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Smart Contracts Configuration

In this example, we would like to show how to config to setup a connection between ICON and Moonriver networks. For other cases, there might be a different configuration

Attention: This configuration step must be executed after completely deploying smart contracts (BSH, BMC, and BMV) on both connecting networks and generating keystore files of both BTP Message Relays (BMRs)

1. ICON-BMC Configuration

Generate Owner and Register Owner of BMC


# Replace YOUR_PASSWORD if needed

goloop ks gen --out $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json --password $YOUR_PASSWORD

# Create a secret file 'bmc-owner.secret' and save $YOUR_PASSWORD into that file
echo -n $YOUR_PASSWORD > $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret

# Save bmc-owner address to a file
echo $(jq -r '.address' "$CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json") > $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.addr

# Register Owner
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method addOwner \
    --param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.addr) \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addBMCOwner.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addBMCOwner.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1

# Add funds to BMC-Owner
goloop rpc --uri sendtx transfer \
    --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.addr) --value $AMOUNT \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 10000000000 | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmcOwner.addFund
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmcOwner.addFund)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1


goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method addVerifier \
    --param _net=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.dst) \
    --param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmv.icon) \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.verifier.icon

# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.verifier.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'

Add Connection Link to Moonriver-BMC

echo $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc_perif.btp.addr) > $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst

goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method addLink \
    --param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'

In success, a connection link from ICON-BMC to Moonriver-BMC will be set with default setting values:

      + BLOCK_INTERVAL_MSEC: block interval of Moonriver (default = 1000ms)

      + MAX_AGGREGATION: max_aggregation value (default = 10)

      + DELAY_LIMIT: acceptance of delayed submission sending from BMR to BMC (default = 3)

Set Link Configuration

  This step will help you to change default setting values

goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method setLinkRotateTerm \
    --param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
    --param _block_interval=0x1770 \
    --param _max_agg=0x08 \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setLinkRotateTerm.icon

goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method setLinkDelayLimit \
    --param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
    --param _value=4 \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setLinkDelayLimit.icon

# Also check whether these transactions are successful 
# For example: goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setLinkRotateTerm.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'

Get Link Status

# The link status will then be used in BMR settings. Please do not skip this step
goloop rpc --uri call \
  --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) --method getStatus --param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
  | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/getStatus.bmc.icon

ICON_OFFSET="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.verifier.offset' "$CONFIG_DIR/getStatus.bmc.icon")")"  

echo -n $ICON_OFFSET > $CONFIG_DIR/icon.offset

Add BSH Service contract

goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method addService \
    --param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
    --param _svc=nativecoin \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addService.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addService.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'

Register Relay to ICON-BMC

goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method addRelay \
    --param _link=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.dst) \
    --param _addr=$(jq -r .address $CONFIG_DIR/icon-bmr.keystore.json) \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.registerRelay.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.registerRelay.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'

Set FeeAggregation address to ICON-BMC

goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc-owner.secret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method setFeeAggregator \
    --param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/feeAggregation.icon) \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addFeeAggregation.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addFeeAggregation.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'

2. Config NativeCoin BSH

  • Generate Owner and Register Owner of NativeCoinBSH
# Replace YOUR_PASSWORD if needed

goloop ks gen --out $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.json --password $YOUR_PASSWORD

# Create a secret file 'nativecoinBSH-owner.secret' and save $YOUR_PASSWORD into that file
echo -n $YOUR_PASSWORD > $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.secret

# Save nativecoinBSH-owner address to a file
echo $(jq -r '.address' "$CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.json") > $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.addr

# Register Owner
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method addOwner \
    --param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.addr) \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addNativeCoinBSHOwner.icon

# Add funds to BSH-Owner
goloop rpc --uri sendtx transfer \
    --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.addr) --value $AMOUNT \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 10000000000 | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bshOwner.addFund
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bshOwner.addFund)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1
  • Register 'DEV' token
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.secret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method register \
    --param _name=DEV \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.registerCoin.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.registerCoin.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
  • Set Fee Ratio
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBSH-owner.secret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method setFeeRatio \
    --param _feeNumerator=100 \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setFeeRatio.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.setFeeRatio.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
  • Set NativeCoinBSH as an Owner of IRC31Token
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call \
    --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/irc31token.icon) \
    --key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
    --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
    --nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
    --step_limit 13610920001 \
    --method addOwner \
    --param _addr=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
    | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addOwnerIrc31.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful 
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.addOwnerIrc31.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'

3. Config Moonriver BMC

  • Preparation
    • Generate Relay's address ---> follow this instruction [link] if you have not completed this step
    • Prepare addresses of BMC, BSH, BMV and Relay
export ICON_BTP_ADDRESS=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/btp.icon)
export BSH_MOONBEAM=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bsh.moonbeam)
export BMV_MOONBEAM=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmv.moonbeam)
export RELAY_ADDRESS=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/moon-bmr.addr)
export ICON_NET=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.icon)
  • Launch Truffle console

npm install -g chai

# Add BMV
truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bmc_add_verifier.js --network moonbeamlocal

# Add a connection link to ICON's BMC
# The below command helps to set a connection link from Moonriver-BMC to ICON-BMC with default setting values:
#    + `BLOCK_INTERVAL_MSEC`: block interval of ICON (default = 1000ms)
#    + `MAX_AGGREGATION`: max_aggregation value (default = 10)
#    + `DELAY_LIMIT`: acceptance of delayed submission sending from BMR to BMC (default = 3)
# Then, change default setting values as:
#    + `BLOCK_INTERVAL_MSEC`: block interval of ICON (default -> 3000ms)
#    + `MAX_AGGREGATION`: max_aggregation value (default -> 5)
#    + `DELAY_LIMIT`: acceptance of delayed submission sending from BMR to BMC (default -> 3)
# Please modify this script to change your expected settings
truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bmc_add_link.js --network moonbeamlocal

# Add services to BMCManagement
# The script below adds:
#   + Register service name `nativecoin` and bind this service to BSH_MOONBEAM address
#   + Register RELAY_ADDRESS and add to `ICON_BTP_ADDRESS`
truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bmc_add_service.js --network moonbeamlocal

# Get Link Status: please DO NOT skip this step. This output will then be used to set parameters to deploy BMR
truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bmc_get_linkStat.js --network moonbeamlocal

echo $(jq -r '.offsetMTA' "$CONFIG_DIR/bmc_linkstats.moonbeam") > $CONFIG_DIR/moon.offset

4. Config Moonriver BSH

  • Run the script to register ICX
cd $PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/solidity/bsh

truffle exec $SCRIPT_DIR/mb_bsh_register_coin.js --network moonbeamlocal