Activity 1: Understanding Closures
Task 1: Write a function that returns another function, where the inner function accesses a variable from the outer function's scope. Call the inner function and log the result.
Task 2: Create a closure that maintains a private counter. Implement functions to increment and get the current value of the counter.
Activity 2: Practical Closures
Task 3: Write a function that generates unique IDs. Use a closure to keep track of the last generated ID and increment it with each call.
Task 4: Create a closure that captures a user's name and returns a function that greets the user by name.
Activity 3: Closures in Loops
- Task 5: Write a loop that creates an array of functions. Each function should log its index when called. Use a closure to ensure each function logs the correct index.
Activity 4: Module Pattern
- Task 6: Use closures to create a simple module for managing a collection of items. Implement methods to add, remove, and list items.
Activity 5: Memoization
Task 7: Write a function that memoizes the results of another function. Use a closure to store the results of previous computations.
Task 8: Create a memoized version of a function that calculates the factorial of a number.
Basic Closure Script: Write a script that demonstrates a basic closure with a function returning another function that accesses the outer function's variable.
Counter Closure Script: Create a script that uses a closure to maintain a private counter with increment and get functions.
Unique ID Generator Script: Write a script that generates unique IDs using a closure to keep track of the last generated ID.
Loop Closure Script: Create a script that demonstrates closures in loops to ensure functions log the correct index.
Memoization Script: Write a script that memoizes the results of a function and demonstrates it with a factorial calculation.
By the end of these activities, you will:
Understand and create closures in JavaScript.
Use closures to maintain private state and create encapsulated modules.
Apply closures in practical scenarios like generating unique IDs and memoization.
Use closures in loops to capture and use variables correctly.