Posting a bond is done in 3 steps:
- P-Rep whitelist up to 10 addresses which can post the bond. This is done using the following RPC command (howto #setbonderlist)
- Whitelisted bonder then must stake ICX to the P-Rep using (howto #setstake)
- Whitelisted bonder then must post the bond to the P-Rep using (howto #setbond)
{% hint style="info" %} ICONists can post a bond to up to 100 P-reps, if they are whitelisted by them
A P-Rep can only receive a bond from 10 different ICONists
{% endhint %}
You can do this using python-sdkCallTransactionBuilder
or directly using goloop RPC
IISS 3 introduced the concept of bond
(you can see the network proposal here). When a P-Rep does not behave as expected, this bond will be slashed (ICX will be burn) following those specific rules.
{% hint style="info" %} An **opportunity **is defined as one term as Main P-Rep. Therefore, **30 opportunities means the last 30 terms as main P-Rep **(which can span over a longer period of time than 30 network terms) {% endhint %}