Demonstrates how to specify that your script supports (or requires) certain environment variables. This can be configured at any command level(root command or sub commands).
This example was generated with:
$ bashly init
# ... now edit src/bashly.yml to match the example ...
$ bashly generate
# ... now edit src/ ...
$ bashly generate
name: cli
help: Sample application that requires environment variables
version: 0.1.0
# This option adds usage text to the help message in the generated script.
- name: api_key
help: Set your API key
- name: verify
alias: v
help: Verify your user
# This option belongs to the `verify` command and will appear in its help
# message.
# Setting `required: true` will halt the script's execution with a
# friendly error message, unless the variable is set.
- name: my_secret
help: Your secret
required: true
# Using the `default: value` option will cause the value to variable to be
# set if it is not provided by the user.
- name: region
help: Cloud region
default: us-east-2
# Using the `allowed: [value1, value2]` option will halt the script's
# execution with a friendly error message, unless the variable matches one
# of the defined values.
- name: environment
help: One of development, production or test
allowed: [development, production, testing]
default: development
cli - Sample application that requires environment variables
cli [COMMAND] --help | -h
cli --version | -v
verify Verify your user
cli - Sample application that requires environment variables
cli [COMMAND] --help | -h
cli --version | -v
verify Verify your user
--help, -h
Show this help
--version, -v
Show version number
Environment Variables:
Set your API key
cli verify - Verify your user
Alias: v
cli verify
cli verify --help | -h
--help, -h
Show this help
Environment Variables:
MY_SECRET (required)
Your secret
Cloud region
Default: us-east-2
One of development, production or test
Allowed: development, production, testing
Default: development
missing required environment variable: MY_SECRET
# this file is located in 'src/'
# code for 'cli verify' goes here
# you can edit it freely and regenerate (it will not be overwritten)
args: none
environment variables:
- $API_KEY =
- $ENVIRONMENT = development
- $MY_SECRET = there is no spoon
- $REGION = us-east-2
# this file is located in 'src/'
# code for 'cli verify' goes here
# you can edit it freely and regenerate (it will not be overwritten)
args: none
environment variables:
- $API_KEY =
- $ENVIRONMENT = production
- $MY_SECRET = safe-with-me
- $REGION = us-east-2