This section provides an interface of a general BMV in which it could be deployed to other blockchains that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The BMV, written by Solidity language, consists of two contracts:
function getMTA() external view returns (string memory);
- Description:
- Get base64 encoding of Merkle Tree
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _mta: string ( Base64 encode of Merkle Tree )
function getConnectedBMC() external view returns (string memory);
- Description:
- Get BTP address of BMCPeriphery contract
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _bmc: address ( Address of linked BMCPeriphery )
function getNetAddress() external view returns (string memory);
- Description:
- Get a network address of a supporting blockchain
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _net: string ( Network address of a blockchain )
function getValidators() external view returns (bytes32, address[] memory);
- Description:
- Get a network address of a supporting blockchain
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _hash: bytes32 ( Hash of RLP encode from a given list of
) - _addrs: address[] ( A list of
- _hash: bytes32 ( Hash of RLP encode from a given list of
function getValidators() external view returns (bytes32, address[] memory);
- Description:
- Used by Relay to resolve a next BTP Message to send
- Caller MUST be BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _height: uint256 ( Height of Merkle Trie Accumulator )
- _offset: uint256 ( Offset of Merkle Trie Accumulator )
- _lastHeight: uint256 ( Block height of the last BTP Message )
function handleRelayMessage(
string memory _bmc,
string memory _prev,
uint256 _seq,
string calldata _msg
) external returns (bytes[] memory);
- Description:
- Decodes Relay Messages and processes BTP Messages
- If there is an error, it sends a BTP Message containing an Error Message
- BTP Messages with old sequence numbers are ignored
- BTP Message contains future sequence number will likely fail
- Params:
- _bmc: string ( BTP address of a BMC handling this message )
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
- _seq: uint256 ( Next sequence number to get a message )
- _msg: string ( Serialized of Relay Message )
- Returns:
- _rlp: bytes[] ( List of serialized bytes of a BTP Message )
DataValidator (IDatavalidator)
function handleRelayMessage(
string memory _bmc,
string memory _prev,
uint256 _seq,
string calldata _msg
) external returns (bytes[] memory);
- Description:
- Validate receipt proofs and return btp messages
- Params:
- _bmc: string ( BTP address of a BMC handling this message )
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
- _seq: uint256 ( Next sequence number to get a message )
- _serializedMsg: bytes ( Serialized bytes of Relay Message )
- _receiptHash: bytes ( Receipt root hash of MPT )
- Returns:
- _rlp: bytes[] ( List of serialized bytes of a BTP Message )