- Organizer of the SF Emacs Meetup
- C++ coder for 10+ years
- Share Flow and Tips
- Answer Questions
- Individual Presentations
- Not necessarily formal or with slides, can just be a demo
- Let me know if you have one
- Arguments about approaches encouraged
- Questions for the Group
- Problems you’re experiencing
- Things you want to automate
- These will be interleaved with presentations
- Just hanging out and sharing ideas
- This is a casual event (my slides notwithstanding)
(setq require-final-newline t)
(use-package ws-butler
:ensure t
Google (with optional site-specificity) thing-at-point
(use-package google-this
:ensure t
(("C-c <f1>" . google-this-cpp-reference)))
We all know magit?
- gitconfig-mode
- gitignore-mode
- git-commit
- git-timemachine
- git-messenger
- diff-hl
- comment-dwim-2
- fill-column-indicator
- undo-tree
- modern-cpp-font-lock
- xref demo
- appears to be LSP based competitor to clangd
- someone spoke up for rtags
- Org for work logging and slides (like these!)
- Projectile
- Clang via LSP
- gud-gdb, sometimes
- We should use a real compiler
- We should use a standard protocol
- Presentation from our meetup https://www.gjp.cc/lsp
- flycheck… most of the time
- jump to definition
- completion (helm-company)
- header name completion
- anything not associated with a translation unit
- xref?
- ??? you tell me
- didn’t catch the name
- using Emacs with MSVC on Windows?
- winner-mode
- Emacs SF meeting on the subject https://www.meetup.com/Emacs-SF/events/254538442/