In this example, we would like to show how to config to setup a connection between ICON and Moonriver networks. For other cases, there might be a different configuration
Attention: This configuration step must be executed after completely deploying smart contracts (BSH, BMC, and BMV) on both connecting networks and generating keystore files of both BTP Message Relays (BMRs)
# Replace YOUR_PASSWORD if needed
goloop ks gen --out $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json --password $YOUR_PASSWORD
# Create a secret file 'bmc-owner.secret' and save $YOUR_PASSWORD into that file
echo -n $YOUR_PASSWORD > $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret
# Save bmc-owner address to a file
echo $(jq -r '.address' "$CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json") > $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.addr
# Register Owner
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method addOwner \
--param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.addr) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addBMCOwner.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addBMCOwner.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1
# Add funds to BMC-Owner
goloop rpc --uri sendtx transfer \
--to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.addr) --value $AMOUNT \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 10000000000 | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmcOwner.addFund
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmcOwner.addFund)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method addVerifier \
--param _net=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.dst) \
--param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmv.icon) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.verifier.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.verifier.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
echo $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc_perif.btp.addr) > $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method addLink \
--param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
In success, a connection link from ICON-BMC to Moonriver-BMC will be set with default setting values:
: block interval of Moonriver (default = 1000ms)
: max_aggregation value (default = 10)
: acceptance of delayed submission sending from BMR to BMC (default = 3)
This step will help you to change default setting values
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method setLinkRotateTerm \
--param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
--param _block_interval=0x1770 \
--param _max_agg=0x08 \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setLinkRotateTerm.icon
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method setLinkDelayLimit \
--param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
--param _value=4 \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setLinkDelayLimit.icon
# Also check whether these transactions are successful
# For example: goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setLinkRotateTerm.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
# The link status will then be used in BMR settings. Please do not skip this step
goloop rpc --uri call \
--to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) --method getStatus --param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/getStatus.bmc.icon
ICON_OFFSET="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.verifier.offset' "$CONFIG_DIR/getStatus.bmc.icon")")"
echo -n $ICON_OFFSET > $CONFIG_DIR/icon.offset
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method addService \
--param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
--param _svc=nativecoin \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addService.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addService.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method addRelay \
--param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
--param _addr=$(jq -r .address $CONFIG_DIR/icon-bmr.keystore.json) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.registerRelay.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.registerRelay.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method setFeeAggregator \
--param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/feeAggregation.icon) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addFeeAggregation.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addFeeAggregation.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
- Generate Owner and Register Owner of NativeCoinBSH
# Replace YOUR_PASSWORD if needed
goloop ks gen --out $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.json --password $YOUR_PASSWORD
# Create a secret file 'nativecoinBSH-owner.secret' and save $YOUR_PASSWORD into that file
echo -n $YOUR_PASSWORD > $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.secret
# Save nativecoinBSH-owner address to a file
echo $(jq -r '.address' "$CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.json") > $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.addr
# Register Owner
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method addOwner \
--param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.addr) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addNativeCoinBSHOwner.icon
# Add funds to BSH-Owner
goloop rpc --uri sendtx transfer \
--to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.addr) --value $AMOUNT \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 10000000000 | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bshOwner.addFund
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bshOwner.addFund)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1
- Register 'DEV' token
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method register \
--param _name=DEV \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.registerCoin.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.registerCoin.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
- Set Fee Ratio
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method setFeeRatio \
--param _feeNumerator=100 \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setFeeRatio.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setFeeRatio.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
- Set
as an Owner ofIRC31Token
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call \
--to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/irc31token.icon) \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 13610920001 \
--method addOwner \
--param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addOwnerIrc31.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addOwnerIrc31.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
- Preparation
- Generate Relay's address ---> follow this instruction [link] if you have not completed this step
- Prepare addresses of BMC, BSH, BMV and Relay
export ICON_BTP_ADDRESS=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.icon)
export BSH_MOONBEAM=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bsh.moonbeam)
export BMV_MOONBEAM=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmv.moonbeam)
export RELAY_ADDRESS=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/moon-bmr.addr)
export ICON_NET=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.icon)
- Launch Truffle console
npm install -g chai
# Add BMV
truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bmc_add_verifier.js --network moonbeamlocal
# Add a connection link to ICON's BMC
# The below command helps to set a connection link from Moonriver-BMC to ICON-BMC with default setting values:
# + `BLOCK_INTERVAL_MSEC`: block interval of ICON (default = 1000ms)
# + `MAX_AGGREGATION`: max_aggregation value (default = 10)
# + `DELAY_LIMIT`: acceptance of delayed submission sending from BMR to BMC (default = 3)
# Then, change default setting values as:
# + `BLOCK_INTERVAL_MSEC`: block interval of ICON (default -> 3000ms)
# + `MAX_AGGREGATION`: max_aggregation value (default -> 5)
# + `DELAY_LIMIT`: acceptance of delayed submission sending from BMR to BMC (default -> 3)
# Please modify this script to change your expected settings
truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bmc_add_link.js --network moonbeamlocal
# Add services to BMCManagement
# The script below adds:
# + Register service name `nativecoin` and bind this service to BSH_MOONBEAM address
# + Register RELAY_ADDRESS and add to `ICON_BTP_ADDRESS`
truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bmc_add_service.js --network moonbeamlocal
# Get Link Status: please DO NOT skip this step. This output will then be used to set parameters to deploy BMR
truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bmc_get_linkStat.js --network moonbeamlocal
echo $(jq -r '.offsetMTA' "$CONFIG_DIR/bmc_linkstats.moonbeam") > $CONFIG_DIR/moon.offset
- Run the script to register
cd $PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/solidity/bsh
truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bsh_register_coin.js --network moonbeamlocal