Before deploying these contracts, please make sure you have already started a local node in ICON Network. If you have not yet done this step, please check out this link and accomplish it
- Run these commands to deploy BMC contract on ICON Network
export CONFIG_DIR=$PROJECT_DIR/btp/docker-compose/goloop2moonbeam/config
echo "$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon).icon" > $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.icon
# Add '.../go/bin' to the PATH environment variable.
# For example:
# export GOPATH=~/go
# export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
# export PATH=$PATH:$GOBIN
goloop rpc --uri sendtx deploy \
$PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/javascore/bmc-0.1.0-optimized.jar \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--content_type application/java --step_limit 13610920001 \
--param _net=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.icon) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmc.icon
- Extract address of BMC contract after deployment as:
goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmc.icon) \
| jq -r .scoreAddress > $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmc.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmc.icon) \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmc.icon.query
# Save 'blockHash' and 'blockHeight', they will be used to deploy BMV contract on Moonriver Network
BLOCK_HASH="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.blockHash' "$CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmc.icon.query")")"
BLOCK_HEIGHT="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.blockHeight' "$CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmc.icon.query")")"
echo -n $BLOCK_HASH > $CONFIG_DIR/block.hash.icon
echo -n $BLOCK_HEIGHT > $CONFIG_DIR/block.height.icon
- Generate BTP address format of BMC contract as:
echo "btp://$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.icon)/$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon)" > $CONFIG_DIR/btp.icon
- Run these commands to deploy Kusama and Moonriver Event Decoder on ICON Network
goloop rpc --uri sendtx deploy \
$PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/javascore/KusamaEventDecoder-optimized.jar \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--content_type application/java --step_limit 13610920001 \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.kusamaDecoder.icon
goloop rpc --uri sendtx deploy \
$PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/javascore/MoonriverEventDecoder-optimized.jar \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--content_type application/java --step_limit 13610920001 \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.moonriverDecoder.icon
- Extract addresses of Kusama and Moonriver Event Decoder contract as:
goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.kusamaDecoder.icon) \
| jq -r .scoreAddress > $CONFIG_DIR/kusamaDecoder.icon
goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.moonriverDecoder.icon) \
| jq -r .scoreAddress > $CONFIG_DIR/moonriverDecoder.icon
# Also check whether these transactions are successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.kusamaDecoder.icon)
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.moonriverDecoder.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
- Preparing setting parameters:
: offset of Merkle Tree Accumulator (MTA) - a block height that BMV starts to sync block on RelaychainparaMtaOffset
: offset of Merkle Tree Accumulator (MTA) - a block height that BMV starts to sync block on Parachainbmc
: address of BMC SCORE contractnet
: a network that BMV will handle, e.g. MoonrivermtaRootSize
: size of MTA roots use for both Parachain and RelaychainmtaCacheSize
: size of MTA cache use for both Parachain and RelaychainmtaIsAllowNewerWitness
: allow to verify newer witness. This setting allows BMV to verify in case of MTA block height of a client is higher than MTA block height of BMV contractrelayLastBlockHash
: hash of previous block -relayMtaOffset
. BMV must check that a previous hash of an incoming block is equal to therelayLastBlockHash
: hash of previous block -paraMtaOffset
. BMV must check that a previous hash of an incoming block is equal to theparaLastBlockHash
:Base64(RLP.encode(List<byte[]> validatorPublicKey))
, encoded of validators list of relay chainrelayEventDecoderAddress
: address of Event Decoder for Relaychain - e.g. Kusama Event DecoderparaEventDecoderAddress
: address of Event Decoder for Parachain - e.g. Moonriver Event DecoderrelayCurrentSetId
: set a current counter of updatingencodedValidators
. When a list of Validators is updated, the setID is increased by oneparaChainId
: an ID of ParachainevmEventIndex
: index of evm log event in para chainnewAuthoritiesEventIndex
: index of new authorities event in relay chaincandidateIncludedEventIndex
: index of candidate included in relay chain
For a sake of simplicity, we have setup an utility that helps to initialize these parameters. Please follow the instructions below:
- Install Yarn packages:
cd $PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/javascore/helper
- Specify your configurations:
# Replace your RELAY_ENDPOINT if needed
export RELAY_ENDPOINT=wss://
# Replace your PARA_ENDPOINT if needed
export PARA_ENDPOINT=ws://
# You can use to retrieve this information
export RELAY_CHAIN_OFFSET=8000000
# Checking a current block of deployed Moonriver node
- Then, run the below command:
yarn getBMVInitializeParams
- In success, a file,
, will be generated in the$PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/javascore/helper
directory. This JSON file contains initialized parameters that are essential to deploy BMV contract.MTA root size
: can be set a value0x8
MTA caches size
: can be set a value0x8
Allow MTA newer witness
(Not Allow) or0x1
VALIDATORS="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.encodedValidators' "$HELPER_DIR/BMVInitializeData.json")")"
RC_OFFSET="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.relayMtaOffset' "$HELPER_DIR/BMVInitializeData.json")")"
PC_OFFSET="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.paraMtaOffset' "$HELPER_DIR/BMVInitializeData.json")")"
RC_LAST_BLOCKHASH="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.relayLastBlockHash' "$HELPER_DIR/BMVInitializeData.json")")"
PC_LAST_BLOCKHASH="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.paraLastBlockHash' "$HELPER_DIR/BMVInitializeData.json")")"
SET_ID="$(eval "echo $(jq -r '.relayCurrentSetId' "$HELPER_DIR/BMVInitializeData.json")")"
# Replace your value if needed
# Replace your value if needed
# Replace your value if needed
# Replace your value if needed
# Replace MOONRIVER_CHAINID=your/chainID/of/Moonriver/Network if needed
echo "${MOONRIVER_CHAINID}.pra" > $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.dst
goloop rpc --uri sendtx deploy \
$PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/javascore/parachain-BMV-optimized.jar \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--content_type application/java --step_limit 13610920001 \
--param relayMtaOffset=$RC_OFFSET \
--param paraMtaOffset=$PC_OFFSET \
--param bmc=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--param net=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.dst) \
--param mtaRootSize=$MTA_ROOT_SIZE \
--param mtaCacheSize=$MTA_CATCH_SIZE \
--param mtaIsAllowNewerWitness=$ALLOW_NEWER_WITNESS \
--param relayLastBlockHash=$RC_LAST_BLOCKHASH \
--param paraLastBlockHash=$PC_LAST_BLOCKHASH \
--param encodedValidators=$VALIDATORS \
--param relayEventDecoderAddress=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/kusamaDecoder.icon) \
--param paraEventDecoderAddress=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/moonriverDecoder.icon) \
--param relayCurrentSetId=$SET_ID \
--param paraChainId=$PARACHAIN_ID \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmv.icon
- Extract address of BMV contract after deployment as:
goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmv.icon) \
| jq -r .scoreAddress > $CONFIG_DIR/bmv.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.bmv.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
- Run these commands to deploy IRC31Token on ICON Network.
goloop rpc --uri sendtx deploy \
$PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/javascore/irc31-0.1.0-optimized.jar \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--content_type application/java --step_limit 13610920001 \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.irc31token.icon
- Extract address of IRC31Token contract after deployment as:
goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.irc31token.icon) \
| jq -r .scoreAddress > $CONFIG_DIR/irc31token.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.irc31token.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
- Run these commands to deploy NativeCoinBSH on ICON Network
goloop rpc --uri sendtx deploy \
$PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/javascore/nativecoin-0.1.0-optimized.jar \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--content_type application/java --step_limit 13610920001 \
--param _bmc=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bmc.icon) \
--param _irc31=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/irc31token.icon) \
--param _name=ICX | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.nativeCoinBsh.icon
- Extract address of NativeCoinBSH contract after deployment as:
goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.nativeCoinBsh.icon) \
| jq -r .scoreAddress > $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.nativeCoinBsh.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'
- Run below command to deploy FeeAggregation contract on ICON Network as follow:
# Replace another Receiver Address if needed
goloop rpc --uri sendtx deploy \
$PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/javascore/fee-aggregation-system-1.0-optimized.jar \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--content_type application/java --step_limit 13610920001 \
--param _cps_address=$ICON_RECEIVER_FEE_ADDRESS \
| jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.feeAggregation.icon
- Extract address of FeeAggregation contract after deployment as:
goloop rpc --uri \
txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.feeAggregation.icon) \
| jq -r .scoreAddress > $CONFIG_DIR/feeAggregation.icon
# Also check whether this transaction is successful
# goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.feeAggregation.icon)
# If fail, it shows error message and status '0x0'
# Otherwise, status '0x1'