P-Reps are the consensus nodes that produce, verify blocks and participate in network policy decisions on the ICON Network. To register and become a P-Rep will consist of the following three steps,
$ virtualenv venv -p python3 # Create a python 3.6.5+ virtual environment.
$ source venv/bin/activate # Enter the virtual environment.
(venv) $ pip install preptools
For manual installation and P-Rep tool commands, see full documentation
(Registration fee is 2,000 ICX)
There are three ways supply P-Rep registration info to P-Rep Tools; using a json configuration file, using optional arguments, or using interactive command line.
(venv) $ cat registerPRep.json
"name": "banana node",
"country": "USA",
"city": "New York",
"email": "banana@example.com",
"website": "https://icon.banana.com",
"details": "https://icon.banana.com/json",
"p2pEndpoint": "node.example.com:7100"
# Using json file
(venv) $ preptools registerPRep --prep-json registerPRep.json -k keystore
# Using optional argument and interactive command line
(venv) $ preptools registerPRep -k keystore --name "kokoa node" --email "kokoa@example.com"
> Password:
> country : USA
> city : New York
> website : https://icon.kokoa.com
> details : https://icon.kokoa.com/json/details.json
> p2pEndpoint : node.example.com:7100
[Request] ======================================================================
"from_": "hxef73db5d0ad02eb1fadb37d0041be96bfa56d4e6",
"to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"value": 2000000000000000000000,
"step_limit": 268435456,
"nid": 3,
"nonce": null,
"version": 3,
"timestamp": null,
"method": "registerPRep",
"data_type": "call",
"params": {
"name": "kokoa node",
"email": "kokoa@example.com",
"country": "USA",
"city": "New York",
"website": "https://icon.kokoa.com",
"details": "https://icon.kokoa.com/json/details.json",
"p2pEndpoint": "node.example.com:7100"
See registerPRep command details
The "details" parameter is an external json file that holds additional information about the P-Rep. We strongly recommend that you register this information. Example,
"representative": {
"logo": {
"logo_256": "https://icon.foundation/img/img-256.png",
"logo_1024": "https://icon.foundation/img/img-1024.png",
"logo_svg": "https://icon.foundation/img/img-logo.svg"
"media": {
"steemit": "",
"twitter": "",
"youtube": "",
"facebook": "",
"github": "",
"reddit": "",
"keybase": "",
"telegram": "",
"wechat": ""
}, "server": {
"location": {
"country": "",
"city": ""
"server_type": "",
"api_endpoint": ""
{% content-ref url="goloop/get-started/build.md" %} build.md {% endcontent-ref %}
The specifications below are recommended for main P-Reps (top 22). Sub P-Reps (outside of top 22) can run lower-end specs as they do not produce/validate blocks but only serve as citizen nodes. Current blockchain size is 1.1T as of this update (2021, September 13th).
- c5.4xlarge (2TB SSD, gp3, 3000 IOPS, 125MBps)
OS Requirement
- Linux (CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 16.04+)
Open Ports
- TCP 7100: gRPC port used for peer-to-peer connection between peer nodes.
- TCP 9000: JSON-RPC or RESTful API port serving application requests.
Docker 18.x+
## Update the apt package index:
$ sudo apt-get update
## Install necessary packages:
$ sudo apt-get install -y systemd apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
## Add Docker's official GPG key:
$ curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
## Add the apt repository
$ add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
## Update the apt package index:
$ sudo apt-get update
## Install docker-ce:
$ sudo apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
## Add your user to the docker group with the following command.
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
## Set Docker to start automatically at boot time:
$ sudo systemctl enable docker.service
## Finally, start the Docker service:
$ sudo systemctl start docker.service
## Then we'll verify docker is installed successfully by checking the version:
$ docker version
## Install python-pip
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
## Then install Docker Compose:
$ sudo pip install docker-compose
## To verify the successful Docker Compose installation, run:
$ docker-compose version
# docker pull <goloop package image>
If you have your own KEYSTORE, store it and the password file in the configuration directory.
# cp keystore.json ./config/keystore.json
# echo -n "password" > ./config/keysecret
version: "3.7"
image: iconloop/goloop-icon:latest
- ./data:/goloop/data
- ./mainnet:/mainnet
- ./config:/goloop/config
- "9080:9080"
- "8080:8080"
Start containers
# docker-compose up -d
Check the status
# docker-compose exec node goloop system info
"buildVersion": "v0.9.9-338-g19c58f03-dirty",
"buildTags": "darwin/amd64 tags()-2021-09-03-14:35:59",
"setting": {
"address": "hx14637aec2d2941f56d4878557b298bea5460fdaa",
"p2p": "node0:8080",
"p2pListen": "",
"rpcAddr": ":9080",
"rpcDump": false
"config": {
"eeInstances": 1,
"rpcDefaultChannel": "",
"rpcIncludeDebug": false
Citizen nodes are non-producing nodes on the ICON network. A non-producing node is a node that is not configured to produce blocks, instead it is constantly synchronizing the latest blocks from the network and can be used for on-chain queries. Citizen nodes DO NOT require registration.
ICON node software is identical for P-Rep nodes and Citizen nodes, one can follow the same procedures to set up a P-Rep node, without registration, to operate a Citizen node.
For troubleshoots and other questions, please join ICON P-Rep MainNet or ICON P-Rep TestNet Telegram Channels. You can ask for an invite in the main telegram channel.