If deploy > develop then need to be about finding new runtime niches.
Automation beats any industry specific focus
Good because it can be software only
Things like keep track of friends tasks email.
- https://automations.io/
- camunda BPMN
Link to do things when sunset or someone joins the wifi How about permission to join wifi setup X finds router, I scan Y
- https://www.domoticz.com/
- https://www.openhab.org/docs/tutorial/rules_basic.html
- alexa routines though none seem to be interesting https://www.makeuseof.com/alexa-routines-for-every-part-of-your-day/
- Nicd https://gitlab.com/Nicd/geo-therminator/-/blob/trunk/src/pump_api/device/api.gleam
Also unison and dark try for the infrastructure ready approach
maybe effect types really enable this?
- RapidSCADA
- Ignition
Both try for a market place.
What is the google home market place like? Can I bootstrap one with wifi/lightbuld connectors Amazing rules engine copy by hash reference to code. Does the Data tables/ excel for all work as a better in?
- vention.io
- https://www.codesys.com/products/codesys-runtime/opc-ua.html
- https://docs.factoryio.com/controlio/
- https://www.flexsim.com/industry-4-0/
- https://factoryio.com/starter-edition/
Practise on PLC style programs