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Unit conversion and arithmetic in C++

by Daniel Papenburg, 2019-2020

Includes a test console / calculator and a highly configurable library that can function on a potato-powered microcontroller.

You are free to use and modify this software any way you want, just don't plagiarize or claim credit for work that's not yours. Enjoy!

Does your project leader use the metric system but you love your freedom units? Does that one guy insist on using inches instead of cm? No problem! For the cost of 5 extra bytes and a few integer operations, your measurements and calculations will never be ambiguous again! Everyone can operate in their preferred units, hard code values using gallons in one place and cc's in another, and it knows, man, it knows...

PhysicalQuantity, or PQ, is an embedded-friendly C++ class library which allows direct arithmetic operations on values including the fundamental units of mass, distance, time, temperature, and current, as well as any other units derived from these quantities like force and speed.

Its test console, a stand-alone program that runs on the command line, is useful in its own right as a kind of calculator for physical values and unit conversion, but if you're a coder too, it gives you an awesome class to use in your own projects any time you're dealing with real world measurements.

The PQ class keeps track of the dimensions of a value during all calculations, and handles multiplication and division of units, conversion factors, and dimension checking during addition and subtraction, as well as scalar operations. It includes a .parse() function for reading a string value, an .eval() function for parsing whole math expressions, as well as .sprint() and .toString() for generating text output, and .convert() for extraction of raw numeric values in code**.

This readme serves multiple purposes, including sales pitch, installation guide, and documentation. It's gotten quite long, but if you have a question, there's a good chance it's in here somewhere. Thanks for your understanding.

** Before you read out a numeric value, consider that the point of this whole thing is to keep track of units at low cost while you're doing math. So it's best to keep values inside of PhysicalQuantity objects as long as possible, and only read it when you need to output something to a person.

Sample code:

InitLibPQ(); // mainly for #define option checking
// Initializing with text:
PhysicalQuantity q("12 cm^3");

// Initializing with compile-time literals:
auto start = 1.23_km;
auto end = 3.7_mi;
auto speed = (end - start) / 15_min;
cout << speed.toString(); // "7.98286 m / s"
cout << speed.toString("mph"); // "17.8571 mph"

Sample test console output:

C:\>pq -i -s
expression [ , preferred output units ] | 'sprint' | 'convert' | 'quit' | 'exit'
sprint> 3.95 A * 19 V
75.05 W
sprint> 25 mi / 30 min
50 mph
sprint> 60 mph / 3.7 seconds, gees
0.7392225986719435 g0
sprint> 60 mph / 3.7 seconds, m
7.24929729726621463 m / s^2
sprint> (120 ft^3/min) * 10 seconds, beerbarrels
4.82614017339907608 beerbarrel
sprint> whatis 20 ft^3 / min * 1 hr
33.98021591040001 m^3
L, liter, liters
cc, cubic_centimeter, cubic_centimeters
gal, gallon, gallons
sprint> myDistance = 1 mile
1.6093439999931 km
sprint> myTime = 2 min
120 s
sprint> myVel = myDistance / myTime , mph
30 mph

You can use 'whatis' to see what other units are available for the result.

Whitespace is important!

eval() examples:
	Bad: "2km"
	Good: "2 km"
	Good: "2 kg*m/s"   ==   "2 kg m/s"
	Bad: 1 km-2 m
	Bad: 1 km -2 m
	Good: 1 km - 2 m
	OK: 1 km - -2 m
	Note: "3 m^2"   !=   ( "3 m ^ 2" == "(3 m) ^ 2" == "9 m^2")
	Note: "5 * m^2" == "5 m^2"

convert() is more strict with whitespace, there should always be a space between every number, unit, and /. eval() has more sophisticated parsing logic to handle arithmetic expressions, so it knows what to do with "m*s" while the basic unit parser does not.


System requirements:

  • C++14 recommended, but there are some #defines to make it compatible with older/simpler compilers.
    Tested on the following systems:

    • Windows / Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
    • Linux Mint / g++ 7.4.0
    • Arduino IDE 1.8.10 / avr-g++ 7.3.0
      (slight tweak recommended to use C++14, see 'installation' section)
  • For Arduino/avr (Uno board):

    • With NO_TEXT: 444 bytes flash ROM, 9 bytes SRAM.
    • With text parsing/printing and a full list of every unit under the sun, about 23 KB flash memory, 109 bytes SRAM. This grows as more units are added, but you can also remove the ones you don't need.
  • For PC/Windows/Linux: (test console binary)

    • Between 70 and 200 KB memory in "Debug" configuration

    • Up to 700 KB with speed > size optimizations.

    • log10() in standard library
      (Not required if using NO_TEXT)

    • eval() is recursive, stack usage depends on input.

  • Optional:

    • std::string
    • new/delete dynamic memory allocation
    • try/throw/catch exception handling

There is a header file, ppOptions.h, which contains some conditional compilation options for limited systems.


Using the test console as a personal calculator and unit converter:

  • Windows / Visual Studio
    Open the solution in msvc/ and hit F7 or menu
    Build > Rebuild Solution.
    The program is at bin/pq.exe

  • Linux
    Open a shell where you cloned the code and run make. has several options you may be interested in, but most systems will build just fine out of the box.
    bin/pq is the binary. It also contains a gencode binary used during the build process to generate the .ah and .acpp files.
    lib/ will contain the static library, or object archive, with the API. If you want to produce a .so shared library instead, you can change the compiler flags in - although the makefile is currently set up with a build rule to use ar to produce an .a file, so that will need to be updated as well, using g++ instead, to make a .so.

Using the library in other projects:

There is a shortcut for Arduino development: run make arduino in linux or a cygwin shell. Some code must be self-generated before you copy it as an arduino library. See below.

  1. Follow the instructions in the previous section to build the library.

In your source files you will need:

#include <PhysicalQuantity.h>
Linux/cygwin/mingw using shell and makefile:

Pass -I(/path/to/PhysicalQuantity/include) to all your compile rules, and for the final link, -L(path/to/PhysicalQuantity/lib) and put PhysicalQuantity.a as one of the inputs.

Visual Studio:

My personal method is to use property sheets to import all the settings I need from a particular library, rather than having to arduously set up my project settings every time I want to do a quick test.
Open msvc/RootDevDir.props - this should contain the path where you put most new projects. By default it contains a relative path from within this project's directory structure, to make out-of-the-box builds easier. But if you always put your projects in a certain place like I do, you can change RootDevDir to that absolute path. Using a text editor to modify RootDevDir.props might be easier than trying to navigate visual studio's property pages, but it will be in the user macros section.
msvc/PhysicalQuantity-IncludeLib.props contains the settings for the include and library directories, relative to $(RootDevDir). So, in your new project, open the property manager and add your modified RootDevDir.props, then PhysicalQuantity-IncludeLib.props, in that order, and your paths will be all set. Now you can #include <PhysicalQuantity.h> instead of #include "../../only/works/on/your/machine/PhysicalQuantity.h"

Cross compiling for embedded development

You will need to use the PC tool chain, outlined above in the test console section, to build and run gencode before you try to cross compile for the target system. This does several things like defining literals and generating hash tables to make text parsing faster. It also makes it a lot easier to add new units.

  • Arduino IDE:
    • You will need a command line / shell environment with the make tool. If you're on a windows machine, install cygwin or mingw and you'll have it.
    • In this project's directory, type make arduino
    • Create a folder for the library in your arduino project folder under libraries/
    • Copy the contents of PhysicalQuantity/arduino/ from the folder to a the new library folder
    • (recommended) Change the compiler options to use C++14
      • Find the folder/directory where you installed the arduino software
      • Open arduino-1.x.x\hardware\arduino\avr\platform.txt
      • On the line that begins with compiler.cpp.flags, change -std=gnu++11 to -std=gnu++14. If you don't see that option, add it.
      • #include "PhysicalQuantity.h" and start coding!
        (Note the use of "quotes" rather than <brackets> )

Keeping git clean

If you make changes to any config files for your specific system, and you think you might be creating new commits and pull requests in git, you will need to tell git not to track changes to certain config files. This can be done with:

git update-index --skip-worktree (file)

If you need to change Visual Studio project configuration, it's a good idea to create a new property sheet and put the settings there, so you're not committing your personal settings in the shared git repo.
The menu is View > Property Manager. In that window, Right click your project and Add New Item > Property Sheet. Any changes you make there will override the default settings, and you can change the order in which they apply. Search the Microsoft docs for more on Visual Studio property sheets if this is new to you.

Conditional compilation options / #defines

ppOptions.h contains many useful options for controlling how many resources are required by this library. By default, everything is enabled, but you can trim it way, way down. The header file itself contains an explanation of each one, so have a look there. For any of these options, you can either uncomment the related line in ppOptions.h, or you can #define the option in your source file before #includeing the header, or you can pass the #define as an argument to the compiler. All this flexibility does makes it necessary, however, to check that various modules are compiled with the same configuration as their dependencies. There is an easy macro for this purpose called PQHeaderOptionsMatch. Here's an example:

#include <PhysicalQuantity.h>
int main() {
	if (!PQHeaderOptionsMatch) {
		printf("Error: library code was compiled with different header options.\n");
		return 1;

Performance notes:

Internal math operations are very fast (as long as you have floating point hardware), but when you want to parse a value in, or print one out, some lookups are necessary to convert between units. A lot of the preprocessor options deal with how this particular aspect is handled. You can have a hash table in ROM to make unit lookups faster, or use a slower linear search for minimum memory overhead. There is also a cache mechanism for storing parsed unit strings. See typedef ... UnitList.

Performing arithmetic with these objects, once parsed, basically involves one floating point operation and 5 integer additions/comparisons. In the case of eval()'ing an exponentiation, that's 5 integer multiplies and a pow(). But eval() has overhead anyway, particularly if you're fond of parentheses. Note that there's no built in exponent operator, but you can use sprint() + eval() to accomplish this.

New in

To compute roots, use fractional exponents. Raising a PQ value to an exponent can be done as long as the resulting units have integer exponents. In code, use PQ::pow(numerator, denominator). On the test console or using eval you can say (1 km^2) ^ (1/2). But (1 m^3) ^ (1/2) would produce an error.

As far as the memory footprint, it varies widely depending on your system, and which options you enable. The library itself takes hardly any RAM, and values are most likely 12 or 16 bytes each.
gencode info will tell you the exact size with padding taken into account. Not so accurate for cross compilation though. The hash tables and unit definitions can be placed in ROM if available. This mode is controlled by the ROM_READ_BYTE and DECLARE_CONST_ARRAY macros. See ppOptions.h The header will recognize the arduino environment automatically via ARDUINO being #defined, so you shouldn't have to to anything else. You can also save a lot of space by #define'ing NO_TEXT. Most of the code size is dealing with input, output, and conversion of text.


Q: Can a PhysicalQuantity be binary copied with memcpy() or DMA?
A: Yes.

Q: Can it be sent over a network in binary?
A: I wrote a long answer for this, then I wrote readNetworkBinary() and writeNetworkBinary(). Byte order matters, basically. Do make sure the other end is using the same version of this library, with the same #define options, to load the value, and not just reading a double. That is the whole point after all. It might be safer to just toString()/sprint() and parse() it on the other end.

Q: Does the structure store references or pointers to any external buffers?
A: Not the main data type, no.
But the UnitList class which is used for formatting text output requires some buffer storage. In static mode (NO_NEW), you will need to supply this buffer. You can choose to explicitly use UnitList_static any time, but UnitList_dynamic is only available #ifndef NO_NEW. UnitList is a typedef that conditionally aliases to either the static or dynamic version.

Q: Can I use the text from toString() to construct the value again?
A: Yes, that is one way to serialize the data. Beware of floating point precision issues, though.

Q: If I eval() to load a string in, and then toString(), will I get the same text out?
A: Not necessarily. You can tell toString() and sprint() what units to use, but if you do not specify, it will do its best to construct a human readable output using the fewest composite units. This will probably be in SI/metric. Your desired units can be cached in a UnitList object for speed's sake, but conversion factors are always applied when parsing and printing, though that factor may be 1. That conversion may introduce slight precision errors. P.S. - A UnitList is not stored as a part of the value, that is only a conversion mechanism. Also, whitespace may be different.

I just want a number...

For any code in which you need to read and work with the numeric value directly, rather than displaying or logging it, use convert(). This function is more strict than toString() / sprint(), in that you must request a value of a specific unit, and if the dimensions of that unit do not match the stored value, an error occurs.

For example, if you perform a calculation of energy in terms of Joules, you can convert("kWh") just fine, because kWh is another unit of energy. But trying to convert("cm") will produce an error. sprint() or toString() is not strict in that sense, and treats your requested units as more of a suggestion.

A note about vectors:

You may decide to code a vector of PhysicalQuantity's, but the class itself can not represent a vector, nor imaginary numbers. It only represents a single numeric value and its associated units. You can, however, compare the dimensions of two values to see if they represent the same kind of quantity with or a.isa(b) Any template code which performs vector math on a template type should work on a custom coded vector of PQ objects, as long as your structure ties them together as expected, either by name or index. Most of the basic arithmetic operators are implemented, with the exception of modulo (%). Increment ++ and decrement -- will cause errors if the value is not a scalar, but they are there. Bitwise and logical operators are not supported, but boolean comparisons like > and <= are, with the caveat that the values must have like dimensions (same kind of units) or an error will be thrown/called. For NO_THROW errors, after the callback has returned, all comparisons will be false except !=, and any additions or subtractions will return the unmodified left hand side.

A note about angles:

Caution: Subject to change in a planned 'scalar units' update.

Since angles are dimensionless ratios (length/length), they are stored internally as a simple scalar value. However, one can convert() this internal value to and from degrees or radian units. You may use the literal operators 1_deg and 1_rad to specify hard coded values, as well as the nominal units of "deg" and "rad" when parsing / printing / convert()ing, to apply the proper conversion factor. Currently there is no method of internally differentiating an angle from any other scalar value. Most quantities which are ratios of like units will exhibit this property. (TODO: angle flag?)

A note about temperature:

Temperature is a special snowflake. Degrees, whether Celsius or Fahrenheit, not only involve a conversion factor, but also a conversion offset. In other words, an amount that must be added to the value as well as a multiplication factor. The unique nature of these units means that certain otherwise parseable values, such as "16 degF^2" will produce an error, never mind that the square of a temperature doesn't really make sense. Be careful that any units with an offset (degF and degC) only have a power of 1 or -1 when parsing. Additionally, if the value contains any other dimensions, such as degrees C per second, the offset will not be applied and the internal value will represent the delta-T in Kelvin / sec, or K/m, or whatever. 1 degree C per second is 1 K / sec, not 274. If any science types out there think this is a bad idea, feel free to contact me or comment on github.

Exception safety:

If an error occurs during an operation such as adding two dissimilar values, the original value (left hand side) will remain unmodified. If a parsing error occurs during the construction of an object, its value will be a scalar 0. Errors during toString()/sprint()/convert() will not modify the value, but you may not get the correct / any output.

Error handling:

If your system/config allows it, the class can throw a few exceptions, all based on std::runtime_error. Here's what they mean:

  • UnitMismatchException - Units do not match during an add, subtract, compare, or convert()
  • InvalidExpressionException - There was a parsing error, like unit not found.
  • HeaderConfigException - The #define options are different between your code and what the library / object was compiled with.
  • std::overflow - unit exponent too large
  • std::logic error - Congratulations, you found a bug.
  • std::bad_alloc - Out of memory, or buffer too small

If NO_THROW is #defined, the class will declare a couple of static members which are publicly accessible to you: *errorHandler(...), which is a pointer to a function, and errorUserContext, which is an opaque void* pointer for you to use however you need to. During your system init phase, you should definitely set these to something. Here's some recommended code:

typedef PhysicalQuantity PQ;
PQ::ErrorCode g_pqErr;
void pqErrorHandler(void* context, PQ::ErrorCode e) {
	g_pqErr = e;
int main() {
	PhysicalQuantity::errorHandler = myErrorHandler;
	PhysicalQuantity::errorUserContext = nullptr;
int DeepInTheBowelsOfYourCode() {
	PQ makeAnError = 1.2_km + 3.4_g;
	if (g_pqErr) 
		g_pqErr = 0; 
		return -1; 
	return 0;

Instead of defining types to throw as exception objects, there is now an enum ErrorCode, which includes E_SUCCESS = 0 for convenience. How exactly you implement error handling from this point is up to you. You may want to pass some process info as your context, and perform specific cleanup actions related to it in case of an error. You can also use local variables to push the state of errorHandler and errorUserContext onto the call stack and restore them before return. The main point is to be careful not to use junk values after an error and let it propagate through the system.

How to add more units:

You may want to implement a unit that is not part of the library yet. Here is a step by step guide on how to implement new units:

  1. In src/PhysicalUnitDefinitions.cpp, find the KnownUnits[] array, and add a line. The format should be commented in there, but you will need the symbol, the long name, plural of the long name, the conversion factor, and the dimensions/powers of the unit. You may see some lines periodically that look like this:

    // Ma Di Ti Te Cu

That tells you what order the dimensions are in, and it stands for
{ mass, distance, time, temperature, current }. Some units close brace here. But there are some optional flags after the dimensions, which include NOPREFIX - telling the I/O code not to use any prefixes with that unit, as well as NOLITERAL which tells gencode not to create any user-defined literals for it. Finally, there is an offset amount which will be zero basically always.

The conversion factor is expressed in terms of kilograms, meters, seconds, Kelvin, and Amps. How many kg * m / s etc... are in your unit? If you learned the "ice cube tray" method in school, use that to convert everything to SI.

  1. Rebuild All or make to invoke gencode. Or manually, it's a bit tricky, but you must first compile gencode and then run ./bin/gencode generate optimize This will rebuild hash tables and literal definitions in code. The files build with this tool have extension .ah and .acpp the 'a' standing for automatic.

  2. (Optional) Run gencode info or examine hashTables.ah to see If the bucket size is obnoxious, i.e. lots of hashing collisions. If so, run gencode again:

    ./bin/gencode generate optimize --max-table-size (a bigger number) and --max-seed (more)

It may also be beneficial to modify the hashing function in hash.cpp, but this may have to run on embedded hardware, so don't make it too complicated.

Note: You should never #include hashTables.ah in your own code, on pain of linker errors. You should only ever need to #include <PhysicalQuantity.h> in external projects.