Demonstrates how to allow your script's users to add more commands to your script (in any language), without requiring them to edit your script.
This example was generated with:
$ bashly init
# ... now edit src/bashly.yml to match the example ...
$ bashly generate
name: cli
help: Sample application that can be externally extended
version: 0.1.0
# Setting `extensible` to `true` will cause the execution of `cli anything` to
# look for an executable script named `cli-anything` in the PATH, and invoke it
# if it is found.
extensible: true
- name: upload
alias: u
help: Upload a file
- name: source
required: true
help: File to upload
- name: download
alias: d
help: Download a file
- name: source
required: true
help: File to download
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "This is an external executable that serves as an extension to"
echo "the cli app."
echo "If placed in the path, it will be executed whenever someone runs:"
echo "$ cli status <any argument>"
echo ""
echo "Received args: $@"
cli - Sample application that can be externally extended
cli [COMMAND] --help | -h
cli --version | -v
upload Upload a file
download Download a file
This is an external executable that serves as an extension to
the cli app.
If placed in the path, it will be executed whenever someone runs:
$ cli status <any argument>
Received args: --some --flags