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DIRAC v7r0
As of v7r0, Externals
and Lcgbundle
packages are replaced by DIRACOS
Note that runit
, as well as mySQL
, are not anymore distributed, and you must install them by yourself. RPMs are provided here: http://diracproject.web.cern.ch/diracproject/rpm/
Please follow migration instructions here
The "Pilot 3" becomes the default Pilot version. Technically, it means that:
- the Pilot code will now be taken from https://github.com/DIRACGrid/Pilot (the location of "Pilot2 code" is instead https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC/tree/rel-v6r22/WorkloadManagementSystem/PilotAgent)
- if you have an extension of the Pilot2 code, you will need to move it to a new repository, normally called "[YourCommunity]Pilot". For an example, please look at https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-dirac/LHCbPilot
- for more info please refer to https://dirac.readthedocs.io/en/rel-v7r0/AdministratorGuide/Systems/WorkloadManagement/Pilots/index.html
- if you really want to keep using the Pilot2 code (and maybe its extension) you can keep doing it by setting the SiteDirector flag "Pilot3 = False" (https://dirac.readthedocs.io/en/rel-v7r0/AdministratorGuide/Systems/WorkloadManagement/Pilots/Pilots3.html#starting-pilot3-via-sitedirectors)
- The pilot2 code will be removed in a future DIRAC release, and it's, from now on, legacy unsupported code.
[TECH PREVIEW] It is now possible to use M2Crypto instead of PyGSI by setting the environment variable DIRAC_USE_M2CRYPTO=Yes
in the bashrc. This is a technology preview as described here https://dirac.readthedocs.io/en/integration/AdministratorGuide/technologyPreviews.html
PR https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC/pull/3701 merges the ObjectLoaders and TypeLoaders used in AccountingSystem and MonitoringSystem into a single one. Pay attention in case you use them.
ALTER the AccountingDB tables that use "MinorStatus", so that it is a `VARCHAR(256). Some examples follow (adapt them to your installation):
ALTER TABLE `ac_key_DIRAC-Certification_Job_FinalMinorStatus` MODIFY value VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL;
Also consider increasing the size of "Site" and "User" fields to 64: https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC/pull/4290
- The service JobStateSyncHandler doesn't exist anymore, please remove it case you have it installed.
- New service PilotManager is introduced to manipulate pilot related information. It should be added to installations migrating to v7r0.
- [TECH PREVIEW] It's possible (and advised) to store the Jobs parameters on ElasticSearch (up to now, they have been stored in a key/value pair MySQL table, part of JobDB). This is a technology preview as described here https://dirac.readthedocs.io/en/integration/AdministratorGuide/technologyPreviews.html
PR https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC/pull/3703 replaces the TransformationInputDataQuery table with a new table TransformationMetaQueries, which stores both Input and Output MetaQueries. In order to guarantee backward compatibility, before deploying the release, it's necessary to rename the TransformationInputDataQuery table and create a view as following:
ALTER TABLE `TransformationInputDataQuery` RENAME `TransformationMetaQueries`,
CHANGE COLUMN `ParameterName` `MetaDataName` VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL,
CHANGE COLUMN `ParameterValue` `MetaDataValue` blob NOT NULL,
CHANGE COLUMN `ParameterType` `MetaDataType` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `TransformationInputDataQuery` AS
SELECT TransformationID,
MetaDataName as ParameterName,
MetaDataValue as ParameterValue,
MetaDataType as ParameterType
from TransformationMetaQueries;
With v7r0, with PR https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC/pull/3703, a completely new system is put in place: the ProductionSystem, which is used for high-level productions management.
Install the DB with:
To install the Production System service from the admin console:
install service Production ProductionManager
The old FTS system has been completely removed.
These plugins are superseeded for a long time by GFAL2_SRM2Storage
and GFAL2_XROOTStorage