Lingua Franca runtime are integrated based on velocitas python app template.
The changes from velocitas python app template are as follows
- .devcontainer/lf-scripts
- .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
- .devcontainer/Dockerfile
- .devcontainer/scripts/ (only L30)
Simple sample to access VSS data provided by Velocitas
- app/src/lf_velocitas_polling/lf_velocitas_e.lf
- app/src/lf_velocitas_polling/
- app/src/lf_velocitas_event/lf_velocitas_p.lf
Execute the following command to generate the LF executable:
lfc app/src/lf_velocitas_event/lf_velocitas_e.lf
Press F1 key and select "Tasks:Run Task", and select "Local Runtime - Up" to start the velocitas local runtime including can data stub.
Press F1 key and select "Tasks:Run Task", and select "Local Runtime - Run LF-Velocitas Event App"