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Binance Smart Chain BTP Guide


This document provides guide for Binance Smart Chain BTP development environment.

Local Development


  • GoLang 1.16
  • OpenJDK 11
  • Docker
  • Goloop 0.9.7 (build from source)
  • Node.js version >= 16.1.0 or above
  • Binance Smart Chain

On macOS, you also need Xcode and Command Line Tools.

Build goloop

Get the code

checkout version 0.9.7

git clone -b v0.9.7 

Build executables

navigate to goloop directory


build goloop docker image

make goloop-image

This is sufficient for BTP purpose at this point, however for more details, please read [Goloop build guide] (

Build Binance Smart Chain docker

We will need a custom BSC build to include SHA3-256 FIPS 202 hash, please read instructions here for information on how to build bsc node docker image.

Build BTP Relay

Get the code

currently, lives in Web3 Labs branch

git clone -b bridge_bsc 

Build executables

navigate to btp directory



  • In case make fails with "missing go.sum entry" with go-ethereum, it can be fixed by manually adding go mod download

  • If running make after the above command still encounters several "missing go.sum entry", running go mod tidy will fix the errors, then proceed with make.


Follow Make build(Method 1) or step-by-step build (Method 2) to start the network and run the provision

Method 1(Using Make)

To build and run using the make commands, navigate to <btp repo>/devnet/docker/icon-bsc project directory

1. Clean & remove artifacts

To remove the build folder & work folder which contains previous artifacts, logs and all the provision images(dist-javascore, dist-sol, iconbridge-image)

make remove

2. build docker images

To build the provision images(dist-javascore, dist-sol, iconbridge-image)

make build

3. Run network

To start the network and run the provision

make run


  • A successfull build should have four docker conatiners (goloop, binancesmartchaincontainer, btp-icon, btp-bsc) started and running.
  • To try token transfer/ native token transfer examples on the btp network, please follow Please wait for the entire provision to finish.

(Or) Method 2 (Manual step-by-step build)

Build JavaScore Contracts

from btp directory, run

make dist-javascore

This will build dist contract jars for bmc, bmv, bsh and example irc2 token

Build Solidity Contracts

Build BSC BSH and BEP Token Service

make dist-sol

This will prepare copy of bmc, bmv and TokenBSH solidity contracts

Note: this step doesn't compile the contracts, this happens at later stage during the btp docker image setup

Build BTP Simple Docker Image

make iconbridge-image

This will prepare copy of bmc, bmv and TokenBSH solidity contracts

Running BTP BSC Docker

From /devnet/docker/icon-bsc project directory

Build with docker-compose using the following script


Once build is complete, start docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

If all successful, this should start docker network containing provisioned goloop, binance smart chain and BSC ICON BTP relayer.

Setup Testnet

There is official BSC testnet, as alternative we will setup a dedicated private BSC testnet on one of the cloud providers

  • AWS, GCD or similiar
  • OS: Ubuntu 20.x/TLS or Debian
  • Minimum configuration: CPU with 2+ cores, 4GB RAM, 30GB (enough for private) 8 MBit/sec download Internet service

Setup private BSC

Get and build BSC docker

git clone

cd bsc-docker

# Build all docker images
make build-simple

# Generate genesis.json, validators & bootstrap cluster data
# Once finished, all cluster bootstrap data are generated at ./storage
make bootstrap-simple

# Start cluster
make start-simple

Build and run BTP testnet docker

This can be done on local dev machine or another cloud VM:

  1. Edit and docker-compose.testnet.yml and update BSC_RPC_URI to point BSC IP address endpoint.


  1. Build and run docker
cd ~/btp/devnet/docker/icon-bsc

# Build docker-compose
make build-testnet

# Run
make run-testnet

The current testnet setup is using unofficial BSC testnet hosted by Web3 Labs.

NID BTP Address RPC Endpoint
0x97.bsc btp://bsc.0x79/0xAD50f33C3346F8e3403c510ee75FEBA1D904fa3F ws://
0x03 btp://bsc.0x79/0xAD50f33C3346F8e3403c510ee75FEBA1D904fa3F