Announcer loads simple text files and broadcasts them in a configured interval.
Simply create some plain text files (*.txt) inside the announcements folder of the plugin.
In the configuration file you can specify which of those announcements should be automaticly announced and in which order.
You can also specify the time between two announcments and whether it should start delayed.
- Announce txt files automaticly to the server
- Announce files manually
- Supports color codes (&0, &1, &3, ..., &e, &f)
- Interval can be set in Ticks (t), Seconds, (s), Minutes (m), Hours (h), Days (d)
- /announce -- Manually announces an announcement
- /reloadannouncer -- reloads the configuration and announcements
- Just put the Announcer.jar into you plugins folder
- create you messages as *.txt files in the specific folders
- restart/reload your server
- The configuration file will be auto-generated on the first start.
- announcer.*
- Announcer.announce - allows the player to announce messages
- Announcer.reloadannouncer - allows the player to reload the plugin
Operators and the console have all permissions
Plugin developed by Quick_Wango - Parallel Universe
- You want new features?
- You want the plugin to be always up to date?
- You want good support?
I'm doing this for literally nothing in my freetime, so keep me interessted in my plugins and help pay my bills by simply donating a few bucks.
Thanks in advance!
Talk to the developer (#cubeisland-dev on EsperNet)