-client-hadoop add ServicesResourceTransformer
[Optimization-943][pom] Optimizate config and static dir packaging
[Optimization][style] Configure global checkstyle validation
[Optimization][client] Add sqlserver date type convert
[Optimization][metadata] Optimizate postgresql schema_name query
[Optimization-981][metadata] Doris support more syntax
[Optimization-983][client] Optimizate Doris datastream sink
[Optimization][web] Optimizate Some problems in front-end and some tips
[Optimization-882][web] Collapse all directories by default on datastudio's directory panel
[Optimization-881][datastudio] Optimizate FlinkSql explain exception message
[Optimization-1014][client] Optimizate Doris sink and type convert and upgrade flink to 1.15.2
[Optimization][flink] Upgrade Flink 1.15 to 1.15.2
[Optimization][metadata] Optimize SqlServer field type query
[Document][docs] Migrate dlink docs from dinky-website to docs
[Document] Dlink add Flink1.15 docs
[Document-769][docs] The whole database synchronization document repair
[Document-766][docs] Add import and export job docs
[Document-793][doc] Optimization some docs
[Document-835][doc] Update the home page and basic information of the document
[Document-832][doc] Add Practice Sharing of FlinkSQL Extending Redis
[Document][docs] Optimizing Deployment Documents
Dinky v0.6.6
[Feature-685][web,admin] add job historyversion list of DevOps
[Feature-692][web] Add history version comparison in data development
[Feature][catalog] Add Flink MySql Catalog
[Feature-704][catalog,admin] Add default mysql catalog in FlinkSQLEnv
[Feature][connector] Added version 1.13 Doris connection is hidden by _DORIS_DELETE
[Feature][connector] Add dlink-connector-pulsar
[Feature][web,admin] Select checkpoint restart
[Future][flink] Update flink1.15 to flink1.15.1
[Feature-728][admin,web] Add meta store feature
[Feature-733][admin,web,client] Add Flink meta store info and column details
[Feature-738][*] Add and update Licenses
[Feature-750][admin,web] Add import and export tasks json
[Fix][connctor] flink-connector-phoenix and Update PhoenixDynamicTableFactory
[Fix][admin] Fix job instance cause OOM
[Fix][bug] Update flink version and fix Flink and CDC version compatibility bug
[Fix-696][web] Fix the problem of time-consuming parsing errors of task instances
[Fix-709] [catalog] Fix catalog SPI bug and sql bug
[Fix-719][web] Fix checkpoint has error of devops && add savepoints info
[Fix-714][client] Catch translateToPlan exception in SQLSinkBuilder
[Fix-736][client] An exception occurred during the packaging process
[Fix-738][admin] Fix CopyrightUtil
[Fix-741][app] Fix application mode submit failed
[Fix-745][admin] Fix alert instance delete bug
[Fix][admin] Allow circular references config
[Fix-750][admin] Delete unreferenced classes
[Fix][admin] Fix jobhistory field null
[Improvement][jobplan] Prompt returned when failed to obtain the optimized flinksql execution graph
[Optimization][admin] Move sensitive info(password) from api
[Optimization-713][dlink-admin] Fix the problem of incorrect display information of deleted user login
[Optimization-719][web] Optimization checkpoints page