- Corrections to erasmus_clinical (data provided with the package)
- Addition of raw aligned count data matrices for Cohorts A and B (Data S2 in paper)
- Compression of data/-folder contents (.RData)
- Minor adjustments to 'BRS prediction' vignette
- Clarifications and reformatting in the 'BRS prediction' vignette
- BRS main function revised
- Replaced dot '.' with underscore '_' in all data objects
- Added post-BCG data for cohort A
- Instead of providing a pre-fit pamr, the pamr object is fit in BRS function on the fly as per pipeline
- Fixes to R CMD check NOTEs (LazyDataCompression etc)
- Minor revisions
- Reordering of clinical data, with Grade and Substage earlier
- Sup Table 5 (immune cell estimates) added to the package
- Revised imports
- Grade and substage added to clinical data
- Minor tidying up, mention of build_vignettes and Rtools
- First version of BRSpred