Demonstrates how to visually group commands under their own caption. This is useful for scripts that contain many commands that provide different sets of functionality.
This example was generated with:
$ bashly init
# ... now edit src/bashly.yml to match the example ...
$ bashly generate
name: ftp
help: Sample application with command grouping
version: 0.1.0
- name: download
help: Download a file
# By specifying a group, the `download` command will be printed under
# this `File` caption.
group: File
- name: file
required: true
help: File to download
- name: upload
help: Upload a file
group: File
- name: file
required: true
help: File to upload
- name: login
help: Write login credentials to the config file
# The `login` command will be printed under the `Login` caption.
group: Login
- name: logout
help: Delete login credentials to the config file
group: Login
ftp - Sample application with command grouping
ftp [COMMAND] --help | -h
ftp --version | -v
File Commands:
download Download a file
upload Upload a file
Login Commands:
login Write login credentials to the config file
logout Delete login credentials to the config file
ftp - Sample application with command grouping
ftp [COMMAND] --help | -h
ftp --version | -v
File Commands:
download Download a file
upload Upload a file
Login Commands:
login Write login credentials to the config file
logout Delete login credentials to the config file
--help, -h
Show this help
--version, -v
Show version number
# This file is located at 'src/'.
# It contains the implementation for the 'ftp login' command.
# The code you write here will be wrapped by a function named 'ftp_login_command()'.
# Feel free to edit this file; your changes will persist when regenerating.
args: none