Works with Node 16 (the current LTS). First, generate API code:
npm run codegen
Install deps:
npm install
Start development server:
npm start
This runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
By default, the app assumes the Tanagra service is running at http://localhost:8080.
Auth token will be included in the requests sent to the backend, and can be supplied in three ways:
- Set the token in the browser's application local storage with the key
- From the URL search param with the key
, if the env variableREACT_APP_GET_LOCAL_AUTH_TOKEN
is set. This takes priority over local storage value. - Supplied by other auth flow integrations (eg. auth0). This takes priority over URL search param and local storage values.
Set the below environment variables in the .env files to enable Auth0 OAuth2 integration
REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN: string; # required
REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: string; # required
The auth0 flow will be enabled only if the domain is set, and overrides any other authentication mechanism that might be otherwise enabled.
To run the UI integration tests, first start the service and UI, then open Cypress.
[terminal 1] ./service/local-dev/run_server -a
[terminal 2] npm start
[terminal 3] npx cypress open
In the Cypress window, click on "Electron Testing" and then you can run the tests one at a time.
To run linting manually, use:
npm run lint
npm run lint -- --fix