Just another simple chat plugin for Bukkit which provides chat colors and custom formats.
The plugin depends on GroupManager for prefixes and suffixes.
- Custom formats using the placeholders below
- Chat color using &0 - &0 and &a - &f
- Simply drop the jar into your plugins directory
- make sure to have GroupManager installed
- reload/restart your server
- {NAME} -- name of the user
- {DISPLAYNAME} -- display name of the user
- {GROUP} -- group the user is in
- {PREFIX} -- user or group prefix (user prefered)
- {SUFFIX} -- user or group suffix (user prefered)
- {WORLD} -- world the user is in
- {MESSAGE} -- the message
Plugin developed by Quick_Wango - Cube Island
- You want new features?
- You want the plugin to be always up to date?
- You want good support?
I'm doing this for literally nothing in my freetime, so keep me interessted in my plugins and help pay my bills by simply donating a few bucks.
Thanks in advance!
Talk to the developer (#cubeisland-dev on EsperNet)