Currently, there are two types of BSH implementations:
- The native coin transfer service: a service supports multi-token standard (ERC-1155)
- The token transfer service: this service supports ERC-20 standard
This section provides interfaces of the Native Coin Transfer Service which could be deployed to other blockchains that support Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The NativeCoinBSH
, written by Solidity language, consists of two contracts:
(IBSHCore) is a smart contract that holds important application-specific logic implementations to handle coin transferring service
function addOwner(address _owner) external;
- Description:
- Allow a current owner to add an additional owner
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _owner: address ( Address of a new Owner )
function removeOwner(address _owner) external;
- Description:
- Allow a current owner to remove an existing owner
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Unable to remove the last Owner
- Params:
- _owner: address ( Address of an Owner to be removed )
function isOwner(address _owner) external view returns (bool);
- Description:
- Checking whether one specific address has an ownership role
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- _owner: address ( Address needs to be verified )
- Returns:
: bool
function getOwners() external view returns (address[] memory);
- Description:
- Query a list of current Owners
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _owners: address[] ( An array of addresses of current Owners )
function updateBSHPeriphery(address _bshPeriphery) external;
- Description:
- Link/Update an address of BSHPeriphery contract
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- The address of BSHPeriphery MUST be different from a current one
- The current BSHPeriphery contract MUST have none of any pending requests
- Params:
- _bshPeriphery: address ( Address of BSHPeriphery contract )
function updateUri(string calldata _newURI) external;
- Description:
- Update a new base URI
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- The current URI must be initialized in construction before
- Params:
- _newURI: string ( New string URI )
function setFeeRatio(uint256 _feeNumerator) external;
- Description:
- Update a new value of
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- The transfer fee is calculated by
fixed_fee + feeNumerator/FEE_DEMONINATOR * transfer_amount
- The feeNumetator should be less than FEE_DEMONINATOR
- _feeNumerator is set to
in construction by default, which means the default fee ratio is 0.1%
- Update a new value of
- Params:
- _feeNumerator: uint256 ( Unsigned integer value of Fee Numerator )
function setFixedFee(uint256 _fixedFee) external;
- Description:
- Update a new value of
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- The transfer fee is calculated by
fixed_fee + feeNumerator/FEE_DEMONINATOR * transfer_amount
- The
will be set by SCORE Admin, the value is calculated based on an exchange rate at a setting time
- Update a new value of
- Params:
- _fixedFee: uint256 ( Unsigned integer value of
- _fixedFee: uint256 ( Unsigned integer value of
function register(string calldata _name) external;
- Description:
- Registers a wrapped native coin and its
number - Caller MUST have an ownership role
- The registering
MUST be different from a native coin name of a current blockchain id
of a registering wrapped coin is generated by usinguint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name)))
id = 0
is fixed to assign to a native coin name of a current blockchain
- Registers a wrapped native coin and its
- Params:
- _name: string ( A registered name of a wrapped coin )
function coinNames() external view returns (string[] memory _names);
- Description:
- Query all supporting coins
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _names: string[] ( An array of string names of supporting coins )
function coinId(string calldata _coinName) external view returns (uint256 _coinId);
- Description:
- Query an
number of Coin/Wrapped Coin whose name is the same with givenname
- Caller can be ANY
- Query an
- Params:
- _coinName: string ( A registered name of a native coin/wrapped coin )
- Returns:
- _coinId: uint256 ( An
of a givenname
- _coinId: uint256 ( An
function isValidCoin(string calldata _coinName) external view returns (bool);
- Description:
- check validity of a given
of a coin/wrapped coin - Call by BSHPeriphery contract to validate a requested
- check validity of a given
- Params:
- _coinName: string ( A registered name of a native coin/wrapped coin )
- Returns:
: bool
function getBalanceOf(address _owner, string memory _coinName) external view returns (
uint256 _usableBalance,
uint256 _lockedBalance,
uint256 _refundableBalance
- Description:
- Query usable/locked/refundable balance of an account based on
- Caller can be ANY
when a client requests to transfer coins/wrapped coins to another network, a requesting amount will be locked until getting a Service Message response_refundableBalance
upon receiving an Error Response of Service Message, a refund process occurs However, there might have an error in refunding back to the Requestor. Therein, it should issue_refundableBalance
so that Requestor can re-claim later on
- Query usable/locked/refundable balance of an account based on
- Params:
- _owner: address ( Address of an account to query balance )
- _coinName: string ( A registering name of a native coin/wrapped coin )
- Returns:
- _usableBalance: uint256 ( Balance of
that an account is currently holding ) - _lockedBalance: uint256 ( Balance of
is currently locked until a pending request is settled ) - _refundableBalance: uint256 ( Balance of
will be refunded back )
- _usableBalance: uint256 ( Balance of
function getBalanceOfBatch(address _owner, string[] calldata _coinNames) external view returns (
uint256[] memory _usableBalances,
uint256[] memory _lockedBalances,
uint256[] memory _refundableBalances
- Description:
- Query a list of usable/locked/refundable balances of an account based on
- Caller can be ANY
- Query a list of usable/locked/refundable balances of an account based on
- Params:
- _owner: address ( Address of an account to query balance )
- _coinName: string[] ( An array of registering names of native coin/wrapped coins )
- Returns:
- _usableBalances: uint256[] ( Balances of
that an account is currently holding ) - _lockedBalances: uint256[] ( Balances of
are currently locked until pending requests are settled ) - _refundableBalances: uint256[] ( Balances of
will be refunded back )
- _usableBalances: uint256[] ( Balances of
struct Asset {
string coinName;
uint256 value;
function getAccumulatedFees() external view returns (Asset[] memory _accumulatedFees);
- Description:
- Query a list of charged Fees
- Caller can be ANY
- Only return the asset that has
greater than 0
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _accumulatedFees: Asset[] ( An array of charged Fees )
function transfer(string calldata _to) external payable;
- Description:
- Allow users to deposit
of native coins into a BSHCore contract - Caller can be ANY
- MUST specify
- Allow users to deposit
- Params:
- _to: string ( An address that Requester expects to receive a corresponding amount of Tokens on another network)
function transfer(string calldata _coinName, uint256 _value, string calldata _to) external;
- Description:
- Allow users to deposit an amount of
from themsg.sender
address into the BSHCore contract - Caller can be ANY
- Caller MUST set to approve that wrapped tokens can be transferred out of
account by BSHCore contract
- Allow users to deposit an amount of
- Params:
- _coinName: string ( A registered
of a wrapped coin ) - _value: uint256 ( An amount requesting to transfer )
- _to: string ( An address that Requester expects to receive a corresponding amount of Tokens on another network)
- _coinName: string ( A registered
function transferBatch(string[] memory _coinNames, uint256[] memory _values, string calldata _to) external payable;
- Description:
- Allow users to transfer multiple coins/wrapped coins to another network
- Caller can be ANY
- Caller MUST set to approve that wrapped tokens can be transferred out of
account by BSHCore contract - MUST specify
in case of requesting to transfer a native coin - A number of requested coins MUST be the same as the number of requested values
- Requested coins and values MUST be matched respectively
- Params:
- _coinNames: string[] ( A list of requesting coins/wrapped coins )
- _values: uint256[] ( A list of requesting values respectively with its coin name )
- _to: string ( An address that Requester expects to receive a corresponding amount of Tokens on another network)
function reclaim(string calldata _coinName, uint256 _value) external;
- Description:
- Allow Users to re-claim a refundable balance
- Caller MUST be an owner of a refundable balance
- The amount to claim MUST be smaller or equal to a refundable balance
- Params:
- _coinName: string ( A registered coin/wrapped coin
) - _value: uint256 ( An amount about to re-claim )
- _coinName: string ( A registered coin/wrapped coin
function mint(address _to, string calldata _coinName, uint256 _value) external;
- Description:
- Mint an amount of wrapped coins
- Caller MUST be a BSHPeriphery contract
- Invalid
will have an_id = 0
. However,_id = 0
is also dedicated to a native coin. Thus, BSHPeriphery will check the validity of a requested_coinName
before calling. For the_coinName
indicates with_id = 0
, it should send native coins (Example: PRA) to_to
- a user's account
- Params:
- _to: address ( Address to receive a mint coin/wrapped coin )
- _coinName: string ( A registered coin/wrapped coin
) - _value: uint256 ( An amount about to mint )
function transferFees(string calldata _fa) external;
- Description:
- Handle a request of Fee Gathering
- Caller MUST be a BSHPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _fa: string ( BTP Address of Fee Aggregator )
function handleResponseService(
address _requester,
string calldata _coinName,
uint256 _value,
uint256 _fee,
uint256 _rspCode
) external;
- Description:
- Handle a response of a requested service
- Caller MUST be a BSHPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _requester: address ( Address of the originator of a requested service )
- _coinName: string ( A registered coin/wrapped coin
) - _value: uint256 ( An amount to receive on a destination network )
- _fee: uint256 ( An amount of charged fee )
- _rspCode: uint256 ( Unsigned integer number of response code -
RC_OK = 0
,RC_ERR = 1
(IBSHPeriphery, ISBH) is a smart contract that handles communications between BMCPeriphery
and BSHCore
function hasPendingRequest() external view returns (bool);
- Description:
- Check whether BSHPeriphery has any pending transferring requests
- Caller can be ANY
- Usage:
contract should check this before callingupdateBSHPeriphery()
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
: bool
function sendServiceMessage(
address _from,
string calldata _to,
string[] memory _coinNames,
uint256[] memory _values,
uint256[] memory _fees
) external;
- Description:
- Send Service Message from
contract toBMCPeriphery
contract - Caller MUST be BSHCore only
- Send Service Message from
- Params:
- _from: address ( An address of Requester of this service )
- _to: string ( A network address of destination chain )
- _coinNames: string[] ( A list of
that are requested to transfer ) - _values: uint256[] ( A list of amounts to receive at a destination chain respectively with
) - _fees: uint256[] ( A list of amounts of charging fees respectively with
function handleBTPMessage(
string calldata _from,
string calldata _svc,
uint256 _sn,
bytes calldata _msg
) external;
- Description:
- Handle BTP Message from BMC contract
- Caller MUST be BMC contract only
- Params:
- _from: string ( An originated network address of a request )
- _svc: string ( A service name of BSHPeriphery contract )
- _sn: uint256 ( A serial number of a request )
- _msg: bytes ( A RLP of a request/response )
function handleBTPError(
string calldata _src,
string calldata _svc,
uint256 _sn,
uint256 _code,
string calldata _msg
) external;
- Description:
- Handle BTP Error from BMC contract
- Caller MUST be BMC contract only
- Params:
- _svc: string ( A service name of BSHPeriphery contract )
- _sn: uint256 ( A serial number of a request )
- _code: uint256 ( A response code of a request -
RC_OK = 0
,RC_ERR = 1
) - _msg: string ( A response message )
function handleFeeGathering(string calldata _fa, string calldata _svc) external;
- Description:
- Handle Gather Fee request from BMC contract
- Caller MUST be BMC contract only
- Params:
- _fa: string ( BTP Address of Fee Aggregator )
- _svc: string ( A service name of BSHPeriphery contract )