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apcraig edited this page Jan 23, 2018 · 20 revisions

Test Results Legend

There are two sets of tables, one shows a summary of test results, and the other shows results from individual tests.

The individual test results legend is as follows,

set green = "!#00C000" = pass set red = "!#F00000" = fail set yellow = "!#FFE600" = unknown set gray = "!#AAAAAA" = undefined

The total number of tests on the individual table is reported based on the full test suite run on the machine

The summary tables color legends is as follows,

set green = "!#00C000" = all tests pass set yellow = "!#FFE600" = at least 1 test fails set orange = "!#FFA500" = more than 10% of tests fail set red = "!#F00000" = more than 20% of tests fail set gray = "!#AAAAAA" = undefined

The total number of tests on the summary table is reported based on individual tests in the test table

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