This section provides an interface of a general BMC in which it could be deployed to other blockchains that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The BMC, written by Solidity language, consists of two contracts:
(IBMCManagement) is a smart contract that holds important logic implementations to manage authorization, and information of supporting networks
function setBMCPeriphery(address _addr) external;
- Description:
- Update an address of BMCPeriphery contract
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- A new address of BMCPeriphery contract MUST be different from a current one (also not
- Params:
- _addr: address ( Address of a new BMCPeriphery contract )
function addOwner(address _owner) external;
- Description:
- Allow a current owner to add an additional owner
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _owner: address ( Address of a new Owner )
function removeOwner(address _owner) external;
- Description:
- Allow a current owner to remove an existing owner
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Unable to remove the last Owner
- Params:
- _owner: address ( Address of an Owner to be removed )
function isOwner(address _owner) external view returns (bool);
- Description:
- Checking whether one specific address has an ownership role
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- _owner: address ( Address needs to be verified )
- Returns:
: bool
function addService(string memory _svc, address _addr) external;
- Description:
- Register a BSH smart contract for one service
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _svc: string ( Name of a service )
- _addr: address ( Address of a BSH service contract)
function removeService(string calldata _svc) external;
- Description:
- Unregister a BSH smart contract of one service
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _svc: string ( Name of a service )
function addVerifier(string calldata _net, address _addr) external;
- Description:
- Register BMV contract for one network
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _net: string ( Network Address of a connecting blockchain )
- _addr: address ( Address of BMV contract )
function removeVerifier(string calldata _net) external;
- Description:
- Unregister BMV contract for one network
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _net: string ( Network Address of a connecting blockchain )
function addLink(string calldata _link) external;
- Description:
- Initializes status information of one link
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _link: string ( BTP Address of a connecting BMC )
function setLink(
string calldata _link,
uint256 _blockInterval,
uint256 _maxAggregation,
uint256 _delayLimit
) external;
- Description:
- Set/Update status information of one link
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _link: string ( BTP Address of a connected BMC )
- _blockInterval: uint256 ( Block interval of a connected link )
- _maxAggregation: uint256 ( Max aggreation of a connected link )
- _delayLimit: uint256 ( Delay limit of a connected link )
function removeLink(string calldata _link) external;
- Description:
- Remove one link and its status information
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _link: string ( BTP Address of a connected BMC )
function addRoute(string calldata _dst, string calldata _link) external;
- Description:
- Add route to a BMC contract
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _dst: string ( BTP Address of a destination BMC )
- _link: string ( BTP Address of a next BMC for this destination )
function removeRoute(string calldata _dst) external;
- Description:
- Remove route to a BMC contract
- Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Params:
- _dst: string ( BTP Address of a destination BMC )
function addRelay(string calldata _link, address[] memory _addrs) external;
- Description:
- Register/Update
for a network - Caller MUST have an ownership role
- Register/Update
- Params:
- _link: string ( BTP Address of a connected BMC )
- _addrs: address[] ( An array of addresses of
function removeRelay(string calldata _link, address _addr) external;
- Description:
- Unregister
for a network - Caller MUST have an ownership role
- This method should be used to remove one
out from a current list - In case of removing multiple
method is a better choice
- Unregister
- Params:
- _link: string ( BTP Address of a connected BMC )
- _addr: address ( Address of
to remove )
struct Service {
string svc;
address addr;
function getServices() external view returns (Service[] memory _servicers);
- Description:
- Query registered services (BSH)
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _servicers: Service[] ( An array of Service )
struct Verifier {
string net;
address addr;
function getVerifiers() external view returns (Verifier[] memory _verifiers);
- Description:
- Query registered Verifiers (BMV)
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _verifiers: Verifier[] ( An array of Verifier )
function getLinks() external view returns (string[] memory _links);
- Description:
- Query registered links (connected BMCs)
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _links: string[] ( BTP Addresses of connected BMCs )
struct Route {
string dst;
string next;
function getRoutes() external view returns (Route[] memory _routes);
- Description:
- Query routing information
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _routes: Route[] ( An array of Route )
function getRelays(string calldata _link) external view returns (address[] memory _relayes);
- Description:
- Query registered
of one link - Caller can be ANY
- Query registered
- Params:
- _link: string ( BTP Address of a connected BMC )
- Returns:
- _relayes: address[] ( A list of
- _relayes: address[] ( A list of
function getBshServiceByName(string memory _serviceName) external view returns (address);
- Description:
- Query BSH service by name
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _serviceName: string ( BSH service name )
- Returns:
- _bsh: address ( Address of BSH service )
function getBmvServiceByNet(string memory _net) external view returns (address);
- Description:
- Query BMV service by net
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _net: string ( A network address of a connected chain )
- Returns:
- _bsh: address ( Address of BMV contract )
struct Request {
string serviceName;
address bsh;
function getPendingRequest() external view returns (Request[] memory);
- Description:
- Query all pending service requests
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _requests: Request[] ( List of all pending requests )
struct Link {
address[] relays; // Address of multiple Relays handle for this link network
string[] reachable; // A BTP Address of the next BMC that can be reach using this link
uint256 rxSeq;
uint256 txSeq;
uint256 blockIntervalSrc;
uint256 blockIntervalDst;
uint256 maxAggregation;
uint256 delayLimit;
uint256 relayIdx;
uint256 rotateHeight;
uint256 rxHeight;
uint256 rxHeightSrc;
bool isConnected;
function getLink(string memory _to) external view returns (Link memory);
- Description:
- Query link information
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _to: string ( BTP Address of a link )
- Returns:
- _info: Link ( Information of a link )
function getLinkRxSeq(string calldata _prev) external view returns (uint256);
- Description:
- Query rotation sequence by link
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
- Returns:
- _seq: uint256 ( Rotation sequence )
function getLinkTxSeq(string calldata _prev) external view returns (uint256);
- Description:
- Query transaction sequence by link
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
- Returns:
- _seq: uint256 ( Transaction sequence )
function getLinkRelays(string calldata _prev) external view returns (address[] memory);
- Description:
- Query
by link - Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Query
- Params:
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
- Returns:
- _relays: address[] ( A list of
- _relays: address[] ( A list of
struct RelayStats {
address addr;
uint256 blockCount;
uint256 msgCount;
function getRelayStatusByLink(string memory _prev) external view returns (RelayStats[] memory);
- Description:
- Query status of
by link - Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Query status of
- Params:
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
- Returns:
- _stats: RelayStats[] ( status of all
- _stats: RelayStats[] ( status of all
function updatePendingReq(Request memory _req) external;
- Description:
- Update a pending request
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _req: Request ( A service request )
function updateLinkRxSeq(string calldata _prev, uint256 _val) external;
- Description:
- Update rotation sequence by link
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
- _val: Request ( Increment value )
function updateLinkTxSeq(string calldata _prev) external;
- Description:
- Increase transaction sequence by 1
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
function updateLinkReachable(string memory _prev, string memory _to) external;
- Description:
- Add a reachable BTP address to link
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
- _to: string ( BTP address of a BMC can be reachable from
function deleteLinkReachable(string memory _prev, uint256 _index) external;
- Description:
- Remove a reachable BTP address
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _prev: string ( BTP address of a previous BMC )
- _index: uint256 ( An index of reachable BTP address in a list to be removed )
function updateRelayStats(
address _relay,
uint256 _blockCountVal,
uint256 _msgCountVal
) external;
- Description:
- Update relay status
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _relay: address ( Address of Relay )
- _blockCountVal: uint256 ( Increment value for block counter )
- _msgCountVal: uint256 ( Increment value for message counter )
function resolveRoute(string memory _dstNet) external view returns (string memory, string memory);
- Description:
- Find a next BMC
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _dstNet: string ( A network address of a destination chain )
- Returns:
- _next: string ( BTP Address of a next BMC )
- _dst: string ( BTP Address of a destination BMC )
function rotateRelay(
string memory _link,
uint256 _currentHeight,
uint256 _relayMsgHeight,
bool _hasMsg
) external returns (address);
- Description:
- Determine a Relay that takes a responsibility to submit Relay message
- Only called by BMCPeriphery contract
- Params:
- _link: string ( BTP address of a connected BMC )
- _currentHeight: uint256 ( Current block height of MTA from BMV contract )
- _relayMsgHeight: uint256 ( Block height of the last BTP Message )
- _hasMsg: bool ( check if Relay message exists -
- Returns:
- _relay: address ( Address of Relay )
(IMCPeriphery) is a smart contract that handles communications among BSHPeriphery
contracts, and Relays
function getBmcBtpAddress() external view returns (string memory);
- Description:
- Get BTP address of a BMCPeriphery contract
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- None
- Returns:
- _btpAddr: string ( BTP address of a BMCPeriphery contract )
function handleRelayMessage(string calldata _prev, string calldata _msg) external;
- Description:
- Verify and decode RelayMessage with BMV
- Dispatch BTP Messages to registered BSHs
- Caller MUST be a registered Relay
- Params:
- _prev: string ( BTP Address of a BMC generating a message )
- _msg: address ( Base64 encoded string of serialized bytes of Relay Message )
function sendMessage(
string calldata _to,
string calldata _svc,
uint256 _sn,
bytes calldata _msg
) external;
- Description:
- Send a Service Message to a specific network
- Caller MUST be a registered BSH or BMCManagement
- Params:
- _to: string ( Network Address of a destination network )
- _svc: string ( Name of a service )
- _sn: uint256 ( Serial number of a Service Message )
- _msg: bytes ( Serialized bytes of a Service Message )
struct LinkStats {
uint256 rxSeq;
uint256 txSeq;
VerifierStats verifier;
RelayStats[] relays;
uint256 relayIdx;
uint256 rotateHeight;
uint256 rotateTerm;
uint256 delayLimit;
uint256 maxAggregation;
uint256 rxHeightSrc;
uint256 rxHeight;
uint256 blockIntervalSrc;
uint256 blockIntervalDst;
uint256 currentHeight;
function getStatus(string calldata _link) external view returns (LinkStats memory _linkStats);
- Description:
- Get status of BMC
- Caller can be ANY
- Params:
- _link: string ( BTP Address of a connected BMC )
- Returns:
- _linkStats: LinkStats ( Information status of a link )