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Special Authorization Roles in Contract Upgradeability

The Blockchain Transmission Protocol (BTP) entirely relies on a set of three types of smart contracts, BSH, BMC, and BMV, on each connected network. In these contracts, there are some tasks/functions restricting who is allowable to access and to change/update crucial state variables. Hence, an ownership role is proposed to take responsibility for managing and maintaining services, features, and crucial data of a contract. In addition, Contract Upgradeability is an additional feature that the ICON Foundation proposes to provide developers ease-to-modify smart contracts for some cases, i.e., fixing bugs, adding additional features during the development of their projects. Thus, this task is also required a special authorizer to operate.

This document helps to differentiate some special roles in BTP Network with a feature of Contract Upgradeability. If you need to know what Contract Upgradeability is and how to upgrade a contract, please check out this link here.

In BTP Network with a feature of Contract Upgradeability, there is a total of three special authorization roles:

  • Owner: this is a special role of a smart contract. As proposed by the ICON Foundation, each of the contracts can be managed by one or multiple Owners.
Feature Action Description
Ownership Add Owner - Current Owner can add a new Owner
- Initial Owner is an account that deployed a contract
Remove Owner - Current Owner can remove another Owner
- The last Owner cannot remove him/herself (Must have at least 1 owner)
  • Proxy Admin: is a contract, generated by Openzeppelin Plugin, which manages to upgrade Proxy contracts.
  • Owner of Proxy Admin: there is only one Owner in the Proxy Admin contract. To differentiate this role from the above ones, Owner of Proxy Admin contract will be called Admin of Upgradeability or Operator.

Operator vs Proxy Admin vs Owners

Assume, we have a scenario as follows: Operator A deploys Contract1, Contract2, and Contract3 with upgradeability feature using Openzeppelin Plugin Library

  • After deployment, there are seven contracts being generated
    • Proxy Admin: a contract that manages to upgrade Proxy contracts
    • Three TransparentUpgradeableProxy (a.k.a Proxy): the contracts that all Users would directly interact with instead
    • And three logic contracts: Contract1, Contract2, and Contract3

  • Note that:

    • Proxy Admin is a contract
    • There's only one Proxy Admin contract to manage an upgradeability of three Proxy contracts
    • Proxy Admin contract is owned by Operator A. To upgrade contracts, only Operator A is allowed to perform this action.
    • Meanwhile, Operator A also has an Owner role of Contract1, Contract2, and Contract3
  • Operator A calls Proxy contracts to add more owners

    • Contract2: Operator A calls to add an Owner22.
    • Contract3: Operator A calls to add Owner32 and Owner33

  • Note that:

    • Contract2 is owned by Operator A and Owner22
    • Contract3 is owned by Operator A, Owner32, and Owner33
    • Owner22, Owner32, and Owner33 are distinctive owners of Contract2 and Contract3 even though Operator A has an ownership role in these two contracts. Thus, Owner22 does not have an ownership role in Contract3 and the same on others.
  • Owner22 calls Proxy contract to remove Operator A while Owner33 calls another Proxy contract to remove Owner32

  • Operator B deploys Contract4 with upgradeability feature using Openzeppelin Plugin Library

  • Note that:

    • There are two Proxy Admin contracts - Proxy Admin manages an upgradeability of {Contract1,Contract2, and Contract3} and Proxy Admin 2 manages an upgradeability of {Contract4}
    • Proxy Admin is owned by Operator A while Operator B is an owner of Proxy Admin 2
  • Operator A transfers upgradeable management of Contract3 to Proxy Admin 2 via using Openzeppelin Util changeProxyAdmin(ProxyAddr, newProxyAdminAddr)

    • ProxyAddr: An address of Proxy contract that needs to update a new Proxy Admin
    • newProxyAdminAddr: an address of a new Proxy Admin contract
    • For example: changeProxyAdmin(ProxyContract3.address, ProxyAdmin2.address) in this case
const Contract1 = artifacts.require('Contract1');
const Contract2 = artifacts.require('Contract2');
const Contract3 = artifacts.require('Contract3');
const ProxyAdmin = artifacts.require('ProxyAdmin');
const { deployProxy, upgradeProxy, admin } = require('@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades');
const { assert } = require('chai');
const truffleAssert = require('truffle-assertions');

contract('Upgradeable contracts', (accounts) => {
    let c1, c2, c3, newProxyAdmin, adminInstance;

    it('Deploy Proxy Contracts', async() => {
        var _uri = 'https://1234.iconee/';
        var _native_coin = 'PARA';
        c1 = await deployProxy(Contract1, [_uri, _native_coin]);
        c2 = await deployProxy(Contract2, [_uri, _native_coin]);
        c3 = await deployProxy(Contract3, [_uri, _native_coin]);

    it('Create a new Proxy Admin', async() => {
        //  ProxyAdmin.sol is provided by Openzeppelin
        newProxyAdmin = await;

    it('Change Proxy Admin', async() => {
        await admin.changeProxyAdmin(c3.address, newProxyAdmin.address);

  • We have a final result as following:
    • Proxy Admin manages an upgradeability of {Contract1, and Contract2}
    • Proxy Admin 2 manages an upgradeability of {Contract3, and Contract4}
    • Proxy Admin contract is owned by Operator A. To upgrade Contract1 and Contract2, only Operator A has the authorization role to perform this action.
    • Meanwhile, Operator B has an ownership role of Proxy Admin 2. Thus, only Operator B has the authorization role to upgrade Contract3 and Contract4
    • Operator A is authorized to manage logic/feature implementation of Contract1 and Contract3
    • In Contract3, Owner33 has the same role as Operator A. These two clients collaborate to manage the Contract3
    • Owner22 is authorized to manage logic/feature implementation of Contract2
    • And in the Contract4, Operator B has an authorization role to manage this contract (full management - upgradeability and logic/feature implementation)

Frequently Asked

Question: Is Proxy Admin a single account that can upgrade a smart contract?

Answer: No, Proxy Admin is a contract, generated by Openzeppelin, which manages an upgradeability of one or multiple Proxy contracts

Question: Can the Proxy Admin role be transferred?

Answer: There's no Proxy Admin role. Instead, that's a contract. Thus, it can be replaced (not transferred)

Question: Is it correct that Owners are accounts who own a specific component such as BMC and BSH?

Answer: Yes, the Owner is an account, which has a special authorization to perform/to access some crucial features/logic implementation of a specific contract. Please be aware that each contract, i.e., BSH and BMC, implements its own logic to manage this ownership role while the Proxy Admin contract, created by Openzeppelin, uses a library (Ownable.sol). Hence, transferring ownership role of logic implementation contract does not affect an ownership role of Proxy Admin contract and vice versa

Question: Proxy Admin exists per smart contract. Does it mean a proxy admin of BSH and BMC can be different?

Answer: It's not completely correct. It depends on a specific circumstance. Please take a look at the example above

Question: Owner exists per component. If BSH consists of BSHCore and BSHPeriphery contracts, does it mean that BSHCore's Owners and BSHPeriphery's Owners are always the same?

Answer: It's not really correct. As our design, BSHCore has some functions that restrict only the Owner to access while BSHPeriphery does not have this restriction. Thus, the BSHCore contract has the ownership feature, but BSHPeriphery does not. In addition, BSHCore would manage a list of Owners in a case that BSHPeriphery needs this feature as well in the future.

Question: Is the one, who deploys a contract, an initial proxy admin, and an initial owner?

Answer: It's correct for an ownership role of a contract. It means that the one who deploys contracts is the initial owner of logic contracts and the Proxy Admin contract

Question: Where is the method to transfer the proxy admin?

Answer: Openzeppelin provides two methods changeProxyAdmin() and transferProxyAdminOwnership()

  • changeProxyAdmin() would replace Proxy Admin of a Proxy contract with another one
  • transferProxyAdminOwnership() would transfer an ownership role from the initial Owner to another one

Question: Is it right that only one account (Operator A in the above example) can manage the Proxy Admin contract?

Answer: Yes, it's correct

Question: Is it right that ownership of Proxy Admin can be transferred by calling transferOwnership()?

Answer: In order to transfer this ownership, OpenZeppelin provides a utility script to support it. It is recommended to use their provided method transferProxyAdminOwnership() instead

Question: Could it be many Proxy Admin contracts that manage the same Proxy contract?

Answer: No, it's not correct. One Proxy Admin can manage many Proxy contracts. However, one Proxy contract can be managed by only one Proxy Admin

Question: Does it imply that a client/an account, which can upgrade BMC, can also upgrade BSH?

Answer: If these contracts are deployed by one Operator, it's likely that only one Proxy Admin manages multiple Proxy contracts. Thus, only the Owner of that Proxy Admin, which is Operator, has the ability to upgrade Proxy contracts in case of not having any prior transferring ownerships