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Circle React Elements

Accelerate frontend development with a powerful set of UI components designed for Circle's Developer-Controlled Wallets. These embedded wallets enable users to store, send, and spend USDC and other digital assets seamlessly.


  • Pre-built components for common Circle operations
  • Built with React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS
  • Accessible by default using Radix UI primitives
  • Dark mode support
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly
  • Form components with validation
  • Transaction management components
  • Wallet management components

Circle Console Setup

Before using the components, you need to configure the Circle Console. The easiest way is to use our setup tool:

npx @circle-libs/sdk-setup --api-key YOUR_API_KEY

You'll need:

  • A Circle API key from the Circle Console. Read how to setup your Circle Developer Account here.

The setup tool will automatically:

  • Generate a secure entity secret

  • Register your configuration with Circle

  • Save the configuration to .env file with required environment variables:

    • CIRCLE_API_KEY: Your Circle API key
    • CIRCLE_SECRET: Generated entity secret for secure communication with the Circle API
  • Generate a recovery file (recovery_file_YYYY-MM-DD.dat)

⚠️ Important: Store the generated recovery file (recovery_file_YYYY-MM-DD.dat) in a secure location and remove it from your project directory.

Then you can proceed with the installation of the Circle Developer-Controlled Wallet SDK and Circle React Elements.


npm install @circle-libs/react-elements


yarn add @circle-libs/react-elements


This package requires the following peer dependencies:

  "@circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets": "^7.1.0", // Circle SDK
  "lucide-react": "^0.474.0", // Icon library
  "react": "^18.2.0",
  "react-dom": "^18.2.0",
  "tailwindcss": "^4.0.4" // CSS framework

Install them all in a single command:

npm install @circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets lucide-react react react-dom tailwindcss


yarn add @circle-fin/developer-controlled-wallets lucide-react react react-dom tailwindcss

Tailwind CSS Setup

Import the Circle React Elements CSS in your app's tailwind.css file:

@import 'tailwindcss';
@import '@circle-libs/react-elements/styles.css';

@custom-variant dark (&:is(.dark *));

:root {
  --primary: hsl(255 82% 64%); /* Overwrite to match your theme. */

.dark {
  --primary: hsl(255 82% 64%); /* Overwrite to match your theme. */

Quick Start

Here's a simple example using the wallet creation form:

import { NewWalletForm } from '@circle-libs/react-elements';

function CreateWallet() {
  const handleSubmit = async (data) => {
    try {
      // Call Circle's API to create wallet
      await createWallet(data);
    } catch (error) {
      // Handle error

  return (
    <NewWalletForm walletSetId="your-wallet-set-id" onSubmit={handleSubmit} isTestnet />


The library provides several categories of components:

Wallet Components

  • WalletDetails - Show wallet information
  • WalletSetDetails - Show wallet set information
  • WalletBalance - Display token balances
  • WalletReceive - Show wallet address with QR code

Blockchain Components

  • ChainIcon - Display blockchain network icon
  • ChainLabel - Show network name with icon
  • ChainSelect - Network selection dropdown for mainnets
  • TestChainSelect - Network selection dropdown for testnets

Token Components

  • TokenItem - Display token information
  • TokenSelect - Token selection dropdown with balances
  • Amount - Format token amounts

Transaction Components

  • TransactionDetails - Display transaction information
  • Transaction - Flexible transactions component that dynamically renders transaction details within a table, supporting customizable columns

Form Components

  • NewWalletForm - Create a new wallet
  • EditWalletForm - Edit an existing wallet
  • NewWalletSetForm - Create a new wallet set
  • EditWalletSetForm - Edit an existing wallet set
  • SendTransactionForm - Send tokens from a wallet

Feedback & Messaging

  • SuccessMessage - Display a success message
  • TransactionState - Show transaction state
  • ComplianceStatus - Show compliance status


The package is written in TypeScript and includes full type definitions. All components and their props are fully typed for the best development experience.

Theme Customization

The components use Tailwind CSS for styling and can be customized through your Tailwind configuration. They respect your theme's colors, spacing, and other design tokens.

Further Resources


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.