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fstagni edited this page Nov 18, 2013 · 15 revisions

The are 3 main features introduced within this release:

  1. The full use of the new version of the Request Management System, introduced first within release v6r9, together with the Data Management system.
  2. Many changes are applied in the TransformationSystem, and particularly in the TransformationDB.
  3. A new "package", named Workflow, has been introduced. This package makes it easier, for VOs, to define Job Workflows, introducing generic modules implementations that can be extended by the VOs.

Those new features that need special care when upgrading from previous versions to v6r10 are outlined below.

New RMS everywhere

Using the new RMS system everywhere means using it for all the replication activities, that were using the old RMS system up to version v6r9. The old system, populating the old set of tables, will not be feed any more. System administrators might want to check that all the requests are treated within the old system before stopping the corresponding agents. If you are upgrading from DIRAC v6r9, no new agents nor services need to be started.

Changes have been applied in several places, including Accounting and Transformation System.


Part of the changes for the new RMS, a new DB, and a new set of tables will be created at the start of the FTSManagerService. This DB, together with the new implementation of the service and clients, will substitute the old system.

Transformation System

The biggest changes are at the DB level. Few other changes are:

  • the TransformationClient now provides an easily extensible State Machine for Transformation Status and for the status of the Transformation Files.
  • when deriving a transformation, the Transformation Files status will be deterministic.
  • the methods for the Replicas table have been deleted


The tables definition is switching from MyISAM to InnoDB, and few triggers are being introduced. Applying this change needs special care. It has to be noted that, for this release, both the tables definition, and the triggers, are defined in the TransformationDB.sql file, and that system administrators are required to manually intervene at the database level to apply them. The changes to apply follow:

  • TransformationDB.Replicas can be fully removed, including its content. << insert here >>

In any case, it is not strictly necessary to apply such changes: tables defined within MyISAM will keep working.


The new workflow package provides four generic modules. Detailed instructions on how to use it and extend it can be found in the DIRAC.Workflow.Modules.ModuleBase module.


Some new policies have been introduced and are ready to be used. The configuration of the authorization should be changed from "get = all" to "select = all".

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