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Tables of the EvoNAPS database


You can find a detailed description of the tables of the EvoNAPS database in the following chapters:

  1. dataorigin
  2. aa_models
  3. dna_models
  4. aa_alignments
  5. dna_alignments
  6. aa_sequences
  7. dna_sequences
  8. aa_modelparameters
  9. dna_modelparameters
  10. aa_trees
  11. dna_trees
  12. aa_branches
  13. dna_branches

Note that, sometimes the tables containing information regarding DNA and protein alignments are identical (e.g., alignments tables). However, in some tables there are differences in the number and kind of columns (e.g., sequences, modelparameters, trees tables).


  • PK: primary key
  • NN: not null
  • UQ: unique key
  • AI: auto-incremented
  • +: applies to
  • *: is involved in

1. dataorigin

Comment: The dataorigin table holds information regarding the original sources of the alignments in the EvoNAPS database.

Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
DATABASE_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
DATABASE_ID varchar(100) + + This field holds the name of the source database, which in turn serves as the ID of said database. The entries of this column must be unique.
DOI varchar(100) NULL States the DOI of the paper describing the source database, should there exist one.
PUBMED_ID varchar(100) NULL States the PUBMED-ID of the paper describing the source database, should there exist one.
LAST_UPDATED varchar(100) NULL States the date the source database was last updated, if available.
SEQ_TYPE varchar(100) NULL States whether the source database holds of DNA and/or protein alignments.
DESCRIPTION text NULL A text field that gives a short description of the source database.
SIZE text NULL States the number of alignments the source database holds.
COMMENT text NULL An optional text field for any comments regarding the source database.

2. aa_models

Comment: The aa_models table lists the different protein substitution rate matrices that were tested in the EvoNAPS workflow and includes the assumed amino acid frequencies and substitution rates.

Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
MODEL_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
MODEL_NAME varchar(100) + + Name of the protein model (substitution rate matrix). The name must be unique.
REGION varchar(50) NULL States the region of the cell where the proteins from which the substitution rate matrix was derived from are abundant. Optional, default is NULL.
EXPLANATION varchar(100) NULL This field contains a short description of the model.
STAT_DIS_TYPE varchar(50) This field states whether the state frequencies of the stationary distribution assumed in the model are empirical (counted frequencies from the alignment) or if they are predefined by the model.
FREQ_A decimal(10,9) NULL Either NULL if STAT_DIS_TYPE='empirical'. Else, the frequency of the amino acid alanine (A) assumed by the model.
FREQ_V decimal(10,9) NULL Either NULL if STAT_DIS_TYPE='empirical'. Else, the frequency of the amino acid tyrosine (Y) assumed by the model.
RATE_AR DECIMAL(15,9) + The substitution rate from aa A to aa R assumed by the model.
RATE_YV DECIMAL(15,9) + The substitution rate from aa Y to aa V assumed by the model.

3. dna_models

Comment: The dna_models table lists the different DNA substitution rate matrices that were tested in the EvoNAPS workflow.

Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
MODEL_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
MODEL_NAME varchar(100) + Name of the DNA model (substitution rate matrix). The name must be unique.
FREE_PARAMETERS int(11) + States the number of free parameters of the model.
BASE_FREQUENCIES varchar(30) + States whether the assumed base frequencies of the model are uniform (0.25 for each base) or unequal.
SUBSTITUTION_RATES varchar(100) + States (possible) restrictions the model has on the substitution rates.
EXPLANATION varchar(100) NULL This field contains a short description of the model.
SUBSTITUTION_CODE varchar(100) + This field shows the substitution code of the rate matrix.

4. aa_alignments

Comment: The aa_alignments table holds general information and characteristics regarding each protein alignment in the database.


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
ALI_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + + Name of the alignment (alignment ID). Must be unique.
FROM_DATABASE varchar(100) + States from which original database the alignemnt stems from (e.g. PANDIT). Serves as foreign key to connect to the dataorigin table.
DESCRIPTION varchar(100) NULL A field that can hold an optional comment regarding the alignment. This can be left blank and the default value is accordingly NULL.
SEQUENCES int(11) + This column states how many seqeunces (taxa) the alignemnt holds.
COLUMNS int(11) + This column states how many sites (columns) the alignemnt has / states the length of the alignment.
PARSIMONY_INFORMATIVE_SITES int(11) + States the number of parsimony informative sites in alignment.
SINGELTON_SITES int(11) + States the number of singelton sites in alignment.
CONSTANT_SITES int(11) + States the number of singelton sites in alignment.
FRAC_WILDCARDS_GAPS decimal(5,4) + States the fraction of wildcards and gaps in the alignment.
DISTINCT_PATTERNS int(11) + States the number of distinct patterns in alignment.
FAILED_CHI2 int(11) + States the number of sequences that failed the chi2 (chi-squared) test. The test examines whether the nucleotide composition of the sequences matches the mean nucleotide frequencies across all sequences.
IDENTICAL_SEQ int(11) NULL States the number of identical sequences in the alignment, should there be any. Default is NULL.
EXCLUDED_SEQ int(11) NULL States the number of excluded sequences in the alignment, should there be any. Default is NULL.

5. dna_alignments

Comment: The dna_alignments table holds general information and characteristics regarding each DNA alignment in the database.


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
ALI_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + + Name of the alignment (alignment ID). Must be unique.
FROM_DATABASE varchar(100) + States from which original database the alignemnt stems from (e.g. PANDIT). Serves as foreign key to connect to the dataorigin table.
DESCRIPTION varchar(100) NULL A field that can hold an optional comment regarding the alignment. This can be left blank and the default value is accordingly NULL.
SEQUENCES int(11) + This column states how many seqeunces (taxa) the alignemnt holds.
COLUMNS int(11) + This column states how many sites (columns) the alignemnt has / states the length of the alignment.
PARSIMONY_INFORMATIVE_SITES int(11) + States the number of parsimony informative sites in alignment.
SINGELTON_SITES int(11) + States the number of singelton sites in alignment.
CONSTANT_SITES int(11) + States the number of singelton sites in alignment.
FRAC_WILDCARDS_GAPS decimal(5,4) + States the fraction of wildcards and gaps in the alignment.
DISTINCT_PATTERNS int(11) + States the number of distinct patterns in alignment.
FAILED_CHI2 int(11) + States the number of sequences that failed the chi2 (chi-squared) test. The test examines whether the nucleotide composition of the sequences matches the mean nucleotide frequencies across all sequences.
IDENTICAL_SEQ int(11) NULL States the number of identical sequences in the alignment, should there be any. Default is NULL.
EXCLUDED_SEQ int(11) NULL States the number of excluded sequences in the alignment, should there be any. Default is NULL.

6. aa_sequences

Comment: The aa_sequences table holds the sequences of each protein alignment in the EvoNAPS database as well as information regarding each sequence.


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
SEQ_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + * Name of the alignment (alignment ID). Serves as foreign key to connect to the aa_alignments table.
SEQ_INDEX int(11) + * This column holds the unique index (integer starting with 1) for each sequence of an alignment.
SEQ_NAME varchar(250) + States the name of the sequence as it appears in the original alignment.
FRAC_WILDCARDS_GAPS decimal(10,9) NULL States the fraction of wildcards and gaps in the sequence.
CHI2_P_VALUE decimal(7,2) NULL States the p-value of the Chi-Square test for the sequence. The Chi-Square test tests whether the amino acid composition of the sequence fits the mean aa frequencies across all sequences in the alignment.
CHI2_PASSED tinyint(1) NULL States whether the sequence passed (1) or failed (0) the Chi-Square test.
EXCLUDED int(11) NULL States whether the sequence has been excluded from IQ-Tree calculations (without the flag *--keep-ident*). IQ-Tree excludes a sequence from its computations if there already exist at least two identical sequences in the alignment.
IDENTICAL_TO varchar(10000) NULL States to which sequence(s) the sequence is identical to, if such (a) sequence(s) exist(s).
FREQ_A decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the amino acid alanine (A) in the sequence.
FREQ_V decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the amino acid tyrosine (V) in the sequence.
SEQ mediumtext + This text field contains the sequence (with wildcards and gaps) as it appears in the alignment.

7. dna_sequences

Comment: The dna_sequences table holds the sequences of each DNA alignment in the EvoNAPS database as well as information regarding each sequence.


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
SEQ_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + * Name of the alignment (alignment ID). Serves as foreign key to connect to the dna_alignments table.
SEQ_INDEX int(11) + * This column holds the unique index (integer starting with 1) for each sequence of an alignment.
SEQ_NAME varchar(250) + States the name of the sequence as it appears in the original alignment.
FRAC_WILDCARDS_GAPS decimal(10,9) NULL States the fraction of wildcards and gaps in the sequence.
CHI2_P_VALUE decimal(7,2) NULL States the p-value of the Chi-Square test for the sequence. The Chi-Square test tests whether the nucleotide composition of the sequence fits the mean dna frequencies across all sequences in the alignment.
CHI2_PASSED tinyint(1) NULL States whether the sequence passed (1) or failed (0) the Chi-Square test.
EXCLUDED int(11) NULL States whether the sequence has been excluded from IQ-Tree calculations (without the flag *--keep-ident*). IQ-Tree excludes a sequence from its computations if there already exist at least two identical sequences in the alignment.
IDENTICAL_TO varchar(10000) NULL States to which sequence(s) the sequence is identical to, if such (a) sequence(s) exist(s).
FREQ_A decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the base adenine (A) in the sequence.
FREQ_C decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the base cytosine (C) in the sequence.
FREQ_G decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the base guanine (G) in the sequence.
FREQ_T decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the base thymine (T) in the sequence.
SEQ mediumtext + This text field contains the sequence (with wildcards and gaps) as it appears in the alignment.

8. aa_modelparameters

Comment: The aa_modelparameters table holds the results of model selection. The performance of each evaluated model (LogL, AIC, BIC,...) is clearly documented as well as the parameters of the model (state frequencies, rates, shape parameter alpha,...).


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
MODELTEST_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + * Name of the alignment (alignment ID).
IQTREE_VERSION varchar(100) +
RANDOM_SEED int(11) + The random number seed used by IQ-Tree.
TIME_STAMP datetime + * The timestamp as it appears in the .iqtree output file. The timestamp enables mapping of the tested model to one IQ-Tree run.
MODEL_TYPE varchar(100) + The type of model testing or the type of models that were tested in the IQ-Tree run. Will mostly be MF (the models included in the default ModelFinder algorithm).
KEEP_IDENT tinyint(1) NULL Boolean stating whether the --keep-ident flag has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) in the IQ-Tree run.
MODEL varchar(100) + * Name of the tested model
BASE_MODEL varchar(100) + Name of the substitution rate matrix used in the model.
MODEL_RATE_HETEROGENEITY varchar(100) NULL Name of the model of rate heterogeneity (should one have been employed).
NUM_RATE_CAT int(11) NULL Number of rate categories assumed by the model.
LOGL decimal(21,9) + Logarithmic likelihood
AIC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_AIC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted AIC is above 0.05 (1) or under (0).
AICC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_AICC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted AICC is above 0.5 (1) or under (0).
BIC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_BIC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted BIC is above 0.05 (1) or under (0).
CAIC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_CAIC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted CAIC is above 0.05 (1) or under (0).
ABIC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_ABIC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted ABIC is above 0.05 (1) or under (0).
NUM_MODEL_PARAMETERS int(11) + Number of free parameters of the model of sequence evolution
NUM_BRANCHES int(11) + Number of branches in the phylogenetic tree. In a fully resolved tree: 2n-3 (with n taxa).
TREE_LENGTH decimal(15,9) + Length of the tree (might differ for the different models as the branch lengths are being re-estimated during model evaluation).
PROP_INVAR decimal(10,9) NULL Proportion of invariable sites in case the +I model of rate heterogeneity was employed. Else, NULL.
ALPHA decimal(15,9) NULL Shape parameter alpha should an Gamma +G4 model have been employed. Else, NULL.
STAT_FREQ_TYPE varchar(100) + This field states whether the state frequencies of the stationary distribution assumed in the model are empirical (counted frequencies from the alignment) or if they are predefined by the model (model).
STAT_FREQ_A decimal(10,9) + The stationary frequency of the amino acid alanine (A) assumed by the model.
STAT_FREQ_V decimal(10,9) + The stationary frequency of the amino acid tyrosine (V) assumed by the model.
PROP_CAT_1 decimal(10,9) NULL The proportion of the first rate category (should the model assume different rates across sites).
REL_RATE_CAT_1 decimal(15,9) NULL The rate of the first rate category (should the model assume different rates across sites).
PROP_CAT_10 decimal(10,9) NULL The proportion of the tenth rate category (should there exist one).
REL_RATE_CAT_10 decimal(15,9) NULL The rate of the tenth rate category (should there exist one).

9. dna_modelparameters

Comment: The dna_modelparameters table holds the results of model selection. The performance of each evaluated model (LogL, AIC, BIC,...) is clearly documented as well as the parameters of the model (state frequencies, rates, shape parameter alpha,...).


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
MODELTEST_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + * Name of the alignment (alignment ID).
IQTREE_VERSION varchar(100) +
RANDOM_SEED int(11) + The random number seed used by IQ-Tree.
TIME_STAMP datetime + * The timestamp as it appears in the .iqtree output file. The timestamp enables mapping of the tested model to one IQ-Tree run.
MODEL_TYPE varchar(100) + The type of model testing or the type of models that were tested in the IQ-Tree run. Will mostly be MF (the models included in the default ModelFinder algorithm).
KEEP_IDENT tinyint(1) NULL Boolean stating whether the --keep-ident flag has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) in the IQ-Tree run.
MODEL varchar(100) + * Name of the tested model
BASE_MODEL varchar(100) + Name of the substitution rate matrix used in the model.
MODEL_RATE_HETEROGENEITY varchar(100) NULL Name of the model of rate heterogeneity (should one have been employed).
NUM_RATE_CAT int(11) NULL Number of rate categories assumed by the model.
LOGL decimal(21,9) + Logarithmic likelihood
AIC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_AIC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted AIC is above 0.05 (1) or under (0).
AICC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_AICC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted AICC is above 0.5 (1) or under (0).
BIC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_BIC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted BIC is above 0.05 (1) or under (0).
CAIC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_CAIC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted CAIC is above 0.05 (1) or under (0).
ABIC decimal(21,9) +
CONFIDENCE_ABIC tinyint(1) + Boolean stating whether the weighted ABIC is above 0.05 (1) or under (0).
NUM_MODEL_PARAMETERS int(11) + Number of free parameters of the model of sequence evolution
NUM_BRANCHES int(11) + Number of branches in the phylogenetic tree. In a fully resolved tree: 2n-3 (with n taxa).
TREE_LENGTH decimal(15,9) + Length of the tree (might differ for the different models as the branch lengths are being re-estimated during model evaluation).
PROP_INVAR decimal(10,9) NULL Proportion of invariable sites in case the +I model of rate heterogeneity was employed. Else, NULL.
ALPHA decimal(15,9) NULL Shape parameter alpha should an Gamma +G4 model have been employed. Else, NULL.
STAT_FREQ_TYPE varchar(100) + This field states whether the state frequencies of the stationary distribution assumed in the model are empirical (counted frequencies from the alignment) or if they are predefined by the model (model).
STAT_FREQ_A decimal(10,9) + The stationary frequency of the base adenine (A) assumed by the model.
STAT_FREQ_C decimal(10,9) + The stationary frequency of the base guanine (G) assumed by the model.
STAT_FREQ_G decimal(10,9) + The stationary frequency of the base cytosine (C) assumed by the model.
STAT_FREQ_T decimal(10,9) + The stationary frequency of the base thymine (T) assumed by the model.
RATE_AC decimal(15,9) + Assumed relative substitution rate from A to C.
RATE_CA decimal(15,9) + Assumed relative substitution rate from C to A.
RATE_GT decimal(15,9) + Assumed relative substitution rate from G to T.
RATE_TG decimal(15,9) + Assumed relative substitution rate from T to G.
PROP_CAT_1 decimal(10,9) NULL The proportion of the first rate category (should the model assume different rates across sites).
REL_RATE_CAT_1 decimal(15,9) NULL The rate of the first rate category (should the model assume different rates across sites).
PROP_CAT_10 decimal(10,9) NULL The proportion of the tenth rate category (should there exist one).
REL_RATE_CAT_10 decimal(15,9) NULL The rate of the tenth rate category (should there exist one).

10. aa_trees

Comment: The aa_trees table contains a set of phylogenetic trees as well as the parameters of the assumed model of sequence evolution. The trees are either a fast-ML tree used in the model evaluation or a maximum likelihood (ML) tree inferred using the best-fit model.


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
TREE_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + * Name of the alignment (alignment ID).
IQTREE_VERSION varchar(100) +
RANDOM_SEED int(11) + The random number seed used by IQ-Tree.
TIME_STAMP datetime + * The timestamp as it appears in the .iqtree output file. The timestamp enables mapping of the tested model to one IQ-Tree run.
MODEL_TYPE varchar(100) + The type of model testing or the type of models that were tested in the IQ-Tree run. Will mostly be MF (the models included in the default ModelFinder algorithm).
TREE_TYPE varchar(100) + * States the type of the tree. It is either initial (fast ML tree used for model evaluation) or ML (maximum likelihood tree).
CHOICE_CRITERIUM varchar(100) NULL States the choice criterium used to select the model for the ML tree search. In case of an initial tree, this field is left empty (NULL).
KEEP_IDENT tinyint(1) NULL Boolean stating whether the --keep-ident flag has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) in the IQ-Tree run.
MODEL varchar(100) + Name of the tested model
BASE_MODEL varchar(100) + Name of the substitution rate matrix used in the model.
MODEL_RATE_HETEROGENEITY varchar(100) NULL Name of the model of rate heterogeneity (should one have been employed).
NUM_RATE_CAT int(11) NULL Number of rate categories assumed by the model.
LOGL decimal(21,9) + Logarithmic likelihood
UNCONSTRAINED_LOGL decimal(21,9) Unconstrained logarithmic likelihood
AIC decimal(21,9) +
AICC decimal(21,9) +
BIC decimal(21,9) +
CAIC decimal(21,9) NULL
ABIC decimal(21,9) NULL
NUM_MODEL_PARAMETERS int(11) + Number of free parameters of the model of sequence evolution
NUM_BRANCHES int(11) + Number of branches in the phylogenetic tree. In a fully resolved tree: 2n-3 (with n taxa).
PROP_INVAR decimal(10,9) NULL Proportion of invariable sites in case the +I model of rate heterogeneity was employed. Else, NULL.
ALPHA decimal(15,9) NULL Shape parameter alpha should an Gamma +G4 model have been employed. Else, NULL.
STAT_FREQ_TYPE varchar(100) + This field states whether the state frequencies of the stationary distribution assumed in the model are empirical (counted frequencies from the alignment) or if they are predefined by the model (model).
STAT_FREQ_A decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the amino acid alanine (A) assumed by the model.
STAT_FREQ_V decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the amino acid tyrosine (V) assumed by the model.
PROP_CAT_1 decimal(10,9) NULL The proportion of the first rate category (should the model assume different rates across sites).
REL_RATE_CAT_1 decimal(15,9) NULL The rate of the first rate category (should the model assume different rates across sites).
PROP_CAT_10 decimal(10,9) NULL The proportion of the tenth rate category (should there exist one).
REL_RATE_CAT_10 decimal(15,9) NULL The rate of the tenth rate category (should there exist one).
TREE_LENGTH decimal(15,9) + Total length of the tree (sum of all branch lengths).
SUM_IBL decimal(15,9) + Sum of internal branch lengths
TREE_DIAMETER decimal(15,9) + The tree diameter states the furthest distance (sum of BLs) between two taxa in the tree.
DIST_MIN decimal(15,9) NULL Minimal distance between two sequences in the alignment caculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
DIST_MAX decimal(15,9) NULL Maximum distance between two sequences in the alignment calculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
DIST_MEAN decimal(15,9) NULL Mean distance between two sequences in the alignment calculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
DIST_MEDIAN decimal(15,9) NULL Median distance between two sequences in the alignment calculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
DIST_VAR decimal(15,9) NULL Variation in distances between any two sequences in the alignment calculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
BL_MIN decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest branch in the tree
BL_MAX decimal(15,9) NULL Longest branch in the tree.
BL_MEAN decimal(15,9) NULL Mean branch length in the tree.
BL_MEDIAN decimal(15,9) NULL Median branch length in the tree.
BL_VAR decimal(15,9) NULL Variation in branch lengths in the tree.
IBL_MIN decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest internal branch in the tree
IBL_MAX decimal(15,9) NULL Longest internal branch in the tree.
IBL_MEAN decimal(15,9) NULL Mean internal branch length in the tree.
IBL_MEDIAN decimal(15,9) NULL Median internal branch length in the tree.
IBL_VAR decimal(15,9) NULL Variation in internal branch lengths in the tree.
EBL_MIN decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest external branch in the tree
EBL_MAX decimal(15,9) NULL Longest external branch in the tree.
EBL_MEAN decimal(15,9) NULL Mean external branch length in the tree.
EBL_MEDIAN decimal(15,9) NULL Median external branch length in the tree.
EBL_VAR decimal(15,9) NULL Variation in external branch lengths in the tree.
POT_LBA_7 int(11) NULL States if there exists a potential long branch attraction (LBA) problem in the tree. Assuming that the long branches need to be at least 7 times larger than the short and internal branch.
POT_LBA_8 int(11) NULL States if there exists a potential long branch attraction (LBA) problem in the tree. Assuming that the long branches need to be at least 8 times larger than the short and internal branch.
POT_LBA_9 int(11) NULL States if there exists a potential long branch attraction (LBA) problem in the tree. Assuming that the long branches need to be at least 9 times larger than the short and internal branch.
POT_LBA_10 int(11) NULL States if there exists a potential long branch attraction (LBA) problem in the tree. Assuming that the long branches need to be at least 10 times larger than the short and internal branch.
NEWICK_STRING mediumtext + This field contains the Newick string of the phylogenetic tree.

11. dna_trees

Comment: The dna_trees table contains a set of phylogenetic trees as well as the parameters of the assumed model of sequence evolution. The trees are either a fast-ML tree used in the model evaluation or a maximum likelihood (ML) tree inferred using the best-fit model.


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
TREE_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + * Name of the alignment (alignment ID).
IQTREE_VERSION varchar(100) +
RANDOM_SEED int(11) + The random number seed used by IQ-Tree.
TIME_STAMP datetime + * The timestamp as it appears in the .iqtree output file. The timestamp enables mapping of the tested model to one IQ-Tree run.
MODEL_TYPE varchar(100) + The type of model testing or the type of models that were tested in the IQ-Tree run. Will mostly be MF (the models included in the default ModelFinder algorithm).
TREE_TYPE varchar(100) + * States the type of the tree. It is either initial (fast ML tree used for model evaluation) or ML (maximum likelihood tree).
CHOICE_CRITERIUM varchar(100) NULL States the choice criterium used to select the model for the ML tree search. In case of an initial tree, this field is left empty (NULL).
KEEP_IDENT tinyint(1) NULL Boolean stating whether the --keep-ident flag has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) in the IQ-Tree run.
MODEL varchar(100) + Name of the tested model
BASE_MODEL varchar(100) + Name of the substitution rate matrix used in the model.
MODEL_RATE_HETEROGENEITY varchar(100) NULL Name of the model of rate heterogeneity (should one have been employed).
NUM_RATE_CAT int(11) NULL Number of rate categories assumed by the model.
LOGL decimal(21,9) + Logarithmic likelihood
UNCONSTRAINED_LOGL decimal(21,9) Unconstrained logarithmic likelihood
AIC decimal(21,9) +
AICC decimal(21,9) +
BIC decimal(21,9) +
CAIC decimal(21,9) NULL
ABIC decimal(21,9) NULL
NUM_MODEL_PARAMETERS int(11) + Number of free parameters of the model of sequence evolution
NUM_BRANCHES int(11) + Number of branches in the phylogenetic tree. In a fully resolved tree: 2n-3 (with n taxa).
PROP_INVAR decimal(10,9) NULL Proportion of invariable sites in case the +I model of rate heterogeneity was employed. Else, NULL.
ALPHA decimal(15,9) NULL Shape parameter alpha should an Gamma +G4 model have been employed. Else, NULL.
STAT_FREQ_TYPE varchar(100) + This field states whether the state frequencies of the stationary distribution assumed in the model are empirical (counted frequencies from the alignment) or if they are predefined by the model (model).
STAT_FREQ_A decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the base adenine (A) assumed by the model.
STAT_FREQ_C decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the base guanine (G) assumed by the model.
STAT_FREQ_G decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the base cytosine (C) assumed by the model.
STAT_FREQ_T decimal(10,9) + The frequency of the base thymine (T) assumed by the model.
RATE_AC decimal(15,9) + Assumed relative substitution rate from A to C.
RATE_CA decimal(15,9) + Assumed relative substitution rate from C to A.
RATE_GT decimal(15,9) + Assumed relative substitution rate from G to T.
RATE_TG decimal(15,9) + Assumed relative substitution rate from T to G.
PROP_CAT_1 decimal(10,9) NULL The proportion of the first rate category (should the model assume different rates across sites).
REL_RATE_CAT_1 decimal(15,9) NULL The rate of the first rate category (should the model assume different rates across sites).
PROP_CAT_10 decimal(10,9) NULL The proportion of the tenth rate category (should there exist one).
REL_RATE_CAT_10 decimal(15,9) NULL The rate of the tenth rate category (should there exist one).
TREE_LENGTH decimal(15,9) + Total length of the tree (sum of all branch lengths).
SUM_IBL decimal(15,9) + Sum of internal branch lengths
TREE_DIAMETER decimal(15,9) + The tree diameter states the furthest distance (sum of BLs) between two taxa in the tree.
DIST_MIN decimal(15,9) NULL Minimal distance between two sequences in the alignment caculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
DIST_MAX decimal(15,9) NULL Maximum distance between two sequences in the alignment calculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
DIST_MEAN decimal(15,9) NULL Mean distance between two sequences in the alignment calculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
DIST_MEDIAN decimal(15,9) NULL Meadian distance between two sequences in the alignment calculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
DIST_VAR decimal(15,9) NULL Variation in distances between any two sequences in the alignment calculated using the best-fit model. In case of initial tree, this field will be NULL.
BL_MIN decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest branch in the tree
BL_MAX decimal(15,9) NULL Longest branch in the tree.
BL_MEAN decimal(15,9) NULL Mean branch length in the tree.
BL_MEDIAN decimal(15,9) NULL Median branch length in the tree.
BL_VAR decimal(15,9) NULL Variation in branch lengths in the tree.
IBL_MIN decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest internal branch in the tree
IBL_MAX decimal(15,9) NULL Longest internal branch in the tree.
IBL_MEAN decimal(15,9) NULL Mean internal branch length in the tree.
IBL_MEDIAN decimal(15,9) NULL Median internal branch length in the tree.
IBL_VAR decimal(15,9) NULL Variation in internal branch lengths in the tree.
EBL_MIN decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest external branch in the tree
EBL_MAX decimal(15,9) NULL Longest external branch in the tree.
EBL_MEAN decimal(15,9) NULL Mean external branch length in the tree.
EBL_MEDIAN decimal(15,9) NULL Median external branch length in the tree.
EBL_VAR decimal(15,9) NULL Variation in external branch lengths in the tree.
POT_LBA_7 int(11) NULL States if there exists a potential long branch attraction (LBA) problem in the tree. Assuming that the long branches need to be at least 7 times larger than the short and internal branch.
POT_LBA_8 int(11) NULL States if there exists a potential long branch attraction (LBA) problem in the tree. Assuming that the long branches need to be at least 8 times larger than the short and internal branch.
POT_LBA_9 int(11) NULL States if there exists a potential long branch attraction (LBA) problem in the tree. Assuming that the long branches need to be at least 9 times larger than the short and internal branch.
POT_LBA_10 int(11) NULL States if there exists a potential long branch attraction (LBA) problem in the tree. Assuming that the long branches need to be at least 10 times larger than the short and internal branch.
NEWICK_STRING mediumtext + This field contains the Newick string of the phylogenetic tree.

12. aa_branches

Comment: The aa_branches table contains information regarding the branches of the phylogenetic trees stored in the aa_trees table. Each line contains information regarding one branch such as the branch type, the branch length, the splitsize, etc.


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
BRANCH_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + * Name of the alignment (alignment ID).
TIME_STAMP datetime + * The timestamp as it appears in the .iqtree output file. The timestamp, paired with the alignment ID and tree type, enables the mapping of each branch to a phylogenetic tree in the aa_trees table.
TREE_TYPE varchar(100) + * The type of tree: initial or ML. The tree type, paired with the alignment ID and time stamp, enables the mapping of each branch to a phylogenetic tree in the aa_trees table.
BRANCH_INDEX int(11) + Index of the branch. Should the branch be external, then the index connected to a taxon coincides with the SEQ_INDEX of the corresponding sequence in the aa_sequences table with the same ALI_ID.
BRANCH_TYPE varchar(30) + States the type of branch, either internal or external
BL decimal(15,9) + Branch length.
SPLIT_SIZE int(11) + States the split size (number of taxa in the smaller subtree). For external branches, the splitsize is always 1.
MIN_PATH_1 decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest path length to the leaves in the smaller subtree.
MAX_PATH_1 decimal(15,9) NULL Longest path length to the leaves in the smaller subtree.
MEAN_PATH_1 decimal(15,9) NULL Mean path length to the leaves in the smaller subtree.
MEDIAN_PATH_1 decimal(15,9) NULL Median path length to the leaves in the smaller subtree.
MIN_PATH_2 decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest path length to the leaves in the larger subtree.
MAX_PATH_2 decimal(15,9) NULL Longest path length to the leaves in the larger subtree.
MEAN_PATH_2 decimal(15,9) NULL Mean path length to the leaves in the larger subtree.
MEDIAN_PATH_2 decimal(15,9) NULL Median path length to the leaves in the larger subtree.

13. dna_branches

Comment: The dna_branches table contains information regarding the branches of the phylogenetic trees stored in the dna_trees table. Each line contains information regarding one branch such as the branch type, the branch length, the splitsize, etc.


Column Name Datatype PK NN UQ AI Default Comment
BRANCH_KEY int(11) + + + Autoincremented primary key.
ALI_ID varchar(250) + * Name of the alignment (alignment ID).
TIME_STAMP datetime + * The timestamp as it appears in the .iqtree output file. The timestamp, paired with the alignment ID and tree type, enables the mapping of each branch to a phylogenetic tree in the dna_trees table.
TREE_TYPE varchar(100) + * The type of tree: initial or ML. The tree type, paired with the alignment ID and time stamp, enables the mapping of each branch to a phylogenetic tree in the dna_trees table.
BRANCH_INDEX int(11) + Index of the branch. Should the branch be external, then the index connected to a taxon coincides with the SEQ_INDEX of the corresponding sequence in the aa_sequences table with the same ALI_ID.
BRANCH_TYPE varchar(30) + States the type of branch, either internal or external
BL decimal(15,9) + Branch length.
SPLIT_SIZE int(11) + States the split size (number of taxa in the smaller subtree). For external branches, the splitsize is always 1.
MIN_PATH_1 decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest path length to the leaves in the smaller subtree.
MAX_PATH_1 decimal(15,9) NULL Longest path length to the leaves in the smaller subtree.
MEAN_PATH_1 decimal(15,9) NULL Mean path length to the leaves in the smaller subtree.
MEDIAN_PATH_1 decimal(15,9) NULL Median path length to the leaves in the smaller subtree.
MIN_PATH_2 decimal(15,9) NULL Shortest path length to the leaves in the larger subtree.
MAX_PATH_2 decimal(15,9) NULL Longest path length to the leaves in the larger subtree.
MEAN_PATH_2 decimal(15,9) NULL Mean path length to the leaves in the larger subtree.
MEDIAN_PATH_2 decimal(15,9) NULL Median path length to the leaves in the larger subtree.